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The Deadly Duo: UTI’s and Candida

Posted in UTI Causes


Something most people don’t realize is that virtually every case of UTI coexists with and is exacerbated by a case of intestinal Candida overgrowth. The UTI itself may even have been indirectly caused by Candida.

What happens is, you get your first UTI, for whatever reason. Like any normal person, you take antibiotics for it. Presto, infection’s gone. You may or may not get a vaginal yeast infection afterward, which you may treat topically, and you may take probiotics and think you’re fine, intestinally. Especially if you took Diflucan, because if you take that, you’re alright, right?


Some people with find relief when they first take Diflucan.  They may have suffered problems for years and suddenly they are better.  But a few weeks later or after the prescription runs out, they find out that all the problems are coming back.  Unfortunately the answer from the doctor might be that the patient really did not have a Candida problem because if they did, the Diflucan would have worked.  However, this is not true.

What makes Diflucan ineffective?  Why does it not work for long?

The answer is that Diflucan does not get to all the yeast.   To understand why, you need to know something about where the yeast Candida albicans lives.  Candida lives in the inside of the entire intestinal tract, both the small intestines and the large intestine.  Diflucan only gets to part of the intestinal tract, by design.  Diflucan is meant to be absorbed high up in the intestines, in the part just beyond the stomach.  It is meant to travel through the body’s organs.  Diflucan does not get to the inside of the lower intestinal tract.  Because it doesn’t get there,  Diflucan leaves much of the yeast Candida undisturbed. When a patient first takes Diflucan, the drug kills some yeast, so the person feels better.  But eventually, the yeast grows back.

Then, you get another UTI a few months later. It may be caused by a different pathogen, or not, but you’ll probably be given a different antibiotic. That infection seems to clear up, but then you get another one, even sooner this time, and the antibiotics aren’t as effective. Now you’re in a downward spiral, getting infections closer and closer together until you have one continuous infection that’s resistant to most antibiotics.

What happened here was, the first antibiotic caused an intestinal Candida overgrowth, which created a gut environment in which the pathogens which cause UTI’s can flourish.

Bacterial dysbiosis results from the same situation as Candida overgrowth, namely disruption of normal intestinal flora by the the various factors mentioned previously. When the normal balance of organisms in the intestines is disturbed, potentially pathogenic bacteria are able to thrive. Common bacterial infections found on CDSA tests include klebsiella and proteus species as well as various strains of e.coli. It should be noted that doctors who routinely use diagnostic tests such as CDSA’s and organic acid testing often find evidence that Candida and bacterial overgrowth are both present in the same patient.

Whichever pathogens you had in your gut that survived the first round of antibiotics are now breeding in your intestines, and they eventually make their way to your urethra. You now have a new UTI that’s resistant to the antibiotics you took last time. This cycle perpetuates itself through further antibiotic use, and your physical condition continues to deteriorate through repeated infection and the slow poisoning of your system by a large (typically undetected) colony of Candida. 

I’ve seen this over and over and over again: almost no one has a UTI without also having a significant intestinal Candida problem.

Now, when the UTI is treated with natural agents such as olive leaf extract, which also kills Candida, the first thing that happens is Candida die-off, which is so miserable that the frightened sufferer assumes she’s allergic to OLE, and she’s more upset and frightened and despairing than ever.

When yeast cells are rapidly killed, a die-off (or Herxheimer reaction) occurs and metabolic by-products are released into the body. The Candida yeast cells actually release 79 different toxins when they die, including ethanol and acetaldehyde.

Die-Off Symptoms

Here is a list of some of the symptoms you might experience during a die-off (otherwise known as a Herxheimer reaction).

  • Nausea
  • Headache, fatigue, dizziness
  • Swollen glands
  • Bloating, gas, constipation or diarrhea
  • Increased joint or muscle pain
  • Elevated heart rate
  • Chills, cold feeling in your extremities
  • Body itchiness, hives or rashes
  • Sweating
  • Fever
  • Skin breakouts
  • Recurring vaginal, prostate and sinus infections


(Don’t freak out: there’s a way to mitigate this and get through it quickly with a minimum of discomfort. I’ll link to that, but just keep reading so you know how this stuff works and what to expect.)

