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Troubleshooting: It Burns, and Nothing Works

Posted in Immediate UTI Treatment, Troubleshooting, Useful Tips, and Vaginal Health

If you’ve got urethra burning and bladder frequency that nothing will stop, not baking soda water, not raw garlic, not OLE, brace yourself, darling.

You don’t have a UTI: you have an infection of your lady tissues. I’m talking the vagina, the inner labia, the clitoris all around the urethra: the whooole enchilada. Maybe you’ve had a swab culture done recently that didn’t turn up anything, or a doctor has taken hisself a gander and declared it looks fine to him….but honey badger don’t care.


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Honey badger sez, “Make yourself a thick, wet paste of activated charcoal, and go to town.”
Slather that all over the place like frosting. Coat everything inside the outer labia, and reapply after every trip to the ladies room. You’re going to need a liner, and underwear to which you are not emotionally attached, because it’s gonna get messy up in here before you’re done.

After you’ve applied that charcoal, march yourself into the kitchen and make an infused coconut oil bullet, preferably with OLE. See here for full instructions.
Tonight, toss a probiotic (Femdophilus) up there ahead of your bullet, like a scouting party. Wear a pad, sleep on your side, and brace for impact: you’re going to see some gory slime in the morning.
Those are the dead bodies of your enemies: rinse, wipe, flush, rejoice, and reapply the charcoal. About 90% of the pain and discomfort that has been tormenting you will be gone overnight.
Into thin air.

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If the charcoal burns when you apply it, that means it’s doing God’s work. It’ll stop in a few minutes, and then you’ll start to feel awesome. Same with the coconut oil bullet.
Keep going with the charcoal until you’ve felt totally normal for 2 days, and keep going with the infused coconut oil bullets and probiotics until you’ve seen no goopy discharge for 3 days.
At that point, you switch to plain coconut oil bullets: once per week for a month, and then once every 4-6 weeks to keep you perfectly healthy.

Alternatively, your symptoms are mild to none, but when you pee on a test strip, the leukocytes pad turns pink instead of purple. You have a low-grade vaginal infection.
Same protocol as above.

UPDATE: Additional Troubleshooting. 

  1. If you have a storied history of vaginal infections, reaching back into the mists of time (you’ve had more than one infection and treated with standard doctor’s meds), your bacteria/Candida may have developed a protective biofilm. If you don’t get significantly better within 2 days, you need to soak freshly grated horseradish in your coconut oil, a heaping teaspoon per batch, and chill the bullets in the fridge rather than the freezer. Apply until all symptoms are gone and tests are clear for 3 days. Alternatively,
  2. If you’re barely getting a response from the bullets, including horseradish-infused bullets, you have a staph infection embedded under the surface of your tissues, and you need to take ascorbic acid orally. 1500 mg 3x a day will do the job. 

Go get ’em, tiger.


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  1. Erika D
    Erika D

    The freshly grated horseradish in coconut oil worked like magic! Thank you Rebecca again for saving my life!
    Erika – Romania

    May 15, 2023
  2. Susan Allaker
    Susan Allaker

    Hi Rebekah
    I have recently been diagnosed with CUTI / embedded bladder infection
    I am now having treatment for my cuti with the Harley Street practice, headed by Professor Malone. I am on Cefalexin, long term. I have previously been very wary of AB’s, having reacted badly to Ciprofloxacin back in 2006 which was the start of my bladder and urethral pain. I haven’t had any AB’s till this year….it took me to reach desperation to go down this route! My wbc in my urine was extremely high when tested at HS which convinced me it is an infection not IC which is what I been told I had for the last 14 years. What would you recommend I try from your protocols to help reduce pain whilst I am in treatment with AB’s?
    My main symptom is urethral burning, lower bladder pain , no frequency or urgency.
    Thanks very much
    Susan ( am in UK)

    November 20, 2020
    • Ash

      Long shot but just wanted to see how you are now. I just started cephalexin as well.

      February 11, 2025
  3. Niki

    Hey Rebekah, do you have any information or advice for ureaplasma? I’ve been battling chronic yeast/bv for almost two years and once had a ureaplasma as well; that seemed to cause the most discomfort. I’ve been managing the yeast and bv around menstruation pretty well with boric acid suppositories but I believe I may have a ureaplasma exacerbation again- boric acid isn’t quite cutting it. Any advice? I figured I could follow your tissue infection guidelines?

    June 18, 2020
  4. sjb999

    Hey Rebecca.. I previously posted on the enterococcus post as I had been struggling really badly with this bacteria.I followed your protocol and the horrible antibiotics I was prescribed and Apparently, according to all tests I now have insignificant bacterial growth now. BUT.. I still feel the same discomfort, irritation and a low down burning feeling. I do a urine test strip every morning. It is always negative for nitrates but positive for leukocytes. Sometime just trace but this morning it was 70+ on the test strip. Could this be a skin infection? I have tested negative for yeast but something is going on!!! Any advice would be appreciated!

    March 4, 2019
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Have you tried a charcoal paste?

      March 12, 2019
      • Sjb999

        No I haven’t. Mostly because I’m worried about making the whole situation worse!

        March 12, 2019
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          No worries there: charcoal paste can’t exacerbate anything!

          I totally get being so traumatized by past experience that it paralyzes you, but charcoal literally can’t cause a negative reaction.
          Throw down on this thing, girl!

          March 12, 2019
          • Sjb999

            Thanks. That’s good to know! I’ll follow the above instructions and give it a go. As always, thanks for your advice 🙂

            March 12, 2019
            • Rebekah W.
              Rebekah W.

              If it’s a surface tissue infection, you’ll have significant pain relief in a matter of minutes.
              If it’s Candida in the tissue, expect a strong initial tingling sensation, but it’ll subside quickly and then you’ll get enormous relief.
              If it’s surface bacteria, you’ll feel nothing but better.

              March 12, 2019
              • sjb999

                Thanks! Just to clarify, I can you the paste directly on the skin?

                March 12, 2019
                • Rebekah W.
                  Rebekah W.

