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Killing Candida: A Tutorial

Posted in Diet, and Useful Tips

This is for those of you who don’t currently have a UTI, but you’d like to clear your gut of Candida.


  1. Activated charcoal must be taken with plain water, 2 hours after AND before eating, meaning it must be taken in the middle of a 4 hour fasting window in which nothing but water is consumed. It’s like a magnet, and you want it sucking up Candida and its toxins, not your food and supplements.
  2. Charcoal should NOT be taken until your bowels are moving loose and frequently, or it will cause constipation. Killing Candida with things listed in this post produces loose bowels in about 85% of people, within 2 days.
  3. If these things make you feel crappy, but your bowels do NOT get loose, you have a biofilm on that Candida, and it needs to be treated with the laxative/charcoal cleanse outlined in the Boot Camp post. If you don’t start getting loose bowels by morning of Day 3, you need to go the laxative/charcoal route.
  4. At some point, you’re going to start thinking that all this diarrhea is going to make you dehydrated, or something. As long as you’re consuming enough water (64 oz per day), it doesn’t matter how much is coming out of the other end, because it’s all retained fluid your body was using to dilute the Candida that’s now dead. This is where the major weight loss happens, and you’ll feel better and better with more and more energy as you go. It’s all toxins and retained fluid, unnecessary water weight, draining out of you.
  5. Google “Paleo diet” and do your best to adhere to it while you kill Candida. You’ll crave sweets less and less over time, so it’s not as difficult to stick to as you might think.
  6. It’s a great idea to switch things up and take 2 different kinds of these suggested Candida killers every day. Like, one day take OLE and coconut oil, the next day take caprylic acid and cinnamon tea, that sort of thing. Just make sure that you keep the quantities at the suggested levels, if at all possible.
  7. Drink 64 oz water per day, without fail. You can drink more if you want, but don’t drink less.


Day 1: Make yourself some cinnamon tea: 4 tsp cinnamon mixed into 24 oz steaming hot water. Steep for 20 minutes: don’t consume the grounds.
Drink 8 oz 3 times a day, between meals. Eat lightly, your emphasis should be on vegetables and protein. Shakes made with unsweetened whey protein powder are excellent. Continue to eat this way throughout the cleanse.

Day 2: Make another batch of tea and drink the same as the day before, take around 100 mg of oleuropein (Look at your bottle label to see how many mg of oleuropein each capsule contains) with each meal. It doesn’t have to be exact: don’t worry if it ends up a little more or a little less, depending on what size your capsules are. You can also take caprylic acid ( a capsule per meal), or a tablespoon of coconut oil. By the end of the day you’ll probably feel some die-off, like a headache, nausea, brain fog, or if you’re lucky, just loose stools.

Day 3: Cinnamon tea. 150 mg oleuropein, or 2 caprylic acid capsules, or 2 tablespoons coconut oil with breakfast, and if you feel okay, the same with lunch. If you’re feeling queasy and ill, take only 100 mg of OLE or 1 caprylic acid capsule or 1 tablespoon of oil. Repeat that dose at dinner, and if you start getting loose stools, you can take 1000 mg of charcoal with 12 oz water 2 hours after dinner. If loose stools continue, you can take another 1000 mg of charcoal at bedtime (again with 12 oz of water).

Day 4: The goal here is to increase to 200 mg oleuropein, or 2 caprylic acid capsules with breakfast and lunch, then if you feel okay, take 2 with dinner, as well. If you’re having the runs consistently, you can drop the cinnamon tea in between meals and take charcoal instead, 1500 mg with 12 oz plain water.

Day 5-10: Increase your doses of OLE/caprylic acid by a few capsules a day until you’re to 400 mg oleuropein/6 capsules caprylic acid per meal, and taking charcoal between meals and in the evening. If you wake in the middle of the night, take a dose of charcoal. As the runs continue, you can increase to 2000 mg of charcoal per dose, with 16 oz water, and the same if you wake in the night.

How long this goes on depends on how much Candida you have, how consistent you are about taking these things, (especially being careful to take the charcoal correctly), and whether or not you’re eating in a way that doesn’t feed Candida. When your bowels are running like crazy during Days 5-10, you can wake up 2 hours early in the morning, take 3500 mg of charcoal with 16 oz water (leave it on the nightstand), and go back to sleep. One big dose of activated charcoal per day on an empty gut will exponentially shorten the amount of time it takes to kill all the Candida.
Without it, this process can go on for a couple of months, and that’s a lot of supplements to buy.

