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Hostile Terrain: Vaginal Health and Recurring UTI’s

Posted in UTI Causes, and Vaginal Health


(For obvious reasons, I have to get creative if I want to use any pictures on this blog. That one is of the high-altitude Chilean desert.)

Many of the women who contact me about curing their UTI’s naturally are at their wit’s end because they get a new UTI every time they have sex. Talk about a mood-killer, right?

There are 3 factors at play, here, in order of likelihood:

  1. Bacteria present in vagina
  2. Bacteria present in the region of the rectum
  3. Bacteria present on male, fondly known as the Poison Penis.

I’ve discussed what causes #2 here: this post is about how to deal with #1.
Normally, a pathogen that finds its way to your lady parts is unable to make a happy home there, due to the presence of beneficial bacteria and an overall healthy vaginal environment. After a round or two of antibiotics, though, the balance of vaginal flora is skewed and both Candida and pathogens like Gardnerella (causes BV), Klebsiella, E. coli, staph and many more, are able to flourish there. After that, it’s a hop and a skip to your urethra.
I’m not breaking out the ruler, because my thirst for knowledge goes only so far, but we’re talking about half an inch or so from vagina to urethra. Easy peasy for even a couch potato of a pathogen.

The key to restoring vaginal health naturally and effectively is…

…coconut oil. Was that anti-climactic for you, too? 🙂

Its medium-chain fatty acids destroy both Candida, and many types of bacteria.

The antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties of the medium chain fatty acids/triglycerides (MCTs) found in coconut oil have been known to researchers since the 1960s. Research has shown that microorganisms that are inactivated include bacteria, yeast, fungi, and enveloped viruses. Much of this research is highlighted in the writings of Dr. Mary Enig Ph.D, and can be found here.

Not only will coconut oil kill most pathogens, it can be infused with things like OLE, ginger, turmeric, or garlic to increase its speed and efficacy.

Coconut oil vaginal suppositories: Take 1 heaping tablespoon of (plain old regular) coconut oil at room temp and drop it into a small Ziploc bag, or a square of plastic wrap. Roll into a cylinder shape inside that plastic, and pop it into the fridge or freezer. (This makes a cylinder you can cut into several pieces for individual doses)
At bedtime, insert your magic bullet well up your vagina so it doesn’t try to slide right back out, wear a pad and sleep on your side. In the morning, you’ll see a colored discharge if you had anything up there that shouldn’t be. It looks like mucus when you’re sick, varying shades of yellow/green. That’s dead germs.

Do that every night until the morning discharge has been clear for 3 days, then do it once a week for a month, and then twice a month as regular preventive maintenance. No more vaginal infections of any sort, ever.

For anyone with a current yeast infection: Add 1/2 tsp ginger and 1/4 tsp turmeric (or one capsule Vitacost or Swanson OLE) to the coconut oil in a small bowl, allow to steep in a warm place, like inside the oven with the light on, for 3-4 hours. Then stir and pour into the Ziploc bag so the liquified oil is lying along the bottom seam of the bag in a cylinder, and place on the freezer shelf so it stays in that shape.
Be aware that turmeric is a lovely golden dye, so you want to wear old sweats as well as a pad, and sleep on an old towel just to be safe. This will tingle strongly when it begins to melt and work, but that subsides within a few minutes, and so does itching and pain. Do that every night till it doesn’t tingle at all when applied, then go to the 2x a month prevention treatment with plain coconut oil.

If you are allergic to coconut oil, which is very rare, but I’ve known it to happen once, you can do the exact same thing with olive oil, but you must steep OLE or ginger/turmeric in it.

After a course of these treatments, which kill Candida and bacterial pathogens but do no harm to beneficial flora, you don’t have to worry about any type of vaginal infection, and you won’t get anymore UTI’s from that source. Your lady parts return to their normal, healthy condition.


  1. Jane

    Can this all be done while pregnant? The turmeric and or the ole?