The Candida is running interference for the UTI, because what would kill the UTI is either being expended in killing Candida, or it’s being deflected by it. (As strange as it seems, intestinal Candida seems to be able to largely deflect raw garlic.)

So, the supplement never even gets anywhere near your infection at first, because it gets used up in killing Candida on contact, or gets shunted through the intestines by it. If it doesn’t make it into your bloodstream, it doesn’t make it into your bladder.

What you need to do is press through, because when the Candida is killed and flushed out through a combination of Candida-killers like OLE, cinnamon, ginger, coconut oil, and activated charcoal, UTI killers like OLE, raw garlic, and cayenne pepper are free to move into the bloodstream without interference, where they begin to affect the UTI pathogens.

The good news is, treating a UTI naturally leads to clearing up every chronic (pathogen-caused) condition you have. The intestines have to be cleared of infection in order for the supplements to move into your bloodstream, where they kill localized infections as they circulate through your body and organs, and then they’re filtered by your kidneys and end up in your bladder, where they kill the UTI. The more you have going on in other parts of your body, the longer the supplements are going to take to affect the UTI.

The fastest way to clear your intestines of Candida is to take large amounts of activated charcoal, but first the bowels must be made to move freely, otherwise charcoal will not only exacerbate constipation, it’ll be much less effective in stopping die-off symptoms.

So, you make and drink cinnamon or ginger tea and take gradually increasing olive leaf extract doses until the die-off process has advanced to the point of having frequent loose stools, and then you begin taking 8-10 charcoal capsules per dose, alternating them with OLE, 2 hours apart each way.
Activated charcoal draws Candida to itself through a process called adsorption, and yes, I spelled that right. It can remove your Candida without any die-off symptoms.

Activated charcoal absorbs a wide variety of drugs and chemicals. Adsorption is a process in which atoms and molecules move from a bulk phase (such as a solid, liquid, or gas) onto a solid or liquid surface. In other words, the toxic substance attaches to the surface of the charcoal. Because charcoal is not “digested,” it stays inside the GI tract and eliminates the toxin when the person has a bowel movement.

How long it takes to push through to the point of loose stools depends on how much Candida you have and how constipated you are at the time. Some women have bowel symptoms in a few hours, some have them the next day, some take three days to see loose bowels.

Once you hit that sweet spot, you’re headed downhill and picking up speed in an avalanche of Candida and UTI-killing as you begin to feel better and better.


  1. Reema Dhinoo
    Reema Dhinoo

    Hi I have been having recurring vaginal yeast infections for many years now. Two years back I seem to get yeast infections every month before my periods. How do I get rid of this completely.

    October 20, 2020
  2. Nicole

    So in all this candida and uti busting, I’ve developed what seems like a nasty case of thrush in my mouth/throat. (It’s either that or strep, which seems crazy considered I’ve never had it nor have I been around anyone who has). I think all these harsh liquids and spices in my mouth has jacked my mouth up. 🙁

    ANyway to combat this that cooperates with the current regimen? I’m doing the Q&D cleanse with phase ii uti and am about 5 days into that. I did start introducing more horseradish than garlic but felt some return of uti symptoms so went back to garlic but the throat/mouth this is frustrating. WOuld appreciate any help on this… thanks.

    May 2, 2019
    • King Klash
      King Klash

      Swish with organic unrefined coconut oil for up to 20 minutes. Spit it out and swish with water. Its called “oil pulling”.

      January 2, 2020
    • Pollyanna

      Bone broth. Just regular chicken bone broth left over from homemade soup. take one cup a day. I’ve seen this work for a few ppl who have developed thrust after a Candida cleanse. It’s called leaky gut. the Candida has died off but left some “holes” behind. These holes allow what’s naturally supposed to stay in your gut to circulate. Bacteria can get into your blood steam and cause problems in the mouth. 😛

      April 7, 2020
  3. Diana

    This makes so much sense ! The only question is that, you mentioned that you become resistant to the previous taken antibiotic, however, the previous antibiotic doesn’t help true, but in the urine culture I see some antibiotics that I took previously and they are shown as susceptible. However, they did not completely worked before and still shows being susceptible to it. Any idea.?