When you’re taking all of this and your bowels go back to normal, no more runs, drop to half doses of charcoal and then spend a day taking 900 mg oleuropein per meal, or 10 capsules caprylic acid, and see if that produces the runs. If it does, you need to take several large doses of charcoal in a row to finish this off, like 4000 mg per dose, with 12 oz water, once per hour for 3 hours in a row, then wait 2 hours after the last dose before you eat anything. Drink plenty more water the rest of the day, and go get yourself some L-glutamine and probiotics to rebuild your gut with. Follow the instructions on the labels of what you get: there are brand recommendations in the Boot Camp post linked above.

Congratulations! You’re now filled with energy and most of your health problems are gone. From this point on your Candida shouldn’t get out of balance unless you take antibiotics, or a lot of hormones.





  1. M Jay
    M Jay

    I love this site. It has been a life-saver for me.

    Before I found you, I came across comments by USERS, on another doctor’s blog, suggesting the use of castor oil as a quick purge (cleanse), in preparation for the use of activated charcoal and other things (such as OLE) against candida. (Walmart sells castor oil.)

    I found that castor oil cut the time of “inconvenience” (the emptying of bowels), down to ONE day, and virtually eliminated the die-off effect, and accompanying symptoms. I was ready for “the kill” in one day, to follow the protocol for destroying the UTI snd/or the vaginal yeast infection. Combined with AC, the die-off symptoms were like only mild headache, shortlived.

    The faster the toxins are out of you, the quicker you feel better. Then, on to the gut-fixing protocol found here!

    Thank you, Jennifer, from the bottom of my heart. (If you have cautions, warnings, or other advice for me, I look forward to seeing it.)

    July 8, 2024
    • Jay

      Did you creat your UTI after the charcoal cleanse then?

      July 9, 2024
    • Jay


      July 9, 2024
      • MB

        Just thought I would add here, since it’s the latest comment on this site. I have been fighting a kidney infection using Rebekah’s protocols. I did it a few years back when nothing else was working and it was always undetectable when I would go in to get tested. then 6 months ago I went to the ER with kidney pain after a long night of pain. I had gotten a UTI a month before and seemed to fight that off but felt stuff in my kidney after that. Tried to fight it off and wasn’t working so finally I got on antibiotics which I think actually made things worse. Anyways, so I was on antibiotics when I went to the ER. They did a bunch of tests and said it wasn’t kidney infection because it just showed trace blood and leukocytes. But they did give me two bags of fluids and IV rocephin as a sort of precaution. Sent me home saying it was just musculoskeletal pain. I did slowly get better after this so I think the rocephin did actually wipe it out. That and everything else in my guts and I’m pretty sure candida took over.

        6 months later I got another UTI, which I seemed to fight off in a day with D-mannose and supplements. No twinge in kidneys but then 2 weeks later, started having kidney pain, nausea, exhaustion, panic, etc. I felt awful off and on for a month and tried a few different things thinking it may be gallbladder, crohn’s, etc because the doctors were telling me its not a kidney infection. After systematically trying various natural remedies for these other things, I decided I think it is actually a kidney infection and I’m going to try that protocol again that I did a few years ago and found this blog again after a lot of searching.

        I didn’t do a proper cleanse because I have sensitive guts and I am not prone to constipation, so I did experience lot of die off. I started on a strict candida diet (no sugar, no dairy, no fruit, no gluten, no beans, etc.) and taking antifungal stuff like caprylic acid, undecylenic acid, lauricidin, oregano oil, drinking ginger tea with tumeric, and since I was feeling so awful from the infection and candida I did start feeling better initially but then started having die off nausea, exhaustion, etc. And I was taking a heaping teaspoon of activated charcoal last thing at night and then first thing in the am. I stopped the charcoal after like 3 or so days because I think I got most of the candida, I was worried that the charcoal was absorbing some of my supplements, even though I was spacing it out, and it was sort of stopping me up a bit (was still going 1-2x per day). I also ended up having to go not as strict on the candida diet after a few days because I had already lost a lot of weight being so sick the past month and I’m pescatarian so it was too limited on what I could actually eat and I wasn’t getting enough calories. So after a few days I got less strict but still no sugar, dairy, or simple carbs. Those first couple of days, I woke up and my pee was darker than usual, it’s usually clear even after a full night. So I could see I was breaking through the sort of walled off infection. I basically transitioned from focusing mainly on getting rid of the candida to fighting the infection over a span of a week. So doing the lemon shots for stomach acidity, cayenne, ginger, garlic with meals, oregano oil, black seed oil, lauricidin. I’ve also been taking lactoferrin and digestive enzymes, which I don’t think I really see mentioned around the site. I also started taking a 100 billion probiotic to try to help the good stuff I’m killing off. I also did ceylon cinnamon tea a few times, as well as echinacea, throat coat, chamomile teas throughout.