                  Yes, you mix it with just enough water to form a thick, wet paste, like black frosting, and put that where it hurts.
                  You can also put the powder in an empty teabag, tie it shut, dunk it in water thoroughly, squeeze once, and apply that where it hurts.

                  It’s a bit less messy that way.

                  March 12, 2019
                  • sjb999

                    Great.. Thanks for taking time out to respond. I really appreciate it. x

                    March 12, 2019
                    • Rebekah W.
                      Rebekah W.

                      Let me know how it goes!

                      March 12, 2019
                • Olivia Brown
                  Olivia Brown


                  I was wondering how your charcoal mask went? Did it dye your skin down there? I’ve been dealing with some type of vaginal infection and I’m afraid it will dye my skin because I’m so irritated and I don’t want to have to scrub the area to remove the charcoal stain.

                  November 5, 2022
                  • AP

                    Did you do it? I am so sore and inflamed that I have made the charcoal teabag but too scared to use it.

                    January 14, 2023
  5. Laura C.
    Laura C.

    So my test strips, as usual, show no nitrites and only slight pink leuks after about 10 minutes. I assume I have BV and a tissue or surface infection, as my whole enchilada is burning (what I imagine vulvodynia feels like). I’m on the ascorbic acid VitC but it has caused the acidic urine to burn my bits when I pee. I’m assuming this is to be expected and I should just continue with the VitC? (I’m also taking celery juice with ginger and lemon, OLE, garlic, pau darco, and CO bullets at night (alternating ACV and OLE), and the other night I inserted a femdophilus probiotic. I’m thinking I need to get horseradish to really knock this all out. I was using oil of oregano last week and ran out, but feel like it was making a bigger difference.) Oh and I did cleanse with charcoal last week, and am trying to get my system moving to do more cleansing.

    January 17, 2019
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Charcoal paste, and charcoal teabags!

      If the ascorbic acid isn’t giving you results within 2 days of full usage (2-3 grams 3-4x a day), it’s likely a topical infection and not staph.

      I’d put a teaspoon of charcoal powder in a small, sturdy teabag, tie it firmly shut, dunk it in water till the hissing stops, squeeze once, and apply vaginally like a tampon.
      That will kill both BV and Candida in there: Candida tingles as it dies and looks like clear mucus on the teabag when removed, and BV dies silently and looks like yellow/green snot on the teabag when removed.
      Reapply a fresh teabag every 4 hours during the day, and use an OLE/ACV coconut oil bullet overnight.
      Oral meds don’t do much for a topical infection because it’s right on the surface where there isn’t that much blood flow.

      January 17, 2019
  6. Lori

    I finally slept 4 hours straight without waking up to pee and then I decided to test after sleeping 4 hours. It still shows hot pink right away for nitrates but, for the leukocytes it’s lighter than its ever been even after 5min it never got dark this time, and it always gets dark after 5 minutes.I’m not sure what that means and I’m afraid to get excited. I guess I’m confused at how very little bacteria can produce that much nitrates. The only thing I can think of is maybe my immune system is not producing many white blood cells.

    November 19, 2018
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Nitrites means gram negative bacteria are feeding, which means your urine pH is too low.
      It sounds like your absorption is improving…are you juicing celery, lemon, and fresh ginger root together? That packs a powerful alkalizing punch, kills bacteria and fungus, and is very beneficial for your kidneys.
      I would make a point to drink it at bedtime alongside a small snack and a dose of freshly grated horseradish.

      November 19, 2018
  7. Lori

    Thanks so much for taking time out of your life to help. I really appreciate what you’re doing here. You’re the only voice I trust on this subject. As far as emptying my bladder,I do try to squeeze it all out, maybe I’m not doing it right so, I will check it out on YT. I do think it has more to do with malabosorption since I do have digestive issues which showed up in stool/gut diabosis/leakygut/ecoli and yeast overgrowth/inflammation in the intestine/ low enzyme etc. although, I have been doing either HCL or Lemon when I eat but, I gave up on the HCL after finishing 1 bottle since I never felt the burning sensation you are suppose to feel in order to know how much to take so I was concerned about taking too many which would go over the daily limit stated on the bottle. So, I’ll keep doing lemon and digestive enzymes as I have been doing. I’m also continuing with the celery juice at least once a day. I will do the q and d cleanse starting tomorrow for the rest of the week. I’m also taking probiotics and now that I know the culprit has to do with malabsorption I will concentrate more on working on the digestion issue. Hopefully when that gets better I’ll start showing some sign that the “meds” are getting to the bladder. I just hope it doesn’t take too long since, I’m living in fear of it getting worse. I needed to know if I should rotate the garlic/cayanne/oregano/olive extract in some fashion. One other last question and I’ll not bother you again, at least for a little while. I have been noticing little clear bubbles (not foamy) when I pee, is that a sign of infection or could that be biofilm or candida?

    November 17, 2018
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Those techniques to fully void really do work: definitely get right on that!

      Since the meds aren’t being absorbed you don’t have to worry about resistance in the bladder, and activated charcoal negates resistance in the gut because it works through an electrochemical charge, not biochemically. It vacuums up both the pathogen and any biofilm.
      Your test strips have a protein pad and that result is normal, yes?
      I presume you know about foamy urine indicating high protein/kidney stress, since you specified.

      November 17, 2018
      • Lori

        No I didn’t know about that. I do have to get more strips so, I’ll get the kind that has the protein pad. Thanks for explaining. I’m amazed at how much you know.
        Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!

        November 17, 2018
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          The 10 parameter tribe test strips on Amazon are perfect: Mission brand and Rapid Response are good. You can monitor your kidneys, liver, urine density and pH, and your blood sugar, in addition to monitoring infection levels.

          Lemon juice, celery juice and baking soda all help support the kidneys.

          You mentioned a recommended amount on the HCL bottle…as long as you don’t feel stomach discomfort (and you’re not taking NSAIDs) you can take as many as you need: what was the maximum number of capsules you took with an average meal? Some people have to take 6 per meal plus a lemon juice shot in the beginning.

