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Updated– Shock and Awe: UTI Boot Camp

Posted in Infection Killing Protocol

Now, when you’ve got yourself one hell of a problem: a long-standing infection that’s resisted antibiotics, your gut is all kinds of messed up, and you’re basically wondering how much battery acid it would take to kill this thing, you need to pull out all the stops, go full bore, shock and awe, balls to the wall.


Pay close attention people, because this is one of those things where, if you slack off on something, or disregard something because you think it’s not that important, it won’t fully work..and you’ll be left with a stronger infection because only the strong survived what you tried to do.

Do I have your attention?



Before you start this, read the Mother of All Problems post and test your stomach acid. If it’s low, you can take 1.5 oz pure lemon juice with every meal and snack and your gut should be chugging along quickly within 24-36 hours, at which point you can start taking activated charcoal and you won’t need a laxative. If you have a gram positive bacterial infection you want to take 2-3 grams of ascorbic acid Vitamin C (powder form is best) 4x a day, rather than lemon shots. If that doesn’t get you running in a day, increase to 4 grams per dose.

If you want to start right away (you still need to do that test because if your acid is low you must address that), what you need to do is go to your nearest drugstore/Wal-Mart (because it’s stupid expensive on Amazon, and about $1 at a local store) and buy:

  • Three 10 oz bottles of magnesium citrate

Now, for the protocol you’re going to do for your particular infection after the charcoal cleanse, you want to go here and look for the post on the particular bacteria causing your infection. (If yours isn’t there yet, use the Contact form to get in touch with me.) Read the post on your bacteria carefully and get at least 3 of the listed natural meds, preferably the top 3 or 4.
If you don’t have a juicer, I can’t recommend getting one strongly enough: you can get a cheap $30 one from your local Wal-Mart/Target/kitchen goods store if you’re committed to making each batch of juice right before you drink it. To make juice you can bottle in the morning and take to work, get a masticating juicer: you can get one for around $85-95 on Amazon, and it’ll be the best money you ever spent. Any juicer is better than no juicer. Made with the right ingredients, it’s like drinking liquid medicine. (See The Hippocrates Special for more details)

On Amazon, buy:

  • Activated charcoal: either this, or this
  • UTI tests (no, you won’t need them all, but they’re accurate, inexpensive, and informative)

On Vitacost, buy:

What you’re going to do is implement Phase I (and lemon juice shots with meals if you have low acid and/or a gram negative bacteria) until you have everything, and then you’re going to take a few days to stay home and slaughter this infection.

Start by eating an early dinner the night before, when you’ve received everything in the mail, and having nothing but cinnamon tea or celery/lemon/ginger juice until bedtime. Set an alarm to wake you a couple hours earlier than normal, and go to bed.
When you’re awakened for your first day of Boot Camp, drink a bottle of that magnesium citrate, and go back to bed. When you wake up, drink another bottle. (If you have a particularly sensitive gut, or you’re older, scroll to the bottom of the page for an alternate method to prep for the charcoal cleanse.)

Don’t eat anything: just drink some lemon water and wait. You can do some cardio exercises to get the blood flowing: it speeds peristalsis. By lunchtime, if not sooner, things should start moving. If not, drink the third bottle and call someone to bring you some zinc oxide diaper rash cream: you’ll need it. While you’re waiting, put bottled water and charcoal in the bathroom, where you can reach it easily. Also, a magazine, book, your phone…you get my drift.

When you’re running loose and fast, take 3500 mg of charcoal (a heaping half tablespoon) and 16 oz water. Wait an hour, and repeat that dose, but you can drink 12 oz water this time. Wait an hour, and repeat, the same as last time. You are now done with charcoal, unless you have an exceptionally severe Candida problem, complete with a tendency to constipation. Drink another 12-16 oz water an hour after the last dose.

Two hours after your third dose of charcoal, take 3 OLE and either strong cinnamon tea or a shot of ginger and lemon juice (2″ piece of ginger root and half a lemon), with something like a piece of toast with unsweetened almond butter. No more.

Wait an hour, and eat a meal. No red meat, no eggs, no tomatoes, no sugar, no caffeine: something simple and alkaline-forming, from the left side of the chart I linked in the pH connection post.
With that meal take the natural meds that need to be taken with food, according to the instructions in your particular Kill List post.

Wait 2 hours after that meal, and take whatever meds don’t need to be taken with food, again according to the instructions in your particular Kill List post.
Repeat for the rest of the day, alternating the meds that need to be with food with the ones that can be taken on an empty stomach.

At bedtime, put about 1000 mg (or a heaping 1/8 tsp) charcoal in the bowl of a soup spoon, and add a few drops of water to make a thick, wet paste the consistency of Elmer’s glue, and with the tip of a finger put that glob of wet charcoal right on your urethra (wear a liner), and go to bed. If you have to pee in the night, reapply. If it feels tingly and makes you pee, it’s drawing pathogens out of your urethra. Do that every night for 5 nights.

If you have any Candida die-off symptoms that day after the cleanse, you can repeat what you did the first morning, waking early and taking 1 bottle of magnesium citrate. It won’t take near so long to work, this time, and it won’t have much to clear out. Take 2 doses of charcoal, the same dose size and timing as before, and then resume your particular regimen developed from your Kill List post.

