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Pregnancy and UTI’s

Posted in Immediate UTI Treatment, and Infection Killing Protocol

First of all, I’ve been there. I had my last child while I was dealing with my first UTI, and I had that infection throughout the entire pregnancy, because I didn’t yet know how to kill these things. I did, however, know how to safely manage it, and if you’re wondering whether you can take these things and kill an infection while pregnant, the answer is “Yes”.

Now, if only I’d known it, I could have cured that infection immediately with a few doses of cayenne pepper. Try that first, but if all of your symptoms don’t begin to disappear with the first couple of doses, your infection isn’t susceptible to cayenne, and you’ll need to go with the standard protocol for killing every type of infection.

The only real concern you have here is not to trigger too much Candida die-off too fast. You can either,

  • work your way up very gradually with Phase I & II, or
  • you can take a bulk laxative like Metamucil, and start off the day with a 1/2 tsp dose of activated charcoal when your bowels are cleared out. (about ten 280 mg capsules)

Charcoal will clear out Candida quickly and efficiently without die-off symptoms, and is perfectly safe. The key is to take it when your gut is empty, so that the only thing that it attaches to itself is the Candida lining your intestinal walls. Carefully follow the dosing instructions for charcoal, taking it the very first thing in the morning when your gut is empty, and not eating or drinking anything except water for the next two hours.
You can take:

  • 1 Swanson Super Strength or 2 Vitacost OLE capsules the first day, and
  • a clove of minced raw garlic with every meal, and
  • 2 (8 oz) doses of homemade cinnamon or ginger tea

Taking those things and emptying your bladder once an hour while increasing your water intake (8 oz every waking hour) will give you quick pain relief. The next day, repeat the bowel-clearing and charcoal dosing, and take twice the OLE you did the day before, repeating everything else exactly. You shouldn’t have to take a bulk laxative that night, because the OLE and spice tea should have your bowels moving easily. Add 1-2 capsules of OLE to the protocol per day (until you reach the levels described in the Phase II post).
Meanwhile, your bowels will be getting looser and moving more frequently, and when you’re having loose stools 2-3x a day, increase your morning charcoal dose to 15 capsules. By this point your infection will either be wiped out, or if it’s deeply rooted in, you’ll have trace results and virtually no symptoms. In this case you need to increase your raw garlic dosage by taking two cloves shortly before bedtime with a small snack.

When you get a clear test, continue the exact regimen for 3 days, then taper down. You can drop the charcoal by now, because you’ll have cleared out the Candida and it will no longer be necessary. Taper by dropping your OLE doses by 2 capsules per day, and 1 garlic clove per day. Drop the bedtime doses last, to protect your bladder overnight.

You can keep taking OLE at maintenance levels (2 capsules with dinner) for the duration of your pregnancy.

This is the baby I had while I managed an antibiotic-resistant bladder infection by taking raw garlic and keeping my pH up: she was 9 lbs and 21″ long at birth, and weighed 21 lbs at 3 months old, here…

Yes, she was exclusively breastfed. She’s now 4, and as tall as her (almost 6 yr old) big brother.


  1. claire

    Hi, Can anyone help me please. I’ve been following the suggestions here. I am pregnant and still battling the UTI for over a month. Symptoms are better but leukocytes still show up on the test stick. Especially if I am not careful with keeping urine acidic. I find the charcoal I take at night (1/2 tsp) helps as I tend to have low leukocytes and no bladder symptoms first thing in the morning. I also spread coconut oil mixed with activated charcoal down below. This has addressed the thrush. I am taking 1 chopped garlic clove with lunch and 1 with dinner. Sometimes grated horseradish with breakfast. I also take olive leaf extract with each meal. Since yesterday I moved up to 6 capsules (which gives 1050mg of oleuropein) but since yesterday I have been feeling nauseous. My normal pregnancy nausea stopped just after 3 months pregnant. I am now 5 months pregnant so feeling worried about the situation. I am not sure about taking more activated charcoal as what I take gives good bowel movements. If I take more I worry I will be constipated. Magnesium citrate never worked for me.

