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Never Get Another UTI

Posted in Cleansing, Useful Tips, UTI Causes, and Vaginal Health

This is for those of you who’re UTI-free or about to be, and want to stay that way. I’m not going to waste time telling you to wipe front to back, or to pee after sex, because I know you’re not a Neanderthal, and I doubt you’re sleeping with one, either.


Though if you have recurrent yeast, BV, or UTI’s, you should hold him down and feed him OLE.

Or just tell him, “It puts the OLE in its mouth, or it gets NO MORE NOOKIE, EVER.”
That’ll fetch ‘im.

Okay, ready for the tips?     *ahem*


  1. Cleanse your gut with activated charcoal
  2. Cleanse your gut with activated charcoal
  3. Cleanse your gut with activated charcoal, woman!

Have you done a charcoal cleanse yet? If not, go do it now, and come back later.
I wait


Back? Good.

Your man should do one, too. Tell him that he’ll lose weight effortlessly, and stop farting, too. Don’t tell him he’ll stop craving beer; that acts as a deterrent, for some reason.

2. Take probiotics, preferably something with L. reuteri, a beneficial bacteria that enjoys long walks on the beach, pottery throwing, and knife fights with E. coli. Take one every day till the bottle’s gone, and put one high up in your lady cave overnight. You may see little green globs in the next two days. If so, repeat. For extra credit…put down your drink, ladies…put two capsules in a coconut bullet and take rectally, overnight. Yes, you read that right. If you get loose, slimy poops in the morning, throw yourself a party, because you just killed the Candida/E. coli colony that would have re-infected you. If you’ve had chronic gut problems of any sort in the past, take L-glutamine as well, to rebuild your gut lining.

3. Start every day with a 12 oz glass of lemon or lime water. Most women who develop a problem with UTI’s have a tendency to be a bit dehydrated, and you want to reverse that. The best way to get in the hydration habit is to start the day with a large glass of water, and then every time you empty your bladder over the course of the day, make a point to drink 8 oz of water. It doesn’t have to have lemon or lime in it, just drink water. Having to go to the bathroom is going to be your ‘drink water’ memory trigger from now on. You can fancy it up a bit and get one of those infuser bottles and make fruit-infused water, if that helps you. Just this one thing is going to cut your chances of developing a new infection by about 75%.

4. Do the full Coconut Bullet treatment for your lady cave (before you use the probiotic), preferably with OLE soaked in the oil ahead of time, and do a plain coconut oil bullet once a month, thereafter.

5. If you have any reason to think you may have been exposed to UTI pathogens, make and apply a thick dollop of charcoal paste right to your urethral opening. If there’s anything trying to crawl up your urethra, it’ll suck it back out. I personally love doing that overnight, knowing that it’s a perfect UTI shield.

6. Keep a big bottle of Vitacost OLE on hand, and take a handful whenever you think you need to. This will keep all kinds of infections at bay, from the common cold to UTI’s to eye/ear/nose/throat infections. It also naturally cures hypertension, high cholesterol, inflammatory conditions, and there’s evidence it kills cancer cells, so you really can’t go wrong. For extra credit, put a bottle of oregano oil capsules in the fridge, to double team any bad guys with. If you suspect a UTI coming on, take two of those 4x a day along with 4 OLE capsules, for 2 days straight, and it’ll die before it even gets a foot in the door.


Now, did you really go do a charcoal cleanse, before? If not…..









  1. Linda Miller
    Linda Miller

    I hope someone can help me. I have recurrent klebsiella p infection, proceeding through Rebekah’s phase II protocols. Prior to this last infection, I have been drinking homemade milk kefir in an effort to prevent UTIs. Should I stop while going through phase II (charcoal cleansing and natural meds)? If so when can I resume, if ever. I’m reading that we wouldn’t want fermentation to take place in the gut. Is consuming kefir and sauerkraut hindering my efforts to kill the kleb? I’m on day II of charcoal cleanse, got sick and threw up last night (candida die-off?), and test strips this morning show leukocytes. Not wanting to give up and succumb to antibiotics.

    March 10, 2023
  2. Rachel Townsend
    Rachel Townsend

    Can I cleanse my gut during pregnancy? 😬 I got a uti in my first trimester and the antibiotics I took are giving me recurrent yeast infections! 🥴 I’m currently doing coconut oil bullets here and there, but not consistently.

