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The Pantry Pharmacy Posts

Why Can’t I Get Well?

Posted in Morale, and UTI Causes

If I had a nickel for every time I thought this…I’d be basking on a sunny beach in an undisclosed location, being served Mai Tais by a cute guy named Enrique.


..What were we talking about? Oh, yeah. Why you can’t get free of this crap.
What you have to remember about an infection of the bladder is that it’s part of your body’s waste disposal system. Hard to shake/recurring infections aren’t happening in a vacuum, and they aren’t even the problem: they’re the most noticeable symptom of an overarching problem taking place higher up the chain.

Troubleshooting: Did it Right, Test Results Worse

Posted in Infection Killing Protocol, and Useful Tips

So, you’ve been a very good girl and spent a whole day following everything precisely, slamming your UTI with quality OLE and raw garlic all day, keeping your bladder empty and your pH slightly alkaline, and you wake up the next morning and skip to the bathroom with a test strip.

“This is going to be good.” you think. You might even be smirking a little in smug anticipation, as you open the stopwatch function in your phone and open the test package.

Troubleshooting: Little to No Response to OLE

Posted in Infection Killing Protocol, Troubleshooting, and Useful Tips

If you’ve been taking OLE for a few days, and you are either barely having any die-off symptoms or none at all, and your UTI continues unabated, don’t despair. There are two possibilities:

  1. Your OLE is no good. (If you’re on Vitacost capsules, it’s not this one)
  2. Your intestinal Candida has a protective biofilm.

The first is the most likely, and you should study your OLE label to make sure you don’t have a dud. If you realize that your OLE has 6 or 9 or 12% oleuropein per capsule, that means you need to pop those pills like they’re candy. You may be taking 250 mg capsules with 6% oleuropein, in which case you’re getting 15 mg of oleuropein per capsule, when the dosage recommendations I’ve laid out are based on getting 90 mg of oleuropein per capsule. Increase your doses accordingly, and order the good stuff!

If you’re taking Vitacost or Swanson Super Strength OLE, and you have no real response other than a little gurgling in the abdomen, your Candida has a biofilm. Forget biofilm enzymes, don’t even go there. There’s a simple quick fix for this that doesn’t require a fancy supplement (which is almost completely ineffective anyway, in my experience).

Pregnancy and UTI’s

Posted in Immediate UTI Treatment, and Infection Killing Protocol

First of all, I’ve been there. I had my last child while I was dealing with my first UTI, and I had that infection throughout the entire pregnancy, because I didn’t yet know how to kill these things. I did, however, know how to safely manage it, and if you’re wondering whether you can take these things and kill an infection while pregnant, the answer is “Yes”.

Profiles in Power: The Unbeatables

Posted in Infection Killing Protocol, Profiles, Supplements, and Useful Tips

I’m going to profile each of the most effective supplements, and do a post on each of the compound groups and how and what they kill, and then I’m going to write profiles of UTI-causing bacteria and cross-reference them so you know how to kill your infection no matter what type it is…and this post is the start of that. Listed in the graphic above are the most effective natural infection-killers. The things listed in the top two lines are the most effective killers, so make OLE, garlic, and cayenne your backbone, with ginger tea or horseradish or black walnut as adjuncts, if desired.

It is important to remember that the organosulphurs must NOT be heated, but many of the others can be made into tea.
The cayenne pepper can be mixed into honey, 1/4 tsp pepper to one large spoonful of honey.
If you have any medical conditions other than a UTI, and especially if you’re on medication for them, please google anything and everything before taking it, to see if there’s an interaction you need to be concerned about. The terpenes cannot be taken with beta blockers, for instance. Necessary cautions and warnings will be listed in the individual profiles of all of these compounds and all of the posts will be in the same category for ease of perusal.

Children and UTI’s

Posted in Infection Killing Protocol, and Treating Children

I love it when I’m contacted by a mom about a child, because their infections are so easily wiped out, with so few complications. While nearly every adult has enough secondary infections, like Candida, to be forced to go through a period of detox before their bladder infection improves, the average child can take just 2-3 capsules of OLE per day, and be infection-free in a few days. After dealing with some cases where a woman has to work for as much as two weeks to get through all her Candida and wipe out a UTI, witnessing someone getting well so quickly is a pleasant change.

Profiles in Power: Activated Charcoal

Posted in Spending Wisely, and Supplements

In all honesty, you guys, when I read about this stuff I thought it sounded like snake oil. It’s supposed to do what? Then, I got the worst rash of my entire life last winter: it was so painful I couldn’t sleep for more than 3 hours at a time before it woke me up.
I’ve always had sensitive skin, and I got careless and used my husband’s Old Spice deodorant once, and next thing you know, my pits were on fire. I could tell that yeast was a major player, which made sense because I’d been on amoxicillin a few weeks before (for a UTI it didn’t cure: cayenne pepper killed that). It wouldn’t have been so bad if only I hadn’t tried Monistat on it, but how was I to know I was allergic to that, too? It immediately got exponentially worse, and even coconut oil with minced raw garlic steeped in it could barely keep up.
I was in a lot of pain, and wearing old rag shirts because I absolutely reeked of garlic. It was a rough winter…I have pictures, but I’ll spare you.