    August 16, 2022
  2. Cortney

    Just wondering if anyone that’s been through the whole rigamarole and had a pretty good handle on these teachings still checks this site and could help me. Seems the FB group isn’t accepting new members and Rebekah has perhaps moved on to bigger and grosser infections! Who knows!
    But if any of the older members monitor and wouldn’t mind walking me through some stuff— I’m getting a lot of
    Conflicting feedback after trying different suggestions on the protocol to figure out what’s going on.
    I never test positive for nitrates- always leukocytes. Pain eventually reaches my back and kidneys but my urine cultures ALWAYS come back clear! It’s very predictable at this point.

    October 24, 2021
    • Desi

      Hi, did you ever figure out what your problem was? This same exact situation is happening to me.

      October 24, 2024
  3. kuda

    it sim lyk im one of the few man that got a uti .. en i think i hve a tissue infection .. what can i do to heal that tissue ??

    April 29, 2021
  4. Sarah

    Hello Rebekah!

    I love your blog and your humor. I have been getting one type of uti after another and have used antibiotics to treat them. So, my gut and vaginal flora is unbalanced. Is there a certain brand of a vaginal suppository you can recommend that is a probiotic? Also, should I do the coconut oil suppository first? Cheers.

    March 12, 2020
  5. Hi, I love your blog. Please can use powdered horseradish instead of fresh horseradish? Thanks.

    July 21, 2019
  6. Gail Mackenzie-Smith
    Gail Mackenzie-Smith

    Love your blog. You are one funny woman. You have saved my constant UTI pathetic life. Could you recommend a vag moisturizer (like Replens)? I’m 65 and dryness is a bitch. I’m on Vagifem (estrogen pill internally) but I need more. I’ve been taking Replens and I remember being a bit itchy at first and now I find out it has glycerin in it. Could that be whacking out everything down below? Could you recommend a replacement? Can coconut oil bullets replace something like Replens? Or do you know of something else natural and effective?

    May 3, 2019
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Have you tried taking boron (orally)?
      3mg per day is all that’s needed; it’s a trace mineral that assists the body in natural estrogen production, especially in older women.

      Topically, I’d try a plain coconut oil bullet (middle joint of the pinkie finger-sized) twice a week. That kills yeast and some pathogenic bacteria while moisturizing so you get the best of all worlds. Use the raw, unprocessed kind.
      You might want to toss a Femdophilus up there once or twice, too.

      May 3, 2019
      • Gail Mackenzie-Smith
        Gail Mackenzie-Smith

        Thank you! I will try all of these suggestions.

        May 10, 2019
  7. Eugenia

    Hi, thanks a lot for your blog)
    Do you know anything about ureaplasma? How to get rid of that without antobiotics?

    June 21, 2018
  8. Nicole

    Is this safe to do while pregnant?

    April 7, 2018
  9. Nicole

    Is this safe to do while preganant?

    April 7, 2018
  10. Lena

    Hi, I discovered your site almost a week ago and have been following the Phase I and II protocol with some success (haven’t had to resort to antibiotics – yay!) But I have realized I may need to do the UTI Boot Camp protocol (Had the headaches, skin rash, stool is soft but still constipated). Just ordered the additional supplies for that and will start in 3 days.

    In the meantime I have a question to do with the suppositories. After the UTI pain went away I still had the burning, and charcoal applied directly did help so I knew it was BV. I decided to treat my lady cave and have done 5 nights of suppositories so far, starting out with CO and garlic, then adding in OLE in capsule form, then OLE steeped in the CO. No crazy discharge (other than the OLE powder coming out) but I continued due to my history of BV. The last 2 days the burning reappeared and worsened. Last night it was OLE steeped in CO bullet plus probiotic. I woke up with my entire vagina inflamed worse than it was. Obviously I’m wondering if I’m allergic to something in the suppository, or could it be I have sensitive vaginal walls that got irritated with all the gritty OLE powder up in there.. and the charcoal powder grit irritated me on the outside? If it gets so irritated how will I ever get clear of BV? Just confused at the moment about how to proceed on that.

    The vaginal irritation also seemed to cause the UTI pain and urgency again when it was pretty well gone for a few days. It was the first day I could test my urine, because I had my period. It was high on nitrates, clear on leukocytes. I already suspect I have a biofilm on the Candida (since no runs after 3 days OLE) but now I have to wait 3 days to start the new protocol and have this swollen vagina that confuses me and a UTI that flared back up despite 2 cloves garlic/cinn tea/4 OLE/.25 tsp cayenne that I’m taking every meal.. Just wondering if you or anyone else has any suggestions or any idea as to what’s going on. Thanks so much for all the help you’ve provided!

