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Killing a UTI: Phase I

Posted in Immediate UTI Treatment, and Infection Killing Protocol


To Do:

1.  Empty your bladder every waking hour. Set a timer if you have to, but squeeze out every last drop once an hour.

2.  Drink lemon water (1 T lemon juice in 16 oz water) all day long. Do not drink more than 8 oz water per waking hour *as a general rule of thumb*. 8 oz per hour is plenty to stay well-hydrated, but if you’re guzzling water like a camel in the desert you’re just diluting the effect of the supplements. Remember this throughout the wellness process. Also, you can make fruit-infused alkaline water, click here, and take D-mannose for E. coli. Keeping water flushing through in steady stream prevents bacteria from building up in your bladder and swimming up your ureters to the kidneys. Most bacteria are non-motile, but E. coli is the Michael Phelps of the pathogen world. Keep the current flowing rapidly against the bacteria.

3. Take 1-2 cloves minced raw garlic with every meal, swallowing the pieces with water, like pills. Take it mid-meal, so there’s food above and below it in your stomach. (Be cautious with this if you have a Klebsiella infection: it helps with some of them, but certain species/strains can actually eat the oligo-saccharides in it.)

4. Take 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper with every meal. (If you tried it during the Emergency stage, and you feel it helped. It helps wonderfully with some types of infection, and irritates others!) You can mix it into a spoonful of honey to make it palatable. If you don’t think your stomach can handle 1/4 tsp, take 1/8 tsp, and chase it with a glass of baking soda water (1/4 tsp in 8 oz water).

5. Buy Vitacost olive leaf extract capsules. They’re the best kind: they’re a great price, and they’re often on sale on the Vitacost website, which ships quickly. If you get the largest bottle, they ship free. Another effective brand is Swanson Super Strength.
Because of the near-symbiotic relationship between UTI’s and Candida, you have to start small and work your way up with OLE doses, because if you started out with the dosage needed to kill a UTI, you’d kill so much Candida that you would become quite violently ill in very short order. Start out small with 1-2 capsules of OLE per meal, and if you get a headache or nausea, that means it’s working. The good news is that killing Candida reduces UTI symptoms. If you have no significant response to OLE at all, read this.
If you want to know what’s so awesome about OLE, read this.

6. Make your own tea from powdered cinnamon or ginger. Stir 4 tsp loose spice powder into 24 oz steaming hot water and pour the infused water off in 20 minutes, leaving the majority of the sediment behind. (All types of cinnamon other than Ceylon contain a toxin, coumarin, which is not water-soluble so it will be left behind in the tea grounds.) Drink 8 oz. 3 times a day. You can stir in a spoonful of honey, if desired, and add a bit of lemon juice to the ginger tea.
(Ginger irritates the hell out of one rare strain of E. coli. If your UTI feels worse after taking ginger or turmeric, stop taking them, and don’t take cayenne pepper, either.)
Both of these drinks kill Candida and will begin relieving your UTI symptoms while you wait for the big guns, OLE, to arrive in the mail.

7. Test yourself first thing every morning and take a picture of it at the 1, 2, and 5 minute marks. Click here for the best tests: they’re also less much expensive than what you’ll find in the store. Read this on how to decipher your test results. If you do not see steady improvement in your test results and feel improvement in your symptoms, stop reading and go to the doctor. If you’ve been to the doctor and the antibiotics aren’t working, you’re dealing with a bacterial biofilm: horseradish has been shown in studies to break them down.


Avoid like The Plague:

  1. Sugar in all its forms (fruit, soda, sweets)
  2. Alcohol
  3. Tomato sauce, juice, or soup
  4. Cranberry juice
  5. Ascorbic acid Vitamin C (calcium ascorbate may be fine, DO use ascorbic acid if you have a staph or strep UTI)
  6. Caffeine
  7. Sex

I’m serious here, ladies. Beat him off with a stick if you have to, but if he’s all..


..then you need to be like…


You could tell him you have a headache. Or, tell him “You’ll get me pregnant.” and then he’ll have a headache.


  1. alan h
    alan h

    Just a quick question. Do I take the activated charcoal every day?

    Thank you,
    Alan H

    June 2, 2022
  2. Lou

    Hi all, please be careful following this UTI killing protocol. I’ve done it a few times and ended up quite ill. Rebekah does say to take it easy and increase the doses slowly, but I’ve definitely been on the careful side each time, and the previous time I required a lot of tests to make sure I hadn’t done some serious damage. Now I have a fever of 39:2ºC. It could just be die off – I no longer have the UTI symptoms for the past few days, just body malaise, pain in my kidneys and this fever, (started yesterday at 38.3ºC) which is higher today. I’m in Madrid – at the peak of the coronavirus. I’m going to have to get medical attention. Wish me luck!!!! Do take care. It maybe better to take antibiotics at a time like this than risk having to go to hospital. X

    April 2, 2020
    • Selma

      Stay safe and I hope you gotten better by now. I’m desperately in need for help so might as well just give it a shot. stay home and good luck!

      April 23, 2020
      • Lou

        I think it’s good advice. It’s just that you have to follow it to the letter. I think where I went wrong was two things: I took charcoal when I wasn’t completely ready for it (not constipated but not loose enough) and I also took some uva ursi (not on Rebekah’s protocol but recommended elsewhere) which was alcohol based extract – big no no. I ended up with almost NO UTI symptoms but a painful kidney infections. Scary. Hope you get well. It’s horrible. Drink LOTS of lemon water! Good luck. X

        April 23, 2020
        • Aleksandra

          Hi ladies. I am not Rebekah but extremely familiar with her protocol as I have been on the site and the Facebook group for about 2 years now and did the protocol for months at end. One thing is super important- if your stomach acid is bad or you have had many previous UTIs and have a bladder biofilm this may not work for you. A lot of girls combine it with antibiotics and then slowly work on charcoal cleansing and impeoving their stomach acid once the UTI is gone. This protocol will 100% improve your health and help but just may not be enough depending on your current situation. In my case I did everything for 2 months and my UTI was pretty much no symptoms but not fully dead. I knew it was bevause my stomach acid was tragic so I needed something stronger to finish it off. One of the girls on the Facebook group recommended to me a silver water by a brand called Silver Wings. It is their 500 ppm strength silver. Order the larger bottle, it is available to ship worldwide through IHerb. I did wait for it for about 2.5 weeks to get to Canada and kept my UTI at bay with the rest of the protocol. Once it came I took one teaspoon 3 times a day for the first 3 days and then dropped down to one teaspoon twice a day for the next 7 days. At this dosage the large bottle will be just enough. My UTI finally died. Whats important is make sure you do not drink anything including water and dont eat anything for at least 40 mins before and after taking the silver to ensure it is the only thing working in your system. Hold under your tongue for a minute so it absorbs well into the bloodstream and then swallow. The girl who recommended it to me said her UTI was chronic and she was in and out of the hospital for a whole year on IV antibiotics and nothing would touch it. This finally cured it for her. After that her mom had a UTI so bad she was peeing blood. She took a teaspoon every few hours the first few days till it calmed down then slowly reduced. Her UTI went away completely. She also cured her sisters UTI this way. After I cured mine, my best friend got her first UTI while on her honeymoon and I gave her my silver when when came back to Canada. By the time she came back she was peeing brown. I started her on olive leaf extract and pau darco and then also the silver. She never even went to her family doctor her UTI completely died within a week. It’s been a year since then she hasnt had any issues. It’s not on Rebekahs protocol but a lot of the women on the Facebook group have used it with success. Rebekahs protocol is wonderful but doesnt fully work for everyone. Some of us need just something a BIT more and for me this was it. I really hope this helps someone.

          April 23, 2020
          • Maria Martinez
            Maria Martinez

            Thanks for the ideas; I am currently trying Colloidal silver for the first time. I think my doses are small and also I drink it with water. I have been UTI symptoms for a week and I am thinking of giving up and starting the antibiotic but I have recurrent ones so I want to stop this. I am going to try your suggestions, thanks.

            May 20, 2020
            • Frances

              Hey, I just wanted to ask if you’ve ever tried D-Mannose? I tried everything on this website and more for my recurrent UTIs and D-Mannose is the ONLY thing that helped me.

              May 20, 2020
              • Aleksandra

                I am not sure if the question was for me but I have spent more money on D Mannose throughout the years than I probably have on anything else. It is okay it helps some..but it definitely wasn’t a magic cure for me. And it definitely didn’t solve the root cause of my issues. However it does work for many people so doesn’t hurt to try!

                May 20, 2020
                • Frances

                  Agreed. It’s not a perfect solution for everyone. For me, I couldn’t live without it and it’s harmless to try so I always recommend it!

                  May 20, 2020
          • Sabrina Barrena
            Sabrina Barrena

            Hi! What is the name of the Facebook group? Also I’m having a lot of trouble interpreting the stew to follow her, could you maybe help me???? I would be extremely appreciative if you could email me I’m desperate.

            July 1, 2020
          • Kim

            Hi Aleksandra, I have been waiting for a long time for someone to approve me on the Facebook group, do you know if it’s still active?

            August 20, 2020
            • Alex B
              Alex B

              Hi Kim. The group is very much active but Rebekah is unfortunately the only admin and she hasn’t been active in some time. Essentially it is a closed group and she is the only administrator who can approve new people to join so unless she gets back online to do so or to appoint another approver no new users can get in. The rest of us who are in the group are active but we have no privileges to let new people in unfortunately. The good thing is that Rebekah updated this site with the latest info right before she went “offline” so the information here is very up to date. If you have any questions let me know. I will do my best to answer.

              August 20, 2020
              • Yazmin Bratter
                Yazmin Bratter

                Hi alex I trying to rid myself of multi strain chronic uti and I honestly do not know where to begin can you help? My email is yazzyb01@ I’ve tried to join the Facebook group but no luck! Thanks yazmine

                October 25, 2021
          • Shirin

            Hi Alessandra,
            What dosage did you take? The bottle says 1 tsp daily. Is this enough? Many Thanks!

            August 30, 2020
          • Kit

            Hi Alex, just curious… after taking the silver, do you still proceed with the OLE and Charcoal detox or is there no need at that time?Thanks for any info.

            October 13, 2020
          • Kit

            Hi Aleksandra, after you cured yourself with the Silver, did you still do the charcoal detox? Thnaks

            October 13, 2020
          • Brittany

            Would like to keep in touch with u
            I haven’t been added on fb yet
            I have questions about the c silver

            October 15, 2020
          • Betsy

            Hi Aleksandra! Hoping you’re still active here and receive this message. I’m intrigued by your success with colloidal silver. What bacteria were you fighting? I’ve had E. coli and E. faecalis for 17 months now. But I also have hypothyroidism (42+ years!) that’s presently under control with Armour thyroid and am concerned about taking the silver. Thanks for your insight!

