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Curing Cellulitis Permanently

Posted in Cellulitis, and Cleansing

Since my bout with cellulitis, I searched online for a place to share my experience, and ended up posting on a website called patient(.)com. I made one post detailing what happened to me, and how I fixed it, and then made a few supportive comments on someone else’s post. I was banned from the site 5 days after I signed up. Without warning.

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I e-mailed them to ask why, and was curtly informed that I was endangering people’s health. I didn’t tell anyone to go off their meds (which I’ve never done and never would do): I just suggested adding ascorbic acid to what they were doing. I guess that was too radical. (Yes, I did just roll my eyes.)

Sooooo, then I searched Facebook for a cellulitis group: what I found was horrifying. In a way, I should have seen this coming, because with all my UTI experience, I know how antibiotics destroy the gut biome and lead to recurring infections. Still, it was shocking.

Virtually everyone posting in that group, including the admin, has been dealing with recurring cellulitis for 5 years or more, and they all have horror stories (and pictures!!!) about sepsis and surgeries and wounds that won’t heal. As far as I could tell, I was the only one in the group who was cured. I asked if they were open to natural supplements before posting my story, not caring to be summarily booted from the premises, again.


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I was given the green light, so I posted my story and began commenting on people’s posts. I didn’t get much feedback at all, but on May 15th, a man (We’ll call him ‘Paul’ :D) who’d been on antibiotics for two weeks joined the group. Paul’s saga had begun on the last weekend in April with a rash and fever, and he’d been on antibiotics, IV and then oral, ever since. As of May 20th, his infection was worsening.


Thankfully, he read my comments and was open to trying Vitamin C. He began taking it then, and in about two weeks (his antibiotics prescription had run out in the meantime) his leg looked like this…

He then increased the Vitamin C, adding in a bedtime dose, and began taking activated charcoal first thing in the morning to deal with the Candida overgrowth he was bound to have, after all those antibiotics. A week later (6/10/17), his leg looked like this….

I said all that to say, I believe that cellulitis can be cured permanently, just like the bladder.
(And I just started a FB support group expressly for you guys! <—-Click.)

First of all, the most common cause of recurring cellulitis, antibiotic-resistant staph, is slaughtered by Vitamin C, more specifically, ascorbic acid. For excerpts of studies with links, click here.
To address a current infection or to begin a preventive cleanse, start with a minimum of 1500 mg of ascorbic acid, 3-4 times a day. Depending on the size and virulence of the infection, you may need more. Lots more. If you’re in the grip of a raging infection no antibiotics are touching, go straight for 5 grams, 3-4 times a day.

These doses will cause your bowels to make like Niagara Falls, but that’s why you want to buy activated charcoal. If you’re running loose and fast, a tablespoon in water first thing in the morning, and half that between meals during the day, if needed. Follow the timing instructions carefully. Activated charcoal must be taken with water, 2 hours away from any food, supplements, or meds. It will stop the runs and clear out all the Candida multiple rounds of antibiotics cause, which is a key step in preventing future infections.
After antibiotics, a dose of probiotics every day is important to restore your gut health.

To support your immune system, and cleanse your whole body of pathogens, with breakfast, lunch, and dinner, a fat clove of freshly minced garlic (DO NOT HEAT), and around 500-750 mg of cayenne pepper have been shown in studies to purify the blood and increase circulation. Most people who suffer from recurring cellulitis have circulation issues, and cayenne pepper will take care of that. The garlic purifies the blood and organs of infection-causing bacteria (it and the Vitamin C have been shown in studies to stop sepsis in its tracks).

After you’ve been taking the C, charcoal, garlic, and cayenne for a week and you’re feeling MUCH better, add in 2 capsules of olive leaf extract per meal. Get the Vitacost brand, or Swanson Super Strength: links are here. This will further cleanse your body, flushing Candida out of your kidneys and finishing off any lingering inflammation. Increase by a capsule per dose until you get to 4 capsules per dose, with every meal.