          November 17, 2018
          • Lori

            Thanks for the tip on the test strips. With the HCL I got up to 7 but went right back down to 6. I was afraid to keep going up. So today i’ve been squeezing 1 whole med lemon per meal but i think it would be easier to just buy the bottle. What do you think about digestive bitters instead of HCL?

            November 18, 2018
            • Rebekah W.
              Rebekah W.

              Digestive bitters do help stimulate the body to produce more acid, if taken shortly before meals, but that’s best done alongside acid supplementation.
              You can run a whole chopped lemon through the juicer for a shot, or just get a big bottle of concentrate: I’ve gotten the 2-pack from Costco and it worked just fine.
              Ideally fresh is best, but it isn’t always practical to be a purist.
              How’s your digestion doing, overall? Chugging along nicely with no bloating?

              November 18, 2018
          • Lori

            Oh good I’ll look for it at Costco. I don’t feel bloated today I think the lemon is helping. I wanted to order the 10 parameter test strips from your link o the supplies you will need page but it’s no longer bringing you there. I’m sure I can find it though.

            November 18, 2018
            • Rebekah W.
              Rebekah W.

              That seller sold out, but there’s plenty more: just type “10 parameter urine test” into the Amazon search bar. They’re usually about $15-18 for a bottle of 100.

              November 18, 2018
  8. Lori

    Hi, its me again. I’m not sure where to go from here. I’ve done all 3 phases plus 2-3 day courses of lemon,ginger,celery. 3 different horseradish roots 1 plus bottles of oregano oil and olive extract HCL and lemon shots for digestion. I plan to do boot camp in Jan..but until then,should I continue with garlic or horseradish or oregano oil. How often to I do charcoal. I read that Candida can build up a resistance so should I be rotating all these? I’m not sure if I’m still dealing with candida, or biofilm still. I feel better I even actually got 3 straight hours of sleep last night without having to pee up until last night I’ve had to get up every hour at least so I feel like it’s getting better but I still have the nitrates and leukocytes. The nitrates will show instant pink even though I never can go 4 hours away from peeing and the leukocytes usually only show up light after the 2 minutes then it gets dark at 5 min. It’s just not budging from there.
    It’s depressing and scary to think it may never happen for me. I know I have to first get through gut issues before it will reach the bladder. I’ve been doing a Paleo type diet for a while now and good probiotics Etc. So I’m going to keep plugging away and chipping away at it if it’s going to mean it’s taking longer but I just need to know I’m on the right path and I don’t want to sabotage it by taking something too long so it won’t build up a resistance. Please help I hope you don’t give up on me. I’ll do whatever it takes. I just may need some battery acid after all.

    November 16, 2018
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      What you’re describing indicates that your bladder isn’t voiding fully, which is a huge factor in both contracting UTI’s, and ridding yourself of them.
      Are you moving well enough to take a daily dose of charcoal, Quick and Dirty-style?

      When nothing you take orally works, antibiotics or natural meds, that indicates severe malabsorption: are you taking a lemon juice shot or HCL capsules every time with your meals and med doses?

      There are YT videos on how to get your bladder to fully empty: I would check those out and try those techniques.

      November 17, 2018
  9. Aditi

    Yes it is a little tender and when i press it i feel a little pain and the burning is when i pee and after that thelingering feeling of burning is still there. I will start the ginger and lemon shots from today. Do i have to take them mid meal,after or before

    November 15, 2018
    • Trixie

      Hi Aditi – did you ever find a solution to the burning?

      November 14, 2020
  10. Aditi

    Yes I don’t have urgency and bladder pressure and the urine also come out in normal volume but the burning and abdominal pain are still there and also my urine has strong smell.

    November 14, 2018
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Burning in the bladder, or burning when you pee?
      If you press on your bladder (just above the pelvic bone) with your fingertips, is it tender?

      November 14, 2018
  11. Aditi

    Sry to put so many questions i just want to be healed. I am taking swanson olive leaf extract 750 mg 2 capsules with every meal from last 2 days also and waiting on oregano oil to arrive apart from this i am also doing the charcoal and coconut bullets u suggested earlier drinking cinamon tea 3 times a day and taking baking soda and lemon once a day in the morning empty stomach and femdophilus 2 capsules in the night. Should i continue all this or do it diffrently ? It would be helpful if i knw that i m doing the right thing. Also can u plz approve my joining request for fb support group.

    November 14, 2018
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      The best guides for how to proceed are your symptoms, and test results.
      Do you have any symptoms left right now? If so, what are they?

      November 14, 2018
  12. Aditi

    Will a horseradish supplement or dried horseradish work ? I trying to search for it but its not available on local stores in india so i m trying to search it online? Is there anything else which works against klebsiella pneumone?

    November 14, 2018
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      It needs to be fresh for maximum impact, but since you’ve already beaten the infection down to such a low level, I would see what the fresh ginger root does for you: it might finish it off.
      Also, if you can get a wasabi root that can be used like horseradish.

      November 14, 2018
  13. Aditi

    Yes it was the the first in the morning after sleeping whole night and yes i have a juicer

    November 14, 2018
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      That’s an excellent test result, then: you’re doing a great job! I would expect the horseradish to easily polish this off: I would just add it and the lemon/ginger juice to what you’re doing.

      1 chopped lemon and a sliced 1.5 inch cube of ginger root juicer together and tossed back with every meal will do the trick.

      The nitrites test pad often turns slightly pink-ish as it dries: I wouldn’t worry about it.

      November 14, 2018
  14. Aditi

    Hii rebekah
    Just one more thing today i took the test and it was clear till 2 min mark and slightly purple by 5 min mark negative for nitrites and after 10 mins the strip showed pink colour also. What does this mean? Thank you in advance

    November 14, 2018
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      When you took the test, had it been at least 4 hours since your previous bathroom visit?