Anyway, a friend of mine who’s a retired nurse suggested activated charcoal. I’d heard of it and thought it sounded totally kooky, but by then I was desperate to get a full night’s sleep…and stop smelling like the morning after the night before at an Italian restaurant. I also thought it would be rather nice to wear real clothes and leave the house again.

Profiles in Power: Olive Leaf Extract

Posted in Infection Killing Protocol, Profiles, Spending Wisely, and Supplements

If you’ve read the blog posts on UTI protocols, you know that OLE plays a central role in killing all kinds of infections. The active ingredient in OLE is oleuropein, which is a highly bio-available phenolic acid effective against bacterial, fungal, and viral pathogens. Combined with the fact that it’s completely non-toxic to human cells,

It is reassuring to know when considering olive leaf extract dosage, that it has very very low toxicity. (Even water taken in excess can be toxic).
In tests using oleuropein, one of the major active constituents, researchers were unable to find the toxic dose.* Other complete extracts used in animal tests and on human tissues had no ill-effects on the cells tested.

lowers bad cholesterol, restores BP to healthy levels, and has been shown to destroy cancer cells
we have ourselves a winner, here. The honey badger of herbal medicine.


Featured Post

Emergency UTI Pain Relief

Posted in Immediate UTI Treatment


To stop UTI pain starting in an hour:

  1. 1 tsp baking soda (sodium bicarb, for you Brits) in 16 oz. water.
    This raises your urine pH quickly, which slows down UTI pathogen feeding and breeding, and reduces pain dramatically in less than an hour. (UNLESS you have a staph, strep, or entero UTI, in which case NEVER drink soda water. You need ascorbic acid Vitamin C.)
    If you have high BP issues, you don’t want to drink more than this one glass because of the sodium, so after the first emergency dose, drink…
  2. Lemon water: 1 tablespoon of lemon juice in 16 oz water.
    Counter-intuitively, this has the same action as baking soda in raising urine pH because lemon and lime juice are alkaline-forming in your body. In my experience, it’s not quite as fast and effective as baking soda, but it’s better for your body as a maintenance measure while you treat your infection, and it’s better than nothing if it’s the middle of the night, you’re in pain, and you don’t have baking soda.
  3. Raw garlic: 2 average-size minced cloves.
    This will powerfully affect your UTI in short order, killing off pathogens and reducing your pain level. It should be taken by swallowing small chopped pieces with water, like pills, with some food, like toast. You should chase it with a shot of pure lemon juice, 1.5 oz. This helps you absorb the garlic, especially if you have heartburn. Yes, you read that right. If you get heartburn you need to take acid.
    Read more here to explain why.
  4. Cayenne pepper: 1/4 tsp mixed into a glass of water or a spoonful of honey.
    Take with a little food, like the garlic. This has a dramatic positive effect on some gram negative infections: it kills one strain of E. coli outright. This is something that will greatly relieve your pain if your UTI is caused by a certain type of gram-negative pathogen. If you feel a warm tingling in your bladder about 40 minutes after taking, followed by a sharp decrease in UTI symptoms, take 1/4 tsp every 4 waking hours for 3 days, then with every meal for 2 more days. Use urine test strips to make sure they’re clear at the 5 minute mark, and then you’re done.
    If, however, you feel like it irritated your infection, STOP. It can go either way, depending on what kind of infection you have.
  5. Oh, and I beg of you, NO CRANBERRY JUICE. And no ascorbic acid Vitamin C! Please. Just don’t.
    Unless you have a UTI that has cultured positive for staph, against which it’s quite effective.
Featured Post

Killing a UTI: Phase I

Posted in Immediate UTI Treatment, and Infection Killing Protocol


To Do:

1.  Empty your bladder every waking hour. Set a timer if you have to, but squeeze out every last drop once an hour.

2.  Drink lemon water (1 T lemon juice in 16 oz water) all day long. Do not drink more than 8 oz water per waking hour *as a general rule of thumb*. 8 oz per hour is plenty to stay well-hydrated, but if you’re guzzling water like a camel in the desert you’re just diluting the effect of the supplements. Remember this throughout the wellness process. Also, you can make fruit-infused alkaline water, click here, and take D-mannose for E. coli. Keeping water flushing through in steady stream prevents bacteria from building up in your bladder and swimming up your ureters to the kidneys. Most bacteria are non-motile, but E. coli is the Michael Phelps of the pathogen world. Keep the current flowing rapidly against the bacteria.

3. Take 1-2 cloves minced raw garlic with every meal, swallowing the pieces with water, like pills. Take it mid-meal, so there’s food above and below it in your stomach. (Be cautious with this if you have a Klebsiella infection: it helps with some of them, but certain species/strains can actually eat the oligo-saccharides in it.)

4. Take 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper with every meal. (If you tried it during the Emergency stage, and you feel it helped. It helps wonderfully with some types of infection, and irritates others!) You can mix it into a spoonful of honey to make it palatable. If you don’t think your stomach can handle 1/4 tsp, take 1/8 tsp, and chase it with a glass of baking soda water (1/4 tsp in 8 oz water).