To prevent future infections from wounds, soak the affected area in warm Epsom salt water (1 part salt to 8 parts water) for 20-30 minutes, then apply antibiotic ointment, or aloe pulp, or a drop of oregano oil in coconut oil carrier, keep it clean, and take 2 grams of Vitamin C a day for 3 days.

Now, on topical treatments: If your cellulitis is oozing, that’s great.
You’re going to need a lot of activated charcoal, but your infection is going to heal incredibly fast. What you do is you take some activated charcoal (how much you need depends on the size of the weeping area) and you dribble a few drops of water into it until you have yourself a thick paste, like black frosting.
If your skin is really raw, with pitting, take a coffee filter or a paper towel, get it damp, and lay it over the area. Spread your wet charcoal generously over the whole thing, then place another damp paper towel/filter over that, and cover with a piece of plastic wrap, or waxed paper, anything waterproof, basically.

Then you wrap the whole thing in an Ace bandage, so that the charcoal stays wet and stays pressed against your weeping skin. Leave it on for about 6 hours. When you take it off, the redness and swelling will have visibly reduced, and the pain will be significantly better. Let it breathe for 10-15 minutes, and then reapply, just as before. It can be left overnight with no problems: you just have to make sure the charcoal stays damp. As your skin heals, you can leave out the towel/filter on your skin and spread the wet charcoal directly on the surface, doing everything else the same.

If you have unbroken skin but would like to take advantage of the topical charcoal treatment, you can mix ascorbic acid powder with water to make a thick paste, and spread it over the skin. Wherever there is a staph infection under the surface, a small blister will form: healthy skin remains unaffected. You’ll probably feel some tingling, but don’t worry, you’re rinsing this off in 3 minutes. After rinsing, apply a wet charcoal poultice as directed above, and the charcoal will draw the infection out through those little blisters.

Continue oral (Vit C, cayenne, garlic, OLE) and topical treatment until the skin has resumed normal tone and texture, and then continue the OLE and probiotic until the bottles are gone.
If you have any conditions that affect your circulation, like diabetes or paralysis, I would strongly recommend staying on cayenne pepper (500 mg twice a day), Vitamin C (1000 mg a day), and OLE (2 capsules Vitacost or Swanson per day).

Congratulations! You’re cured.
Bring it home, Spock…

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  1. Aaron

    Hi Rebekah, I tried going through your contacts page, but that did not seem to be set up to receive messages at this time. Your vitamin C-charcoal remedy seems like it might be the way I need to try now after dozens of other home remedies have failed to reduce the swelling in my forearm. There is no redness, no heat, no itching! That would seem to be a cure – but no, because the affected arm is still noticeably larger than my other arm, and its skin is waay less elastic; the skin acts as if it’s memory foam! So, something is not right! Makes me think the infection is just in a dormant stage due to all the vitamin C (orally) and Mopiko-S and Lucas’ Papaw (topicals recommended by my acupuncturist) I have been rubbing on it.
    So, QUESTION: Would the two-step vitamin C paste-Charcoal paste treatment work even though my only symptom is that lack of skin elasticity? There is no pain, heat, and itching – just the disturbing persistent swelling.

    June 23, 2024
    • Donna Cornman
      Donna Cornman

      Lymphedema would this work on lymphedema???
      Diabetic, circulation issues on limbs…please advise…

      August 24, 2024
      • Aaron

        Donna, based on what I have learned from my physical therapist for my lymphedema in my arm, the damage has already been done to my lymphatics when my infection was active. Very gentle pulsing massage should be done on the affected part. For example, for my arm’s swelling, during treatment, my PT would slowly massage all the way from my wrist up to my underarm – treatment still ongoing, which includes several exercises to stimulate all the lymphatic sites.

        I have not tried it yet, but I bet Rebecca’s use of cayenne and garlic would stimulate your lymphatics, because they are integrated with your body’s blood supply, and she has said that they aid blood circulation. That would also probably help its role as it feeds into the lymphatics, since they are tied to the body’s blood supply.

        Good luck to you!