The rest of your treatment should look like:

Waking: cinnamon tea or the juice blend (preferably the juice blend, especially if you have low acid)

Breakfast: whichever meds you’re using that you can take with food (horseradish, oregano oil, garlic)

2 hours later: whichever meds don’t need to be taken with food (OLE, ginger, cinnamon, ascorbic acid Vitamin C, cayenne pepper)

Lunch: whichever meds you’re using that you can take with food (horseradish, oregano oil, garlic)

2 hours later: whichever meds don’t need to be taken with food (OLE, ginger, cinnamon, ascorbic acid Vitamin C, cayenne pepper)

Dinner: you know the drill

2 hours later: you know the drill

Bedtime: small snack and whatever meds you’re taking with food

(Other than the water you drink to flush charcoal through your system, you should be drinking no more than 8 oz per waking hour, so you don’t over-hydrate. If you have an 8 oz cup of tea, or 8 oz of celery/ginger/lemon juice, that’s your hydration for that hour.)

You’re going to do that religiously for 4-5 days: test first thing every morning and make sure the test is not only clear, but that it STAYS clear: leave it out and watch it.


  • Keep your bladder emptied every 90 minutes, as long as you’re awake.
  • Drink 8 oz of the juice blend (or ascorbic acid water if you have a gram positive infection)) every time you pee.
  • Eat lightly, of anti-inflammatory/alkaline-forming foods (google “AIP diet”). Keep starches to a bare minimum and do not eat any spinach salad if you have a gram negative bacteria.
  • Start taking L-glutamine and probiotics according to the package instructions, as soon as the charcoal portion of the treatment is finished.


  • Consume sugar/fruit/caffeine/red meat/alcohol.
  • Take probiotics and raw garlic at the same time.
  • Have sex. Bad, very bad. No, no! I know you feel great and it’s been a while, and you’ve lost weight and you look awesome, but NO. Down, girl!

When you’ve had 5 days of clear tests, and those pads never turn color no matter how long you leave them out, you can gradually taper down on your med doses.

Stay on 2 OLE 4x a day for as long as your paranoia wants you to, it’s totally non-toxic, and when you enjoy the carnal relations, take a little extra for the next 2 days.

Ideally, you drop down gradually to two OLE per day as health maintenance, to prevent colds and such. Take the whole bottle of L-glutamine and the probiotics, and to maintain your svelte new figure keep taking acid (pure lemon juice shots or HCL) with your meals until your acid production has normalized (your digestion is perfect without acid supplementation). Eat a diet rich in B vitamins, and do the adrenal cocktail in the Mother of All Problems post, if needed.

You can now eat/drink everything in moderation, because you no longer have any latent bacterial or fungal infections lurking in ambuscade.

It’s a new day dawning on a new you. Congratulations. 🙂


Alternate charcoal cleanse prep for the Delicate Flower…. 😉

Buy some unsweetened whey protein and veggie smoothie drinks (No tomato ones! Just alkaline veggie juices), and take a day just drinking those and cinnamon tea and lemon water..and take a spoonful of milk of magnesia in between meal times, mid-morning, mid-afternoon, and an hour after your dinner drink. If you aren’t moving by early evening, take more magnesium! You should see results well before the end of the day: the goal is to empty out enough to take one big dose of charcoal before sleeping the sleep of the just that night. Set an alarm to wake you 2 hours early, take the dose of charcoal you left on the nightstand with a 16 oz bottle of water, and go back to sleep. On waking, either take another dose of charcoal because you’re hardcore like that, or have a little breakfast and start the protocol.


  1. Sam Newlin
    Sam Newlin

    So I took my first bottle of magnesium citrate around 4:30am. Went back to bed. Drank the second bottle around 6:30am. Had two very loose/watery bms. And I just threw up like 10 minutes ago. I threw up 3 times. Everytime I had magnesium citrate and bile. Is it still going to work? Shoukd I follow the sensitive gut cleanse protocol instead? Or can I go ahead witj the charcoal and natural meds? Please contact me. I’m overwhelmed but trying my best. I appreciate this entire site!

    April 12, 2024
  2. Joy

    I just want everyone to be prepared if they do this. I’m on my 3 rd day and I feel sick as a dog. I have zero nitrites and light leuks,, but I don’t feel I can continue. My stomach is in knots and I don’t feel like eating anything. Be prepared to be eating a ton of garlic, oregano oil, lemon, cayenne. All of these super strong foods have done a number on my stomach. I’m sure they work, but it’s so overwhelming to eat constantly. Thank you for your articles but my stomach feels worse than my uti at the moment.

    February 17, 2023
    • Elisabeth Rey
      Elisabeth Rey

      Thank you for the warning. I’m also on day 3 and I feel like quitting. Don’t know if I can keep eating with the garlic and the OO. I feel so so sick.

      June 23, 2024
  3. Sarah

    Hi, Is it safe to drink the 10oz bottle of Magnesium citrate up to 3 times per day?

    February 12, 2023
  4. Dae

    Rebekah, I’m not sure you’re still on this site as all the comments are from a few years back. I hope this isn’t too forward, but can you please contact me if you can? I’m very young to be dealing with this issue, I’m beyond scared and stressed and hopeless. I know that it’s an embedded infection. A Microgen test came back with some kind of streptococcus as well as an enterro(?) bacteria which I believe both are gram positive? I’m having a very difficult time figuring out the order of this process and which things to do at what time. Please, please help me if you can. Thanks so much.

    September 3, 2022
  5. Jessica

    Hi, I have been diagnosed with GBS. I’m 40 weeks pregnant tomorrow. Is it too late to treat? I want to avoid it antibiotics during labor.

    August 5, 2022
  6. I am having an enormous issue with the OLE. It’s burning my stomach like mad! Taking extra HCL and drinking lemon juice don’t do much. I’m assuming this is an uncommon thing. I know I have issues . . . I’m celiac and have to eat a low FODMAP diet but seldom do I run into anything that gives me the issues OLE is. Thoughts?