            April 12, 2022
            • Aleksandra

              Hello there- yes I will still get an email if someone comments 🙂 my bacteria was always e coli. I believe strongly that when I got my first UTI they gave me too weak of an antibiotic. I was peeing blood and they gave me microbid which is for very mild utis
              This essentially resulted in the uti not fully dying and it kept coming back for the next 4 years. I used Rebecca’s protocol for my last uti and i was practically symptom free as I caught it early but I knew the uti wasn’t dying. I would do a home culture (something we do a lot on the Facebook group- pee first thing in the morning into a sterilized jar and put it in the oven with the oven light on for 24 hours. Next morning test with a uti strip). So I’d be symptom free but when I’d do the home culture I’d always end up getting nitrates every time meaning I was keeping the uti in check but it wasn’t dying..I needed something stronger to finish it off and someone on the group said they killed their antibiotic resistant uti with the silver wings 500 ppm silver. I made up my own dose..I decided to take one teaspoon 3 times a day the first 2 days and then drop to one teaspoon two times a day for the next 7 days..I also kept up with the other natural stuff. Also make sure to not drink or eat anything at least an hour before or after the silver. This isn’t science but I noticed the peoppe who had less success with the silver drank water or ate close to it. So I really made sure I was super strict with that. No liquids no food nothing for an hour before And after the silver dose. At that dosage the big bottle will last you exactly 10 days. I then dropped all meds all together and waited 4 days for all meds to be out of my system and then did another home culture like I described above. It was gone. The reason I wait is because the silver is strong and it’s like an antibiotic..if you don’t wait for it to be fully out of your system you will get a false negative. I don’t know anything about thyroid issues so I cannot advise. But to me a week of silver is way less damage than years of antibiotics. Again though I am not a doctor. One thing I have learn3d from the group is though that horseradish will mess with your thyroid especially if taken in large doses for long time so maybe be careful with that. Also I have heard from other people who used the silver successfully that it works on other bacteria as well and other people also make up their own doses. For example the lady who initially recommended it her mom got a very bad uti and she took a teaspoon every hour for the first 2 days till she had it under control and then slowly reduced. The silver wings 500 ppm can be ordered from iherb. IF the silver doesn’t work for you, don’t discourage. E fecalis is very tough bacteria to kill. I’d suggest you try Buhners tinctures next if that doesn’t work. Not sure if you have heard of him or his tinctures but a lot of people on the group have used his tinctures and they can also be combined with antibiotics especially for antibiotic resistant utis or people who have had a uti for years and nothing has worked. Anyways hope this helps the tinctures can be found in his book- they are by bacteria and it tells you the protocol for each bacteria. The tincutr3s can be ordered online or from any herbal compounding pharmacy- herbie herbs is one in Canada but if you are in the states there are couple of sites that ship Buhners tinctures..I hope this is helpful.. if you have any other questions let me know.

              April 12, 2022
              • Hannah


                I’m sorry I hope you don’t mind me jumping in. Is it possible to still join the Facebook group at all? I’ve had a uti for a year. A microgen in November said enterococcus and streptococcus. I’ve started this regime and feel so nauseous on the olive less extract? Is that normal. I’ve got three young kids and it’s like morning sickness feeling. Don’t know whether to keep pursuing with it or just give up.



                April 25, 2022
                • Aleksandra

                  Hi Hannah,

                  Unfortunately it is not possible to join the group as Rebecca has not been active on it for more than a year and she didn’t appoint anyone as an administrator so essentially there is no one to approve the request to let you in. It sucks but we can’t do much about it. I regards to your UTI, olive leaf extract is making you nauseous because it is killing candida. This can easily be remedied by either taking small amounts of charcoal daily to sweep the die off reaction(make sure you are moving well or taking small doses of milk or magnesia or you will get constipated). Or you can do the bootcqmp cleanse which is essentially the big charcoal cleanse. You take a laxative wait for it to kick in and then do three big doses of charcoal-one every hour. Something like a heaping tablespoon in a half a litter of water should do. Then you can eat 2 hrs after the last dose. Not sure if you have already done the big charcoal cleanse as it is recommended here but it is always your first step. I can now take 22 Ole and have zero die off. If you are having any reaction to the OLE, you are still dealing with candida. You need to do massive charcoal cleansing and then hit it hard. At the same time, start taking stomach acid as nothing you take will work if you aren’t absorbing it properly. This info is all in thr posts but i am not sure how far you have gotten. If you have any questions let me know.

                  April 25, 2022
          • Lindsay

            Hi Alexsandra, since we can’t enter the Facebook group, is there any information in there for this situation:

            First symptom was metallic/non pleasant urine odor. Several days later, urgency, cramping, progressed into severe pain/burning with urination, and finally blood in urine. Had to resort to abx but it was a holiday so no culture was done. Took bactrim.

            Before taking abx, tried d-mannose, ut vibrance, cranberry pills, homeopathic cantharis, grapefruit seed extract and immune support like oregano/ginger shots, ascorbic acid. Nothing worked, no improvement on baking soda and garlic. probably was not gram negative.

            Fast forward, I felt immediately relief from nearly all symptoms at the first dose of bactrim. Sadly had to continue for 7 days due to prior recurrent Utis (although 4 years without one)
            My goal was to control yeast and repopulate healthy microbiome.

            My problem is this: my urine smell is still present and unpleasant. Can you share any insight from the group please?
            I have just begun OLE and charcoal protocol, test strips are all clear. Thank you!

            January 20, 2023
          • Christine

            Hi Aleksandra,
            Do you know if the Silver Wings is effective for gram positive UTI’s or test strips that are only showing Leukocytes? I can’t seem to get the Leukocytes to budge at all and I’ve been working the protocal overtime and I’ve done all the charcoal and flushing for several weeks, including attending to low stomach acid. I still have tons of pelvic, bladder an urethra pain. Every test strip (regardless of testing time) shows Leukocytes. I’m at a loss as to what to do next. Any thoughts would be so greatly appreciated.

            June 22, 2023
          • Hey aleksandra, has your UTI ever come back since doing this protocol along with the silver?

            June 18, 2024
        • Sabrina Barrena
          Sabrina Barrena

          Is there any way you can email me in so confused on the protocol and where to start I could really use the help!!!!

          July 1, 2020
    • Marcia

      I stopped getting UTIs when my Nurse Practitioner told me about a supplement called Cran Cap. Unlike ordinary cranberry supplements, this one is a cranberry extract containing 40% proanthocyanidins. It prevents bacteria from adhering to the lining of the bladder. I also take two other supplements: Nature’s Way Pau D’Arco 1 3x a day, and Solaray’s Olive Leaf extract 250 mg 1 3x a day. It helps that I don’t eat sugar or sweeteners of any kind, including fruit, rarely any wheat, and no dairy. But without these supplements, I would have chronic UTIs.

      May 21, 2020
  3. Claire

    What about taking sodium ascorbate instead of ascorbic acid? I heard this is the safest buffered form as could end up taking too much calcium with the calcium acsorbate…AA is aggravating my symptoms but my body is used to taking lots of AA daily so I feel uncomfortable suddenly not taking any Vit C….

    January 27, 2020
  4. Alex B
    Alex B

    Hello Rebekah. Quick question…can a pelvic exam cause a UTI? I had a pelvic exam today as they had seen a polyp on an ultrasound and he had to check it out. A few hours later when I got home I took olive leaf extract and d mannose because, well, paranoia. I am a little paranoid thinking my urine is a bit smellier. Could this be true or am I imagining it? I googled it and it says that one study concluded a pelvic exam increases the risk of a UTI in the next 2 months which I never knew. I also found a few posts of women who got a UTI following a pelvic exam..i panicked and took some silver in case and put charcoal paste on..should I be worried? My ptsd is so bad I feel like I cant breathe..

    May 7, 2019
  5. Gillian Robinson
    Gillian Robinson

    Hey all and Rebekah! I started phase 1 today. Got my urine culture back this aft and it says “no growth” and my bladder area feels inflamed, I’m thinking maybe from the raw garlic and cayenne? I’m thinking I should stop the phase 1 and go to charcoal dirty? But keep taking the olive leaf with meals and a shot of lemon juice with food… Please help.

    April 16, 2019
  6. Lou

    Hi there Rebekah, I realize you’re not able to reply to everyone’s questions at the moment. I can imagine it’s getting too much to manage. Have you written a book sharing all your incredible information? I would love to have it on my shelf if you have or if you ever do! I had a UTI a couple of weeks ago, and I nuked it with OLE, garlic, cayenne, ginger, and cinnamon, as you suggested. I was sooo pleased to be able to avoid anti-biotics (they gave me a yeast infection last time), so thank you for sharing all your knowledge so generously here. The only downside is that I think I nuked everything a little *too* well, as I now have the exact same vaginal burning sensation that the antibiotics gave me. I’m guessing this is because I killed off too much of the baddies at once, and now the only thing that relieves the burning sensation is S. boulardi (probiotics), Optibac and yogurt tampons (which I’ve been told you should only do twice a day for a couple of hours at a time). I’ve stopped taking all anti-fungals for now as they just cause a flare-up of the itching/burning. Any tips to share? Thanks for everything. You must have saved a TON of people out there from needing expernsive and invasive health treatment. You rock, sista. 😀

    March 25, 2019
    • Lori

      Lou, So happy to hear you were able to get rid of the uti!

      March 25, 2019
      • Leanne

        Apologies for gatecrashing the post, I can’t seem to figure out how to create a new thread. I had been free from UTI’s for 8 months. I always suffered with gram positive infections, leucs on the test strip. Today I woke up with a raging infection. The test strips shows strong purple leucs and bright pink nitrates. I have no idea how to tackle this. I’ve never had both before. It’s Sunday and not every health store opens where I live. I have some charcoal, OLE and a small amount of oregano oil left. What should I do???

        August 11, 2019
        • Atena Minda
          Atena Minda

          Apple cuder vinegar if you have, size of a shot în a glas of water × 3 / day

          August 11, 2019
        • Lori

          Sorry to hear you got another uti. I hope you found relief.

          August 11, 2019
        • Christine

          Hi Leanne,
          I know your comment/questions are from August 2019 but in case you happen to get this, what did you do to get ride of your Leukocytes? I can’t seem to rid myself of them no matter what I try. I have done everything this site recommends.

          June 22, 2023
  7. Jean-Pierre

    Hi Rebekah,
    Thank you for the advice above. You mention certain foods to avoid, but I see no mention of gluten or dairy. Should they not also be avoided? I have also read and seen videos where people suggest bananas would be a safe food when trxing to get rid of a UTI. What do you make of this?

    March 18, 2019
    • Louisa

      I’m not Rebekah (or an expert) but I would avoid bananas as the natural sugar could feed the candida/bacteria.

      March 19, 2019
  8. anne

    My Mum is 84 and currently in hospital with a suspected urine infection. She has type 2 diabetes. Delirium yesterday. Being treated with antibiotics in hospital. This is the third she has had in a year. I am interested to show her your website and was wondering what you would recommend to start with, when she comes out of hospital, to help her to avoid a repeat infection.

    January 13, 2019
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      It’s extremely common for the elderly to have low stomach acid, which turns the gut into a UTI pathogen factory.
      The simplest thing to do is to test her for low acid with baking soda water: look for the Decision Tree post and follow that chart.

      She can start taking HCL capsules with meals (if she’s not on any NSAIDs): that will begin to sort out her gut so pathogens aren’t flourishing unchecked.
      A gentle charcoal cleanse would also be an excellent idea: I’ve seen that reverse mental confusion in the elderly within a day.

      After she’s begun treatment for low stomach acid (something like 90% of the elderly suffer from it) and she’s taken some charcoal you can begin to give her low doses of OLE: it’s totally non-toxic, naturally improves elevated blood pressure and cholesterol, and gently breaks down arterial/brain plaque, as well as protecting against all types of infection.

      January 13, 2019
      • Kim

        What is o l e and HCL

        September 6, 2020
  9. Aditi chaudhary
    Aditi chaudhary

    Hi rebekah
    My culture reports came back and i have been diagonosed with klebsiella pneumone. It says bacteria present in moderate number. Can u suggest what i should follow for it. Thanks alot in advance

    November 13, 2018
  10. Lori

    I must have already pressed the join button cuz now it’s pending. I think if I don’t find help here this thing is gonna get me. It ‘s just a matter of time. I know I’m a basket case. I can’t go on like this.