        August 30, 2024
      • Aaron

        Donna, have you looked into using red-light therapy? Wavelength 660 nm (visible region) and 810 nm (near infrared region). It is called dual wavelength therapy. The 810 nm wavelength falls within the near infrared (NIR) region of the light spectrum and that has been shown to stimulate the very important little organelles called mitochondria. They pump out ATP, the energy currency of all your body’s cells so important for energizing your immune system. The infrared light stimulates your oxidative phosphorylation chain of reactions that occur in the mitochondria. NIR light therapy has been shown to be beneficial for patients with lymphedema
        You can buy a belt or strap that has tiny LED light bulbs on it. you strap it on the affected part for a few minutes a day. It is worth a try. I bought one from Amazon and am in the process of trying it on my arm that has lymphedema. If it does not work, I plan to try the more high powered device that uses an infrared laser (with a more focused and penetrating beam of light) – but that would probably require me to find a naturopath that has that special equipment – it would be too expensive to buy the equipment myself (1000’s of dollars). It would be more cost effective to pay for treatments administered by a medical expert for a few sessions ($50 – $100/ea).

        November 30, 2024
    • Aaron

      This is an update on my previous cellulitis that might help some of your viewers. My left-forearm cellulitis finally abated after various prolonged self-treatments, including use of topicals I have already mentioned before. It turns out that my lower arm is still slightly large than my right and has developed lymphedema, not serious though, just concerning. I got physical therapy for it which included the use of self-massage and the wearing of a compression sleeve, which I bought from Amazon – much cheaper than using the typical sleeve from my medical provider.
      Now, what I have to say may be more important: I believe I did not act in a timely way in beginning self-treatment for my left arm cellulitis that developed from an initially intense itching red rash over a small area immediately after I was bitten by some no-see-um bug on that arm. My main self-treatment was increased vitamin C and small concentrations (1 to 5 %) of topical oregano oil in coconut oil. When that did not work, I went to a public urgent care place and was prescribed an antibiotic (Cephalexin) that was was totally ineffective, probably due to my also taking large doses of a probiotic and my daily doses of nattokinase (to compensate for my diagnosed elevated risk of stroke).
      Now very recently I was again bitten while sitting at my home office desk, almost the exact same setting as when I was bitten before just preceding my bout with cellulitis already described. A very similar red rash ensued and I said Oh God, not again! However, this time, I immediately applied the ointments I had in a more timely way – Mopiko-S (Japanese formulation I had obtained from my acupuncturist) and Lucas’ PAPAW Ointment (available from Amazon). The sequence of application probably does not matter. They soothed the itching, but the redness and area size of rash were not changed over several minutes. So, I added a Q-tip amount of freshly prepared 1:1 Oregano oil and coconut oil on top of the other ointments. (I was desperate; I did not want this itching to develop into cellulitis!) The redness seemed to be getting lighter in color. This inspired me to also add a Q-tip amount of my already prepared 1:1 Tea Tree oil and olive oil. Well, after a few more minutes, the redness lightened even more, itching still gone. Finally, I marked the boundary of my still 4″ x 8″ area of redness with a permanent marker, and went to bed. Next day the affected area had not advanced, and the redness had faded to a barely perceptible light pink, still not itching. Yea!
      I do not know which of the ointments were the effective ones – however, it is possible that the combination was important. I say this, because of my online literature searching of transdermal formulations that depend on synergistic interaction of multiple terpenes, such as components of oregano oil mixed with other terpenes, such as menthol (one of the components of the Mopiko-S ointment). So, it could be that my applying of these ointments, including the latter and Lucas’ PAPAW Ointment and oregano oil and tea tree oil facilitated each other’s penetration through the layers of my affected skin and zapped the pathogens injected by the unknown bug that bit my arm (my right arm this last time).
      For those of you suffering from cellulitis, I think some version of what I did may still work foe you, even if you apply it to your affected areas during the late stages, because I cannot say with certainty that early treatment is absolutely necessary. The limited use of high concentrations (1:1) may be equally or more important.
      Good luck!