    July 20, 2021
  7. kuda

    wat is perfect substitute for magnesium citrate

    April 24, 2021
    • kuda

      would using moringa root horse radish tree also b gud since horse radish is hard to find in zim

      April 24, 2021
  8. Shaney Collins
    Shaney Collins

    Thank you so much! This saved my life! Is there any more information about who runs this site and where they learned all of this from by chance?

    March 6, 2021
  9. Jamie C
    Jamie C

    I am feeling so overwhelmed right now and just downright exhausted. So is it okay to do the charcoal cleanse and then drink lemon water throughout the day? I have taken charcoal and it never causes hard poop but it is like my bowels are soft and don’t want to do anything so I bought some magnesium citrate the other day to start on the weekend. I can drink the celery drink every morning. I honestly did the celery drink all day the other day and it was a lot to tolerate. I can’t imagine doing it more than one day. Of course I know if I simplify my regimen it might not work as well but right now I would like to just try the lemon water for throughout the day. Also sticking to a strict diet is stressing me out. With family and life, I feel like I don’t have time to make special diet plans for myself. How do I know when the charcoal cleanse is good enough and my body is properly absorbing the pills I take to kill off the bad bacteria? Sorry I am just feeling overwhelmed at the moment.

    January 24, 2019
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      What does a morning test strip look like? Are you sleeping through the night and resting first thing?

      January 24, 2019
      • Jamie C
        Jamie C

        The morning test strip is leaving light purple leukocytes. It is similar to what it was before it flared over the weekend and was dark purple. I am sleeping through the night but just have a lot on my plate right now and then dealing with this is feeling overwhelming at the moment.

        January 24, 2019
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          Okay, light purple leuks and no nitrites after sleeping through the night indicates you’re on the verge of killing this thing.
          Can you put juiced ginger into your strong lemon water today?
          Lemon/ginger are good together and will give you more firepower.
          If you drink 8 oz of that every time you pee (a 1 inch cube of ginger and 1 tablespoon lemon juice per 8 oz water), that should hammer the bacteria and get your gut moving better at the same time.

          January 24, 2019
          • Jamie C
            Jamie C

            Ok I have been faithfully taking the HCL and was hoping that would get things moving but hasn’t and so maybe the lemon juice will work better.

            January 24, 2019
            • Rebekah W.
              Rebekah W.

              Yes, lemon juice shots work best for that, especially when you’re dealing with a gram negative bacteria at the same time.

              January 24, 2019
              • Jamie C
                Jamie C

                Does it matter whether it is fresh or in the bottle? I have always heard fresh is better. Also I have been taking grated horseradish. I am not sure it is super fresh but it was the freshest one I could find on the shelf and I have been taking that multiple times per day.

                January 24, 2019
                • Rebekah W.
                  Rebekah W.

                  Fresh in generally always best, for everything, but the bottled stuff works just fine.
                  I’ve used the bottled concentrate from Costco with great success.
                  Great job on the horseradish! Even if it’s not the freshest possible, it still helps.
                  Keep going: it sounds like you’re almost there and you just need to hit it hard for a couple more days!

                  January 24, 2019
  10. Corina

    First, thank you so much Rebekah for taking the time to share your knowledge and putting this site up.

    I followed the steps regarding the charcoal, but after I took the first dose, I didn’t have go to the bathroom (only to pee), the first stool was only after 20h (are you supposed to be loose even after you take it?). On a regular basic, I have stools every day without any problems.
    Also, is it ok to use chinesse green tea? (all natural herbs, it’s purpose it’s to make you loose and lose weight) as there is no such thing as magnesium citrate where I live

    Thank you!

    January 21, 2019
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Most of the time, taking a shot of pure lemon juice (1.5 oz) with every meal will get you moving within 24-36 hours, and keep you moving while you take 1 dose of charcoal per day.

      I would start doing that, and as soon as your gut starts moving faster you can take 1-1.5 tsp (2.5-3.25 grams) with 12-16 oz water once a day.
      The lemon juice will assist digestion, clean out your liver, and alkalize your urine.
      Be sure to drink plenty of water between meals.

      January 21, 2019
      • Corina

        Thank you so much! I will follow that!

        Also for biofilm I am doing: cinamon tea, raw garlic,fresh horseradish,lemon+ginger juice every meal, propolis and I also have some Caprylic acid (should/how should I take it). Did I miss anything?

        January 26, 2019
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          Caprylic acid is mostly helpful in the gut, as a Candida killer: the horseradish and ginger are going to do the most for you when it comes to biofilms.

          Have those things paved the way for a good charcoal cleanse?

          January 26, 2019
          • Corina

            Yes, the lemon+ginger juice helps a lot to “keep it flowing” :))) and yesterday raw garlic seemed to help a lot!

            I am just guessing I have a huge biofilm, since I’ve been having this ecoli for sooo sooo long (and crazy antibiotics amount as a kid and first 2 years of infection) but I WILL KILL IT this time(it’s the ecoli or me!) :)))) THANKS TO YOU! ❤

            January 26, 2019
            • Rebekah W.
              Rebekah W.

              You can alternate horseradish and garlic doses for maximum effect.
              Garlic cleanses the liver (dark, sticky 💩) and horseradish cleanses the gallbladder (greasy, yellow 💩). Garlic has some biofilm-breaking action, but horseradish is unparalleled, there.
              Make liberal use of charcoal whenever you’re loose/frequent enough! It speeds the whole process enormously.