    March 5, 2018
    • Sarah

      did you get a reply from Rebekah about this?

      May 4, 2018
    • Lulu

      Hi I was also wondering if you ever received aresponse and if you’re doing better now? What did you end doing after this point?

      May 23, 2018
  11. Ann

    I also have an e coli, enterococcus faecalis vaginal infection and pelvic infection. What is best to clear this! Thanks!

    November 14, 2017
  12. Eleni

    Hi everyone
    I ve been dealing with a vaginal ecoli for 3 years now.I have burning feeling on my vagina and while I pee,I pee lava!!!!I am on Cipro antibiotic which doesn’t do much,as well probiotic ovules.I tried everything…..It doesn’t seem to go away!Any help!!!!

    June 9, 2017
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Eleni, make a coconut oil bullet infused with raw garlic and olive leaf extract, and use overnight 3 times, and then make coconut oil bullets with just OLE, and putting a Femdophilus probiotic capsule up there first, apply that for 3 nights. You should be all cleared up by the end. ?

      June 9, 2017
      • Lourdes

        In the Philippines we Coconut Virgin Oil. Is that the same with Coco oil you are referring? Will that do?

        June 23, 2017
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          Yes, that’s perfect!

          June 23, 2017
  13. Simone L.
    Simone L.

    Hi Rebekah, many, many,many thanks first of all for all your advices! I’ve been discovering your posts a few hours ago and I’ve been reading them, non-stop, since then.
    I also do suffer from multiple infections in this sensivitive area and I would like to ask for your advice: for 2 years now I wake up with a UTI after every intercourse and the antibiotics litteraly are killing me. Moreover, a few months ago my PAP came out positive for HPV and I am currently taking a lot of medicine to fight back those HPV modifications and also to treat all the UTI’s I am still getting despite numerous treatments (UROVAXOM, all sort of antibiotics, echinnacea extacts , D-mannose that kind of helps me but I am not sure over the dose I should take for profilaxy or treatment etc).
    I feel like the 2 infections are helping eachother in persisting ,and the doctors are only prescribing me antibiotics. Since I am from Romania, I feel that the doctors here are not up to date or willing to help pacients naturally…
    What approach you believe to be the best to follow in this kind of situation, please?

    May 13, 2017
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      I would start immediately on the protocol outlined in the Phase I post, and order the best olive leaf extract I could find. Check and look for one with the highest oleuropein content. When you get it, start on Phase II, and get activated charcoal, too. You’re going to want to do a charcoal cleanse of your gut like I talk about in the Boot Camp post, and take as much good OLE as you can get: it’s antiviral as well as antibacterial and antifungal. I would also make coconut oil bullets infused with OLE and ginger and turmeric, and use one every night.
      Let me know how you do, and join the Facebook group if you have an account! You can message me instantly, and we have another lady in the group who’s also in Romania.

      May 13, 2017
  14. How to make a coconut oil? Or can i use virgin coconut oil that can buy a local drugstore in the philippines?

    September 24, 2016
  15. Holly

    I discovered a really easy way to make the suppositories. There just happened to be a silicone ice tray on the counter when I was first going to make them, the kind that makes tubes of ice to put in water bottles. Bingo! Coconut oil tube! One tablespoon filled up each tube, popped it in the freezer, and broke it in half (as close as possible) when it was hardened.

    September 9, 2016
  16. Alex

    Hi Rebekah, I am not sure if I have a UTI or Yeast Infection… I’ve been suffering from low grade cramping (mostly on the left side of my uterus or maybe fallopian tube?), sometimes I’ll have discomfort when urinating but that is usually once every couple of weeks – if that, and other slight but not unmanageable side effects such as chills. I’ve tried inserting raw garlic into my vagina and noticed a cottage cheese substance the next day. I’ve been told that the raw garlic cures yeast infections. Only did it for three days and then stopped. I guess I’m wondering what your opinion is on what I should do next. Should I continue with the raw garlic or should I move onto the coconut oil suppositories?