    October 16, 2018
    • Lori

      I started this morning with phase 1. I still don’t know what I’m going to do about the Olive extract. I already recieved the Vitacost in the mail but, I’m concerned about the Magnsium Stearate and don’t know what else I could buy to replace it.

      October 16, 2018
  11. Lori

    I’m baffled, the fungal test came back negative for yeast, no bacteria showed up on the culture although the test strip keeps showing positive. So what am I infected with if no bacteria?I don’t have the usual Uti symptoms since takimg the antibiotics. When I ask the nurse how that could be,she says it’s not a clean catch. The infection even showed up on my last visit but she tells me I’m fine since there are no more symptoms. I can’t seem to find this scenario on this site for trouble shooting.

    October 15, 2018
    • Liz Smith
      Liz Smith

      For years I had same issues, IC, UTI, asthma, gastritis. I finally found relief with Reiki. I have been doing Reiki and Myofacial release weekly, and going to a Chiropractor. This mix has finally given me relief from yearsbof auffering. Started in May. I finally have been successful at not having any medical issues which i had too many of before.

      October 15, 2018
    • Lori

      Thanks Marcia, I requested a refund last night, then went online to find a replacement. I can’t seem to do the math. I checked out seagate’s but couldn’t tell by the label what the percentage of Oleuropein it had. I need something right away.

      October 16, 2018
    • Frances

      Hey Lori, I’ve seen a lot of your comments around this site and your situation sounds a lot like mine. I was wondering if you could update on your experience with everything so far.

      Just so you have an idea: I don’t currently have a symptomatic UTI, but I have had two in the past two months. I unfortunately caved and took antibiotics for both. I have no doubt that I have candida as a result. I also constantly feel like I’m on the verge or getting another infection if I eat or drink the wrong thing. As of today, I’ve spent a week on the Phase I cleanse while waiting for all my supplements to be delivered. I plan on starting the charcoal cleanse this weekend.

      I’d like to know of any issues you found along the way or tips you may have! Thanks.

      January 9, 2019
      • Lori

        Thanks for your concern. I’m sorry about your reoccurring Uti’s.
        I’m still hanging in there. After trial and error, I’m of the belief that for me its come down to absorption. I’ve been continuing with the juicng and natural meds to cleanse a lot of gut pathogens and I believe now that most of that is clearer, the next step is to rev up my stomach acid. When this finally gets cured, believe me, I will let everyone here know!

        January 9, 2019
  12. Marcia

    I checked out the ‘other ingredients’ in the Vitacost and the Swanson OLE. They both have the deadly magnesium stearate! Not good. I’m going to order Seagate’s OLE. It is pure OLE in a vegetable capsule. No added ingredients.

    October 14, 2018
    • Lori

      Oh jeez I just ordered 4 big bottles of the Vitscost

      October 14, 2018
      • Marcia

        Vitacost allows returns.

        October 15, 2018
        • Laura Cruz
          Laura Cruz

          Ladies, are you on the Living Strong Facebook page?

          October 16, 2018
          • Lori

            I tried but could find the join button

            October 16, 2018
    • Eugenia

      Marcia, good day, where do you check the “other ingredients” usually?

      March 8, 2023
  13. Diana

    Hello Rebecca. Will this treatment be effective if I have Biofilm formation.? I am suspecting my recurrent infection is because I have biofilms. Another theory is that I might have E.coli in my vagina as well and it passes it to my bladder. So I plan to treat both at the same time. I however, have asymptomatic E.coli. All I experience is cloudy/smelly urine. But this might also be related to low water intake. Long story short, I am 27 years old and want to get pregnant but I am in the process of getting rid of this terrible bug once and for all before since it can have real bad effects like miscarriages, low birth child, and even premature labor. =( . My gyno told me it can be treated while pregnant and worst case scenario get IV intravenous treatment which he says it doesn’t fail. But I’ve known people that this does not help either. I have taken all kinds of antibiotics and they have failed. My Obstetrician-gynecologist recently referred me to another infectious disease doctor but I have little to no hope. I will not take more antibiotics if they send it to me. They fail. What do you recommend in my case.? ( I know you are not a doctor but I strongly believe you are more educated on this than a doctor out there. believe me all they do is send antibiotics and that’s it, there is so much more to this infections, so much more and they don’t seem to have a clue about it.! SAD.) I will highly appreciate your help since like I mentioned before, I really want to get pregnant soon but not with this bacteria still in my system. ( Ps: If this helps, I am colonized with E.coli for sure and I’ve had it for over 6 years and it never goes away.) Thank you Becca, for this website and for helping people.

    July 13, 2018
  14. Laura C.
    Laura C.

    How long will it take to know whether you have the strain of Klebsiella that doesn’t respond well to garlic? I’ve reviewed some of my cultures from the doctor, and it looks like the majority (all but one of the results I have access to) are caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae. I understand the garlic is a powerful ally, but I’m also a bit scared to try it if it may make the infection worse.

    May 9, 2018
  15. Ambra

    Hello and thanks for this wonderful bunch of information:)
    I had a very strong uti 2 days ago, it started very quickly: in an hour i was feeling a very sharp pain. I used cranberry extract (from Simply Supplements) because it had worked previously but I see here that you don’t recommend it at all…anyway, I took 4 capsules and the pain was so sharp I couldn’t sleep for hours, then it reduced and I was finally able to sleep. Yesterday the pain had disappeared but I still felt discomfort, I also have noticed some blood in my urine. Now, I landed in this beautiful place full of information and I’m starting to follow it. So,starting from this morning I quit cranberry and I’m following the indications you give for phase I. I started with the water and lemon: now I feel the need to empty my bladder much more often than once per hour, is it ok or I should do it just once? So far I’m feeling less pain when I pee, but I need to do it very often. Is it ok? Am I on the right track? The blood in the pee (not much anyway) gets me a bit anxious.
    Thank you for your advice.

    October 26, 2017
  16. Magali CRAIG
    Magali CRAIG

    Oooopsss, just saw the whole protocole in phase II !!! Perfect. You thought of everything. Hope this finds you well.

    October 25, 2017
  17. Magali CRAIG
    Magali CRAIG

    Bonjour from France ! The last comment on this post is dated april, don’t know if you are still around… First of all you have no ideal how much better I feel since I saw your website! Thank you for sharing your experience and knowledge with us!
    I’m french (sorry for the possible mistakes in my english) and I can sadely and safely say I can join the club of UTI sufferers. After a few UTI when younger (I’m now 42), I finaly was treated 10 years ago with à 6 months antibiotic treatment against Klebsiella pneumonia (4 différent ones, 1 to take one day in the week, another kind the next week and so on). Yes, France loves its medecine! Résulting to no more UTI (for a while) but à superbe candida infection which was treated (after 1 year of total suffering and ignorance from me and doctors I saw) by a good naturopathe. But a few UTI happened again, treated naturaly (mainly probiotics, thym infusions and… Cranberry products !! Yes I got your point: never again). But this one! Oh my! Klebsiella oxytoca… Wouldn’t leave me in peace, too painful, too annoying, à nightmare. So… 5 days antibiotics, last intake this morning, and no surprise (Deep down I knew it), the little bugger is still there. I had felt the candida coming back too about 1month ago (my fault, let my guard down for a year) so started my diet again with usual supplements then thought this UTI feeling was à die off. But no. So ! I’ve ordered all the stuff you recommandéd (can’t find fresh horseradish in the vicinity though and I suspect biofilm) but I have to admit that I don’t know where to start, in what order, and how. Any structured/taylored advise for me, please? Best regards

    October 24, 2017
  18. Mary Young
    Mary Young

    Hello! Likely you’ve covered this somewhere, but there’s so much info here… started feeling the bladder discomfort yesterday and found a link to your website late last night. Not my first time on the UTI Rodeo so I know exactly what these feelings mean. Taking garlic, cayenne and baking soda and discomfort is subsiding, but my question is should I go out and buy D-Mannose? So many people swear by it and since most infections are e coliI,wouldn’t it help to flush them out? Thank you so much for all your information.

    April 25, 2017
  19. Sara

    Soooooo maybe I missed it in one of the comments, but has there been any discussion on the foul body funk from so much raw garlic? I know I’m the beginning when everyone is in pain, they couldn’t care less about it, but once relief sets in has anyone had any issues with feeling self conscious about it? It a valuable tool in the fight to wellness, but I know I’d prefer to not be “that lady” in the office. Of course I’m sure it’s great for keeping your husband/partner from hitting on you while trying to heal. 🙂 However, normal office interactions can be in relatively close quarters sometimes so, what do you do to combat it? Showering and deodorants won’t work since it’s a chemical process… I’m already insanely self-conscious about smelling funky after switching to aluminum-free deodorants, it took forever to find one that works and it’s still not quite as effective as I’d like. So after a bout of anxiety and sweating which I regularly have, I don’t want to be unapproachable from smelling worse than a teenage boy.

    I do realize after the Candida is at bay the pit stank won’t be nearly as bad but, I’m not going to lie… Smelling like a skunk den for potentially a month or more almost a deal breaker for me. What are the alternatives? Has anyone had success with stink-free garlic pills? Though I’d guess the stuff that makes you reek like the Seinfeld valet is the part that’s doing the most good… Anyone?

    April 21, 2017
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.


      Once you do a charcoal cleanse, you can replace the garlic with oregano oil (get Vitacost capsules if possible).
      Baking soda water WITH the garlic helps!

      April 22, 2017
      • Jean

        im in charcoal water 2x am and pm and i take 2 oregano oil — i also do eat some garlic with my meals

        August 24, 2020
  20. Sandra

    Hi Rebekah,
    Thank you for all this useful information. I am taking coconut oil, and feel nausea, have headache, and have loose stools. I would like to know, why is it necessary to take the charcoal, does not the Candida get out of my system through my stools? Please help me understand, would appreciate it very much.
    Thank you.

    April 13, 2017
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Sandra, all the other things only kill the Candida in the upper part of your gut, and then it gradually re-grows from the large intestine back up into the small. In order to get Candida completely under control and rebalance your whole gut, you NEED charcoal.
      It travels through the entire gut without ever being absorbed by your body, meaning it removes Candida the entire way. Once you’ve taken a few large doses on an empty gut, you can take probiotics and be assured that you now have a stable and healthy gut that won’t reinfect your bladder.

      I promise it’s easy to take! All you have to do is time it properly, as I describe in various posts. Let me know how you do!

      April 13, 2017
      • Sandra

        Thank you Rebekah, also thank you for the motivation, I really need it. Another question, when I take the Charcoal, is it ok to take Miralax (polyethylene) if I get constipation?

        April 13, 2017
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          The first thing I would try for constipation is either a saline solution, or just increasing your fluid intake to get things moving.
          The saline solution worked great for me: 1.5 tsp sea salt in 20 oz very warm water. It usually kicked in within 60-90 minutes.

          April 13, 2017
          • Sandra

            Thank you Rebekah, will do. Sorry to bother you again, I am trying to find in your blog, something about E-coli I read and for 2 days now cannot find it. The last bug I had was e-coli, it was killed apparently with the antibiotics, I had an IC (I am an IC sufferer) episode which landed me in the emergency room two weeks ago. They did a UTI, said that no infection was there, just some bacteria. Wanted to know if with the Coconut Oil, OLE, Oregano Oil, and now Charcoal which I will begin tomorrow, will it help killing E-coli or at least bringing it down, in case it is still in abundance in my intestines (given that in the bladder there is none)?