    July 23, 2018
  4. diana

    Hi, dear, i just recovered from UTi and candida post antibiotics. but my vulva still has slight bruning sensations and uncomforble after passing urine. what should i do. Im currently put probiotics in my vagina. please help

    April 19, 2018
  5. Jeanie L
    Jeanie L

    Is this website still active? 😳

    February 16, 2018
  6. Natasha

    Hi there, thanks so much for this website.

    I have a question. If you are just beginning the protocol and want to start with Candida killing, should you begin with the quick and dirty cleanse focussing on just charcoal in the morning for a week, or should you start with the OLE, ginger cinnamon and charcoal regime as outlined above first?


    January 20, 2018
    • Heather Fowler
      Heather Fowler

      Following. Did you get an answer? I did the cleanse for about 2 weeks and nothing improved. I think I have a biofilm. I never had any die off symptoms either

      November 5, 2020
  7. Carmen Stoffels
    Carmen Stoffels

    Hi There, Just wondering if you could do all of this treatment on a 5 year old girl with reoccurring uti,s basically every month? thank you

    November 17, 2017
  8. Kristina

    My name is Kristina and live in Australia. I’m 48 years old and had my first UTI, went to the doctors and was given antibiotics which followed with viginal thrush, (which came back as candida from the doctors) Never heard any of this before.I did some research and went on a candida diet and continue to be on this diet. But I had another UTI and of course I’m on antibiotics and basically waiting for the thrush to occurr. I would truly appreciate if you could tell me what I need to take to help me from not getting another. Do I need to re do the candida diet all over , but do the anitfungal for longer , not sure.
    Thanks and apperciate your time

    August 21, 2017
  9. Van


    As a pregnant woman, I see you mentioned just taking the charcoal (making sure to clean out the bowels first), what should I take? Charcoal and then start taking the OLE pills?

    August 5, 2017
  10. Abby

    Hi, I have a few questions regarding my UTI and my past UTIs. For starters, I have only gotten UTI’S twice in my life, this one being the third. The first two times were years apart and they passed without me taking any antibiotics or probiotics (I had only resorted to AZO cranberry pills and water).

    So this one I currently have came after sexual intercourse with my fiance from the previous day (protected), I’m on the fourth day of having it and have only been drinking alot of water and taking those AZO cranberry pills for urinary tract health. The symptoms are much better, but I don’t know if I experienced Candida die-off symptoms or something else. Yesterday, I felt nausea and stomach pain, and I’m also nearing the due date for my period to start, so I don’t quite know what stage I need to follow on this blog. I just stumbled upon it today. I would go to the doctor but I have no health insurance and just moved to this new city. Plus, I don’t want to be given antibiotics that’d possibly give me recurring UTIs or worsen mine. I’d love your help one on one and have requested to join the Facebook group. I look forward to hearing back from you!

    July 29, 2017
  11. Marina

    Dear Becka, I am writing to you desperate from a hospital bed as I have been searching for help online and found your webpage. I had been given 4 diffrent antibiotics over the course of two months by doctors with no urine culture (I trusted them and took everything they prescribed) and ended up with a resistant e.coli in my urine plus some enterococus and the same strain plus klebsiela in my ob gyn smears. My normal flora is absent, said the result.The put me on intravenous antibiotics and I am in the hospital 7 days now but after feeling better for the firsr 3 days I now feel worse and all the symptoms are back and I still have 3 more days of antibiotics to take. I am desperate and suicidal, I live in eastern Europe where they still treat us this way and do not believe in natural cures but I am at my last strenght before giving in. Please please advise me on what to do as I feel like just ending my life

    July 16, 2017
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      I’m so glad you messaged me and joined the group! We’ll help you get through this and be well again.