              January 26, 2019
  11. Mandy

    First off, I’m so thankful for your humor, care, and positive “you’ve got this” attitude at a time when I am so very much in need of these things. Thank you.
    After years of brain fog, joint pain, UTIs, bad breath, itchy ears and nose, etc. I have completed the two days of bootcamp. Unfortunately, my test strips didn’t arrive until yesterday afternoon, so this morning I did my first test.
    So, you suggest 5 days of clear tests, but what tells me the test is clear? The PH? All of the pads look just like the sample strip on the far left, with the exception of SG. The sample of SG is a dark teal, but mine is the color to the far right, a dark mustard color.
    Thanks so much for your thoughts!

    August 22, 2018
  12. Brittany

    Hi everyone, I’m just wondering if anyone has had success in killing a UTI for good with this method? I started boot camp yesterday and had a very bad reaction (vomiting) because of something. If it takes care of the UTI, then it is worth it, but I’m wondering if anyone has had success? I’m hoping someone has their comments on and will respond. I tried requesting access to the Facebook group, but it seems as though Rebekah is no longer active online. Any help is greatly appreciated!

    August 17, 2018
  13. Corey

    Is garlic oil as effective as raw garlic? I have Budha’s Herbs Extra Strength Garlic Oil (1500 mcg Allicin) at home- will that work, or is it better to get fresh garlic to slice?

    January 6, 2018
  14. Helen An
    Helen An

    I’ve been treating a UTI for about a week and three days now. In the beginning I was using D-Manose, Olive Oil extract, Cranberry pills, and the AZO pills (both pain relief and flush out). About halfway through this I got on Probiotics. Currently 9/11 I am only taking the Probiotics and Cranberry pills because I ran out of everything else and there was improvement. I no longer have the urge to pee and off and on I will get the pain, but it isn’t consistent and rarely now is it bad pain, more just discomfort. So do you think just a coconut treatment along with the charcoal treatment will be enough to fully cleanse me?

    September 11, 2017
  15. ednafj

    PS. I take antibiotics only once a day.

    September 3, 2017
  16. ednafj

    Hello bekah. I’m sorry but I took that antibiotics I recently got from my doctor for uti because I couldn’t stand the pain despite the garlic, lemon water, sometimes cayenne and probiotics and i don’t have OLE on hand. Now I’m afraid my UTI will be back again after the antibiotics is finished. I’m planning to order OLE again but don’t know which protocol should I choose. Should it be the pau d’ arco and OLE, or OLE with oregano oil, or should I have to tinker which one works for me? Even with antibiotics now I could still feel some bladder pain. Is it ok to take garlic, cayenne while taking antibiotics at the same time (taken hour/s apart).?

    September 3, 2017
  17. ednafj

    Hi bekah, I decided to post here because your FB group have lots of posts and I don’t know if you get notifications for older replies to (my) posts. My question is, if we use oregano oil instead of pau d’ arco, do we follow the ‘profiles in power: oregano oil’ protocol ? That means basically just OLE, OO and lemon water before bedtime. I did charcoal cleanse about a month ago so I think I don’t have to do that now. Thank you.

    September 1, 2017
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      It depends on the person and what kind of bacteria you have, so I’d tinker with it and see what works best for you based on your symptom response.

      September 1, 2017
  18. Jane Doe
    Jane Doe

    Hi Bekah, Hi girls,
    I’ve been having trouble with UTIs for several years, resorting to antibiotics and experiencing the vicious cycle..because the natural remedies I knew about at the time didn’t work. I then came across Bekah’s page and wanted to try and get rid of my UTIs once and for all the ‘natural way.’
    I’m having some trouble with the raw garlic, it’s not very pleasant for me or my partner… Are there any other options out there (horseradish isn’t really sold here in grocery stores)? Are the garlic capsules just as effective?
    I have been following Phase 2 now for three days, but have felt no changes in my stool so (I do have some relief from the pain, but will need to also ‘fix’ the Candida issue and stool…), I’m going to start Boot Camp tomorrow morning and hope something changes. For those of you who have killed a stubborn infection, how long did it take? Do you have any tips for this phase, to possibly kick the infection asap?

    January 15, 2017
  19. Brenda

    Made it through all including moving onto Phase III and it didn’t work for me. Leukocytes still showing moderately purple and I can feel the beginning twinges of pain again. I did not take the Pau D’arco though because I’ve been waiting for it in the mail. Any other suggestions? Should I just continue with dumping more and more garlic into my system?
    Are you ok? I have not seen any responses here nor being added to FB.

    January 5, 2017
  20. ILSA

    Ok, did Part I and Part II, became constipated, so decided to do Boot Camp. So far so good, but I hope it’s Ok to miss dinner – I wrote it all down, too and there’s not enough time in the day for this on Day One!!
    7:30 charcoal
    8:30 charcoal
    9:30 charcoal
    10:30 water
    11:30 OLE, etc.
    12:30 cinnamon tea
    12:50 lunch with garlic, etc.
    3:15 OLE etc
    5:15 cinnamon tea
    5:35 lunch (!), garlic, etc.
    8:00 OLE, etc.
    No way I will be eating dinner this late.
    So I will do this instead:
    10:00 cinnamon tea
    10:20 ‘bedtime’ dose of 3 OLE and Pau D’Arco
    I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Last night, I had the worst bladder pain ever (been shooting at this infection since last Monday; today is Tuesday), but now I think it may have been serious die-off. It was gone in the morning.
    I look forward to really thanking Rebekah when this is all over. Wherever she may be.