    I am hesitant to try the candida kill off diet… I did one last year (slightly different from your suggestion) for about 60 days. I have to be on my feet for most of the day (walking/ exercising outside) and am nervous to feel crappy from the side effects.

    Not quite sure what to do next. Any suggestions would be great, thanks!

    August 21, 2016
    • Alex

      I should mention I have been taking oregano oil, 3 drops daily, in clear vegetable capsules for the last 8 months. Would increasing the dosage help? The essential oil is from the NOW Foods Company, I read good reviews about the product, would like to know if you feel the same!

      August 22, 2016
      • Rebekah W.
        Rebekah W.

        Oil of oregano is fine! The best possible thing to have on hand is OLE, honestly. Once you’ve taken charcoal for a bit, you can take OLE and it won’t cause die-off because it will be absorbed into your blood before running into any Candida in your gut, but when it’s in your blood it will seek and destroy pathogens there. Many, many people see strings of Candida in their urine after they’ve cleared Candida from their gut and OLE gets into their blood and cleanses the kidneys and ureters.

        August 22, 2016
        • Brenda Clanton
          Brenda Clanton

          I have IC and UC Colitis. I have had BV and UTI 3 times in the past 3 months. I am now resistant to Antibiotics. I feel my UTI isn’t gone and in so much pain! Doctors just put me on another 3rd round of antibiotics and it hasn’t gotten better! Got over C-Diff last year from so many Antibiotics for infections I never had! Antibiotics have ruined my life and body. I cant use suppositories like garlic or coconut due to IC flares! What can I take orally. I started fresh garlic and Coconut oil orally and Tumeric capsules, probiotics, and cranberry capsules, D-mannose powder 900mlg. I just want relief! Infectious disease doctor said I was poorly managed with antibiotics. Waiting on another culture to see if if I still have UTI.

          October 31, 2021
          • Hani

            Hi did u manage to recover ur anti biotic resistance?

            November 21, 2024
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      The coconut oil treatments are awesome! You can even mix a little crushed garlic into the oil and make it that way, if you want.

      Activated charcoal removes Candida without side effects…except peeing more frequently, because Candida causes your body to retain fluid, and when you remove Candida, your body dumps the unnecessary fluid. Since you removed it in a way that didn’t cause diarrhea, the excess fluid exits via the kidneys.

      In your place, I would take something like milk of magnesia the night before to ensure the bowels move in the morning, and I’d wake up 2 hours early, take 1500 mg of charcoal with 8 oz water, and go back to sleep. If you do that every day for a week, you’ll remove large amounts of Candida with virtually no symptoms, and it won’t interfere with normal eating times.

      August 22, 2016
  17. Timah

    Hi,I love ur blog.I ve klebsiella pneumoniae uti and really tire of anti biotic bcos I taken a lot but still there.pls can u help me out.

    August 21, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Timah, olive leaf extract, raw garlic, and cayenne pepper kill Klebsiella together.
      You may also need fresh grated horseradish, which destroys biofilms.
      You’re guaranteed to have a severe Candida problem..I would suggest following Phase I and Phase II to get started, and then follow the Boot Camp protocol after you’ve been in Phase II for a week.

      You can join the Facebook support group to instant message me, and get more support from other women who’ve cured their infections.

      August 21, 2016
  18. Kristin

    Would this work to get rid of strep b ?

    July 23, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Yes, if you steep both OLE and raw garlic in the coconut oil.
      Get the Herbs of Gold brand to steep in it: it’s MUCH more concentrated than ComVita!
      4 HoG capsules per batch of oil, and 2 fat minced cloves of garlic.

      July 23, 2016
      • Kristin

        Ole didn’t freeze. I also tried to insert it in as much as I could but it kept sliding out. Could I soak a organic tampon in this mix and use it with the same results ?

        August 1, 2016
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          Yes, you can!

          The oil is usually rock hard after 10 minutes in the freezer…and for best results you can insert while lying down. You have to get it well up in there around the bend, or it will keep popping back out for a friendly visit.

          August 1, 2016

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