      November 14, 2018
  15. Aditi

    Hey rebekah
    Sry i couldn’t respond earlier. I took ascorbic acid for one day but next day my reports came n it is klebsiella pneumone
    Should i still continue with ascorbic acid if not then what should i start with i am really scared and frustrated now cause from past 3 4 tests it was coming clear but this time culture is positive n I don’t knw what to do now I don’t want to start the antibiotics as the test mentioned that i have moderate amount of bacteria preseent around 10000 cfu/ ml
    So it not very intense but its there
    What do u suggest i should today i tooka home test two which showed light purple at two min mark and light pink after 5 min mark so at this point of time i m really confused how to treat myself
    Plz help

    November 14, 2018
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      No more ascorbic acid!

      Grated horseradish root is absolutely superb against Klebsiella: you cut the end off a fresh root, grate a rounded half teaspoon of it, and take it *with food*. Eat a bit of something, pinch the freshly grated root together (it looks like wet sawdust), and swallow it like a pill, with a mouthful of milk.
      You want to do that 4x a day, one dose per meal and with a bedtime snack.

      Also, for best results, toss back a shot (1.5 oz) of pure lemon juice with those meals.
      It helps you absorb your meds properly and alkalizes your urine, slowing Klebsiella growth.

      Use the horseradish *in place of* garlic, and OLE/oregano/ginger/cayenne pepper all help kill Klebsiella pneumoniae. You can juice a hunk of ginger root and put it in the lemon juice shot, if you want.

      November 14, 2018
      • Aditi

        Thank you so much will start this from today. One more qustion should i continue cinamon tea.currently i m driking it 3 times a day

        November 14, 2018
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          You won’t need the cinnamon tea if you do the lemon/ginger root juice shots.
          I’ve seen lots and lots of antibiotic-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae die quick deaths on grated horseradish.
          I’d call all the local grocery stores until you find some, and pick up ginger root and a big bottle of lemon juice concentrate while you’re there.
          Do you have a juicer?

          November 14, 2018
  16. Aditi

    No it did not burn immediately. I applied it at night before bedtime and in the morning as the day went by it started getting worse. Tonight i am doing the coconut infused bullet. Should i do a garlic infused bullet ?

    November 5, 2018
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      That sounds like staph, then. I would drop everything and go to the store immediately for ascorbic acid Vitamin C. Staph can’t be killed by topical applications because it’s too far under the surface tissue: it has to be attacked from behind by taking ascorbic acid orally.
      I would still do the coconut oil tonight because it will take care of anything on the surface, but I would prioritize the ascorbic acid Vitamin C.

      November 5, 2018
      • Aditi

        But i have never been tested for staph .i have been tested for e coli and klebsiella before can i still get staph infection ? I m a little confused cause these two thrive on acidic things. U are a saviour for so many of us. Amist all this confusion reading the comments and ur posts gives me hope

        November 5, 2018
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          If you have no bladder pain now, and clear urine test strips, but persistent burning, odds are the UTI is long gone and the culprit is now a sub-dermal staph infection of the vaginal tissue. That won’t show up in either a urine test or a vaginal swab test because it’s under the skin surface.

          The burning is not affected by drinking lemon water or baking soda water?

          November 5, 2018
          • Aditi

            Yes it helps if i drink and take alkaline substances so when the urine touches the skin i burns less but buring never goes. I bought ascorbic acid right now and will take the first dose . Fingers crossed

            November 5, 2018
            • Rebekah W.
              Rebekah W.

              Acidic urine burns on contact with tender flesh, so alkalizing helps in that sense, but it doesn’t have any direct effect on bacteria that isn’t located in the bladder. If you had the remnants of a gram negative UTI, you’d have bladder tenderness, pressure, cloudy urine, leukocytes and nitrites on urine test strips, and bacteria would culture in urine samples.
              When all tests are clear and treating the bladder doesn’t stop the pain, odds are that a sub-dermal tissue infection of the vaginal area is the culprit.
              Pain relief is swift after one full day taking ascorbic acid Vitamin C: you should feel about 75% better by bedtime tomorrow if staph is the culprit, which is the most likely scenario based on the symptoms you describe.

              November 5, 2018
  17. Aditi

    Can the activated charcoal worsen the situation cause after applying it last night today the burning is much more so should i contine the paste as well
    I will do the coconut bullet treatment at night. I hope it works for me as well
    Thanks for the guidance i will let u knw how it goes after doing the treatment
    Really grateful for ur help and time

    November 5, 2018
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      No, activated charcoal is like a magnet: it pulls bacterial/fungal cells out of the tissue and into itself.
      Do you have ascorbic acid Vitamin C in the house? If not, it’s available at any grocery store: look at the back of the label and make sure it says “ascorbic acid”. I would take 3 grams 3-4 times a day, and keep on with the charcoal.

      You’re describing the symptoms of a staph tissue infection: that bacteria burrows under the surface, where charcoal can pull it *up*, but not *out*.
      The same thing happened to me when I applied a charcoal poultice to an infection in my hand caused by a cat bite. Once the skin over the infection opens, the charcoal pulls the bacteria right out.

      Staph often causes a secondary vaginal infection after a round of antibiotics. The ascorbic acid Vitamin C kills that, giving relief within 24-36 hours. It must be taken for 3-5 days after the pain stops, to make sure every last staph cell was killed.

      November 5, 2018
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Did the burn increase immediately when you applied the charcoal and then get better?
      That indicates it was killing Candida on contact.

      November 5, 2018
  18. Aditi

    Hi rebekah. I have been reading ur posts from quite some time. I am myself a uti sufferer and this is gng on from past 6 months. This was my first time having a uti. Initially i was on antibiotics but the burning never went away. From past one month i have stopped the antibiotics cause its not helping and i have resorted to natural methods. I have tried d mannose , cranberry pills etc but still the burning and frequency is there . I stumbled upon ur site and decided to do the cleanse i have ordered all the supplies and once i get them i ll start it . I read on the posts about vaginal infection and thought may be i have the infection cause I don’t feel bladder pressure all the time. It comes and goes. So i applied the charcoal paste but i did not feel any tingling sensation and also in the morning no goopy slime was there. I had also put one fem dophilus in before applying the paste. I m so confused right now . Nothing seems to work i have started loosing hope. Plz help

    November 4, 2018
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      What is the urine volume like, with the frequency? Is it a normal amount (6-8 oz) each time you go, or is it a small, painful trickle?
      Does it burn more during/shortly after urination?
      Have you used a frozen coconut oil vaginal bullet?