    February 24, 2020
    • claire

      And just to add, I do have lemon water regularly. I also take probiotics.

      February 24, 2020
  2. Claire

    My olive leaf extract from Time Health is 50% Oleuropein 35omg capsule. It says to only take upto 2 per day and not suitable for pregnant women. Can I still take this and how does it compare to your ones? Should I work up to take more than 2 a day or not?

    January 27, 2020
  3. Claire

    I am happy to have found your site.
    I am 4 months pregnant and have what I think are UTI symptoms. Started with mild thrush which cleared quickly and then suddenly I had bladder sensations one day: bladder doesn’t always feel it is emptying fully, can be sore/sting at the end of urinating. I have been doing lots of things (lots of ascorbic acid, which i have read you do not recommend, plus niacin which apparently has antibiotic effect with the AA, eating 1 garlic clove a day, 1 OLE capsule a day, D-mannose, washing myself after each toilet) but I can’t seem to get rid of it. Urine test stick was negative but I read that could be false due to the AA I have been taking. On one day I didn’t take D-mannose or wash as I was out all day and that was my worst day of discomfort. Went back on D-mannose today but I can’t seem to shift it. I have learnt from your site about alkalizing the urine so will try that. Years ago I had a UTI with different symptoms (it only hurt after I emptied bladder not during the end of urinating like now) and that time doctors said tests were negative but I had stools tests around the same time which found klebsiella p and the other found klebsiella o, so I think it was caused by that. Not sure if I should try horseradish too now that I am pregnant just in case it is klebsiella. I read horseradish may not be safe in pregnancy. Or perhaps I should keep going with the d-mannose for longer? Just worried about the safest things to do while pregnant….

    January 24, 2020
  4. Christina

    I am almost 30 weeks pregnant with my fourth baby, and have had a third positive urine culture (klebsiella first, e-coli second, and now klebsiella again) since September. I have done 2 rounds of antibiotics already and am fairly determined that I won’t be taking anymore this pregnancy. I had recurrent uti’ s with my last 2 pregnancies one of which included a hospital stay for a kidney infection. Have no problems with uti’ s at all other than when I’m pregnant.
    I did the cayenne pepper and OLE for 5ish days and still had trace amounts of nitrite show up on my test strip…also have done charcoal for the last several days, and am still taking OLE, but if I don’t keep taking magnesium I get constipated… wondering what you would recommend as a next step. Not seeing any dramatic effects one way or the other thus far, though I haven’t really had much for uti symptoms either. Thank you very much for all of the info on your site!

    February 24, 2018
    • Diana

      Christina, I am not pregnant yet but have had ecoli infection for more than 8 years. I want to get pregnant but I want to kill this first if possible. You mentioned that you had infection in your two previous pregnancies. Do you mind sharing if you had any complications aside from the kidney infection. ? I was told I can have miscarriages, low birth child, and even premature labor. =( Also, in your previous pregnancies you were in antibiotics the whole time then? Was it safe and ended up having no complications like the one I mentioned.? I really want to get pregnant but I’m just terrified I wont be able to get rid of this bug in time. Thank you in advance …

      July 13, 2018
  5. Amanda

    Hi Rebekah,
    I was finally able to take a UTI test at home, and you’re correct it was very slightly tan colored. So do you suggest I do “Phase I” plus all the things you mentioned in your last reply “drinking a little baking soda water every day (especially right before bed) drinking cinnamon tea, and keeping your bladder empty. “?? Please let me know.
    Thank you again.

    July 27, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Yes! That should give you noticeable results tomorrow, when you test again.