    July 26, 2020
    • Aleksandra

      Hi. I am not Rebekah as shes not currently active but I am on the Facebook group and have been following her protocols for about 2.5 years now. I am currently 6 months pregnant and I have been consistent about the cleanses especially as pregnancy puts you at higher risk. I did a cleanse when I found out I am pregnant and then just one now. My next one will be soon as I give birth to remove all the junk they will inject me with from my system. If you are worried about uti and pregnancy id suggest you visit Rebekahs post on Pregnancy and UTI. It is on the blog. Everything on the site is safe for pregnancy EXCEPT Pau darco. That is the only thing too harsh for baby. I got pregnant on my first try WITH a blocked fallopian tube and I strongly believe it is due to all the cleansing and stomach acid I did in the past two years since I have been on Rebekahs protocol. My health is much better and I am having the world’s easiest pregnancy. I hope this helps.

      July 26, 2020
      • Jasmine


        I am desperate for some guidance on how to do the protocol if you could please help me that would be amazing.
        I know it’s a long shot considering this comment is old.

        November 14, 2023
        • Aleksandra

          Hello, please feel free to email me on my personal email –

          November 14, 2023
          • Sam


            I’m in the process of trying to complete the protocols. Feeling discouraged and needing some help. I can be reached via text 814-414-5269 or email


            April 13, 2024
  3. Jennifer

    I did the quick and dirty cleanse, but used Smooth Move Tea in place of the magnesium citrate back in March/April. I’m just wondering if the charcoal cleanses should be done on a regular basis? Every 6 months or yearly? I have recently got over another UTI using your protocol (thank you!) and just want to do more preventative measures as this last one has left me with ptsd/anxiety.

    January 6, 2020
    • Aleksandra Bozheva
      Aleksandra Bozheva

      Hi Jennifer. I am not Rebekah but have been doing her protocols for 2 years now. She recommends doing a charcoal cleanse once every 3 months especially if you dont watch your diet too much. It prevents the candida from growing back. That in addition to probiotics daily and fixing my stomach acid has kept me UTI free so far. Also I use a silver gel on the urethra for prevention whenever I am feeling paranoid-it is by a company called 3rd rock essentials. I use their 100 ppm gel and also their 75 ppm gel. I hope this helps.

      January 7, 2020
      • Jennifer

        Thank you so much for your response! That makes good sense. I’m going to check out that silver gel. I have so much anxiety about all of this. Are you a member of the Facebook group?

        February 13, 2020
        • Aleksandra Bozheva
          Aleksandra Bozheva

          Hi Jennifer, yes I am on the group and active there. Unfortunately since Rebekah isnt active there anymore and she is the only admin, no new people can join until she approves them. If you however are already part of the group we can chat there.

          February 13, 2020
          • Jennifer Stankovits
            Jennifer Stankovits

            My request has never been accepted. Do you have any idea why Rebekah isn’t active here or there anymore? Thanks again 😊

            March 29, 2020
  4. Elynne Scott
    Elynne Scott

    I don’t know where to write my comments anymore, because every page that I find refers me to another page that seems to apply!
    I ended up here because I have never done a Charcoal Cleanse because every night I take 2 capsules of Magnesium Citrate, plus 2 more tablets of a variety of Magnesiums and Magnesium/Potassium/Taurine Aspartate (for A-Fib prevention and for non-Afib palpitations) and yet I am still constipated! I am afraid to try the Charcoal because of that!

    I’m not even sure if I need the Charcoal Cleanse anyway, because in 2012 I had a series of UTIs and I developed antibiotic allergies to everything that they tried to give me, so I haven’t taken any antibiotics for years! I have been able to get rid of UTIs that I’ve developed just using the OLE and garlic (thanks to you) ~~ I couldn’t tolerate the Cayenne and I haven’t tried the Oregano Oil and am not sure if I should. I don’t register as having a UTI now but I had one a few weeks ago. Now I think that I may have a Candida problem ~~ something new for me, which is why I’m checking out the Charcoal Cleanse. But then there’s the constipation issue… and more…

    About the low stomach acid ~~ I was on Omeprazole for over a decade ~~ maybe as long as 15 years. I went off of it last April because my chiropractor thought that I was having heart palpitations because my magnesium was not being absorbed because of the long-term PPI use which can block the absorption of minerals (among other things.)

    Since April I have lost 35 pounds because I can’t eat eggs, dairy, wheat, citrus, and I was already off sugar. When looking up what I CAN EAT, I discovered that after being on a PPI for as long as I was, the proton pump inhibitors went wild and started producing vast amounts of stomach acid, because they are trying to make up for all of the years that they didn’t get to do their job! I originally was put on the PPI for GERD and a hiatal hernia, and I am still on a mainly alkaline diet because my little PPIs are trying to make up for years of producing only 10% of the stomach acid that they wanted to produce, so now they are over-doing with overflowing me with that 90% that they didn’t get to make for many years!