        Yesterday I was feeling crappy and pain seemed worse even though I was throwing everything at it, I think because I was breaking more and more through the biofilms and my body was ramping up an immune response. I finally received urine test strips in the mail, so I tested last night and leukocytes were medium to high, no nitrates, trace blood. First thing this morning I tested and no leukocytes 1st minute and only trace leukocytes after 3-5 mins, no nitrates, no trace blood, and I have felt much better all day (still following protocol).

        I’m going to keep up with the protocol and I am receiving the good vitacost OLE in the mail today, so I will add that in. It has been a bit of rollercoaster ride but I just wanted to share my story in case anyone else is having a similar experience. Obviously, kidney infections are dangerous and if it gets to that point it is very likely better to get on antibiotics and try the protocol next time before it gets to that stage. But if you are like me and keep getting told it’s not a kidney infection or if the infection is resistant to antibiotics then try Rebekah’s protocol. Like she says getting rid of the candida is critical to even being to start getting at attacking the infection, and the stomach acid thing is very important as well, you need stomach acid to help breakdown the supplements so that you can even absorb them. I do the lemon shots because I have tried HCL in the past and it is too much for me even though I def have low stomach acid.

        Sorry if this was too much to read but I like when other’s give details of their story and what they have been trying. Best of luck with your healing everyone!

        July 15, 2024
  2. Leisa Forman
    Leisa Forman

    Help help help Please! I’m leaving in the am for two weeks!
    I’ve been doing everything for days. I now have no nitrites for several days. I have the lower amount but positive leukocytes . It burns hurts when I am NOT peeing. Seems reverse. During peeing fine, and normal amount, but hurts in between. Which products are the very most important to take on tiny bag on trip??
    Is it possible it’s a yeast infection, since all tissues hurt tender. I am 57 so low estrogen, but just started using down there. Monistat helped last two nights, but still not good.
    Bless you if you have time for a response today!

    June 30, 2020
    • Leisa Forman
      Leisa Forman

      Also, feel legs shaky and waves of sweaty.

      June 30, 2020
  3. Alyssa

    Hi! So.. I have had a yeast infection since around May and nothing has worked. Fast forward, today I did the laxative/charcoal route mentioned in the uti boot camp. I noticed it says “resume your particular regimen developed from your Kill List post’ towards the end. I was wondering what my kill list post regimen is ( I am following killing candida) , do I jump to doing days 4-10 under killing candida? Or, do I not have to do that because I followed the route mentioned on the boot camp page? I am a little confused and I just want to follow it all properly. I have the coconut bullets made too that I am doing. Just wanted to be sure on if I should still take charcoal and oleuropin after today. Thank you so much, love the blog and was so thankful to find it because I have been suffering for months and Diflucan doesn’t cut it. (I also messaged on FB- sorry. Didn’t know what was fastest)

    September 21, 2019
  4. Dee Dee
    Dee Dee

    Would having a colonic (colon hydrotherapy) serve the same purpose as getting to the point of loose stools…To clean things out? Was planning to do that prior to starting the protocol for killing Candida and then again after, then repopulate with probiotics.

    May 26, 2019
  5. Lakeithia Dillard
    Lakeithia Dillard

    Hello! I know I may be late here but I found your site looking for a cure for my candida. I’m sure I’ve been suffering with this for years due to my ongoing yeast issues, and various other things. I went to the dr and you know how that goes. Diflucan, tetrinazole cream (sp?) And all that other jazz that just doesn’t work. I have read this and the Q & D cleanse several times to make sure I have it right! I suffer with constipation so I actually haven’t been able to utilize the charcoal like I should. I did take it thinking I would be alright but it made my constipation worse ugh. I drink lots of water and only water so I know that’s not the issue. I’ve tried laxatives, they’re only a temporary fix and won’t get me going like I need to. I tried the cinnamon tea but it makes me gag and I can’t get it down. I’m normally a soldier when it comes to taking things but that I can’t do Lol. I was wondering if taking cinnamon capsules in a larger amount would get the job done like the tea? Any help would be appreciated (I’m typing calmly but I’m about to pop on the inside Lol), thanks! I also tried to join the Facebook group. If you would add me that’d be awesome as well 🙂

    April 4, 2018
    • Polly

      Hiya , what did you do in the end ? I’m trying the cleanse nothing has happened on day 4 . What does laxative mean ? The lemon and ginger shots ?
      It’s quite confusing if it doesn’t work but you don’t have a uti .Have a headache so maybe die off is starting .
      Can you have die off if you don’t get loose bowels ?