            April 14, 2017
            • Rebekah W.
              Rebekah W.

              Oh yes!!!
              The charcoal will take care of it for you, and since you’ll be removing Candida you’ll also be removing the cozy environment it makes for E. coli in your gut. Do a charcoal cleanse and take probiotics, and you’re all set!

              April 14, 2017
              • Sandra

                Awesome!!! Thank you and success with everything in your life !

                April 14, 2017
                • Rebekah W.
                  Rebekah W.

                  Let me know how it goes, and feel free to join the Facebook support group if you haven’t yet! We can chat in messenger on there.

                  April 14, 2017
                  • Sandra

                    Yes. Will need to open an account. Thank you. On a side note. My mother has this problem, being constipated, due to Candida probably and other issues, is there anything else that exists that can be taken, that does exactly what Charcoal does, but with the difference that it does not cause constipation? Even if it is more expensive it does not matter. Do you know of any substitutes with the same properties as Charcoal?

                    April 14, 2017
                    • Rebekah W.
                      Rebekah W.

                      Sadly, I don’t know of any substitutes for charcoal, BUT…all she has to do is get completely clear with a laxative, and take charcoal (1 tablespoon in water, or 5000 mg ) while her gut is empty. It won’t cause constipation that way. Just tell her to drink plenty of water to flush that charcoal through.
                      After that, she should take probiotics, and then the constipation should stop completely. Charcoal and then probiotics will fix the gut dysbiosis that causes constipation…and so many other things.

                      April 14, 2017
                  • Sandra

                    Hi Rebekah,
                    IT HAS BEEN GOING GREAT !!!! I had so much fear doing the charcoal cleanse but thanks to your advice, orientation and much information on your website, I DID IT !!!
                    I could write for days on this experience….I will mention some great points. I followed all the steps you mention in so many posts like Phase I ,II,III,Boot Camp, Killing Candida, Quick and Dirty,Oregano Oil, etc.. What also helped was reading all the posts, I mean ALL, from previous years too, specially the questions from everyone and your answers. I related. Did this several times. That helped so much. Gave me confidence and knowledge to do it.
                    I had 28 runs the first day, I did feel more energy after each just like you said, I followed all protocols. By the 20th something run I felt light headed, kind of like wanting to faint, but quickly drank water, with Himalayan salt, Lemon and Stevia, and it was a full reboot for my system. Stopped the next couple of days to give my body a rest.
                    Three days later did the same thing, emptied my stomach with Mag.Citrate, and I had 27 runs that day. Same thing, felt more energy in the beginning and towards the 20th and so run I needed my reboot (Water,Stevia,Salt,Lemon). Since I still have die-off symptoms I definitely have many layers as you described so well.
                    I am on my 3rd round of cleansing (before I started I had no infections, but come from years of having UTI, IC sufferer, IBS, Asthma, Vision Loss, Acid Reflux, BV). This 3rd time I had 21 runs, so I am definitely getting better. Feel sooooo much more energy, and even my vision has gotten better! My IC is almost not there, no Acid Reflux. Still have die-off symptoms but much less each day. Will keep you posted.
                    **THANK YOU **THANK YOU** THANK YOU !!!????

                    April 23, 2017
                    • Rebekah W.
                      Rebekah W.

                      Wow, you’re amazing!

                      Most of those problems you mention should be completely or mostly alleviated by thoroughly cleansing with charcoal, and then rebuilding your gut biome with good probiotics.
                      Please keep me apprised, keep hydrating, and take probiotics between cleansing cycles!

                      April 23, 2017
                    • Sandra

                      Hi again, I hope you can give me some orientation about this. I am using the coconut oil, insert every night in my vagina, it is very itchy still, and specially around the pubic hair area and rectum area. I had for one week a white small discharge, like mucus. Since 2 days ago it began to show spotting, and now it is bleeding more, not heavy like a menstrual period. I was wondering if this is what happens when candida or biofilm is breaking, or its beginning to clear up? Might candida be dying, for that reason the bleeding now?

                      April 24, 2017
                    • Rebekah W.
                      Rebekah W.

                      Sandra, an internal cleanse with charcoal often flushes Candida out into the open, so to speak. Wherever it was lurking in your tissues, it comes to the surface, but that means it can now be killed topically, and it won’t come back anymore.
                      Do you have any Femdophilus on hand?
                      A capsule inserted vaginally and another rectally will kill it and stop the itching.
                      The bleeding..that’s a first. Have you had an IUD placed recently?
                      That can cause both spotting, AND a Candida breakout.

                      April 24, 2017
                    • Sandra

                      Wow, did not know it existed. I will order it right away.
                      Yes, I have a Mirena since 2007. Never itched in my pubic hair area until 2010, ever since then (I had it taken out in 2015 and a new one placed in again) I have had this terrible itch that comes and goes, mostly when I am tense or nervous it itches more, don’t know why?
                      I have had spotting in the past, true, maybe this is a Candida break out, which is good, means its dying??.
                      Questions please help me out:
                      1. Can I open the capsule and mix it with Coconut Oil, freeze it and then insert one vaginally and the other rectally? I am afraid the capsule is going to stay around there….
                      2. I have been putting Coconut Oil in pubic hair area for 2 weeks and still itchy, I started applying a mix of 2 Tbsp Coc.Oil + 4 drops TeaTreeOil with a cotton swab in that area, my 2nd day. Do you think this is a good approach?
                      Any opinion is much appreciated. Thank you.

                      April 24, 2017
                    • Rebekah W.
                      Rebekah W.

                      The best and fastest way to kill topical Candida is with wet charcoal: you just have to KEEP it wet. Some exceptionally hardy bacteria (like E. coli) can *travel* through coconut oil on the skin, but nothing can get past wet charcoal.

                      I think you can mix the probiotic into your coconut bullets and freeze, but your average gelatin capsule is fine: it really will melt.
                      I promise. I tried it. 😀

                      April 24, 2017
                    • Sandra

                      Will do with capsule, I trust you. Thank you. One last question on this topic, for how long do I keep the Charcoal wet in the skin pubic hair area?

                      April 24, 2017
                    • Rebekah W.
                      Rebekah W.

                      Try to keep it on for at least an hour at a time. You’ll feel a tingling when you first apply it: it starts killing Candida on contact.

                      You should probably mow the grass short first, to prevent thatch from interfering. ?

                      I first discovered charcoal by using it for a topical Candida infection: it did an INCREDIBLE job! You’ll feel the difference in minutes, I promise.

                      April 24, 2017
                    • Sandra

                      Hi Rebekah, Yes it is working ! Thank you. I stopped two days ago taking OLE, Oregano Oil, Cinnamon Tea, Garlic, still doing Charcoal, not as often, but still the past 3 days in the mornings on an empty stomach. Since I stopped taking the above, I have begun getting anxious, insomnia, heartburn today and this headache like migraine. It feels like die-off symptoms, but how come I am getting all of this if I stopped with all of the above (Ole,Oreg,Cinnam,etc..)? Might you know what is happening?

                      April 27, 2017
                    • Rebekah W.
                      Rebekah W.

                      Yes, you pulled the top layer of Candida off the walls of your gut, and the part underneath that’s rooted into the walls is flipping out and oozing toxins.
                      It happens in some cases where the Candida has been deeply embedded for a long time.
                      What size charcoal dose are you taking in the mornings? How fast are your bowels moving?
                      When they slow down, more toxins are absorbed into your bloodstream.

                      April 27, 2017
                    • Sandra

                      Oh….I am taking 1 1/4 tsp every morning. Bowels are just once a day now.
                      I also took a new enzyme I bought that I read could help with digestion, but stopped taking it because I thought it made my headaches worse, its called Dr. Best Digestive Enzyme. This headache is still there! What should I do? Continue doing laxative emptying my gut every 3 days which is what I was doing, every day resulted in too much for my body to handle. I guess I have so much Candida in me.

                      April 27, 2017
                    • Rebekah W.
                      Rebekah W.

                      Drink plenty of lemon water to keep things moving: do you have any Femdophilus? It’s great at killing Candida and UTI-causing bacteria: everyone should take that one during and after charcoal cleansing.

                      April 27, 2017
                    • Sandra

                      I ordered Femdophilus, arriving on Saturday, thank you. Do you think that taking more Charcoal would help with clearing Candida and die-off? Also, do you think I should keep on taking OLE, Oregano Oil every day? Should I use more Mag.Citrate to keep taking layers off? Please any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

                      April 27, 2017
                    • Rebekah W.
                      Rebekah W.

                      You don’t have an active infection right now, correct?
                      If not, you can take ascorbic acid to flush the Candida toxins out faster, which will enable you to take a larger daily charcoal dose.
                      I would take 4 OLE in the morning and evening, 1.5 grams of ascorbic acid twice a day, and 2-3 tsp of charcoal first thing in the morning, as soon as your bowels are more frequent from the OLE and ascorbic acid.

                      April 27, 2017
                    • Sandra

                      Correct, I do not have a current infection right now. Because of my IC though sometimes it feels like that, which is why I am trying very hard to get rid of Candida, I think that if I get rid of that my IC would get better.
                      I will do as you write above. Thank you does not even cover how grateful I am for your advice, time and sharing of your knowledge, wisdom, and information.
                      Rebekah, do you know of anyone who has actually been cured of their IC once Candida is under control ?

                      April 27, 2017
                    • Rebekah W.
                      Rebekah W.

                      Sandra, I’m actually working with someone (diagnosed with IC 5 years ago) on that right now, and so far, it’s going excellently well!

                      I’m going to start a wider trial soon, within the FB group. If you want to be part of it, let me know!

                      April 27, 2017
                    • Sandra

                      Yes! Very interested.
                      I just sent you an email to your email address
                      Could you please let me know if you received it, so we can coordinate.
                      Thank you !!!

                      April 27, 2017
                    • Rebekah W.
                      Rebekah W.

                      Got it, and replied!

                      April 27, 2017
  21. Corina

    after drinking 1/2 cup of cinamon tea, is the vomiting sensation a normal side-effect? or should i shop?
    should i try the cayenne pepper if the ginger is not disturbing me and cinamon is ok while putting in on food (oats) ?

    thnak you.

    April 9, 2017
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Nausea after drinking cinnamon tea means you have a bad case of Candida!The best way to deal with it is to take some charcoal as soon as you can: check out the recent “quick and dirty cleanse” post.

      April 9, 2017
      • Corina

        Thank you so much for the reply Rebekah!

        Your post and advices might give me the wish of living again. I’ve been stuggling with an ecoli UTI for more than 4 years now (with the urge to pee every 10 min or so, that means no job, no social life,no life).
        I don’t know if it placebo or no, but it’s day 1 for me and i think i already feel some improvement, whitch is WOW for me.

        I wanted to ask, is it ok if i take the garlic cloves+cayenne pepper+OLE while eating (I mean all 3 during the same meal, with food)?
        (sorry for my english)

        Thank you again. You are such an inspiration!

        April 9, 2017
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          Yes, Corina! You can take them all together every time you eat, and take a bedtime dose with a snack. Just remember that you’re likely to start having Candida die-off symptoms soon..I hope you’ve got charcoal already!

          I don’t know if you’ve read the About page, but I had an E. coli infection for that long, too.

          You CAN beat this: I promise!

