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It Hurts When I Pee Decision Tree

Posted in Immediate UTI Treatment, and Useful Tips

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Decision Tree


  1. Marcia

    I just took Demannos should I take charcoal

    December 30, 2024
  2. Paula

    I have kidney stones, is it ok to take HCL?

    December 11, 2023
  3. Lori

    How cool is this diagram? I know mine is all about low stomach acid. (LSA)

    December 26, 2018
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Low stomach acid is the hidden root cause of most bladder problems, even what they call interstitial cystitis!
      Everyone who’s contacted me about constant bladder pain with no infection has had virtually non-existent stomach acid.

      December 27, 2018
  4. Li S
    Li S

    Hi Rebekah, Merry Christmas! Suffering with UTI’s now for 3.5 years (and over a decade ago I suffered with them for a few years too). I had many antibiotics until it seemed to be a constant infection. Cystoscopy showed inflamed bladder. The last antibiotic I did was 3 months of Monotrim and when I finished it the infection was still there so I was given a week of a higher dose Macrobid which I took alongside Vit C as it was a gram positive infection. At this point I’d had enough. I made a good attempt at the Shock & Awe bootcamp, and I was clear afterwards for over 4 weeks. That’s a record for me! I had abstained from alcohol for over a year, but then I had 2 drinks and within 36 hours the bacteria was growing. I tend to get gram positive infections, and leukocytes but no nitrates on my test strips. I should also add that every time I have intercourse or alcohol I get infections, so I now abstain from both. Such a fun life I lead! I’m currently taking OLE, Oregano oil, garlic, Vit C, lemon shots. I’m reading all of the blogs but still feel like I’m a bit lost at fighting this. What should I do?! This is the lowest I’ve ever felt.

    December 25, 2018
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Gram positive bacteria are next in the Kill List series…have you checked your stomach acid yet?
      It sounds like yours is low, and that often causes back-to-back, resistant UTIs.

      December 25, 2018
      • Li S
        Li S

        Oh great! I look forward to reading it. I haven’t checked it yet, but I just started treating it with lemon shots from yesterday just in case. I am assuming it is too. Regarding candida, do you think I could have it? Even after doing the Shock & Awe bootcamp? Could I have a biofilm, or could the bootcamp have cleared it?

        December 25, 2018
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          It depends on the individual; some people need more charcoal cleansing than others.

          A good way to tell you removed a lot of Candida is if you have to pee copiously every 45-60 minutes the next day: that’s your body shedding retained water. When you remove Candida on a large scale your body doesn’t need all that extra water to dilute Candida toxins anymore, so you pee about 5 lbs of water weight in a couple of days.
          When you have low acid your gut is a Candida factory until you take acid with every meal.
          I’d keep taking that lemon juice, and once your gut moves faster you can take a 1.5-2 tsp (3.25-5 grams) dose of charcoal every day for a few days in a row.

          You should also feel a big upswing in energy, mood, and mental clarity: if you shed water weight but don’t feel that, your adrenals are depleted and you need the Adrenal Cocktail and a B vitamin rich diet.

          December 25, 2018
      • Shanen

        Hi there , I’m currently suffering from reoccurring UTis and they are all from E. coli bacteria , I am now antibiotic resistant and there is no other oral treatment for me I have been suffering since the age of about 7 years old I am almost 30 ! I have tried everything please help me

        July 19, 2023
        • J Jackson
          J Jackson

          Just go through the process on the Killing a UTI pages. You’ll be shocked at how well garlic, lemon water, and cayenne pepper begin to work. Good luck!

          August 4, 2023

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