      July 16, 2017
  12. Sharyn

    Hi Rebekah, please add me to your Support Group on Facebook. My request has been pending for months.

    I hope you and your family are okay. You’ve stopped responding :-(.

    Please come back.

    Can anyone in the Support Group accept my pending request

    February 12, 2017
    • Monica

      Hey there. Unfortunately I don’t know how we can add you to the FB support group. All the admins went MIA. I will get back to you and ask someone from the group.

      Rebekah is nowhere to be found, all we can hope is she’s ok well and alive.

      February 12, 2017
      • jaci

        can I also get in the support group in FB

        February 14, 2017
    • Monica

      hey can you tell me what’s been going on. I will let the people from the support group help you out.

      also, give me your fb name maybe i can add you as a friend then try to bring you to the group. we will try everything we can to help you.

      February 12, 2017
      • Sharyn

        Oh thank you Monica. I’ve got a lingering UTI for three weeks now and I’ve tried all of Rebekah’s recommendation – garlic, cayenne, ole, boot camp, etc. It has helped tremendously, and I can function normally, but there seems to be something lingering and after a few days, it seems to be getting stronger. I’m at the point where I feel I should give in an take an antibiotic but I am resisting. Hate that stuff.

        My facebook name is Rhona Mole.

        Thank you so much for your help. Much much appreciated.

        Rhona (aka Sharyn)

        February 12, 2017
        • Monica

          are you by any chance wearing a red shirt on your profile picture?
          I will pass along the info for now

          February 12, 2017
          • Sharyn

            Yes I am.

            Thank you Monica

            February 13, 2017
          • Misty

            Are you able to add friends? I wouldnlige to join also.

            February 24, 2017
            • Monica

              Unfortunately we can’t add anyone only the admins are the ones who can and they pretty much abandoned us. I do hope everything is well with them but we felt left in the dark. There are still people in the group and we help each other out but there’s no way of getting in contact with the admins. We have all tried to send them messages and no responses .It sucks. But I would recommend to listen to your body. Everyone did the protocol but again it worked for some but not for others. Others found alternatives which they were nice to share with us and worked. Like I said, listen to your body, it’s whatever works for you. Any questions ask me and I will get in touch with someone from the group to support each other. Thanks!

              February 24, 2017
      • Marina

        Dear Monica, I just left a comment today as I feel desperate and desperately need help. Can I join your FB group? Any help is greatly appeeciated as I am depressed and leaning towards suicidal. My FB name is Marina Korosec

        July 16, 2017
  13. Misty

    Can you have a candida overgrowth and never had a UTI?

    February 12, 2017
  14. Gen

    Will I be able to treat my UTI without OLE? I live in the 3rd world and shipping would take weeks. 🙁 should i just continue with what I have in the meantime? And wait for OLE in probably 2-3weeks?

    September 1, 2016
  15. Monica

    How long should I do this remedy?

    “begin taking 8-10 charcoal capsules per dose, alternating them with OLE, 2 hours apart each way.”

    Can you explain that please.

    Also. I have been debating if to go to the ER or not. I have been having shooting pains in my lower mid abdomen followed by left ovary pain(sometimes) (thinking it’s a cyst) but the pain comes and goes. The pain isn’t excruciating it’s just out of nowhere and it lasts for a few minutes which I can still walk and go on with my things no problem. Now my abdomen feels tender and I drink lots of water but I do notice a warm slight peeing sensation but doesn’t hurt to pee. Maybe because the abdomen is tender? This has been going on for about 3 days which today is the 3rd day and I feel a little better so I even thought it might be because I was ovulating?

    Any recommendations? I’m a 31 year old female. Also I had an inflamed esophagus which the doctors prescribed Prilosec and well I noticed the symptoms a few weeks after so I’m not sure if those pills messed me up.

    Can I still do your remedies? 2 garlic cloves, supplements, and baking soda water?

    Thank you
    Hope to hear from you ASAP because I don’t want to be on medication

    August 11, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      You don’t take ANY charcoal until your bowels are loose and frequent from Candida-killing.

      You don’t have any UTI test strips? How long have you had this infection? Are you following Phase I?