          If you’ve got a Facebook account, feel free to join the group!

          April 9, 2017
  22. Tanya Veleva
    Tanya Veleva

    Bekah, just wanted to let you know I’ve been following this protocol for 3 days while waiting for the big guns Vitacost order.

    I did find out I had accidentally gotten Olive Leaf extract in another product I got from Pure Encapsulations called Microdefense. It has Olive Leaf 100mg per capsule 15% oleuwhatever, and also has 100mg Berberine, Grapefruit seed extract, Wormwood and clove oil – it’s aimed at gut and urinary microbial balance, and I got it before I found your blog. So I started taking that 3 days ago, at 5-6 capsules a day in addition to the above regimen.

    I also had coincidentally just finished a Parasite Cleanse from Renew Life called ParaGone just as I came accross your blog – I was travelling a lot in Asia, so wanted to do it preventatively. So my bowels were in good shape when I came across your protocols, and I felt safe taking charcoal as soon as you enlightened me about the Candida issue.

    So long story short, as soon as I’d finished the ParaGone, I read about the Candida issue and UTIs (and Paragone doesn’t really address candida all that well) so I toll 5 caps of charcoal (2500mg total) and 2-3 hours later after a bowel movement, I felt brain fog lifting and huge energy and improvement in symptoms right away. It was instantaneous. I must have had a lot of candida that was weakened by the Paragone and the charcoal just swept it all away..

    Since then for 3 days I followed the above protocol, while also adding charcoal and the Microdefense product with the smaller doses olive leaf. Had massive headaches at the end of the first day (with a great improvement in energy after the first charcoal dose) and then less headaches the second day and today (3rd day). Energy levels are great, and I finally cleared up all the mucus from the colds and flus I’ve had concurrently with this UTI. The UTI has been going on for 2 months already. Can’t tell if it’s just 1 long UTI and several concurrent ones, probably just one long one. Since it’s my first one, I didn’t recognize the symptoms until I was a month into it at which point it got so bad I considered going to ER and getting antibiotics. I had blood in my urine (small amount) and low back pain back then.

    But I stuck through it, and tried everything under the sun, goldenseal seemed to help, but I didnt’ know I was supposed to avoid sugar, alcohol and sex, so these things made it come back or never go away completely.

    Now after 3 days of your protocol, my symptoms are almost gone! I still test positive in the mornings, both for leukos and nites, the nites are very light and leaukos are better than 2 days ago.

    So I’m not cured, but getting there, thanks to you.

    I can’t wait to start the Phase 2 protocol tomorrow. I have a feeling it will finish off whatever is left of these fuckers. 😀

    On top of that, I feel so much more energy and wellbeing (had no idea I had candida!) and I’ve done gut cleansing protocols before, have a squeaky clean diet, save for a couple of holiday detours recently. So I would have never guessed it’s Candida.

    I can’t thank you enough for your blog. You have helped and continue helping so many women like you and me, and what you’ve done here is amazing. Laid out in enough detail but not overwhelming, and I love your Gifs and jokes, and your hope and encouragement in your posts!

    If there’s anything I can do to help you maintain the blog into the future or help spread the word, let me know. My email should hopefully come through to you via this comment box.

    And I’ll post my progress with phase II for the other women out there, who are hoping for success stories, like I did when I read through all the comments. It seems to be working wonderfully.

    As an aside, I’ve also been doing Chinese herbs prescribed through my Chinese herbalist and acupuncturist (have no idea what they are, but any Chinatown in a bigger city should have these docs, and they know what’s up!

    In addition, for people struggling with Candida, or any autoimmune issue that is gut-related, I want to say I did this Gut Cleanse program 2 years ago when it first launched, by Christa Orecchio and it changed my life (and my husband’s too!) so it’s worth checking out. I’m not affiliated with them in any way, I’ve just been through it, know it works, and it was the end of my quest of solving gut issues 2 years ago (they recommend repeating it every 2 years, and it’s somewhat similar to your protocol here, but much more targetted) I was going to do it again to get rid of this bacterial infection and avoid antibiotics (haven’t taken any for many years, and prefer to keep it that way). But your protocol is much simpler, so I’m really glad I found it. However, if anyone is looking for a comprehensive protocol for restoring your gut, the program is called Gut Thrive in 5.

    That was my little contribution here, inspired by Bekah’s generosity with her time and resourcefullness.

    January 5, 2017
  23. Linda

    I’m four days into a two-week vacation with my husband in Europe. Overnight I came down with a raging UTI. I have battled these infections on and off since I was a young girl. Most recently being post menopause has brought on a series of injections. In desperation this morning I found this blog on the Internet as I am in a hotel room in a France. I started the emergency protocol but not sure what more I can do to stabilize my bladder/ut as we are traveling by train tomorrow to another city. I’m sure I have candida but cannot go through all of the protocol for that until I return to the states. I need to better asap and enjoy my trip 🙁 I don’t like antibiotics…

    October 20, 2016
  24. Amy

    Hi –

    Does olive leaf extract cause burning in the vagina and while urinating? My UTI is much better, but that problem persists. After 3 days of this, I so much want it over and am trying to determine if I need an antibiotic. Thanks!

    October 14, 2016
  25. Amber devane
    Amber devane

    Do you recommend D-mannose? I have had 2 consecutive UTI’s (many more over my lifetime) that have been E Coli infected. Blogs I read recommend D- Mannose? Your thoughts?

    September 17, 2016
  26. Sonali

    Hi Rebekah, thank you so much for sharing your incredible knowledge with the world! I just finished antibiotics for a multi-drug resistant E. Coli UTI. My meds finished 4 days ago and I’ve taken d-mannose everyday since and just started taking raw garlic with meals yesterday. I tested this AM and have trace leukocytes. I’m obviously concerned about a recurrence with such a resistant bug and wanted to know where it would be best for me to start. Ultimately, I want to eliminate any chance of this becoming an on-going issue. Please let me know if you think I should start with Phase 1 or 2. Thank you in advance.

    August 10, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Start with Phase II if you already have the olive leaf extract!

      Sorry I took so long to see this: I somehow missed seeing a notification for it.

      August 11, 2016
      • Sonali

        I have the OLE and started this morning with my first dose along with cayenne and garlic. The charcoal is on hand too once I’m running like a tap, so keeping my fingers crossed it works for me. Thanks Rebekah!

        August 11, 2016
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.


          If you’re on Facebook, join the support group and you can instant message me anytime!

          Watch closely for die-off symptoms! You never know how much you have in there till it starts dying, so you have to feel your way along and be responsive to your symptoms. If your bowels don’t cut loose in the first couple of days, that’s when you need to do a laxative/charcoal cleanse to jumpstart things.

          August 11, 2016
          • Rebekah W.
            Rebekah W.

            I sent you a message on FB, Sonali!

            August 11, 2016
  27. ednafj

    Hi Bekah, I ran out of OLE and am now taking only raw garlic and ginger tea. I took the calcium- buffered ascorbic acid and my pelvic doesn’t feel right, there’s some kind of discomfort. So I’m stopping that to see if I ‘d feel better. You also wrote in one of the pages here people can react negatively to ginger. I mean some strain of bacteria react negatively to ginger.

    I want to know what’s causing this pelvic discomfort. Is it something I should not be taking like the buffered Vit. C or do I still have UTI?

    I’m also planning to take quercetin /bromelain because my nasal congestion is bad these days and I can’t take vit c. I hope quercetin is ok to take with garlic, ginger, or OLE in case I continue with that.Have to do some research before ordering quercetin. If you know the answer, let me know. Thanks.

    August 5, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      I’ll bet you still have the UTI: do you have any home test strips?
      Have you done an intestinal cleanse with charcoal yet? You shouldn’t have nasal congestion while you’re on OLE and garlic..unless you have Candida with a biofilm keeping everything in place.
      As far as I know, the quercitin is fine: most of these natural things don’t interact with each other negatively.

      August 5, 2016
      • ednafj

        I don’t have home test strips, but my doc wanted me to come back this month or next and he’ll most probably do UTI test again. (And maybe chide me if I still have UTI.! He’s a non believer in alternative meds, he said. He’s from Europe but fluent in Japanese and English) .

        I don’t have OLE now, I took last month for more than 10 days including the days when I slowly increased the dosage. I took charcoal but only for about 5 days. Should I continue the charcoal even if I’m taking only raw garlic and ginger?
        Until when do I take the activated charcoal?

        By the way, I’ve got caprylic acid here, 2 bottles which I almost didn’t use save for about 3 caps.
        I heard it’s good for yeast infection. Is that ok to take together with the garlic and ginger?

        August 6, 2016
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          Can you just do garlic and cinnamon tea, in place of the ginger? Yes, caprylic acid is excellent against yeast, and it’s just fine to use with everything else.

          If you clean out with a saline laxative (2 cups very warm water, 1.5 tsp sea salt) and then take several doses of charcoal (2500-3000 mg & 12-16 oz water) in succession, 1 hour apart, then wait two hours after the last dose of charcoal before you eat or take anything, you can be sure that you got a lot of Candida.
          How many times you need to do that depends on how much you have: some women have insane amounts of resistant Candida after years of antibiotics and antifungals.

          August 6, 2016
          • ednafj

            Sorry I’m avoiding the cinnamon these days because of histamine issues. I did take caprylic acid last night and garlic and ginger tea this morning, and got diarrhea! Felt fatigued too and nausea, must be die-offs I thought. I took 4 caps of activated charcoal , about 2000 mg this morning. Still feeling the nausea though.
            I didn’t take the saline laxative because my diarrhea might worsen. Thanks for the advice about charcoal. That was the key.

            August 7, 2016
            • Rebekah W.
              Rebekah W.

              Excellent!! Keep it up with that caprylic acid and charcoal: great work!

              August 7, 2016
              • ednafj

                Thank you!

                August 8, 2016
  28. Kamilla

    Yes, my pain is less today, maybe it is safe to say that I have none. I took Diflucan yesterday though. I had too. 🙁
    Today I m not taking D-Mannose any more.
    I can’t wait for my OLE. I Hope it arrives tomorrow and I can go full force to destroy this Candida.

    July 21, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Keep slamming the cinnamon tea and raw garlic, and keeping your bladder empty! I’m sure the OLE will be there tomorrow!

      July 21, 2016
  29. Kamilla

    Awesome!! Thanks. Got it and read it through. Printed every page and highlighted what needed.

    Second day in a row I m testing my urine. Leukocyte safe present but no Nitrates.
    I guess that’s better then have both. Made myself the cinnamon tee drinking it all day and eating the raw garlic with lunch and dinner. That’s should jump start the destroying process until my pills arrive right?

    July 21, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Yes! You’re doing great!

      I think it’s safe to say that you have a gram positive infection, like staph, strep, or entero.
      OLE and garlic are highly effective against those.
      Your pain is less, I take it?

      July 21, 2016
  30. kamilla

    Thank you so much . Now almost everything is clear.

    Where do I find :::::the list linked in the pH Connection post ?

    July 21, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      You can scroll down the main page a bit to find that post, or click on the link in the text “no cranberry juice!” in the Emergency Pain Relief post. That goes to the pH Connection post: read through it for an understanding on the effect pH has on an infection (not boring, I promise) and at the end is a link to the chart.

