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Author: Rebekah W.

The Kill List: E. coli Edition

Posted in Infection Killing Protocol, Profiles, Supplements, The Kill List Series, and Useful Tips

burn it down
We’re going to go pathogen-by-pathogen in a Kill List series, listing the best weapons against each type of bacteria, and the pH you want to maintain in order to suppress growth. Listed next to the pH is what you can use to get it to that level. The posts are ordered by how common that bacteria is in the bladder.
The natural meds are listed in order of how broad-spectrum they are against all the different strains of that bacteria, and potency (how capable they are of killing an antibiotic-resistant infection single-handedly).
E. coli is first in the series because it’s the most common; it has so many different strains; and so many different things can be used against them.

The Mother of All Problems

Posted in Troubleshooting, Useful Tips, and UTI Causes


The vast majority of people who’ve contacted me about their bladder issues have a chronic case of low stomach acid.
That’s right, LOW stomach acid. High acid is far, far less common than low acid: if you get heartburn, you have low acid. If you always bloat after meals, you have low acid. If you’re chronically constipated, suffer from kidney stones, cavities, weak nails, thyroid problems, undigested food in your stool, pee red after eating beets, your urine pH is chronically acidic on an alkaline diet, and/or nothing you take seems to do you or your bladder any good….*drumroll*

PSA: The Rise of Group B Strep UTIs

Posted in UTI Causes

Is largely due to going down.

Group B strep is commonly found living as a relatively harmless denizen of the gut, vagina, and the mouth. It is not motile, meaning the little devil can’t move on its own, meaning it has to be placed ON the urethra to cause a UTI, if you get what I’m saying, here. *cough*
This is one point I ain’t makin’ with a GIF, so y’all will have to use your imaginations. Put 2 and 2 together and make 4, savvy?

Updated: Haunted by Waters

Posted in Cleansing, Morale, and UTI Causes

Or, “Your Bladder Isn’t The Real Problem”

Eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it.“–Norman Maclean

Today I lolled beside a river all afternoon, lying in the shade with my hat pulled comfortably over my eyes. I was listening to my children play a little ways upstream while keeping one eye open and fixed on the “Thou shalt not pass” line I’d fixed in my mind (because no mother ever completely relaxes while her children are playing in a river, though the water be shallow and her husband present), and I thought about what a long and clunky sentence it would take to describe the scene.
I was right.

I also thought about how the urinary tract is like a waterway, because you can’t listen to water run for hours on end without thinking about peeing, even if you’re not obsessed with the subject, like I am. It’s an excellent analogy I’ve used a number of times when explaining how these protocols work and why antibiotics are a temporary patch instead of a permanent solution.

People are always asking me how they could have gotten an infection, when they were so careful. One lady cleaned herself with rubbing alcohol every day, in her desperation to avoid a new infection. She’d been told her hygiene must be at fault, so she basically took a blowtorch to the area.

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Troubleshooting: Constant UTI Symptoms, Tests Come Back Clear

Posted in Cleansing, and Troubleshooting

To throw in an extra complication, taking antibiotics makes you feel better! This is one that’ll really throw you for a loop, because your bladder is driving you nuts, but no matter how many test strips you pee on, or how many cultures you have done, there’s nothing there, and when the doctor gives you antibiotics just to shut you up, you feel better…but it comes back with a vengeance every time you stop.

You don’t have a UTI. And you’re not crazy, either.

What you have is a Candida overgrowth in your gut that is irritating the bloody hell out of your bladder. You may also have an undiagnosed co-infection of the surface tissue (click here to find out what to do about that part).

You’re probably thinking to yourself, “Self, if it’s Candida, a fungus not directly affected by antibiotics, why would antibiotics make my bladder feel better?”.

I’ll get to that in a minute.


Troubleshooting: It Burns, and Nothing Works

Posted in Immediate UTI Treatment, Troubleshooting, Useful Tips, and Vaginal Health

If you’ve got urethra burning and bladder frequency that nothing will stop, not baking soda water, not raw garlic, not OLE, brace yourself, darling.

You don’t have a UTI: you have an infection of your lady tissues. I’m talking the vagina, the inner labia, the clitoris all around the urethra: the whooole enchilada. Maybe you’ve had a swab culture done recently that didn’t turn up anything, or a doctor has taken hisself a gander and declared it looks fine to him….but honey badger don’t care.


Curing Cellulitis Permanently

Posted in Cellulitis, and Cleansing

Since my bout with cellulitis, I searched online for a place to share my experience, and ended up posting on a website called patient(.)com. I made one post detailing what happened to me, and how I fixed it, and then made a few supportive comments on someone else’s post. I was banned from the site 5 days after I signed up. Without warning.

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I e-mailed them to ask why, and was curtly informed that I was endangering people’s health. I didn’t tell anyone to go off their meds (which I’ve never done and never would do): I just suggested adding ascorbic acid to what they were doing. I guess that was too radical. (Yes, I did just roll my eyes.)

Sooooo, then I searched Facebook for a cellulitis group: what I found was horrifying. In a way, I should have seen this coming, because with all my UTI experience, I know how antibiotics destroy the gut biome and lead to recurring infections. Still, it was shocking.

Profiles in Power: Horseradish

Posted in Cleansing, Infection Killing Protocol, Profiles, Supplements, and Troubleshooting

If you’ve been working the UTI protocol, and either your intestinal Candida is barely budging, or the bacteria in your bladder seems oddly unaffected by the natural meds, you’re dealing with a biofilm, whether produced by Candida, or the bacteria.

The presence of Candida biofilm is relatively easy to determine, as I’ve already mentioned in this Troubleshooting post. Many cases are easily eradicated by an activated charcoal cleanse, as outlined here, but in cases where there’s a significant past history of prolonged anti-fungal or corticosteroid use, the treatment is going to be somewhat more complicated. First of all, you want to stay on the Quick and Dirty Cleanse protocol, and you want to get horseradish root (benefits for the bladder and other systems found here) from your local grocery store, and a digestive enzyme supplement like this one. I haven’t observed enzymes to be very efficacious on their own, but paired with horseradish, they may be more effective. (take according to label instructions)

Rise Up and Fight

Posted in Morale

The hardest thing about dealing with an infection that antibiotics won’t kill is the despair. You’re not just fighting an infection, you’re locked in a death grapple with fear.



It’s so hard to keep on going when you see no light at the end of the tunnel, when hope feels like a cruel trick being played upon you by an evil fate. You get to a point where you dread even the sensation of hope, because you’re absolutely sure it will be crushed again, leaving you in an even deeper pit of despair. Emotionally crushed by multiple defeats, pain that never ends, your whole life consumed by this one stupid issue that no one else seems to have, just you.
The freak with a bladder that won’t heal.