    December 6, 2016
  21. Jay

    Hi Rebecca, nice and very informative site. It’s taken seeing about 20 doctors and spending over 20K on surgeries and supplements just to get half the information posted here!

    1. Do you think this would work for males with IC/Prostatitis type symptoms? There seems to be a very strong correlation between the 2. I was finally diagnosed with IC/Prostatitis which makes complete sense to my history. The doctor explained the connection between the 2. For men the main problem is that IC seems to spread to the prostate and a lot of herbs and antibiotics don’t get adequately to the prostate.

    2. I’ve been getting about 75% relieve from taking raw Colostrum, Coconut Oil (2 tablespoons daily), D-Mannose and turmeric tea. Is it okay to continue these whilst on your protocol? What do you think of these natural products I’m already taking? I’ve got a lot of relieve but need something to finally knock this on the head.

    3. For a more severe case (1 year+) and almost certainly Candida type issues do you recommend the boot camp or phase 1-3?

    4. Which of these herbs are most likely to find resistance to herbal antibacterials? I.e do you need to make sure the infection/yeast is 100% gone before stopping to prevent bacterial/yeast resistance? I’ve already taken a lot of garlic, coconut and ginger on and off over the last year. Currently just started and continuing with taking turmeric which for me seems to be helping much!

    5. Does the garlic have to be raw? Can you take capsules? (I found it burns the throat).

    Thank you for reading.

    September 21, 2016
  22. Lorraine Peterson
    Lorraine Peterson

    My friend put me on to you, read some of the things . Do you have a book I can buy? I get UTI very often, I know I have to stop eating what I eat, sweets etc. very hard. but I’m trying. You have great info for all, I thank you very much.Lorraine

    September 8, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      No, I haven’t put this in book form, but you’re not the first to ask!
      I started the website to have somewhere to put the information so people could search it easily. I love being able to illustrate it with GIFs, too.

      If you’re on FB, the support group I made on there is a great resource for support and discussion.

      September 8, 2016
      • Could someone please approve my Facebook join request? I’m in the middle of the cleanse and would appreciate support. Thanks!

        February 20, 2017
        • IMB

          Jene, There is nobody able to approve your FB request. In addition, nobody is monitoring this website any more. We are on our own, alas. Best of luck with your protocol.

          February 20, 2017
          • Misty

            Did something happen to Rebecca?

            February 24, 2017
          • IMB

            Misty, I wasn’t given an option to reply to your post, so I hope that you see this. Rebekah has not communicated with anyone on this site or on her FB page for months. Nobody knows what has happened to her…I instant messaged quite a few people on the FB page, and one of them was kind enough to reply to tell me that nobody else has the authority to accept new members.

            February 24, 2017
  23. Vicki

    OK….tonight is the night to do the magnesium citrate. Tomorrow morning I’ll do the charcoal. I have a question: What do I expect after the charcoal? Will I have the runs all day when I’m alternating eating, supplements and charcoal? Just trying to figure out what to expect.

    September 7, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      It depends on the case.
      For some people, charcoal peels off the top layer of Candida and biofilm, and the OLE you take afterward kills the Candida underneath and you feel die-off and have loose bowels right away, and see some bladder improvement.

      For other people, charcoal picks up all the Candida in the small intestines, and they don’t feel any die-off after a cleanse, but their UTI gets dramatically better right away, because the OLE is going straight to the bladder without being used on gut Candida.

      Yet other people have a bunch of sinus drainage and pee white strings/globs/flakes of Candida after a charcoal cleanse, because in addition to Candida in their gut, they had various bacterial infections in their blood, and Candida in their kidneys and ureters.

      Basically, you don’t know what all is going on in there till you work your way through it. Think of it as an adventure…LOL

      September 7, 2016
    • ILSA

      Hey Vicki,
      Maybe you
      wouldn’t mind telling us how it went. How much magnesium citrate you took and when, and so on? I am hoping to hear that you’ve never felt better…

      December 3, 2016
  24. Gail

    I wrote out the timing for this cleanse (the standard one) and just wanted to share it as a reference for others

    2 hours before wake up time: Take 1 bottle of magnesium citrate
    Wake up: Take 2nd bottle
    When things are “loose and fast”: 3500 mg charcoal + 16 oz water
    1 hour later: 3500 mg charcoal + 12oz water
    1 hour later: same as above
    1 hour later: 12-16oz water
    1 hour: OLE/pau d’arco dosage with toast
    20 mins: make cinnamon or ginger tea
    20 mins: tea time! drink up
    20 mins: Eat (breakfast)! with cayenne, garlic and baking soda water dosage
    2 hours: OLE/pau d’arco dosage
    20 mins: make cinnamon or ginger tea
    20 mins: tea time! drink up
    20 mins: Eat (lunch)! with cayenne, garlic and baking soda water dosage
    2 hours: OLE/pau d’arco dosage
    20 mins: make cinnamon or ginger tea
    20 mins: tea time! drink up
    20 mins: Eat (dinner)! with cayenne, garlic and baking soda water dosage
    2 hours: OLE/pau d’arco dosage
    2 hours: bedtime OLE/pau d’arco dosage

    I hope writing it out as a timeline helps other people! I know it was helpful for me to do that 🙂 Thanks Bekah for all your help and knowledge. Please correct my timeline if I missed out anything!

    August 19, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Looks great! The only thing I’d add is…

      The type of infection that responds badly to ginger and turmeric is more common than I previously thought, I’ve had 3 more women with that strain of E. coli since writing this post. That’s a total of 8 women out of 200+, but when you have that one, a cup of ginger tea will send you around the bend with pain and pressure. That strain of E. coli also reacts poorly to cayenne.