      July 27, 2016
      • Amanda

        Ok thank you – and how long should I continue with all of this after I get a clear test result? It was only “trace” on the test so do you think it’ll be cleared up quickly?
        I will be going to a local health food store today to find Olive Leaf Extract since I don’t want to wait for shipping. Any suggestions on the potency to get?

        July 27, 2016
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          Yes, read the blog post on OLE labels! It will show you exactly what to look for, and how to understand what you’re looking at.
          You want 15-20% oleuropein. Swanson is a good brand, and Nature’s Way OLE with 20% oleuropein is good. Read that blog post on OLE labels and look closely at them! You can e-mail me a pic of the label, if you’re uncertain.

          July 27, 2016
      • Amanda

        Ok thank you!

        July 27, 2016
    • Amanda

      I got one that says pure olive leaf extract 20% oleuropein 500mg and that’s the only ingredient.

      July 27, 2016
      • Rebekah W.
        Rebekah W.

        That’s perfect!

        July 27, 2016
  6. Amanda

    I found out I was pregnant a week ago (6weeks this week) and I basically had to force my doctor to send me for blood and urine tests. So he called today and said I had some bacteria in my urine and he has a prescription for me. I asked what kind of bacteria and he says they never tested it as it was a low level bacteria. I asked if I really needed antibiotics for this then and if I could just wait two weeks until I’m back in town as I’m out of country right now. He said yes, not urgent and to wait till I’m back. This sounds so odd to me and I don’t trust it at all!

    Can you give me some advice on what to do?? I don’t want to take antibiotics but I’m scared what will happen if I don’t and also because I don’t even know what the bacteria is!!!

    Thank you!

    July 11, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      I would make the cinnamon tea (Stir the spice right into the water, then pour it off the grounds after 20-25 minutes. Do not ingest the spice, just the infused water) and empty the bladder once an hour, even if it’s just a few drops. I think you could probably kill this just by following Phase 1, and don’t worry, it’s safe for the baby.
      Keep your bladder empty, your pH up, and take some raw garlic when you eat and drink cinnamon tea. ?

      July 11, 2016
      • Amanda

        Thanks for the reply. I want to add that I don’t have any physical symptoms. Is that going to make a difference in the treatment or knowing if it’s “working”?

        I also just started taking d-mannose today as I found you from reading a Chris Kresser article about it.

        July 11, 2016
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          D-mannose is only helpful against E.coli, and then only if you don’t have intestinal Candida eating it.
          I would see if you can find some UTI test strips at a drug store: you can check your first morning’s urine to see what kind of results show up. It should turn a light tan, with low levels of bacteria and no symptoms.
          You can probably kill this in a couple of days simply by drinking a little baking soda water every day (especially right before bed) drinking cinnamon tea, and keeping your bladder empty.

          July 12, 2016
  7. Marie

    Constipated! However, pain is gone! Scared it will not last? Again, little sleep— if I did not know better, I would think I had pulmonary edema– have lots and lots of mucous coming up from somewhere ? Sometimes sinus drainage. Have to spit it up all night? Clear mucous

    June 23, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      That means your system is flushing out! All the pathogens in your body are being destroyed. It starts in the gut, which is what makes you feel like gremlins are having a cage match in there, then moves into your blood, which makes phlegm, and then gets filtered by your kidneys into your bladder.
      From here on out, your UTI symptoms will steadily drop, and so will the die-off discomfort, but you’ll keep having loose bowels for some time.
      You’re doing great! Keep body-slamming this thing!

      June 23, 2016
  8. Candice

    Thanks for sharing :).

    June 21, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      I was thinking of you, girlfriend!
      Check your e-mail. 😉

      June 21, 2016
  9. Marie dickerson
    Marie dickerson

    She is beautiful !

    June 21, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Thank you!
      Her hair got lighter and lighter until she became a tawny blonde just like her 4 siblings and their daddy, but I enjoyed it while it lasted! Now I’m back to being the only brunette in the family. :-p

      June 21, 2016

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