      November 4, 2018
      • Aditi

        The urine volume is okay like 4 to 6 oz and there is no painful trickling . The burning is constant i can feel it all day long but after shorlty after urination it burns more . I am going to try the coconut bullet today. Should i continue with tha charcoal paste as well. I have given a sample for urine culture today as well just to be sure. What do u suggest i do before starting the cleanse as i am waiting for my supplies

        November 5, 2018
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          That sounds like your problem may well be a tissue infection.
          You have to apply the coconut oil treatment while lying down, and stay that way in order for it to work…the best daytime treatment is to half-fill a sturdy, empty teabag with activated charcoal powder, tie it shut and wet it thoroughly, and apply it like a tampon. That pulls infection out of the vaginal tissue all day: replace with a fresh one every 4-6 hours.
          If you don’t feel like the charcoal paste on the urethra helps, the infection is located in the vaginal tissue, not the urethral, and you need to focus on coconut oil treatments at night and wet charcoal teabags during the day. Make sure the teabags are sturdy: Nuiby brand on Amazon is good.

          November 5, 2018
  19. Lori

    I’m taking a week out of work to implement phase 2 and maybe 3. My question is, how will I know if I’m ready to use the Charcoal? The only die off I’m getting right now from OLE is light headed but, I’m not sure that is actually die-off. But, my bowels seem normal. I’m still only up to taking 3 OLE with breafast and 2 lunch and 2 dinner. Do I need to increase that before starting Charcoal?

    October 22, 2018
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Have you implemented lemon juice shots? That will get things moving within a day.
      You want to be moving freely before taking charcoal or it can drastically slow things down.

      October 22, 2018
      • Lori

        Ok thanks,

        I’ll let you know how it goes!

        October 22, 2018
  20. Tanya

    I will try that and do the paste tonight. I don’t have a juicer though, it sure is odd I just haven’t felt the same since that uti and I worry it’s been 3 months I fear making things worse and I’ve never experienced this before thanks for all the help. Is there an option besides the juicer should I be eating celery? I have been drinking ginger tea and loads of lemon water, with candida die off could that be giving me the flu symptoms? I’ve only felt really terrible this last 3-4 days before that it was just bladder pressure and urgency and I’d always produce good urine colour but there would be some particles in it and yesterday I felt like I was trying to squeeze the pee out. Almost like the symptoms worsened. I’m at work gritting through the discomfort so I will try as soon as I’m home to do a paste. I’m only 94 pounds how much OLE should I take and should I also be taking pau d arco at meals with it?

    October 16, 2018
    • Lori

      Tanya, Just wondering how you are doing now.

      October 29, 2018
  21. Tanya

    I haven’t tried the paste yet, im quite tiny so I took OLE and pau d arco yesterday twice and a probiotic and also some glutamine trying to limit all sugar and no coffee, even my clit feels uncomfortable and the urge to pee with that throb after I go drives me bonkers. I had sex on the weekend probably made it worse. I tried the one tsp of charcoal in a glass of water before I woke and I couldn’t keep it down, I have almost no appetite as well. And the fatigue my heavens!!

    October 16, 2018
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      I would mix a few drops of water into about 1/8 tsp of charcoal powder to make a wet paste, like black frosting.
      Put that wet blob right on the urethra, and re-apply after bathroom visits.
      If it tingles on contact, Candida is dying.
      Do you have urine test strips on hand?

      October 16, 2018
      • Tanya

        I don’t have any test strips how do I read those? Are they for uti or just general urine strips? Do I put the paste all over or just the urethra? Thanks so much for any help

        October 16, 2018
        • Tanya

          Another question should I still do the charcoal cleanse or just the topical? Thanks!!!

          October 16, 2018
          • Rebekah W.
            Rebekah W.

            The charcoal cleanse is for generally detoxing your gut, which does indirectly benefit the bladder.
            What you’re describing sounds like an infection, though.
            If you press on your bladder with your fingertips, is it sore?

            October 16, 2018
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          The urethra and surrounding area is where I would start with the paste. If it’s a tissue infection you’ll start getting relief in minutes.

          10 parameter strips test for UTIs and also give information on urine pH, density, sugar content, kidney and liver health…just type “10 parameter urine test” into Amazon.

          October 16, 2018
          • Tanya

            If I have any fluid I my bladder it does feel sore and my urethra has that throb to it when I’m done peeing, my urine looks like it has particles floating in it and it just gets worse. I know my doctor says it’s no infection should I be on antibiotics though?

            October 16, 2018
            • Rebekah W.
              Rebekah W.

              Do you have a juicer?
              I would buy organic celery, ginger root, and lemons: juice half a head of celery, a 2 inch hunk of ginger root, and half a lemon in between meals and at bedtime. (4 times a day)

              That blend cleanses the gut and kidneys and kills UTI bacteria. It will get your gut moving faster so you can do a charcoal cleanse easily, and take larger doses of olive leaf extract with meals.

              And I’d order the test strips so you can closely monitor a potential infection, and your kidney health. You want to make sure you don’t have protein in your urine (indicates kidney disease).

              October 16, 2018
  22. Tanya

    Please I really need some advice, I had a bad uti that came on super fast in the beginning of August and I took antibiotics though I was bad at remembering to take them so they were misused. I have had random bladder pressure, fatigue and the need to urinate frequently if my bladder is even a little full for 2 months now as well as urethra pain and sometimes if anything touches my vagina it feels irritated. I have been eating poorly so I’m trying to fix it but when I went back to the doctor she said the urine test came back negative for uti even though I have symptoms. Is this candida from the antibiotics or could my uti still be there? My doctor prescribed me antipsychotics as she thinks it’s related to interstitial cystitis but I never had issues before this bad uti. Please help any advice is so appreciated!!