      I encourage everyone to use cinnamon tea (Ceylon cinnamon tastes best), just in case, and taking a 1/2 tsp dose of freshly grated horseradish 3x a day alongside garlic will destroy most bacterial biofilms. (I’ve had some tough cases lately that didn’t fully die until the addition of horseradish)

      I also encourage everyone doing this to join the support group I made on Facebook: it’s linked in the banner at the top of every page.
      You can instant message me in there, and meet other women who’ve been cured, and women working on it. They’re a great bunch in there, cheering each other on and swapping stories. 🙂

      August 19, 2016
      • ILSA


        If there’s anyone here who is able to accept a pending request on the Facebook group, there is a suffering person out here who would be extremely grateful!

        December 3, 2016
        • Jess

          I’m in the same boat! Let me know if you find someone. I even direct messaged some of the members and only Bekah can accept and she seems to be MIA..

          December 3, 2016
          • ILSA

            What I found odd is that the people who have accepted new members most recently are themselves no longer members!

            December 3, 2016
        • Tami Terrell
          Tami Terrell

          I’ve been trying to join as well! Please let me know if you learn the best way to contact them, or if they’ve gone inactive. Hope you are feeling some relief!

          December 14, 2016
    • Pippa White
      Pippa White

      Thank you.

      March 15, 2018
  25. Carol J.
    Carol J.

    Is it okay to exercise while undergoing the UTI bootcamp or the yeast cleanse?

    August 15, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Yes! That’s just fine: you can increase your fluid intake accordingly.

      August 15, 2016
  26. Michelle Grigley
    Michelle Grigley

    Good morning! I am currently doing the Shock and Awe protocol. I did charcoal portion for two days as I’m pretty sure I have biofilm issues. I used 3/3 ole my first day with it, and 4/4 yesterday. Here’s my issue- I have developed a rash over my entire face. Could this be an allergic reaction or maybe taking to much too soon. Also, if it is an allergic reaction it could also be to the Pau d’arco and other new supplements. So in your opinion how should I proceed? I’d appreciate any advice.

    August 11, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Wow, I’m so sorry!

      You’re not allergic to olive oil or garlic or cinnamon, are you?
      The pau d’arco is the one thing that isn’t a common food item and therefore could possibly be causing an allergic reaction that you wouldn’t have been aware of previously..BUT, in every case where someone thought they were having an allergic reaction, it was a die-off symptom.
      Rarely, Candida goes haywire and causes a breakout.
      I remember someone else got a rash during this phase..I can ask in the FB group and see who that was and how long it lasted.

      August 11, 2016
      • Michelle Grigley
        Michelle Grigley

        (I’m not really allergic to anything that I know of except mosquitos) I read back thru and saw it could be the yeast die off. If that’s what it is how long would this be likely to last. And if I’m still having such a strong die off reaction do I need more charcoal?
        Also, on another topic I’ve had easily 15 UTI’s in the last year and a half. I’m desperate. I was on antibiotics when I started this so I’m afraid my test strip readings might be not showing correctly. I’m not testing positive for anything except specific gravity. Does this sound possible? I do have Polycystic Kidney Disease (not showing any complications in blood work) could this be throwing off the specific gravity? I only say that because the leaflet from the test strips says the specific gravity may reflect renal issues. Phew.
        My face itches like mad but if I can stop this cycle it’ll be worth it.
        Thank you for the quick reply.

        August 11, 2016
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          This is going to sound weird, but it may give you a great deal of you have activated charcoal?
          You can mix it with water to make a paste (think cake frosting texture) and spread that over the affected area. Put something like a piece of waxed paper over it to keep it from drying out. That should pull all the crud out and give you itch relief. (Worked for me on the most vicious rash I ever had) Leave it on for an hour and then wash it off with a gentle soap, like Ivory or (plain) Dove.

          How quickly can you do a laxative/charcoal cleanse? That will stop the rash the fastest, by removing the Candida that’s dumping all those toxins. I would do a big cleanse, getting the gut thoroughly empty and sending 3 big doses of charcoal through in a row.

          Are you on Facebook? I started a group for you ladies, so you can talk to each other and previously healed women, and instant message me anytime.

          August 11, 2016
          • Liz

            Hi Rebekah!

            Thank you so much for doing this for us!! I’m so happy to have found you! I was diagnosed with a severe uti in late September and the doctor prescribed antibiotics which are refused to take due to my IBS. I’ve been trying to repair my micro biome for years and recently started researching Candida and realize that may be the underlying cause of many of my health issues. I have Sjogren’s Syndrome and interstitial cystitis as well as vulvodynia. I started taking D-mannose right after refusing the antibiotics and it did not work for me. So I started your protocol, but my biofilm must be really bad, so it was not working. I ordered all my supplies except for the magnesium solution. Due to the pandemic, I haven’t gotten out to get it, but I have Calm magnesium powder and figured I’d use that. I started the Shock and Awe protocol with it. I used a teaspoon of the powder in 10 ounces of water. I’m going, but it’s not loose. So I compared ingredients between the magnesium solution and the Calm. The solution contains sodium. So I added 1/4 tsp of sea salt to my 4th dose of magnesium. Do you think this will work? I’m getting worried here. Can I do the charcoal portion of the cleanse even if I’m not having loose stools? My test strip is looking better than this morning. My pH and SG have not looked this great. The celery/ginger/lemon juice is working! Leukocytes are small. I haven’t eaten all day, just drank the celery juice and magnesium.

