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What You Need to Know

Posted in Useful Tips

About Your Infection And This Blog…

1. If you’re here because you’re in pain right now with a UTI that came on fast, odds are you have an E. coli infection that will respond quickly to the Emergency Relief measures. If, however, you already know your infection is caused by Staph or Strep, you need to take ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) right away, 1000-1500 mg, and repeat that 3x a day for the next 3-5 days.
UTI’s are caused by many different bacteria, and they respond differently to things, so what cures one infection will make another worse. If you don’t know what is causing your infection and you get no relief from the Emergency measures, try the ascorbic acid. If you don’t get relief from either within 90 minutes of taking, go to the ER, because your infection is too acute and you need IV antibiotics.

Alternatively, you have a persistent burning pain down there, but no bladder pressure and baking soda water does nothing: you have a vaginal infection, not a UTI. Go directly to this post.


2. The most crucial information for beginning to deal with an infection the natural way is contained in the posts pinned to the front page of the blog. Start at the top and work your way down.
It’s a lot of information, but it helps to know more about what’s going on in there, why this is happening to you, and how to make it stop.
It’s very frustrating to do everything “right” and still be getting infections, but the information here will help you stop that cycle permanently. Also, you NEED to test your urine every day, first thing in the morning, to monitor your progress, or the lack thereof. They’re an indispensable tool that will let you know when your infection is truly dead and not merely quiescent, and they’ll let you know if you need to go to the doctor. Get yourself tests immediately, and test first thing every morning. This stuff is nothing to play around with, and needs to be closely monitored. Take a pic at 1 and 2 minutes every day and compare those pics from day to day.


3. I’m not a doctor, or a naturopath. I’m an ordinary person who found all these things out the hard way. By trying things, observing the results, then researching on the ‘net for scientific evidence to back up my deductions, I was able to connect the dots, kill what ailed me, and explain how I did it.
Everything I know I learned through suffering, not from a class or a certification program. That’s why all this information is free. Money couldn’t pay for the blood, sweat, and tears it took to learn it.


4. Click on the links in the posts to see research studies, informative articles on other websites, and links to products that work. None of them are fancy, high-priced, specialty concoctions in glitzy packaging. As a matter of fact, the things I found that worked the best are surprisingly inexpensive, and many of them will already be in your kitchen cabinet.


5. Because the bladder is at the end of the body’s liquid elimination system, the natural medications listed in this blog are going to run into other things before they get there.
You can stop an infection in its tracks quickly with the Emergency Relief measures and Phase I, but in order to finish off a bladder infection, everything between your mouth and your bladder has to get well.
The bad news is that this *usually* takes longer than a course of antibiotics.
The good news is that your overall health is going to change for the better in ways you can’t even imagine right now.
By the time you’re done, you won’t just have a healthy bladder, you’ll have a healthy gut, and blood and organs free of both bacterial and fungal pathogens, and their toxins.

This means no more brain fog, headaches, PMS, acid reflux, constipation, recurring bacterial infections, yeast infections, itchy scalp, chronic rashes, chronic fatigue, joint pain….and excess weight will fall right off you. You’ll feel like Superwoman compared to how you feel right now.
And that doesn’t go away: your whole life changes for the better, because the way to a healthy bladder is a healthy gut, and that leads a healthy everything else, as well.


6. There’s a Facebook group you can join for support from myself and other women who’ve already cured their infections this way. Click on the link in the menu at the top of every blog page.

Good luck, God speed, and feel free to ask questions!



  1. Jamie C
    Jamie C

    I haven’t had an infection in about 2 months. I am in a lot of pain this morning and leuks turned purple right away. No nitrites. I haven’t been as faithful as I could with the celery juice and charcoal with life being so hectic and stressful. Anyway, what tips to nip this in the bud? I took OLE and Vitamin C almost 2 hours ago and still a lot of bladder pain and urgency. What else should I be doing? Thanks!

    January 20, 2019
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Try the Decision Tree baking soda test right away!

      January 20, 2019
      • Jamie C
        Jamie C

        I am drinking a large glass of celery/ginger/lemon right now. When would be best to try the baking soda? I thought about trying it but was scared the pain would be even worse because I am already in so much pain.