      Yes, you should start baking soda water immediately! Implement the emergency pain relief measures and Phase I, STAT. If you let this go any longer it could creep up your ureters into your kidneys.

      If you start baking soda water and Phase I right now, the pain will stop and the infection won’t go anywhere.

      If you’re on FB, click on the FB support group link near the top of the Home page, and I can walk you through everything via instant message. I want to monitor you closely for a couple of days and make sure that you’ve got this well in hand. If not, believe me, I will NOT let you suffer!
      I’ll let you know if you should bite the bullet and go to the doctor: I’m not an anti-doctor whackjob who’ll let you get a kidney infection.

      August 11, 2016
      • Monica

        Thanks for the quick response. I LIKED the FB page. Do I send you a private message? I can’t seem to find the support group in my FB app.

        August 11, 2016
  16. Cheri

    I’m researching alternative way to deal with uti for my 27 year old daughter who has constant UTI returning just days after finishing a round of antibiotics this is her 5 th round in 7 months!
    Now they are treating her for yeast also.
    She has agreed to do the charcoal and Olive leaf
    She at the point she’d try anything

    August 6, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      I feel for her! I’m glad you joined the group: she’ll be straightened out in no time!
      Start her on Phase I right away! If the cinnamon tea produces nausea, that’s Candida being killed: give her a glass of baking soda water and the nausea will be gone in 10 minutes or less.

      August 6, 2016
  17. Chris

    hi Bekah,
    I have been using the ole and garlic (pills since I can’t get raw down) for 6 weeks. I take approx 9-12 Swanson super ole and garlic 4 times daily with charcoal in between meals as directed. I have had die off symptoms. I can’t seem to make it more than 5 days without my Uti symptoms return and now I have a lot of back pain. How do I know when to seek professional help. I was put on Cipro 2 months ago and had a Uti again 2 days after. I really don’t want to do that again. I also started taking probiotics. What else can I do? Also my interface plus enzymes I ordered prior to reading your advice just arrived but do you think they’ll do anything? I have also tried turmeric but didn’t see results. I have tried to also modify my diet….
    Thanks so much

    July 28, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Hi, I’m so sorry! Your comment was stuck in my Spam filter, and I only just saw it.

      It sounds like there’s a serious bacterial biofilm on that UTI bacteria: get a fresh horseradish root from the grocery store produce section right away! Use a medium-fine grater to grate about a teaspoon of it at a time and take that in pinches with baking soda water, swallowing each pinch like a pill in a mouthful of water.

      In the meantime follow the emergency pain relief measures and drink cinnamon tea!

      Also, I just approved your FB group membership: please forgive me for the delay. I hadn’t seen this comment and you’re the first man to request to I hesitated to approve it and sent you a message..which you may have deleted since you didn’t recognize the name!

      August 3, 2016
    • Lo

      Hi Chris
      I know it’s been a long time.
      How are you now? How did you manage it?

      January 24, 2022
  18. Violet

    Thank you so, so much for all your information. I posted on the Chris Kresser site, and I’m following up here. I had cured a UTI but was wondering about curing candida, and my extreme reaction to cayenne and garlic. You said that it sounded as though my system was way too acidic and to start with just baking soda water, then do the OLE and charcoal, etc.

    I’m addicted to sugar and genuinely can’t stop eating/drinking it. I know there is no way that I’ll ingest no sugar — at best I’ll stay off highly processed junk and just eat fruit and dried fruit and drink fruit juices. I know all of that feeds the candida so I don’t know how to ever break the cycle.

    I have been working hard on an alkalinizing diet, and I finally just ordered the OLE and charcoal. In the meantime I developed another UTI. Very mild, but it’s there. So I started the baking soda water and D-mannose, and Odorless Garlic softgels. I’m also drinking lemon-water.

    After two days of that, I have symptoms that seem like they must be candida die-off. Bloating, gas, nausea, malaise, joint pain. Am I getting that much candida die-off just from the baking soda?? I’m pretty constipated, so would it help if I just take aloe vera to clear some of this candida die-off out? Or just do an enema? (I’ve done cleanses before, so I’m comfortable with enemas.)