            Thanks for your help!!

            January 7, 2021
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          Oh, and specific gravity means your urine has particulates in it, which is typical of a UTI or a kidney disease. Alternatively, you’re dehydrated.

          August 11, 2016
  27. Suzanne

    Thanks so much! Sx

    August 6, 2016
  28. Suzanne

    Hi Rebekah, thanks for all your inspiration – really hoping this works for me. I’ve got Solgar Activated Charcoal tablets but I’d have to take 11-12 to reach your recommend 3500 mg dosage – and the bottle says to only take two capsules at a time… I’m scared of overdosing on it…
    Thanks for your help, Suzanne x

    August 6, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Yes, they tell you to only take 2 capsules at once because they’re erring on the side of caution in case people are too stupid to take it properly, and they ‘do themselves a damage’. LOL

      It’s okay: I’m promise. If your gut is empty, like it should be, you could take a tablespoon of it (with lots of water) and be fine. When you’ve cleared yourself out, you can take all you want and all it will do is suck fungus and bacteria off the walls and pass out of magnetic fiber.

      If you’re timing it improperly it sucks up the nutrients in your food, makes you constipated, that sort of thing. Or if you don’t take it with enough water it draws water into your gut, like salt does. Taken the way I describe, you’re totally fine.

      August 6, 2016
  29. Bobbi

    I think I need to do the charcoal cleanse because I tend to be constipated and it appears I have candida with a biofilm. So based on the instructions in the post I will need to take 3 doses of charcoal.

    The charcoal doses seem to differ based on whether you are doing the cleanse or Phase II, so I just want to make sure I have the doses and timing straight. I plan to do this tomorrow (Friday).

    I have the Nature’s Way charcoal capsules 560 mg. How many capsules should I take for each dose?

    Is the following correct?
    1) Take magnesium citrate. Do not eat anything, but can drink lemon water.
    2) Start taking charcoal when bowel movement is the consistency of water. (You do not have to wait until bowel movements stop, correct?)
    3) Take charcoal dose with 16 oz water.
    4) Wait an hour, take charcoal dose with 12 oz water.
    5) Wait an hour take charcoal dose with 12 oz water.
    6) Wait an hour, drink 12-16 oz water.
    7) Eat and take supplements.
    8) Pray throughout the process that no more charcoal will be required because the biofilm has been stripped.
    9) Follow Phase II (except without the charcoal) to eliminate the UTI

    Thank you Rebekah for your patience in answering my questions

    August 4, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      The charcoal doses differ based on what’s going on in there: how empty you are, how much Candida you likely have and how resistant it is..”your mileage may vary”, basically.
      1. Correct
      2. Correct, and correct
      3. Yes
      4. Yes
      5. Yes
      6. Yes
      7. Yes
      8. YES (I like you 🙂
      9. Yes, just monitor closely for die-off symptoms that indicate more charcoal is needed.

      Keep in touch, and join the FB group if you can: that makes it easy for me to check on you every day, and you can instant message me!

      August 4, 2016
    • Diana

      Hello Bobi !! How did this work out for you.?

      July 31, 2018
    • Diana

      Hi bobi! How did this work out for you.?

      July 31, 2018
  30. Bobbi

    Will the alternate charcoal cleanse work for someone who has a tendency to be constipated? Will it make your bowels run loose? If not, how do you know it’s safe to take the charcoal?

    To be sure I understand for the alternate cleanse: there are 2 possibly 3 doses of charcoal involved. One before bed, one 2 hours prior to normal wake time, and possibly one at waketime.

    For both the regular cleanse and alternate cleanse how do you know if you’ve stripped the biofilm and/or eradicated the yeast?

    August 3, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Any way of getting your gut empty that works for you is fine.

      Everyone reacts differently to these things, so it’s hard to say what will work in a given case: some people react to magnesium citrate in an hour and are empty within 3 hours, some take it in the evening and don’t see anything until the next afternoon!
      Milk of magnesia is buffered with calcium so it’s easier on the gut than taking magnesium citrate, but again the responses vary. You have to feel your way and see what it takes.

      As long as you get your gut empty, you can take charcoal without worrying that it will stop you up. It’s just powder in there, so you take it on an empty gut with lots of water, and you have watery powder moving through you sucking up Candida.

      When you’ve stripped the biofilm off but there’s now exposed Candida still rooted into the walls, your gut will react normally to OLE, and you’ll feel die-off symptoms and get the runs. You won’t get constipated anymore, and your UTI symptoms will vanish.
      If you’ve eradicated Candida, you don’t feel any die-off symptoms, and everything you’re taking moves into your bloodstream and kills your UTI in a couple of days. You also won’t be constipated anymore.

      If you’re on FB, you can join the group and message me anytime! I feel like this is taking a while for you, and I’d love to be of more assistance so you can have a breakthrough and be done with this for good.

      August 3, 2016
      • Bobbi

        Thank you. I will look into joining the Facebook group. I definitely want to be rid of this.

        One of the things I’m confused about is when to start the charcoal. Do you start taking it once the runs have stsrted? Or wait until the runs have stopped completely?

        August 4, 2016
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          You can take it after the runs have started, just make sure that you take it 2 hours after eating/taking supplements, and eat/drink nothing but water with it, then don’t eat/drink anything but water for the following 2 hours.

          So, when your bowels are running loose, take charcoal in between meals with nothing but water, about 1500-2000 mg per dose.

          August 4, 2016
  31. Andi

    Hello again Bekah! Thank you for all your support! I love your site❤ It’s the best 🙂 I was wondering if you could give me some insight.