    So what are your suggestions for people who may have high stomach acid levels instead of low ones, and how do I do a Charcoal Cleanse if I’m ODing already on Magnesium and I’m still constipated?

    December 15, 2019
  5. Mary

    Hi Rebekah, I sent you a private message last week. I haven’t received any response via email that I have noticed. Anyway I have sort of resolved the issue myself but was not sure what to do about whether I should do an enema or not to help expel some of the dead candida after charcoal since I still do not have loose stools. Are loose stools even necessary as long as I have a regular BM once per day along with taking charcoal? Also was wondering how many ole my hubby should take if need be? Thanks for the help!

    May 27, 2019
  6. Alex B
    Alex B

    Rebekah I am looking for some advice. I read on a herbalist website that he gives his patients uva ursi tea- one cup a day for 6 months and in his experience that eliminates reccuring UTI or at least reduces the chance of it greatly. I got some and was doing it for a month and 4 days ago I noticed I got bladder irratation after my tea. I thought maybe I’m wrong as Uva ursi should calm bladder irratation not vice versa. I skipped a day and then had tea yesterday and then again tonight. Tonight my bladder got INSANELY painful and irratated after my tea. Tests don’t indicate a UTI at least not yet- I have only been able to hold my pee for 2 hours but test was clear. I am taking marshmallow pills like crazy and they calmed it a bit but wow it is painful and the worst part is we leave for vacation tomorrow morning. I keep searching the internet and haven’t been able to find one person that got pain from Uva ursi. Am i hallucinating or should i be afraid it’s a UTI..I am almost 99% certain it’s not a UTI. Any advice? Obviously I am dropping the tea but I just wonder if it is possible for it to have actually flared me when it does exactly the opposite for most people.

    March 7, 2019
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Uva-ursi doesn’t kill E. coli…it’s actually of very limited use against UTIs, as a general rule.
      Did you use the Emergency Pain Relief measures?

      March 12, 2019
      • Alex B
        Alex B

        Rebekah I don’t currently have a UTI, I was drinking the tea as a prophilactic. The uva ursi flared me bad and the flare still hasn’t subsided..usually when something flares me in a few days it goes away but it’s day 5 and my bladder is calmer during the day but gets uncomfortable at night. I also have been taking marshmallow root pills but after my bladder was calm all day yesterday I took marshmallow at night and my bladder flared. It feels like it’s the whole tube where I pee from versus the bladder itself ..I am starting to get really worried I did permanent damage or something. We are also on vacation so this is really not ideal. Another question..I did yet another bootcamp cleanse before out trip- I have done many, my last one was in January . Since I did this last one I have rectal itching and sometimes vaginal…Is this normal? Do you have any tips or calming down my bladder? I haven’t been getting much sleep because of it and I am walking through my vacation like a zombie …

        March 13, 2019
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          Yes, I should have been more clear…For the benefit of all those reading the comments, based on what I’ve seen over a few thousand cases, I don’t believe uva-ursi has any widespread benefits regarding UTIs, either treatment or prevention, and I would disregard all recommendations to use it. That’s why it’s not in any of the suggested protocols.

          In your situation, to calm inflamed tissues, I would avoid all bladder irritants (dairy, caffeine, nightshades (tomatoes/peppers)), and use slippery elm capsules and bone broth.

          Also, have you tried a topical charcoal paste just to be sure you aren’t dealing with a surface tissue infection irritating the urethra?

          March 13, 2019
  7. Amanda

    If you ar currently on antibiotics dor infection, is it ok to do the charcoal or will it absorb meds?

    January 10, 2019
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      You can take charcoal while on antibiotics as long as:
      1. You’re not constipated, and
      2. You take it two hours away from food and meds.

      January 10, 2019
  8. Beverly

    I have just been diagnosed with a uti that cultured proteus maribellus (sounds like a character from Gladiator movie:) The Doctor has ordered Bactrim for 7 days…I am taking probiotics and cranberry pills…my question is: Does your regimen help with that bacteria? I did not see any mention of it, and from what you have said, each bacteria is different in treatment…

    September 25, 2018
    • T.smith

      Somewhere on this site she talks about the gram positive and gram negative bacteria and the Proteus is in one of those categories and she goes on with how to treat. Keep looking on here.

      September 26, 2018
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Yes, Proteus mirabilis is a gram negative acid-adaptive bacteria that can be killed using the same protocol as for E. coli.
      OLE, oregano oil, raw garlic, juiced ginger root, and grated horseradish root can all be used on it.

      September 26, 2018
  9. Deborah Drummond
    Deborah Drummond

    Esbl E. coli infections

    July 26, 2018

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