    I’m going to continue what I’m doing, plus cinnamon tea, etc., then add the OLE when it arrives. Do I have to wait to do the charcoal or can I just take aloe vera, or do an enema, and then start the charcoal sooner? Thank you!!!!

    June 24, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      The very best thing you could do is an enema, followed by a big dose of charcoal. You can get some at a local drugstore or grocery store and have this 90% fixed, today. Take about 15 (250-300 mg size) capsules with 16 oz water, wait an hour, and then do it again. (Then wait 2 hours, and eat and take garlic)
      When you send charcoal through your gut while it’s empty, it sucks up the Candida and carries it out, no more problem. I would repeat that 2 days in a row, if possible. Presto, Candida gone, which means those sugar cravings will be gone, too..and that OLE will jump right into your bloodstream and attack the UTI.

      The extreme reaction to the cayenne and garlic, and the sugar cravings, indicate a large Candida overgrowth, which is what leads to these UTI’s. Clear that Candida, and you’re golden. You don’t even need to worry about following a strict diet, or taking a bunch of things, just do a couple of charcoal sweeps, take your OLE, and then some probiotics.

      June 24, 2016
      • Violet

        Thank you 8 billion times. I will do this and report back.

        June 24, 2016
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          Your OLE will be much more effective, afterward! Whatever kind you’ve got, load up on it with a small meal 2 hours after your last dose of charcoal.

          June 24, 2016
    • Sarah

      Violet, I think it was you who sent me here from Chris’s website. I can’t thank you enough, as I’m thrilled about what I’m learning here, and of course, Rebekah, thank YOU!! I will post with my experience so far. Violet, I hope you’re feeling much better!! 🙂

      October 21, 2018
  19. KathyS

    Okay great! And I’m guessing the answer to this one other question is yes but I should ask anyway. Coconut oil is safe for sperm? It doesn’t impede them? I’ve researched some online but wanted to check with you, I know you have five kids!

    June 16, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      It doesn’t seem to have slowed my husband’s down, any….LOL!

      No worries; it’s perfectly safe for the little swimmers, and it’s easily absorbed into the vaginal walls so it doesn’t leave a residue. That’s also what makes it such a wonderful base for vaginal treatments.

      June 16, 2016
  20. KathyS

    Thank you so much for your quick response. I’m actually not pregnant now but trying to be. I just finished a treatment of antibiotics for UTI that went up to my kidney. They found E. Coli in my urine test. Coming off of the antibiotics I was considering the coconut oil suppositories you mentioned to restore vaginal health and possible candida overgrowth. Does that sound good to you? Appreciate your help so much.

    June 15, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Yes, just plain coconut oil is great! Do one, and see if you have any colored discharge in the morning. If the coconut oil was killing anything, there’ll be a yellow-ish tint to it. If there’s Candida present you may feel a slight tingling sensation when it first melts. Candida makes a fuss about dying: bacterial pathogens just keel over quietly.

      If you have perfectly clear discharge, it would be safe to just do one application once a week for a month, to prevent anything from flaring up after those antibiotics, and then switch to 1-2x a month as regular maintenance.
      If you do see some color, do it every night until morning discharge has been clear for 3 days straight, and then switch to maintenance levels.

      June 15, 2016
  21. KathyS

    Thanks for this information. Is this process safe for pregnant women or women wanting to be pregnant?

    June 15, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Just to be on the safe side, I would suggest that a pregnant woman concentrate mostly on taking activated charcoal to clear out yeast, because charcoal adsorbs, draws Candida and its toxins to itself, so that they pass harmlessly out of the system.
      OLE and the other natural remedies discussed here are perfectly safe, in themselves, for pregnant women, but having been pregnant 5 times myself, I wouldn’t want to have the additional discomfort of Candida die-off going on.
      The best thing for pregnancy would be to take aloe juice to get the bowels moving, and once they are, then take activated charcoal according to instructions.

      June 15, 2016

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