        January 20, 2019
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          You can put a pinch of it right into the juice!
          It takes between 30-40 minutes to get through the system: let me know the result.

          January 20, 2019
          • Jamie C
            Jamie C

            Ok I will do it now. I should have tried the decision tree first.

            January 20, 2019
            • Rebekah W.
              Rebekah W.

              That kind of pain coming on that fast is typical of a gram negative bacteria, in which case the juice + baking soda should give you a lot of relief soon.
              Have you done charcoal paste or a wet charcoal teabag in the urethra yet?

              January 20, 2019
              • Jamie C
                Jamie C

                I was thinking gram negative because of the swiftness of the pain but no nitrites showed on the test this morning. Just leukocytes were dark purple. The vitamin c I took a few hours ago did nothing to help at all and actually seemed to make it worse. The celery/lemon/ginger juice along with the baking soda seemed to help. I also forgot to mention earlier that I did take cayenne with the first swig of celery juice. So I am not sure if that will skew my results or not. I haven’t done the charcoal paste yet but am abut to! I just got out of a long, hot epsom salt bath.

                January 20, 2019
                • Jamie C
                  Jamie C

                  So lemon water, cayenne, and OLE should do the trick? I have been in the ER with kidney infections so if it really is E coli I am anxious to get the treatment correct to begin with. And I want to AVOID antibiotics for sure!!!

                  January 20, 2019
                  • Rebekah W.
                    Rebekah W.

                    Yes! Hit the juice blend again, and can you find horseradish root at your nearest store?
                    The Hippocrates Special protocol is great at smacking a gram negative infection down before it can get settled in.

                    January 20, 2019
                    • Jamie C
                      Jamie C

                      I just peed and a mucus blob came out of my bladder. Is this normal? I hate horseradish with a passion but I am sure I can find some.

                      January 20, 2019
                    • Rebekah W.
                      Rebekah W.

                      How long have you been doing the celery juice blend?

                      You may simply be flushing dead Candida out of your kidneys. That can cause strong UTI symptoms and leuks, when it all comes out in a rush.

                      January 20, 2019
                    • Jamie C
                      Jamie C

                      I have been taking charcoal in the morning the past few days but haven’t juiced for almost a week because life got busy. Would charcoal cause a candida cleanse like that from my bladder? I also always take the FemDophilus every night without fail (On a rare occasion I have missed).

                      January 20, 2019
                    • Rebekah W.
                      Rebekah W.

                      When you take something that kills Candida (OLE, ginger, cinnamon) after cleansing with charcoal, the meds get right into your blood and kill Candida in your kidneys.
                      You may be about to see a whole lot of goopy white stuff every time you pee for a bit.
                      Don’t freak: that’s dead fungus leaving your system. There may also be some kidney gravel mixed in there, which can cause sharp pains and pressure and urethral irritation.
                      It all passes in a day, generally.

                      January 20, 2019
                    • Jamie C
                      Jamie C

                      Yay! Very good to know! Should I follow the Hippocrates special or just keep taking my HCL with meals and then charcoal and celery juice in the mornings?

                      January 20, 2019
                    • Rebekah W.
                      Rebekah W.

                      If you do the Hippocrates that’ll help your kidneys clean out faster, and protect you in case any bacteria *has* gotten in there.
                      Definitely keep on the HCL and take charcoal whenever conditions permit: that should have you feeling fantastic in a few days.
                      Also, eat foods rich in niacin, zinc, and iodine, and sprinkle sea or pink salt on everything. Those are the ingredients your body uses in the production of stomach acid: those combined with the juice and B12-rich foods nourish your adrenals, as well.

                      January 20, 2019
                    • Jamie C
                      Jamie C

                      Is fresh horseradish the best? I am not sure there is a store near me that sells fresh. I have been drinking the celery juice mixture all day and so far my bladder is a little uncomfortable but not doing too bad. Thanks for your help!

                      January 21, 2019
                    • Rebekah W.
                      Rebekah W.

                      Yes..I’d call the local Asian grocers to see if they have it, or wasabi root, which can be used in place of horseradish.
                      You can take 2 OLE with every glass of juice if you’ve cleansed well with charcoal.