      June 29, 2020
      • Jessica

        Try to sweat too. If you are on social media if you search for dr. Jessica peatross. She has a site too which incorporates what Rebekah taught us with a sweating protocol. I must say I tried many of these suggestions but I had such an overgrowth of Candida that once I saw a functional medicine doctor it took three months of diflucan and nystatin to kill the systemic Candida all throughout my body. I still took something to naturally kill as well, then bind and sweat it out. Another thing that has helped me is switching binders. Different binders do different things. I really like gi detox and cellcore binders. They have different binders. One thing I learned going through all of this is.. it’s probably not just Candida or yeast. I also was full of mold and have mold toxicity illness. Candida is best bro’s with other things like mold, Lyme, EBV, etc. Hope some of this helps. I love that Rebekah offers so much here to us but if you aren’t seeing long standing results I really suggest finding a functional med doctor and run the tests. Candida turned out to be a small piece of the puzzle for me and most people I know.

        June 29, 2020
        • Polly

          Thanks so much , as you start to heal your body it becomes a very individual path I see that. I will seek out a nutritional therapist is my issues don’t resolve long term. This blog is so full of helpful info !! I was directed here by a friend who had suffered 20 years of uti issues . Good health to you on your journey to wellness 💚

          July 29, 2020
  6. Liz

    Hi, I’ve been devouring all the different pages and have been confused about which to implement when. I’ve had about 7 UTIs in the last year, got referred to a bunch of different doctors, and took way too many antibiotics. I’ve also had some crazy gut problems alternating between difficult movement and runny BMs but often not much in between. I get really sick when I eat sugar and have avoided it in most forms for years, and recently had a colonoscopy checking for Crohn’s (don’t have it, yay!).

    Just got over a really nasty UTI, I tried some of the protocols, but they didn’t seem to kick that sucker and I resorted to antibiotics again. For the moment I seem to be in the clear, but it seemed pretty likely that I have a candida overgrowth.

    I started taking OLE while on the antibiotics to try and help them out, and then continued when I found this protocol. I’ve been trying your protocol with the cinnamon tea and the OLE to slowly work away at the infection. Yesterday I had some die off symptoms (gas, nausea,
    brain fog, and one sharp instance of pain) (Day 2) but my bowels aren’t moving the way you recommend, so I’m assuming I should be trying to do the serious charcoal cleanse route. (Had one liquid movement but everything else was strained, although that’s not abnormal for me at this point).

    Here’s my question, what do I until I have a spare couple days to spend next to the toilet? Keep following this protocol? Keeping doing Day 2? Or is that a waste of supplements? (You’re right that they’re expensive!) My problem is that I’m the bread winner, and I work full time. Will that lay me up for more than a day or two? I have to schedule time off so what do I do until then? Also what other supplements would you recommend in my case? I bought the probiotic, OLE, oregano and charcoal. Now I’m seeing I need to buy L-glutamine for the aftermath, but is there anything else?

    I’m just feeling desperate. I was referred to yet another doctor (who apparently specializes in this exact thing), but he doesn’t have any openings in his schedule for about 9 months. Let’s just say that I’m tired of being in pain, and I just want a solution.

    November 10, 2017
  7. Suze

    I love your blog. Funny and a life line! 🙂 Question about runny BMs and UTIs. Can’t diaharrea lead to a UTI? In May I had to do a big cleanse for a colonoscopy. I felt like it was giving me a UTI during the cleanse. And, sure enough, a couple weeks after that I did have a UTI. (Which I took antibiotics for).

    Can I do the candida cleanse without subjecting myself to loose stools? I do tend towards constipation. Is once a day enough?

    August 12, 2017
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      You can use charcoal to prevent loose stools: you’ve seen the Quick and Dirty Cleanse post?

      A dysbiotic gut leads to UTI’s because the prevalence of pathogenic bacteria increases the chances that some bold adventurer will make its way to your urethra.
      In your case, I would combine the Q and D Cleanse with the Never Get Another UTI guidelines.

      August 12, 2017
  8. Sezanne

    Hi there,

    Thank you for this info. I am finding it confusing to know what to start with…

    I have recurring UTIs and have been diagnosed with Candida before by naturopath. My UTIs are pretty bad now and I have been on three antibiotics this month. Right now – I have urgency, burning and discomfort. I tried some alkalinizing pills and garlic. The pills seemed to help a bit but the garlic and honey might have stirred something. I am waiting for paperwork on what the bacteria is…but the antibiotics are not getting rid of it. Also I have IC. Where should I begin? Shall I take some charcoal this am? Take some Mg to loosen stool first? When do I take a probiotic on this protocol. I also have some Candex I used to take – which I know kills biofilm. Should I take that tonight? So confusing? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! (I am finding it hard to find out the protocol as the posts are hard to search. Or I am just deeply confused – but thanks for all this info!). I seem to have a lot of the stuff noted just not the OLE, which I can get tomorrow. Right now the urgency is not going away and I don’t want to start an ANOTHER antibiotic!