    Some history… I used to get chronic uti’s and was in the dr office for them about 10ish days after I would finish my antibiotic for the previous one. My doc started prescribing me heavier doses over a longer period of time and stronger and stronger antibiotics. Then we started an injectable when I came in (which kicked like a horse… Room spinning, vomiting, uncontrollable shaking, sweats and fatigue for a solid 30 minutes before my body would chill out and start to recover… Then they’d okay me to drive home) along with a strong oral antibiotic. They even prescribed my husband an antibiotic to take with me to be sure it want passing somehow from him.

    After a few years of this, i was introduced to a health drink extract and starting taking an ounce or two a day (Exfuze or seven? Never know what’s the brand and what’s the name) I didn’t take it to help my bladder infections, but it started doing just that. If I forgot to take it for a few days, I could feel the beginning if an infection coming on and I’d take it immediately and it would go away. My sister noticed the same thing (she also got chronic uti’s)

    Over time, I could go longer and longer without taking it until I could finally stop. Then in 2012 I started getting bladder infections again. My midwife introduce me to grapefruit seed extract and a really great echinacea blend (to help my mastitis bouts) and so I started using them plus some cayenne when a bladder infection would crop up and it worked great!

    I did this remedy ^ two and a half weeks ago when a bladder infection came on. I drank lots of lemon water and did some garlic with it, but by Friday, it had come back with a vengeance.

    I dashed to the health food store to grab some OLE and then went to the instacare. I really didn’t want to take the antibiotic if I didn’t absolutely have to. I was determined to try your suggestions first. Since then, I’ve been on olive leaf, charcoal, garlic, cayenne and lemon water since Friday the 15th, haven’t taken the antibiotic, but can still feel the beginnings of a bladder infection.

    Wednesday (27th), I started feeling the symptoms a little stronger, so I decided to do your Boot Camp series to kick this thing hard! Now it’s the end of the third day on it, and I’m still showing positive leucocytes, and sometimes nitrites (and quite high specific gravity… but don’t know what that indicates) no matter what time of day I test along with mild symptoms that come and go.

    Is this normal? Any thoughts on what I’m doing wrong?

    Thank you Bekah! I’m sorry for the novel!

    PS I also bumped up my cayenne to a heaping half teaspoon and my garlic to 3 large cloves every dose when I started Boot Camp.

    July 30, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Specific gravity means your urine is dense, indicatIng small particulates in it, from the infection.

      I think that your Candida wasn’t fully dealt with..have you had the runs at any point? Candida biofilms can be really tough: one of my ladies recently did a three day cleanse with it, had a little bit of the runs, then did one more charcoal sweep, and THEN broke through, and has them consistently now, meaning that the biofilm has finally been stripped off and all the Candida is dying.
      If you haven’t felt a dramatic change in your gut, the Candida is still in place and what you’re taking is being shunted through without either killing the Candida, or being absorbed into the bloodstream and killing the UTI.
      I would repeat the charcoal cleanse, but you can do it with a homemade saline laxative this time: 1.5 tsp sea, or pink salt to 2 cups very warm water. Drink it early in the morning: gulp it down when it’s just cool enough to swig, but still very warm.
      Take the 3 doses of charcoal in a row again: that should be enough to peel off that biofilm and a considerable amount of the Candida underneath.
      Please feel free to join the FB group, if you have an account: you can message me instantly on there, and talk to other women who’re cured, or getting there.

      July 30, 2016
      • Andi

        Wow! That was an incredibly fast response, especially for night time. Thank you!

        I did get the runs on the first day of Boot Camp and passed basically straight water after that. It continued til afternoon and then stopped.

        I didn’t have a bowel movementt yesterday, but did today, although, it wasn’t the runs. Should I be having frequent loose bowels throughout my treatment?

        (I also forgot to mention I’m not taking the pau d’arco because I’m breastfeeding)

        I’ll hit the laxative and charcoal hard tomorrow morning and hopeful break through this thing!

        Thank you for all your help ❤ It’s so wonderful to get REAL answers! Wish me luck!

        July 31, 2016
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          I’m so sorry: I just found this in my Spam folder, no idea why it did that. I’m glad you got up with me on FB!

          August 3, 2016
        • Jess

          Andi, did the next day do the trick, I’m in the middle of this and don’t know what to do!!! I’ve emailed and left posts, maybe you have your reply notifications on.

          November 6, 2016
      • Andi

        (Don’t know why this wouldn’t post last night. I must have trouble with my connection)

        Wow! That was an incredibly fast response, especially for night time. Thank you!

        I did get the runs on the first day of Boot Camp and passed basically straight water after that. It continued til afternoon and then stopped.

        I didn’t have a bowel movement yesterday, but did today, although, it wasn’t the runs. Should I be having frequent loose bowels throughout my treatment?

        (I also forgot to mention I’m not taking the pau d’arco because I’m breastfeeding)

        I’ll hit the laxative and charcoal hard tomorrow morning and hopeful break through this thing!

        Thank you for all your help ❤ It’s so wonderful to get REAL answers! Wish me luck!

        July 31, 2016
  32. Andi

    Hi Bekah! Do I really need to drink the whole bottle of magnesium citrate? I’m starting “Boot Camp” today and am already seeing results from the citrate after just 15 minutes of drinking half.

    I have a very weak and sensative stomach and was wonder if this is over kill. What do you think? Thank you for all your help! You give people hope. ❤

    July 28, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      If you’re already passing water, you should be fine to start taking charcoal.
      Don’t take it till you’re good and watery!

      July 28, 2016

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