      July 21, 2016
  31. kamilla

    What do you mean by take 2-3 large doses of charcoal in rapid succession? Should I take the pills during the day and powder later? What would you suggest? I see you prefer the powder. They both coming on Friday 🙂 Also I see you suggest taking OLE with breakfast.I dont eat breakfast. Until noon I eat only some kind of a fruit. My morning routine is two vegan capsules filled with cayenne pepper followed by a glass of water then an hour later 1-2 lemon followed by glass of water. Around 10-11 I usually make a smoothie from a banana-melon, or something like that. Would that be ok to take the OLE capsules with my smoothie?

    I also see you suggest to take charcoal in the middle of a 4 hour fasting window between meals. what you mean is that after I had my lunch wait 4 hours before I would take the charcoal dose? but the directions says 2 hours later…I am sorry I am just a bit confused here and I want to follow your protocol exactly as you suggest. can you please clarify it for me a little bit,
    Thank you!

    July 20, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      You take several doses of charcoal in succession when you’ve emptied your gut thoroughly with a laxative, so the charcoal flushes through picking up Candida as it goes, the entire length of your gut.
      You can take either the pills or the powder anytime, as long as you’re strict about timing it properly.
      You don’t have to eat to take OLE: it’s perfectly gentle and safe on an empty stomach unless you’re riddled with Candida, but no on who’s done Phase I has that much Candida left in the stomach area…you could definitely take it with cayenne. You can also take them with a smoothie..beware of the sugar in fruit and any kind that’s acid-forming: look at the list linked in the pH Connection post and pick fruit from the alkaline side..that isn’t too sweet. Sugar is pure UTI food.

      The four hour fasting window is between OLE/garlic doses, with food (because you can’t eat in that window or your charcoal will bind to it, and not Candida). When you take supplements and food together, four hours apart, you can take charcoal in the middle of that four hours, so there’s a 2 hour buffer on either side of it.

      July 21, 2016
  32. Kamilla

    I m just wondering how safe it is after colposcopy that I had just done last Thursday. She my GYN forgot to answer to that question . I have to ask her again.

    July 20, 2016
  33. Kamilla

    Yes , exactly that … Haha
    That’s all they do.. That is their job to prescribe medications.. I have been taking Diflucan since I m 20 years old.. Countless times..

    July 20, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      I don’t know how much good that will do you now..but I can tell you that coconut oil is completely gentle and harmless, and it will melt and absorb into the tissue walls. It’s not like…um, having a guest.

      July 20, 2016
  34. Kamilla

    I have the coconut oil and the ginger and I also read the vaginal health.

    But I just had a colposcopy done last Thursday and my GYN said I should not have anything put up there for at least one week I believe. I just send her an email. I m waiting on a response from her to be sure on the time period.

    July 20, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      What did she say you should do about the yeast? Just take Diflucan?

      July 20, 2016
  35. Kamilla

    Omg.. Yes I did have multiply infections.. Specially in my 20’s . I m 42 now. In the passed years it got less and less. But oh Lord how much I have suffered in those years.. The Angels sent you to many of us in need to kill this vicious duo.
    I ordered the charcoal and olive leaf extract. Now I just have to have them on hand to start taking them. My stools are usually loose because I don’t eat meet and reduced the sweets a lot. Right now I m doing. A cleansing that consist of no meet and no sugar no bread. I have been doing liquid fasting in the passed 3 months twice. So my stools usually loose. I eat a lots of raw food , veggies etc.
    I do have coconut oil at home. I will get ginger powder then. The raw ginger isn’t good? I have organic cinnamon stick. Would that be better then the cinnamon powder?

    I haven’t get a chance to read your blog on vaginal health yet because last night at midnight when I found your site accidentally and I dived right into it. So much amazing helpful and most importantly healing information. Just Reading all of it already feeling good about knowing that I m on the right path to kill these vicious duo forever in my body.

    Thanks for all what you do!

    July 20, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Raw ginger is fine: more people are likely to have the powder on hand so that’s what I mention first.
      Check out this post for instructions on what to do for the yeast..

      The cinnamon has to thoroughly infuse the water, so I would grind the cinnamon stick into a powder before using. You’re going to be able to use charcoal quickly, on that diet with your bowels that loose. It will vacuum the Candida from your gut in no time: it’s amazing.
      If you’re on FB, send me an e-mail and I’ll give you the link to a support group I made for you ladies: some of my healed veterans are in there to help encourage new people along.

      July 20, 2016
  36. Kamilla

    Thank you . Which brand of charcoal would you suggest to buy. I already ordered the brand of OLE you have suggested. Should be here in a few days. Until then I can’t really start on this. I did write you again in more details of my situation in another comment.

    July 20, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      You can pick up any activated charcoal made from hardwood bark or coconut shell, but my favorite is the Rocky Mountain Essentials brand I linked in the Supplies page. It’s 8 oz of loose powder, making it a better deal than the capsules, and easier to use if you want to make a poultice, too. If you want capsules, I linked to Nature’s Way as well: they’re a good brand and the capsules are 500 mg each, when many brands only have 260 mg per capsule.

      You should get a benefit from cinnamon tea: it kills Candida, so you can start right now and hopefully be having loose bowels by the time the OLE and charcoal get there.

      July 20, 2016
  37. Kamilla


    I forgot to mention I took about 8 D-Mannose today that of 4000mg.

    July 20, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Definitely start Phase I right away, as well!

      July 20, 2016
  38. Kamilla


    I currently have a UTI and I already feel the yeast infection with it. Started to take D-Mannose today and feeling better already. But the itching and spareness is getting uncomfortable now. I guess my question to you is that can I take Diflucan to ease these discomfort and then start your Phase I and II?
    I actually just started yestrrday a Cayenne pepper treatment: I take every morning of 2 vegan capsules filled (by me) with Cayenne Pepper on empty stomach and 2 full lemon one hour later. I drink about one glass of water with these.

    Thank you for your wonderful generosity of your time to helping all of us.

    July 20, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Yes, you can can take Diflucan..but if you’ve taken it previously, your Candida might not respond to it. I would make a batch of cinnamon tea and drink at least 3 cups today. You can start Phase I and take Diflucan at the same time: they don’t conflict with each other.

      Do you have any coconut oil on hand? Have you read the post on vaginal health? You can stop that itching in its tracks if you have coconut oil and powdered ginger on hand.

      July 20, 2016
  39. Mandy

    Sounds like you may have IC or a biofilm!

    July 18, 2016
  40. ednafj

    Hello Bekah, from Edna. I switched here from the emails. Re ascorbic Vitamin C again. I only see Ascorbic vitamin C in the store and online. The calcium-buffered , does it means Ascorbic acid vitamin C buffered with calcium ascorbate?

    Also, although my symptoms are easing, I don’t know if I’m also reacting to cayenne because some websites says it’s also high histamine, if I remember it right, and I have histamine issues. But I’ve got to take vitamin C for it.

    Do you know of any good substitute for cayenne, I’m still taking raw garlic 3x a day and ginger tea, but perhaps I need something to take the place of cayenne. Thank you.

    July 17, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Ginger is usually the substitute for cayenne, because they’re both terpenoids, but you’re already taking that..I would take cinnamon instead of cayenne, and see how you do. You can take the same doses, 1/4 tsp four times per day, and monitor to see how the infection responds.
      And on the calcium-buffered Vitamin C: yes, you are correct. I think you can take that form and not make your UTI flare..I would try small amounts and monitor symptoms and test results closely, to make sure it’s not negatively affecting you.

      July 18, 2016
  41. Boo


    I fell into an internet black hole of random clicking, and ended up on your site. I don’t currently have a UTI, but am interested in the idea of killing off all stubborn infections (I have had an annoying sinus infection for two years now, off and on) and Candida, (operating on the assumption that I must have it). Do I need to worry about doing the Phase 1, or could I just start at Phase 2, when the OLE arrives?

    Also, you say that for activated charcoal, take 6 caps if it is around 500mg. The amazon link you have leads me to Nature’s Way, which have 560mg and a serving size of two caps. So…does this mean I need 6 or 12 (6 “servings”) capsules? I guess I am wondering what mg of charcoal I should be aiming for.

    Just a funny thought…given the nature of your blog, I misread it as “The Panty Pharmacy.”

    July 16, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.


      I hope that doesn’t catch on. LOLOL

      In your case, I would start drinking cinnamon tea right away, and order OLE and charcoal, and start the Phase II dosage instructions when it gets there.
      On the dosage of the latter, the amount depends on how fast your bowels are moving at that point. If you make sure they’re empty first, (with a laxative) you can take the 2500 mg dose. If they’re moving fast and loose, take 1250 mg at a time, being careful to follow the timing instructions.

      “Two capsules per day” is the standard dosing instruction on pretty much any herbal supplement: it’s generally worthless as a guideline.
      Research, research, research everything before taking! And ask as many questions as occur to you.

      July 16, 2016
  42. Mandy

    I want to say ! My toothache is gone since starting your protocol

    July 13, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Praise the Lord and pass the olive leaf extract!
      *fist bump*


      July 13, 2016
  43. Mandy

    Where can I find the charcoal protocol?
    Also how will this affect me if I start tomm? I have 2 job interviews. Prob better to wait to take it ?

    July 12, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      It’s in the Troubleshooting OLE post..and yes, I would wait until after your interview! No point in risking it. ?

      July 12, 2016
  44. Ali

    Hi Rebekah,

    I had some questions on Phase I:

    Lemon water: Do I drink 1 16oz of lemon water per day?

    Garlic Cloves: Is it better to swallow the pieces or crush the garlic and eat it with food?

    Tea: Can i just mix the ginger powder and cinnamon powder in boiling water to make the tea?

    Baking Soda: Is their a specific brand I should use ?

    what do you mean by steeping ginger in coconut oil?

    Thank you

    July 12, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      You can drink lemon water all day long, or you can make the baking soda water at half strength (1/4 tsp per 8 oz water) and drink that all day as long as you don’t have any high BP issues. Just make sure you don’t over-drink and dilute your meds too much.

      The main thing with garlic is NOT to heat it, so you can mix it with food if it isn’t hot. I swallow it with water so I don’t have to chew it. LOL

      Yes, you can mix the spice into hot water and just pour it off after it’s steeped and settled. You don’t want to ingest the cinnamon grounds, is all.

      No, baking soda is baking soda, plain sodium bicarbonate. Any brand is fine.

      Check out the post on vaginal health for specific instructions: you mix ground ginger into melted coconut oil and let it sit in a warm (90-95 degrees F) place for 3-4 hours, then cool to room temp and form the oil into a cylinder, then freeze.

      July 12, 2016
  45. Mandy

    I took 3 OLE and didn’t really eat much since I was rushing. Symptoms are periodic headaches , occasional nausea , fatigue and some slight vsginal itching almost like the start of yeast infection. I also felt a slight burning after taking cayenne ? Is this die off ? I don’t feel like I’m dying and I don’t feel the popping of Candida people claim happens

    Maybe I need to do the protocol on empty stomach?

    July 12, 2016
    • Mandy

      I think I need to do your Candida protocol. I’ve had Candida a long time , and ive been on antibiotics many times over the last 2 years. I’ll keep you posted
      Question: what natural laxative do you recommend ?

      July 12, 2016
      • Rebekah W.
        Rebekah W.

        Honestly, a dose of magnesium citrate is the most efficient if you want to get it over with quickly. It’s not a chemical irritant like many laxatives. They have it at drug stores and at places like Wal-Mart and Target. It’s a clear liquid in a 10 oz bottle for about $1. You drink the whole bottle, and stay close to the bathroom for a few hours. When you’re empty, you’re ready for a big dose of charcoal and water to wipe out that Candida.

        July 12, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Slight burning? In your stomach, or in your bladder?
      How are the UTI symptoms?