    October 16, 2018
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      That does sound like a tissue infection: have you tried activated charcoal paste on the urethra?

      October 16, 2018
  23. Leisa

    I am on third antibiotic augmentin, This morning positive lekyocites . I tried mannose and cranberry for days before the antibiotics. I also aquired atheletes foot and it spread to my hands. I feel like dying. I cant take anymore. I dont know what to do. Doc said s out of town

    May 31, 2018
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Leisa, are you on FB?
      Click on the FB Support Group button on the top of the page to see the support group, and click Join.
      We’ll help you sort out what’s going on and what you can do about it.

      May 31, 2018
      • Arwa

        hi! just found your site and i sent a request to join the facebook group. i hope you accept it, i could definitely use some advice from the group. thank you!

        June 30, 2018
  24. Nene

    I have be treating infection for one year now, from strap to E. Coil and after treating E. Coil I went for another test which shows I have heavy growth of which I went and treat after treatment I went for another which show that I have Proteus Spp am tried of infusion, injection and taking drugs please what can I do to cure all the infection naturally

    May 31, 2018
  25. Sarah Sims Williams
    Sarah Sims Williams

    If you can’t pm me could you reply to this post as I forgot to tick the notification box on the last post. Thanks

    May 4, 2018
  26. Sarah Sims Williams
    Sarah Sims Williams

    Hi Rebeka
    I have bv flare up adter antibiotics. My signal is poor and my brain is finding technoogy hard.
    It’s the middle of the night, I don’t have activated charcoal. I can’t send a pm to
    you. Can you pm me? I’m desperate.

    May 4, 2018
  27. Alyce

    I out Activates Charcoal done there all day long kept reapplying but I’m now stained green. Is that ok? I only showed with water as I don’t want to throw off

    April 7, 2018
  28. Jenny lewis
    Jenny lewis

    Ok Rebekah thanks I’m no a mission now to get this out of my body thanks again jenny

    July 12, 2017
  29. Jenny lewis
    Jenny lewis

    Hi there , I just want to say you are a god send to people, I’ve been suffering with bladder and ladies parts soreness for five years. I’ve just got a water infection again which is klebsiella pneumoniae the doctors have put on cefalaxin for it. I have only just had this same infection in may was treated with co-amoxiclav so it’s back a gain. The doctors have done a camera in my bladder which showed nothing. but they are wanting me to have some bladder installations , done once every week for five weeks. I’m so scared I will end up with more infections from this. Do u think I would cure my bladder with your remedy. I’m in constant pain and the doctors r just saying it’s painful bladder syndrome and this is u now. but I’m sure there’s some infection going on always some where. When I tried ole before it hurt my bladder but have not tried it for a year or so. I find if I eat only salad e.g. Cucumber and celery , lettuce I’m not in as much pain. This is getting me so down I just can’t see a end to it as five years is along time to be in pain. I’ve tried dmanose which helped a little but I’m just can’t get to the bottom of it. So if u could let me know the best treatment for me to do I would really appreciate your knowledge kind regards jenny

    July 11, 2017
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      One of the first ladies to e-mail me had a Klebsiella infection for 4 years: she was cured in 6 days on the basic OLE/garlic/cayenne protocol.
      So yes, there’s hope. ?

      I would try the things in this post, and the Quick and Dirty Cleanse alongside Phase I and II.
      Can you describe how OLE hurt your bladder? It’s a potent antifungal as well as antibacterial, and if it killed a lot of Candida at once, the toxins released may have caused bladder irritation, if your bowels weren’t moving fast enough to detox.
      You should feel significant symptom relief within the first day of starting the pain relief measures and Phase I.
      Get the urine strip tests so you can test every morning and monitor your progress closely.

      All of these things can be used alongside antibiotics.
      If you’re on FB, feel free to join the support group! They’re a great bunch.

      July 11, 2017
      • Jenny l
        Jenny l

        Hi Rebekah thanks for your reply. I’m feeling so let down at minute with the doctors so it was so heart warming to find your site. My bladder is so sensitive I can’t drink alcoloh or caffeine as these make me so sore and my ladie parts just flare bright red. So not sure if this is why I couldn’t use ole but will try again. I found a lot of relief when I alkalis my body and I eat alit of coconut oil. I’ve also suffered bv a few times with this too. I’ve ordered some charcoal today to so hopefully going to get on with this as soon as thanks for all your help and time jenny

        July 12, 2017
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          An alkaline-forming diet is hugely beneficial when you’re fighting an acid-adaptive pathogen like E. coli or Klebsiella: alcohol is pure pathogen food, and caffeine is a natural bladder irritant.
          The best thing for a severe Candida overgrowth (which is what reacts to OLE) is activated charcoal, which removes Candida without any Herxheimer’s symptoms in 90% of cases. Thorough cleansing beforehand will allow you to take OLE with ease.

          July 12, 2017
          • Jenny lewis
            Jenny lewis

            Hi Rebekah thanks for your reply I will try that then thanks. I’m so happy to have found u on here thanks for your time and hopefully I will be feeling better soon. Do u think I should stay off the probiotics when doing cleanse or keep taking them. kind regards jenny

            July 12, 2017
            • Rebekah W.
              Rebekah W.

              Always take the probiotics! One a day, 2 hours after taking charcoal.

              July 12, 2017
  30. ednafj

    Hello Bekah,

    It’s been a long time!. I thought you might have given up on me because I couldn’t get my chronic UTI cured. Last year I used OLE and garlic and other stuff for a longer period of time but couldn’t get my UTI cured. I thought OLE was not for me . Frustrated I finally went back to the doctor Nov. of last year and of course was given antibiotics again. I tried OLE and garlic a few more times, to a certain degree, I’d feel cured but only for a few days. Two times this year I went back to the doctor and was prescribed antibiotics again, which I took. I was asked to go back after about one month last April or may but I didn’t go back because I know it’ll be antibiotics again and they don’t cure me.