    August 1, 2017
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      The best place to start is with the Quick and Dirty Cleanse, and the cinnamon tea and lemon water schedule in Phase I. When the bowels aren’t loose, a spoonful of milk of magnesia helps keep things flowing enough to take a daily dose of charcoal comfortably.
      Klebsiella can feed on garlic: you may have that bacteria.

      August 1, 2017
  9. Erika Bailey
    Erika Bailey

    Please help! I need a candida cleanse, I have no doubt I have a huge buildup in my body. I have also suffered from recurring UTI’s for years and years. There is so much information here and I am left with two problems. I work full time and can’t take time off from work, so I have from Friday night to Sunday night to cleanse. AND, I can’t spend a fortune, I am a single mom with three teens. I can’t figure out what to do. Should I do the OLE/coconut bullet for a few nights, then something to clean myself out and then the activated charcoal? Will that work? Can I just drink a saline drink to cleanse, or something OTC? I want to do something, but it’s a bit overwhelming, and I am struggling to know where to start. I am so excited to have found this site though. I feel like there is a light over the horizon! Thank you.

    July 25, 2017
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      An outline of the fastest way to proceed against Candida:
      1. Coconut oil bullet every night for vaginal yeast, if needed.
      2. Magnesium citrate saline laxative from any drugstore: it’s clear liquid in a 10 oz bottle that you drink all at once.
      3. Activated charcoal capsules from said drugstore. Take around 3500-5000 mg with 12 oz water when you’ve had watery ? 3-4x. Wait an hour and repeat the charcoal and water.
      (Look closely at the charcoal you buy to see how many mg it contains per capsule, and do the math to make sure that you have enough to take two large doses. They’re typically 260mg per capsule.)

      4. Keep well hydrated by drinking 16 oz lemon water upon waking every morning, and drink 8 oz water every time you void your bladder. This keeps your bowels moving well so that you can flush charcoal through your system to pick up Candida without die-off symptoms.
      The Quick and Dirty Cleanse post lays that out.

      After that, taking things like OLE that kill Candida in your kidneys is relatively painless, because you’ve swept out the Candida in your gut that would have made you miserable.

      July 25, 2017
  10. Cecilia

    Can you boil cinnamon sticks and use that as your tea?

    June 17, 2017
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Yes, but it would take more, that way. For maximum potency, grate/grind them.
      And don’t drink more than a minimal amount of grounds: cassia cinnamon is toxic in large quantities, but that toxin isn’t water-soluble, which is why the tea is so good.

      June 17, 2017
  11. Shelby S
    Shelby S

    Is it necessary to stay at home while you do the cleanse or is it possible to leave the house and do things?

    December 15, 2016
  12. Jess

    If I do the boot camp, will that kill the candida or do I need to do both this and the boot camp?

    November 4, 2016
  13. Nancy

    So I’m in the morning of day three.. I don’t feel sick or any different could it mean I don’t need to do this cleanse?

    September 22, 2016
  14. Lola Ritter
    Lola Ritter

    I have just come across this site and have had many problems with UTIs, so would like to try your plan. I have been told by the doctors that I have Irritable Bowel Syndrome, as I have had diarrhea now for three years and I know some of the problem is an allergy to wheat and milk, which also has been confirmed by doctors. I have been eliminating the foods that give me problems, but still have diarrhea that is not explained, so they call it irritable bowel. I have recurring UTIs and am wondering how to use this plan with my problems. I cannot use the magnesium, as I am already having bowel problems. Thank you for all the information on this site.

    September 12, 2016
  15. Gen

    Do you recommend McCormick Cinnamon at all? Thank you!

    August 26, 2016
  16. Gen

    will you recommend McCormick Cinnamon at all? Thank you!

    August 26, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Any cinnamon can be used as long as you don’t consume the grounds!
      You do want it to be as fresh and good quality as possible, though.

      August 26, 2016
  17. Trisha

    Help!!! Could you possibly simplify this for the working girl Please!!
    It seems like a lot to take in. Not sure I can follow all of this.

    August 10, 2016
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      This IS the simple version! ?

      Drink a cup of cinnamon tea 3x a day (between meals), and swallow a tablespoon of coconut oil with every meal, and see how you do.

      August 10, 2016

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