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Profiles in Power: The Unbeatables

Posted in Infection Killing Protocol, Profiles, Supplements, and Useful Tips

I’m going to profile each of the most effective supplements, and do a post on each of the compound groups and how and what they kill, and then I’m going to write profiles of UTI-causing bacteria and cross-reference them so you know how to kill your infection no matter what type it is…and this post is the start of that. Listed in the graphic above are the most effective natural infection-killers. The things listed in the top two lines are the most effective killers, so make OLE, garlic, and cayenne your backbone, with ginger tea or horseradish or black walnut as adjuncts, if desired.

It is important to remember that the organosulphurs must NOT be heated, but many of the others can be made into tea.
The cayenne pepper can be mixed into honey, 1/4 tsp pepper to one large spoonful of honey.
If you have any medical conditions other than a UTI, and especially if you’re on medication for them, please google anything and everything before taking it, to see if there’s an interaction you need to be concerned about. The terpenes cannot be taken with beta blockers, for instance. Necessary cautions and warnings will be listed in the individual profiles of all of these compounds and all of the posts will be in the same category for ease of perusal.


  1. M Jay
    M Jay

    Hubby is on last day of 2/wks treatment of oral Vancomycin (following 5 days in-hospitsl IV) against c-diff, plus last day of daily IV infusions of Erteben (Invanz) against E Coli, the most drug-resistsnt strain. Admitted with fever 103.9, thick white-colored sparse pee.

    Two weeks before that: ER visit with fever 103.7, treated with IV Invanz, followed by week of daily infusions. (That spawned the c-diff.)

    Before that: BCG treatments (two, a week (apart), post bi-section (or di-section) surgery, (through catheter) to remove bladder tumor. (Tumor looked like big worms, attached to bladder wall, like minnows feeding.) Post-surgery biopsy was clean. BCG treatments were a just-in-case-we-missed-something maneuver. Got too sick; further treatments cancelled.

    Before that: 20 years on daily Bactrim against re-curring prostate infection. That was put on hold as pre-surgery prep. Obviously, kept E Coli in check all those years, but eventually enabled cancer, post Covid vax (2 doses).

    Uses daily beta-blocker against a-fib and tachycardia, following ablation for same. Has pacemaker, plus two stents in heart. Has grown to 70 pounds over optimal weight. Statin drug for cholesterol for 30 years. Low salt diet.

    Today, is in a very weakened state, but feeling better.

    I fear that the end of treatment will enable the cycle to repeat, and that this time around, his kidneys will fail, his lungs will fill with fluid, and he will cascade toward death. He came close to that in this hospital stay, retaining fluids, like crazy, at first. He’s 77, mentally whole, brilliant mathematician, Physics major, studied law, not ready to go.

    Question: Where should I start, to prevent the cycle from beginning all over again?

    Quest: Make Rod well

    Thank you in advance. I found you ten years ago. OLE spared me much misery. But hubby has always opted for mainstream, till now. I believe he is now willing to go for whatever helps.

    July 4, 2024
  2. Frank

    Hi Rebekah,

    Many thanks for your informative blog. My father has been suffering from repeat infections of the same strain, citrobacter koseri. After a course of antibiotics such as Nitrofurantoin or Cephalexin, he will be okay for a few weeks and it will return back.

    What would you advise to eliminate this infection naturally please, we are really trying to get rid of it for good, in the past have tried Oregano Extract, Uva Ursi, D-Mannose, Cranberry Extract,

    He has been taking 1tsp of baking soda daily for 2 days which has alkalised his urine, but he is peeing more frequently now,

    Thanks in advance,

    February 12, 2021
    • Vee

      Did your dad cure his citrobacter koseri and if so how? I’ve had it since Xmas eve of last year and I can’t shake it!

      October 25, 2023
  3. Lou

    How about Grapefruit Seed Extract?

    July 24, 2019
  4. Debbie

    Where are the profiles? Can’t find them.

    March 17, 2019
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Click on the “Profiles” link in the Categories box on the right side of the screen. (Bottom of the screen on a mobile device.)

      March 17, 2019
  5. Liz

    This is so complicated

    January 5, 2019
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      This is the more advanced part, background information basically.

      You start with the Decision Tree and go from there.

      January 5, 2019
  6. Pearl Hughes
    Pearl Hughes

    Becca, is it safe to take 500mg Olive Leaf Extract every day. I don’t have high B/P but would like the antiviral, anti inflammatory benefits in addition to the UTI and Candida healing. I take a compounded thyroid but no other scripts….am very pro-supplement for natural healing.

    April 8, 2017

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