    So I tried other herbal supplements. I tried d-mannose- good for about two days but my UTI discomfort and pain would come back so I stopped. Later, I tried pau d’ arco, tea, with wasabi and lemon water which I did for more than 10 days but I couldn’t be cured. Next I tried oil of oregano and coconut oil and I took activated charcoal also before that. Since I felt OLE wasn’t helping I stopped using that. I took oil of oregano and also some lemon water but saw that didn’t help either.

    Finally I just stopped everything. I thought I’m just going to take probiotics , and vitamin c calcium ascorbate. Good for about a few days.
    Then I realized to be effective I needed to take large doses of probiotics. So I took them 3 times a day since it was only 3 B CFU and a kid’s probiotics since it’s my first time to use probiotics, I thought I’d start with a kid’s probiotics.

    Anyway, that started to cure me.Finally I found out using bigger doses of probitoics was key to my cure. I’m ordering the women’s probiotics since I though it’s going to be more effective.
    The anti-fungals didn’t cure my UTI but probiotics did.

    Actually I didn’t think so much of probiotics because I’ve been taking probiotics yogurt everyday since last year, or kefir then probiotics supplement once a day. I thought that was enough.Apparently that wasn’t enough.

    I saw you have no post about probiotics although of course, you mentioned that in many of your other posts.
    But for me, probiotics was key to my healing. Thank you!

    July 10, 2017
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Not at all, darling! I just found an e-mail from you yesterday afternoon, in my Spam filter. I don’t know how it got there, but I responded. Did you get it?
      Having not heard from you, as I thought, I presumed you were well!

      Gut health is key to proper immune system function: the bladder doesn’t get well until the gut is healthy. I’m so glad you found something that did that for you! I know it’s harder to find supplements there than in the U.S.: we’re more blessed than we realize, with a wide variety, cheap prices, and fast shipping.
      A post focusing on a full get reset with cleansing and probiotics is in the works!
      What kind of OLE were you taking?

      July 10, 2017
      • ednafj

        Oh sorry. I guess I proclaimed my victory over UTI prematurely again! Yesterday, I started to feel bladder pain again despite taking probiotics 3 times in day. I went over your post “Constant UTI symptoms, Tests come back clear” and that seems to be describing my situation, but I know I have UTI because whenever I go to the doctor and I have some lower abs pain, tests almost always show I have UTI bacteria.

        So I restarted the protocol again with garlic, OLE and this time I added activated charcoal because I felt I stopped that too soon the last time, and probiotics. This protocol seems to be working with me.

        My OLE brand is still Nature’s Way , but I feel it’s not the brand which is at fault but rather something’s lacking with what I’m doing. I thought I didn’t do the charcoal enough so. I’ll see in the next few days what will happen.

        BTW, I read your email and thanks, I thought You didn’t want to respond and thought maybe you got tired because I sent a few emails before that but anyway, it’s good. And please add me back to your FB group because I made a mistake and left the group. Thanks. I’ll send a ‘join group’ request shortly.

        July 11, 2017
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          You’re already approved, dear!
          Nature’s Way (the one that says 20% oleuropein) is a good brand, but the capsules are small, so you need to take more.
          You can’t ever go wrong with a good charcoal cleanse!
          Messaging me on FB is the best way to go, or post to the group.
          Even if I’m asleep, there’s lots of cured ladies in the group who’re old hands at this, now.

          July 11, 2017
          • ednafj

            Yes, I’m working my way up towards 8 caps, accdng to your recommendation before. And to say a few more things about activated charcoal, a few times in the past, I re-tried OLE and garlic but after about two days, my bladder pain is worse. At that time I didn’t take activated charcoal so I thought OLE just isn’t for me, or it worsens my UTI. Also two days ago when I took OLe and garlic again, my bladder pain worsened but I took charcoal this time and continued with the OLE/garlic /probiotics
            protocol and the pain just gradually died down. I didn’t know charcoal was that important. I thought it was just to manage die offs and if they’re manageable you don’t need charcoal. Now I know better. ?

            July 12, 2017
            • Rebekah W.
              Rebekah W.

              Oh, charcoal is vital! It’s the very best thing against Candida, making it possible to take the natural meds you need.
              I’m so glad you tried again!

              July 12, 2017
              • ednafj

                I’m glad I did!

                July 13, 2017
  31. Linda


    This has been a long haul. At 69 I never thought I would see a solution
    to a problem I have had for so many years. I was ready to give up as I was just so sick with nausea and feeling terrible after following your protocol. That garlic, cayenne and charcoal was not easy on me that’s for sure. But like you said – soldier through – which I did. I re read everything and read more new tips and recommendations that I then tried. The charcoal paste and coconut bullets worked. I needed that last step to finish it off. No more awful burning and it has been days of relief. YAY !!
    Many thanks for your help. Linda

    June 18, 2017
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      I’m so glad for you: congratulations on a job well done!
      You’re a warrior: enjoy your hard-won victory. ⚔️
      God bless you, my dear.

      June 18, 2017
      • Lourdes

        Hi Bekah .. i am just curious about the charcoal paste… i will apply it topically outside my vagina? For 2 days? Even if i am working?Thanks…

        June 27, 2017
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          All over the clitoris and inner labia, and yes, it’s fine during the day but it gets messy!
          Doing it overnight is the easiest way, and gives almost complete relief for most infections. Repeat as often as needed.

          June 27, 2017
  32. Dena

    Hey Rebekah! I’m so glad that I stumbled upon your website. It’s awesome! Anyway, I have a history of chronic UTIs and yeast infections. I know that I have Candida overgrowth due to long-term use of antibiotics and prednisone. I also have RA, and a weakened immune system due to having a splenectomy at age 15 (because of a blood disorder ITP). I did the charcoal cleanse Friday and Saturday. I can definitely tell that I had die-off with fatigue, headache, etc. Well, by yesterday afternoon I started feeling “normal” again. However, now I think that I’m constipated and also have burning and itching. I’ve religiously followed your protocol except for the cinnamon or ginger tea. I am literally pissed off! What do you suggest that I do now?