      July 12, 2016
      • Mandy

        Burning was a little in bladder, but its gone. I have a lot of gas, indigestion, and loose stool and I am going very frequently. I must have went 4 or 5 times today. Overall, my stomach feel disturbed, like I have really bad indigestion, and I really havent eaten anything gassy except 1 clove of garlic.

        UTI symptoms are manageable. I took 1 advil, but didnt really need much more. That is pretty typical of IC for me on a good day.

        July 12, 2016
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          What you’re taking is being mostly expended on your Candida, based on that.
          Candida leaks toxins (79 different kinds) into you a little at a time, all the time, but when it dies, all those toxins come out at once, temporarily sending all your Candida symptoms into overdrive.
          People who experience anxiety from Candida have an anxiety attack, people who have a tendency to indigestion have a raging case of it, people who have a skin issue break out, that sort of thing.
          The good news is, this doesn’t last long, and the bounce back is AMAZING.
          You’re ready to take charcoal, with your bowels that loose and frequent. If you have some on hand, take 1500 mg in between OLE doses (a heaping 1/4 tsp) with 8 oz water. You read up on how to do the timing with charcoal, right?

          July 12, 2016
      • Kamilla Abraham
        Kamilla Abraham


        Could I use enema for a quick empty of the gut? I think that is the quickest to get it ready for the charcoal.

        July 20, 2016
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.


          Then take 2-3 large doses of charcoal in rapid succession, then wait two hours and take OLE/garlic. Keep strictly to the full protocol, keeping your bladder empty, your pH up, and avoiding every food/drink that could possibly feed the infection. Do that for 5 full days straight before you even think about decreasing anything.
          You’ve got to kick this thing while it’s down.

          July 20, 2016
  46. Ali

    I been trying to fight this UTI infection for a couple of months now. I have taken a bunch of antibiotics and I havent been able to get rid of it. My symptoms are just pressure in lower abdominal and urgency to use the restroom. The bacteria they found in the urine culture is enterococcus. I have had a few UTI’s in the past but I have been able to get rid of them with in a few days. I have never experienced a UTI like this one because the symptoms arent that bad like the others they were painful but they were treated with in a few days. I just finished my last dose of antibiotics today but still have symptoms. I noticed some discharged which is probably yeast infection from the cipro. Was going to get some fluconazole from the pharmacy and take that tomorrow. I just wanted to get your advise and see what treatment I should start so I can kill this bacteria. Thank you for any advise you can give me.

    July 12, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Got any coconut oil? Ginger? Check out the post on vaginal health for instructions on how to kill that yeast immediately.

      I would start using the instructions in this Phase I post immediately, and order some olive leaf extract! Did you see the Supplies page? That has the best brands, and also lists the things you may have in the pantry right now that you can use. (You won’t need the cayenne pepper, for enterococcus)
      I would make a batch of cinnamon tea right away, and keep your pH up with a glass or two of baking soda water per day, and your bladder empty while you wait for some good OLE to arrive in the mail.
      And start steeping ginger in coconut oil, for tonight!

      July 12, 2016
  47. Mandy

    I do think I have biofilms, and prob both GBS and E coli, bc I forgot to take dmannose last night and I started to bleed again. Got up at night, took dmannose and bleeded stopped.

    July 12, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Then it’s definitely E. coli!

      July 12, 2016
  48. Mandy

    I have the 750mg caps.
    So 3 with breakfast, and lunch,2 for dinner?

    I do feel less pain and pressure, so something is working despite what test strips say

    July 12, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Oh yes, it’s working, it’s just that you have Candida in the way, using up some of the OLE. Increase gradually, because the Sudden Death of lots of Candida will have *you* feeling like you’re dying.

      July 12, 2016
  49. Mandy

    Im on day 3 of this protocol. I smell horrible! I am feeling somewhat better, def less urgency and pain….but I did take a home UTI test and it is bright positive. How long will until the infection actually clears? I am going to do a PCR test to see what species of bacteria this is. I also found a practitioner who can diagnose biofilms, so I want to see if perhaps I am dealing with something bigger here.

    July 12, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      How much OLE and garlic are you taking per dose, per day, and what kind of Candida die-off symptoms are you experiencing?

      I would check out the Troubleshooting OLE post, if you haven’t yet.

      July 12, 2016
      • Mandy

        2 OLE for breakfast and lunch, 1 OLE with dinner
        1 -2 cloves garlic per meal, 3 times a day. and I smell, refuse to take anymore!!

        I really only have headaches now. Not much more. I think I prob need to hit the candida first, before this protocol will work, HUH?

        July 12, 2016
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          Oh, girl. You need to keep building up with that OLE! You said you have Swanson? Regular, 15% oleuropein in 500 mg capsules, or the 20% in the 750 mg capsule?
          If the former, you need to be taking 4 per meal and 4 before bed. If the latter, 3 per meal and 2 before bed.

          What’s happening right now is you’re taking relatively low doses, and they’re being mostly used up on killing Candida, so what makes it into your bladder is basically the dregs.
          You’re lightly slapping that UTI around right now, but you want to body slam it, and for that you need to bump up the OLE by 2-3 capsules every day.

          July 12, 2016
      • Mandy

        will look at that post, thanks

        July 12, 2016
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          Based on reading all your comments, your only problem is you’re not taking enough OLE yet!

          July 12, 2016
  50. Mandy

    What the heck is this weird funky odor in my urine and vagina ???

    July 11, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      You would not believe what can get flushed out of the woodwork when you start taking these things. Have your sinuses started doing funky things yet? Ears popped?

      If you’ve got coconut oil, you should read the post on vaginal health, and get to it! It sounds like your whole system is cleaning house.

      July 11, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Yes, your bladder gets better while the rest of you feels worse! That’s Candida-killing, all the way. Your bladder gets relief, and everything else panics.

      The best thing to calm your gut and help with the odor at the same time is simply a glass of baking soda water..I luuuurv me some apples, but keep it to a minimum lest the fruit sugars cause a UTI flare-up.They’re moderately alkaline-forming in your body, so they’re not a complete no-no, but don’t eat more than one a day.

      July 11, 2016
  51. Mandy

    You mean watery loose?

    July 11, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.


      As in, you dare not trust a fart. ?

      July 11, 2016
  52. Mandy

    Hi Bekah,
    I started your protocol last night and again today. I am already noticing less frequency, spasms, and pain! Could this really be working? If so, where can I write you a check for donation??? Seriously, let me know how we can support your cause.

    On another note, I notice I am feeling a mix of nausea, sometimes headache and anxiety. Almost like butterflies in my stomach. I also have soft stools and frequent stools. How would I know if I need the activated charcoal or not? I do have systemic candida, but not intestinal…..

    July 11, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      You can have intestinal Candida without testing positive: that just means it was clinging to the walls and not coming out.

      Brace yourself for more die-off symptoms, and lots and lots of time spent in the bathroom. It’s going to pour out of you for a while, but don’t take charcoal till you’re running like a tap, and then take 1/4 tsp (1200 mg) in 8 oz of water 2 hours after eating and taking OLE. Wait 2 more hours before eating again or taking anything. Just drink water in that 4 hour window.

      July 11, 2016
      • Mandy

        wait, did you want me to do the charcoal? I havent started that yet!!!

        July 11, 2016
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          Only if you feel like you killed so much Candida that you’re going to be really sick. In an emergency, you can either take a little charcoal to adsorb the toxins or take some kind of laxative to flush them out.

          If you’re feeling pretty crummy, but you can handle it, hold off on the charcoal until your bowels are completely loose and in full gear.

          July 11, 2016
  53. Mandy

    Yikes , my UTI test strip came out super dark for both leukocytes and nitrites !!!!! Does that mean my infection is getting worse ? I actually feel a bit better today , less spasms

    July 11, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Did you just spend a day doing it all right, slamming it hard with the protocol?
      It sounds like you had a ‘stampede’: check out the Troubleshooting: Did It Right post.

      July 11, 2016
      • Mandy

        I followed your emergency protocol last night!!!!

        July 11, 2016
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          I’m glad that your faith in a stranger on the Internet is working in your favor! 😀

          July 11, 2016
      • Mandy

        I am desperate! That is why I did it! Plus your rationale totally makes sense!

        July 11, 2016
  54. Mandy

    Hi Bekah,
    I had taken the OLE last night and woke up today w a massive headache. I will see how today goes ! Could be die off. Also forgot to tell you , I had a comprehensive gut protocol done and did not have Candida in my gut. I did have if in my organics test , which means I have it systemically

    July 11, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Yes, a massive headache is totally die-off! Mine always starts that way, with migraine-level pain, especially at the base of the skull.
      Taking OLE is like using a flamethrower on Candida, and it dies ugly.

      July 11, 2016
  55. Mandy

    Found this ! I actually had many of these when I took out IUD and started a gut healing protocol w my practitioner. I will see how I feel tomm. Should I still do baking soda and garlic ? I’m hurting

    Headache, fatigue, dizziness
    Swollen glands
    Bloating, gas, constipation or diarrhea
    Increased joint or muscle pain
    Elevated heart rate
    Chills, cold feeling in your extremities
    Body itchiness, hives or rashes
    Skin breakouts
    Recurring vaginal, prostate and sinus infections

    July 11, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Yes, baking soda water and garlic is a fantastic combination! It dramatically reduces pain in less than an hour.

      July 11, 2016
  56. Mandy

    What symptoms of die off exactly ?

    July 11, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      I think you’re already finding out…
      It typically starts with a headache and some nausea, and can get worse to the point of throwing up and begging your significant other for a swift death, which is why I’m always going, “Start small and build gradually!”, because Candida die-off is no joke.
      When it works its way through your system, it pours out of you like Niagara Falls.

      July 11, 2016
  57. Mandy

    Will do !! I already have OLE (Swanson) but I was only taking 2 a day. The bottle says 1 pill a day. Is it safe to take such a high dose ?
    Also , how long do most people have to do this protocol ? And how often ? Will the UTIs eventually start to occur less frequently ?

    Do you know if this protocol will help IC that is bacteria related ??

    July 11, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Yes, the dosage recommendation on the bottle is for daily maintenance in a healthy person, not infection treatment.
      There’s no such thing as a toxic dose of OLE: it’s completely safe to human cells, and deadly to pathogenic fungus, viruses, and bacteria (but not the beneficials).
      Have you had any die-off symptoms from the OLE? If not, your Candida may have a biofilm: check out the Troubleshooting post on OLE. I would take 2 with breakfast and lunch tomorrow, and one with dinner, and see how you feel. If that gives you no die-off, you’ll have to clear your system with a laxative so you can take charcoal on an empty gut to destroy your Candida and its biofilm in one fell swoop.

      Oh, and yes, this WILL kill your infection, stop the recurring infections, and clear up the IC, which is often due to an intestinal Candida overgrowth, which causes, among other things, persistent bladder inflammation.

      July 11, 2016
    • Mandy

      Would you like to communicate over email ? Seems like we have feet similar issues

      July 11, 2016
      • val

        Please try You can find it for free download on several sites. I have been struggling with similar IC?UTI? issues for more than a year. After 2 days of following this protocol I am symptom free, good luck to all

        November 21, 2017
  58. Bobbi

    I already have some Vitacost OLE. For Phase 1 do I to take cinnamon tea in addition to the OLE, garlic, and cayenne?

    I have a history of recurrent UTI with Group B strep. I do not currently have a UTI, but I have a big yeast problem. I currently have an oral yeast infection (primarily on the tongue). Diflucan and Nystatin have not been effective in eradicating the oral yeast, although it did slow down for a bit.