      November 30, 2024
      • Aaron

        I want to add a few more clarifying comments to my previous comment about my desperate use of essential oils to prevent the development of another bout of cellulitis. I believe I was successful because I caught it in the very early stage. As I said, I first rubbed in Mopiko-S and Lucas’ PAPAW ointments. I used pea-sized volumes of each of these. I always apply it with a Q-tip instead of with my fingers to reduce the chance of contaminating the ointments with my fingers. The stuff is very fluid, so a small amount of it can be spread over a large area. This is what my very knowledgeable acupuncturist recommended I do.
        Minutes after that (my idea), I also rubbed in the oregano oil (1 to 1 with coconut oil) and tea tree oil (1 to 1 with organic extra virgin olive oil). Both of these are essential oils with medicinal properties.
        Remember, I was desperate; I wasn’t messing around! I had to stop the spread of this thing that I had reason to believe could cause cellulitis.
        And what I did not mention before, I reapplied even more of the Mopiko-S and Lucas’ PAPAW ointments on top of the already applied diluted essential oils. My intuition told me that this doubling up application, this sandwiching of the essential oils (the oregano and tea tree oils) between the Mopiko-S and Lucas’ PAPAW would help push them deeper into my affected tissues.
        I thought that this duo of ointments would work synergistically with the essential oils and amplify their beneficial effects. I was even more convinced of this after I read more closely the ingredients list for the Lucas’ PAPAW ointment! Take a look below:
        Lucas’ PaPaw Ointment (Carica Papaya, fermented; 39 mg/g)
        Lucas’ Papaw Ointment is crafted to Dr T.P. Lucas’ formulation using a custom blend of petroleum jelly and wax as a carrier.
        The custom blend ensures an even penetrating distribution of fresh fermented Carica Papaya.
        The Lucas’ Papaw custom blend is not mutagenic or toxic to reproduction.
        The carrier in Lucas’ Papaw Ointment meets the purity and safety standards of the United States FDA and the European Pharmacopeia. It is pharmaceutical grade and tested for the total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). Every delivery we receive is certified to confirm its safety and quality.
        A small amount of naturally derived Gum Balsam Peru (a special type of tree sap) is used for its medicinal properties.
        Balsam of Peru contains 25 or so different substances,[6] including cinnamein, cinnamic acid, cinnamyl cinnamate, benzyl benzoate, benzoic acid, and vanillin.[7][8] It also contains cinnamyl alcohol, cinnamaldehyde, farnesol, and nerolidol.[9] A minority of it, approximately 30–40%, contains resins or esters of unknown composition.[8]
        (The numbers in brackets refer to a list of references, which you can probably check on by clicking on the link I included above. )
        As you can see, the Lucas’ PAPAW ointment contains several terpenes (essential oils); they include some of the essential oils I read about that facilitate the transdermal migration of pharmaceutical drugs through the skin. Of course, a drug is not being used here, but I figured that they (the ointments) would also be able to do that for essential oils like oregano oil and tea tree oil, which are known to be effective against the kind of bacteria that cause cellulitis.
        A word of caution: Test your skin for an allergic reaction to the Lucas’ PAPAW before you use it. Just put a small amount on your skin at your wrist and wait for a while to see if you develop an irritation there. (Some folks are allergic to it. I wasn’t, but others might be.)
        I know using 1:1 concentrations of the essential oils is not usually recommended. You usually will see advice to use only tiny %’s of them. I do not believe this could be effective for bacteria that cause cellulitis! For example, if you use only small amounts of it at a time, it would probably be OK. That’s why I used only a small amount of it by Q-tip at a time. After I rubbed it in, I noticed a slight prickly stinging effect, but it was transient. I believe that was my signal that it was working.

        November 30, 2024
  2. Michelle mcdonald
    Michelle mcdonald

    Rebecca w
    I have cellulitis of the scalp, there is no help for me, I am taking antibiotics which somewhat controlles it, but I know that I shall soon become immune to them, I am in tremendous pain, do you think that this treatment would help me, as there are no open areas on my scalp at the moment due to antibiotics, I’m scared to try as I don’t want the weeping sites on my head as they are so difficult to control. I am female 48 and this has taken away my life.