                      January 21, 2019
                    • Jamie C
                      Jamie C

                      So the OLE can be used in place of the horseradish or in addition to it? Thanks!

                      January 21, 2019
                    • Rebekah W.
                      Rebekah W.

                      In addition to!
                      It can be taken with juice or on an empty stomach, but horseradish/wasabi must always be taken with food.

                      When you take OLE with the juice blend you’re taking a phenolic acid with a terpene, covering two chemical fronts, and the horseradish/wasabi or organosulphurs, attacking bacteria on a third front.

                      January 21, 2019
                    • Jamie C
                      Jamie C

                      I also forgot to mention I have been faithfully taking HCL with every meal for over a week now.

                      January 20, 2019
                    • Rebekah W.
                      Rebekah W.

                      Just taking HCL kills Candida in your gut simply by cutting off the food supply (stopping gut fermentation).
                      Any meds you take, including the ginger in that juice, will now be far more effective than before.

                      January 20, 2019
  2. Magdalena

    Hello, I’m suffering from a painful UTI as a result of lots of sexual activity while trying to conceive. I was prescribed macrobid by obgyn and told it was safe during pregnancy, but feel hesitant to take it since my previous history of recurring UTIs. I’ve read that D-Mannose affects sperm and possibly the egg from attaching. What treatment or protocol would you recommend for women with UTI while trying to conceive?
    Please help, thank you.

    June 20, 2017
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      OLE is perfectly safe! The only things to avoid are the pau d’arco, horseradish, and oregano oil.
      The OLE, garlic, cayenne protocol and the soda water and lemon water are just fine for pregnancy.
      So is charcoal, actually. You can follow Phase I and II without fear. ?

      June 20, 2017
      • Magdalena

        Thank you Rebekah for taking the time to respond to my message. Your cite is an immense resource for anyone looking for UTI help and support. As I was reading the phase 1 protocol, I realized I was using many of the things you recommend to avoid! Oh no! The raw garlic makes me throw up almost immediately. I’ve started to take the OLE and am feeling so awful. Headaches, nausea, body aches, and a fever. I was already feeling awful from the UTI and extremely painful urination. Could you please educate me or refer me to some place on your cite where it discusses how to take/use the activated charcoal. I think I read somewhere that it might help w the Herx reaction. Also, how long do you propose these proticals be followed? Everyone is an individual and every body works at a different pace, but on average when do you suppose I’ll be feeling better? For reference, I did a candida cleanse 6 months ago. Thanks again!

        June 20, 2017
        • Magdalena

          I also forgot to ask you if you have experience using hibiscus tea for UTI treatment.

          June 20, 2017
          • Rebekah W.
            Rebekah W.

            I didn’t try it myself, but I’ve heard it can be helpful. Lots of the ladies have reported that marshmallow tea is very soothing, as well.
            I think cinnamon tea is best while you still have Candida in the way, and then hibiscus and marshmallow afterward.
            The quickest way to soothe your urethra and lower bladder is to use a large dab of wet charcoal paste right on the urethra. It draws bacteria out: you may feel tingling and need to pee in a short while, and it’ll feel great.
            Reapply the charcoal afterward: you can use it as often as you like, and overnight. You won’t have urethra pain as long as you use it.

            June 21, 2017
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          The Quick and Dirty Cleanse!

          You’ll feel like a new woman within a week!
          The quickest way to get immediate Herx relief is to exercise vigorously, and drink extra water. The increased heart rate and perspiration will help your body flush the toxins out quickly: you’ll feel 50% better within an hour. Do that for half an hour a day and take a dose of charcoal, and you’ll punch right through this!

          June 21, 2017
          • Magdalena

            Thank you so much Rebekah!

            June 22, 2017
  3. Cindy

    My daughter-in-love has frequent UTIs and is pregnant with her first baby. Are your suggestions safe for pregnant women? What a wealth of info you supply!

    June 14, 2017
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Anything a pregnant woman shouldn’t take, or should take very little of has a warning with it in the posts where they’re mentioned, like horseradish, pau d’arco, and oregano.
      The OLE, garlic, cayenne, charcoal, baking soda water, lemon, cinnamon tea, they’re all totally safe.

      June 14, 2017

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