    Also, do I continue the lemon water on Phase II?

    Thank you so much for your help.

    July 8, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      For your situation, I would definitely make the cinnamon tea: mix the powder into the hot water, let it steep, and pour it off the grounds. Swish that cinnamon-infused water around in your mouth for 20 seconds each time, before swallowing. Work your way through an 8 oz cup like that, 3x a day.
      Also, in my experience the absolute best thing for a rooted-in yeast infection is activated charcoal. I had a yeast rash nothing could kill except for charcoal, applying it as a poultice. You can mix about 1000 mg of activated charcoal into a mouthful of water, like 2 oz, and swish that gritty black water around in your mouth for as long as you can. It will kill even the worst case of yeast that resists everything else: it just has to come into direct contact with it, and stay there for a while.

      The fastest way for you to deal with this would be to clear your gut out with something like liquid magnesium citrate, and when you’re empty, take a large dose of activated charcoal, at least 1/2 tsp (2500 mg) with 16 oz water. Repeat an hour later, then wait two hours, then eat a little something and take OLE and garlic.
      That charcoal will vacuum up and take out massive amounts of Candida, through the whole length of your gut, greatly shortening the amount of time it takes to deal with this.

      In your case, I would drink half-strength baking soda water, 1/4 tsp per 8 oz water, rather than lemon juice. Lemon alklalizes in your bloodstream, but it’s still acidic in your gut, where Candida is. Also, garlic isn’t as effective in an acidic environment as it is in a slightly alkaline one.

      July 8, 2016
      • Mandy

        Hi there, I am in the same boat. Long story short, was diagnosed with IC about 8 years ago after birth of my daughter via C section (wondering if catheter lead to biofilm). Then 2 years ago, I inserted a Mirena IUD and started getting wicked UTI’s. Most of them were GBS, like the poster above, but a few were E coli that went into my kidneys.

        I have been off and on antibiotics the last 2 years. My infections recur every 4 weeks! I am at wits end! I have tried Dmannose, oregano oil, glycine, Interphase plus biofilm enzymes, vit C and cran juice that I now see you dont recommend, and here I am again today with a blazing infection. The strips are showing dark for leukocytes and negative for nitrites. I will retest first thing in morning.

        I also took an organic acid test to find I have bacterial and yeast overgrowth systemically!

        Do you recommend I do your entire protocol. I am taking so many supplements now I cant keep up!! I see you are recommending charcoal too.

        July 10, 2016
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          D-mannose is completely useless for you: it only helps with E. coli and you don’t have that. Cranberry juice isn’t doing you any favors, either, or the Vitamin C.
          I would order Swanson or Vitacost OLE right away, and drink cinnamon tea 3x a day while taking 1-2 fat cloves minced raw garlic with every meal.
          Don’t mix it into food: swallow the little pieces with water, like pills.
          Sadly, oregano oil is virtually useless against a UTI, in my experience. (4/8/17 Edited to add: oregano oil can be very effective after a charcoal cleanse!)
          Keep your pH up with a pinch of baking soda in your water (1/4 tsp soda per 8oz), start killing Candida with cinnamon tea, and slam that UTI with garlic until the OLE gets there.

          July 10, 2016
      • Bobbi


        Just to make sure I understood correctly….

        Take 1/2 tsp of activated charcoal with 16 oz water. Then an hour later do I take another 1/2 tsp of activated charcoal with 16 oz of water OR just 16 oz of water without charcoal?

        I bought a bag of the loose powder (Rocky Mountain Essentials Coconut Activated Charcoal) rather than the charcoal capsules. I sure hope the charcoal works. I am getting slight headache and slight nausea with OLE, garlic, and cinnamon tea but my bowels are not loose. From what you’ve stated in earlier posts I am assuming my candida has a biofilm 🙁

        Thank you so much for your help.

        July 11, 2016
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          Until your bowels are loose, ONLY take 1/4 tsp charcoal at a time, and don’t take it at all if you have a tendency to constipation. If your bowels aren’t moving, you should take something to get them going, like magnesium citrate.

          The 1/2 tsp repeated dose is for when you’ve cleared your whole gut out with a laxative, first.

          July 11, 2016
      • Bobbi


        I have followed your recommendations as posted above. I took liquid magnesium citrate on Friday plus two doses (1/2 tsp each) of charcoal at the advised intervals. I took a third dose of charcoal (1/2 tsp) upon waking Saturday. I then waited 2 hours, ate normally and took OLE and garlic with meals. Saturday night I had a lot of gas and cramping in the entire abdominal area. How can I tell if the course of charcoal worked to remove candida from the gut? I do not currently have a UTI.

        I do however have a history of recurrent UTI over the last 1.5 years (they have all been Group B Strep with the exception of one E. coli). I have been on antibiotics almost constantly during that time. If I have intercourse, I get an infection. I believe the only reason I do not have an infection right now is because I am abstaining from intercourse (luckily I have a patient hubby who wants me to get well). Going through menopause seems to have contributed to the problem. I plan to go through the Phase II protocol and vaginal protocol in hopes that I can begin to live life normally and not fear getting an infection. Being that I do not have a UTI currently, do you have any advice as to how long I should stay on Phase II?

        The oral yeast infection is not budging. I have tried swishing cinnamon, coconut oil, and charcoal – at separate times. It is only on the tongue. If I eventually kill the candida in the gut, do you think the candida in the mouth will go away?

        I noticed that you are starting to participate in affiliate programs. Have you ever looked at
        This website has a lot of good information about blogging and earning an income from it. You are helping a lot of people here. It would be nice if you could get some compensation for that.

        July 18, 2016
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          Did your gut completely empty out after the magnesium citrate?
          How are your bowels moving now?
          Do you still have any die-off symptoms after taking OLE now, or was it just the first time after the charcoal doses?
          It sounds like the Candida cleansing hasn’t gone deep enough, if the oral thrush isn’t budging. When topical treatments don’t do the job, the cause is internal.
          If the charcoal had been fully effective, the oral thrush would have dried up. In your place, I would do it once a day until it *does* dry up.
          Do you feel like the oral treatments helped? Is it less uncomfortable?

          You should feel some dramatic changes going on as you follow the laxative/charcoal protocol and do Phase II with the OLE and garlic. The thrush will clear up, your bowels should be very loose and frequent for a time, and you’ll lose some weight and gain energy.
          If you keep going until your bowels are normal on full doses of OLE (4 Vitacost capsules 4 times a day, or 3 Swanson Super Strength 4 times a day), taking a big dose of charcoal once a day, you can be assured that you’ve cleared Candida from your gut. By then, all your Candida-related symptoms will be gone, and between that and the vaginal treatments you can be assured that you’ve stopped the causes of those UTI’s. Also, start rebuilding with L-glutamine and probiotics once you’re really rolling along with the Candida-killing. The friendlies will move into all the space the Candida will be vacating.

          I’ve only signed up with Amazon so far, because they make it easy and you can get almost everything you need there, but I’ll check out your link! If this blog can pay for itself, I’ll be happy.

          For anyone reading this..I don’t recommend anything I haven’t personally tested and found to be effective and a good value. I’m not going to suddenly start touting some ridiculously expensive magic pills that cost $80 for a 1 month supply, or anything.
          I hate that. It’s hard enough to regain your health without wasting your money while you’re doing it.
          Cinnamon and raw garlic and activated charcoal did more for me than any fancy supplement, and they’re cheap and available at the grocery store.
          Okay, off my soapbox now. ?

          July 18, 2016
          • jaci

            keep up the good work Becca….yes $$$ maybe good (corrupting too) but doing a good deed is far more satisfying than all the money in the world!!! God bless you more, you’ve been given a precious gift that you’re sharing unselfishly!…Grace to you…

            January 29, 2017
  59. KathyS

    You’re such a wealth of information. I currently have a UTI and am treating per your instructions in Phase 1 and have ordered OLE. I did also read your section on candida overgrowth (deadly duo). Until I get the OLE, will taking raw garlic and cayenne pepper help the UTI much if there is candida present? It sounds like it can’t reach the UTI, and I don’t want to alienate my husband too much with the garlic and cayenne, if at all possible! Thank you again.

    June 30, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      I would try a clove of raw garlic, (minced and swallowed with water and then chased with baking soda water) with food, and see how you do. You’ll probably get a lot of relief, and taking it with food in your stomach and chasing it with soda water decreases the odor significantly. It will at least keep your UTI in check while you wait for your OLE. (If you’ve got bad Candida, garlic can give you reflux, so if reflux is a problem for you, you’re best off sticking with strong spice teas until you get the OLE)
      You can make the ginger or cinnamon tea as strong as you wish, and those will both give you relief and start killing Candida.
      Remember that die-off is cumulative, so a dose you may feel fine taking in the morning may make you sick as a dog by the time you’ve repeated it at lunch and dinner.
      Do your strong doses in the morning, and weaker ones later in the day. If you get the worst headache of your life, that’s Candida dying ugly.

      June 30, 2016
  60. Korin

    So I have purchased the Swanson OLE online just waiting for it to come in a looked for the charcoal and it said not to take while nursing or pregnant so what should I do? I just want this gone already forever! Also once I’m done the OLE do I need to continue to keep the candida away or how does that work??

    June 23, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Wait, you read something that said not to take charcoal while nursing or pregnant? That would be one of those disclaimers they put on everything, then. I read that on a bottle of prenatal vitamins once, standing there in the checkout line at Vitamin World. I LOL’d.

      Charcoal is an inert substance, like fiber. It has no effect on you other than adsorbing what’s in your gut, meaning that it draws things to itself like a magnet. It’s definitely the best way to quickly straighten your gut out, and totally safe.
      Charcoal will remove Candida throughout the entire length of your gut precisely because it is never absorbed into the bloodstream, unlike diflucan or any other yeast-killer. Even OLE won’t kill all your Candida, because it’s absorbed into your system before it reaches the large intestines, therefore it never comes in contact with it.

      All you have to do to safely take charcoal is make sure that your gut is either empty, or you’re running loose and fast from all the yeast-killing OLE is doing. Check out the ‘Troubleshooting: No reaction to OLE’ post, because in it I describe how to use charcoal to clear your Candida.

      June 23, 2016
  61. how long would you recommend one stays on phase 1? I am so happy I came across your website just when I had started feeling the very first symptoms of a uti. I am going to get my culture tomorrow so I see what exactly I’m dealing with… Thank you so much

    June 19, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      When you catch it quickly like that, you can often eradicate it without Phase II. The best thing is to get a box of UTI tests, and follow the protocol until a (first thing in the) morning test has been clear for 3 days running, then taper down by dropping one dose of garlic and cayenne per day. Leave the bedtime dose till the last day, to protect your bladder overnight, when you really need it.

      If this isn’t your first UTI, though, you should go ahead and do the full protocol outlined in the Phase II post, and the coconut oil treatment discussed in the post on vaginal health. Thoroughly clearing the pathogens from your bladder, gut, and vagina eliminates recurring bladder infections. It also stops vaginal infections and clears up a lot of chronic digestive issues.

      June 19, 2016
      • Mandy

        Rebekah ,
        Have you heard of yin care ? It may act the same as coconut oil in the vagina. It’s a vsginal wash, could be used after sex or as a general wash. It is a wash of Chinese herbs for anti microbial action ….

        July 12, 2016
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          That sounds quite intriguing: I’ll look it up!

          July 12, 2016

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