    September 27, 2018
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Michelle, I would start on ascorbic acid Vitamin C right away, 3-4 grams per dose several times a day.
      A charcoal poultice application there will be difficult: you might try a calcium bentonite clay mask on those areas.

      September 28, 2018
      • Marcia Ogden
        Marcia Ogden

        Castor oil can be wonderful for skin issues. It controls my Rosacea wonderfully.

        October 13, 2018
  3. Kendra DeLong
    Kendra DeLong

    I wish someone had a cure for circulation problems like legs are slowly dying.. they are turning black from the knees down and hurt something awful! They look like a diabetics legs.

    July 6, 2018
    • KateB

      Kendra, I’m seeing this a year later so I’m not sure how you are doing. Following the advice here can help you as well as Alpha Lipoic Acid w L-Carnitine. Andrew Lessman has a Circulation formula specifically for legs as well and Health guardian sells a Cardio for Life product (orange flavor is best) that improves Nitric Oxide which helps your arteries from blockages and to relax. I hope that you see this and that you are able to do the recommendations, walking if you can or even a Cubii has helped some w/same issue and sitting a lot.

      August 25, 2019
    • Aaron

      Kendra, it has been over 6 years since you posted your question. Even if your have recovered since then, my reply might still be useful to others suffering from the same condition. I suggest that you try using DMSO both topically and orally, but carefully following the advice provided in this article. .
      DMSO is particularly helpful for diabetes, since it can also alleviate the pain from diabetic peripheral neuropathy.
      In this article, there is a lot of information about DMSO’s application for many different conditions. From what I have read, it is a very safe substance, and very effective. It successfully treats conditions that traditional doctors have given up on.
      Good luck!

      November 30, 2024
  4. Laurie M Beck
    Laurie M Beck

    I suffer from Celutius and have a constant . bactiera in my right foot big toe. I get blisters on my foot . I get a smelly belly button and under my pouch lower belly in the folds what can I do to get rid of this bacteria and cellutius once and for all. And it always itches on bottom of my for and between my ties and it has a lot do with celuitus and bacteia that keeps turning yellow and super thick nail grown on my big toe. And if you get under neath the nail it sticks like a thick powder wonder the nail just can not stand it

    July 1, 2018
  5. Laurie MBeci
    Laurie MBeci

    I suffer from Celutius and have a constant . bactiera in my right foot big toe. I get blisters on my foot . I get a smelly belly button and under my pouch lower belly in the folds what can I do to get rid of this bacteria and cellutius once and for all. And it always itches on bottom of my for and between my ties and it has a lot do with celuitus and bacteia that keeps turning yellow and super thick nail grown on my big toe. And if you get under neath the nail it sticks like a thick powder wonder the nail just can not stand it

    July 1, 2018
  6. LJ

    I just want to clarify…
    By creating and open wound all you have to do is follow the steps with the outlined…
    Which I skipped…. just because I did not have any
    Vitamin V Asorbic Acid

    Do NOT SKIP this step…
    And you will be just fine..
    MUCH Healing to you all!!!

    May 27, 2018
  7. LJ

    Thank you sooo much!!!!
    I had a really bad bout of ??? Flu??? Could not leave the bathroom.
    Then lo and behold had shingles on my thigh…
    Took the antiviral and…read that some one recommended using a paste of cayenne out of your spice cabinet, e vitamin from capsules, colidal silver drops and DMSO …be careful DMSO delivers it right into you… so keep every thing hands etc…clean… but What it does is takes the cayenne pepper into the shingles virus and viola…it’s gone..yes it burns but it’s a good kid d of burn…I had shingles pain with out blister I used this and …geranium oil from Auria Cacia ..just a dab stops the pain or itching… Do your research and listen to your intuition…
    So furthering on to my story… my male Kitty become sick with Crystals… it’s like a male UTI.
    But because I’m not a very knowledgeable cat owner and I’m giving him only dry salmon cat food that has NO grains… thinking I’m a good,little Cat owner…. sooo that not true… he need lots more water…
    he gets sick
    So my Vet gives him a shot of Convenia…it’s an antibiotic…
    PLEASE say NO to this,,,,
    it last for 14 to 30 days… sounds like a commitment…
    Sucks if you have a bad reaction….
    So I pick him up and get a very…
    Mild abrasion…
    Which turn into Cellulitis…
    ……..which leads me here………………..

    For having this web site…
    It’s Day 6…
    It took me 4 days to realize that his was becoming something …
    Cellulitis that is ….which was getting out of control
    Soo… my big mistake not reading carefully

    I used charcole first…OOPS….
    I DID not READ!!!!

    MAKE sure you have a wound that can drain…..
    Sorry that sounds Yucky..
    charcoal really works …..
    Looking better felling better
    DO exactly what she is saying…
    Vit C. Asorbic will help it real ease the toxins…it feels so much better
    Mine was on my neck
    I could feel it going into my lymph nodes and even effecting my ear.

    May the force be with you!!!

    May 27, 2018
  8. Dear Dear Rebekah,

    YOU ARE MY SHERO!!!!! You have saved me from IC and you now have saved me from cellulitis (was blessed with lymphedema as I became an old fart). I read so much on internet but there are 3 people I cherish, YOU, a Dr. John Bergman, and a master herbalist named Patrick Delves. I had horrible headaches and as I aged, they were getting worse. Found out by taking trace mineral drops, that problem went from 30 headaches a day to 3 in a month. I am just a mess but getting better with your help! REQUEST: I am greedy, have you heard of anything that cures migraines and toenail fungus? I had tried magnesium in and out of me, no luck, essential oils of many different recipes, I know my gut has to be alkaline (working on that), was guilty of giving up and went on Lamisil pills, so regret that one, made my toenails loose so they will fall off pretty soon but so is my hair!!! Had no idea that was a problem but if you look on internet, you will see hundreds of people that their hair fell out and it does not grow back on most people, that is horrible, I may be one of them, time will tell! So if you run across or create another miracle solution, please email me and everyone! About that website cutting you off for 5 days, happened to me, too, was telling people on a site about you and how to fix IC and they band me….my comment sounded like a newspaper article they said, I wrote back and said then you are saying my life is a newspaper article? They did not answer back, only was trying to share what you said and what I had experienced for 35 years!! Some people need to be on another planet….Keep up the wonderful work you do and share!!!! Allyson

    July 7, 2017
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Allyson, you did thorough charcoal cleansing and you *still* have migraines? It cured mine, because they were rooted in Candida.
      I actually do have something for your hair: I’ve been meaning to write a blog post of miscellaneous tips and hadn’t gotten to it, yet.
      Back when I still had Candida, one of its effects was an itchy scalp. In my efforts to address it, I began adding a few drops of essential oil to my shampoo each time I washed my hair. I started with eucalyptus, ran out of that and used tea tree, ran out of that and used…cinnamon. You have to be careful with cinnamon, because it’s a rubefacient. “What’s that?” you wonder?
      Oh, just a little something that draws blood to the surface of your skin like a magnet, turning it bright pink for about 20 minutes.
      Guess what happens when you draw blood to the surface of your scalp? Hair follicles get extra oxygen and nutrients. Your hair stops falling out, and starts regrowing like gangbusters.
      A week after I started using it, I noticed that almost no hair was coming out in the brush or in the shower, anymore. I put 2 and 2 together, and wondered why I hadn’t thought of this years and years ago.
      Be careful not to get carried away and use more than 2-3 drops per dollop of shampoo, or it’ll burn like fire. Some people can’t do more than 1 drop. Keep the foam off your face or you’ll startle people when you come out of the bathroom.
      Plant Therapy cinnamon bark oil is a good brand on Amazon: I get the 30 ml size. If you look through the reviews you’ll eventually find mine: you’ll know it when you read it. 🙂

      July 7, 2017
      • Michelle

        Hello Rebecca
        Should I follow the protocol for cellulitis, if I have it in my scalp,?or do you have any other tips I could try. Thank you

        September 28, 2018
  9. richard Julian
    richard Julian

    Thank You I am on it Aloha 🙂

    June 14, 2017
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Go get ’em! ⚔️

      June 14, 2017

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