    June 18, 2017
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Dena, that’s actually normal, because what you did flushed everything to the surface. It happens.
      All you have to do for the burning/itching is slam it down hard with the OLE/Femdophilus infused oil bullets every night.
      On the ? front, it can take a bit for your gut to adjust to the changes: are you using the L-glutamine/DGL/enzymes?

      June 18, 2017
      • Dena

        Okay, knowing that it’s normal is a relief. Thanks for the reassurance. I did use the OLE/Femdophilus coconut oil bullets for 4 nights straight. Well, the first 3 nights also had fresh garlic infused. Boy, was that stinky and messy, but so worth it! I also did the OLE/Fem bullet rectally last night. I also grated up fresh horseradish and took a dose of that today in a gelatin capsule with baking soda water. I have been taking L-glutamine and enzymes since yesterday. I don’t have any DGL. I must have missed that supplement somehow. I’ll get some from Amazon. So, I should just wait for a bowel movement? I can tell there is a lot going on inside of me. I’d like to start feeling at least halfway normal before Friday. I know for me it’s probably going to be a long process. I leave for a Florida beach vacation on Friday. Should I continue with the charcoal or just use the OLE, Pau D’Arco, etc. while I’m away from home? I really don’t want the runs at the beach. Sorry for so many questions. Just want to make sure that I’m prepared.

        June 18, 2017
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          I like you already. ⚔️?
          I would keep bringing the heat all week, and by Friday you should be feeling awesome.
          You may ? your brains out tomorrow…but then you start feeling like Wonder Woman.
          You’ll probably be able to just take charcoal and OLE and your gut rebuild supplements with you.
          Everyone’s a little different, but with everything you’re doing, you should blast right through all this in a few days.

          June 18, 2017
          • Dena

            Actually, the burning, itching and redness have subsided. I feel a lot better now. I’m still going to do another charcoal cleanse starting early tomorrow morning. I want this stuff outta me ASAP! I’m so tired of dealing with it. I know that you know exactly where I’m coming from. I’ve searched high and low for answers. I’m so glad that I finally found them. Thanks so much, Rebekah!

            June 18, 2017
            • Rebekah W.
              Rebekah W.

              Yes, vaginal infections clear up quickly with topical applications! I used a plain coconut oil bullet the night I realized I had something funky going on, and I felt totally back to normal the next morning: I was one happy camper. 🙂
              The gut takes a bit longer to get fully sorted out, but as long as you keep at it, you can’t fail. ?

              Charcoal changes the whole game: if I’d tried to get rid of my Candida without it, I’d probably still be struggling.

              Keep throwing down like a boss! ?

              June 19, 2017
          • Dena

            I did another charcoal cleanse yesterday. I woke up with a headache, nauseous and dizzy. I had a lot of crap come out of me yesterday. By early evening, I was feeling awesome! My bladder was calmer than I can ever remember. My body felt so light and clean. However, I’m still having vaginal itching, redness and burning. It comes and goes now, not constant torture anymore. I tested for a UTI this morning, 70+ leukocytes (purplish/gray color) and the nitrites were the peachy/tan color. I test the same every morning. Do you have any suggestions to kill this off for good? I used a coconut bullet infused with OLE and Femdophilus last night. I’ve been using them every night since Friday. Should I use the charcoal paste on my girl parts? I’m doing another charcoal cleanse today. Let me know what you think that I should do next. Thanks Rebekah!

            June 20, 2017
            • Rebekah W.
              Rebekah W.

              Yes, the charcoal frosting would be a great idea! It not only kills pathogens on the surface, it draws bacteria out of the urethra.
              You definitely have some more cleansing to do, but as long as you keep at it like this, you’ll blow right through it. A UTI generally fades away with a whimper when you’ve healed your gut. Until the gut is sorted out, some of your meds are still getting used up in it and not making it into your bladder.
              When in doubt, increase the meds, and make sure you’re emptying your bladder as frequently as possible during the day.
              Many gram negative bacteria (nitrite-producing) need an extra punch with terpenes and alkaloids to finish them off. (oregano oil, pau d’arco, cayenne)
              If you’re mostly using OLE, add in/increase one or more of those three things.
              Let me know how it goes!

              June 20, 2017
          • Kim

            What about Prebiotic vaginal suppositories with lactic acid? This seems to help somewhat but must use every night called VH essentials. There is also Candex for the yeast but maybe I need to just do the protocol you have on this site to be sure it is really going to help the yeast overgrowth I know I had it in 2009 and have stopped eating sugar but not sure where I am at, lab tests say no yeast but they also say no uti and I definitely have something that antibiotics help somewhat. What is OLE?

            November 30, 2017
        • Marcia

          An effective remedy for vaginal yeast infections is to put a capful of Hydrogen Peroxide 3% in your mouth and swish it around for 10 minutes. Spit it out. If I have to take antibiotics I use this remedy and never get the usual yeast infection. Hydrogen Peroxide is high in oxygen, a bacteria killer. I do it daily for whiter teeth, too.

          No more messing around with vaginal bullets for me.

          October 21, 2018
          • Lori

            My doc just recommended the 3% food grade H2O2 to me for the same reason.

            October 22, 2018
            • Rebekah W.
              Rebekah W.

              …Yeast is a fungus, and while it does not need oxygen to live, exposure to hydrogen peroxide causes hyphal differentiation (it immediately adapts to oxygen), and it also becomes highly inflamed and much more painful. I learned that the hard way when I tried applying peroxide to a rash that turned out to have Candida in it.

              Search “elephant toothpaste” on Youtube and look at the ingredients.

              Also, I would ask that doctor to explain, in detail, the link between the microbiome of the mouth and that of the vagina.
              I don’t know about you, but I’m simply not that flexible.

              October 22, 2018
          • Lori

            I’m pretty sure he’s recommeds it to kill bacteria to kill the infection, 1 ounce in water, I can’t remember how much water. But, if I took it to kill the infection would in then interfere with the yeast and cause the problem you mentioned?

            October 22, 2018
            • Rebekah W.
              Rebekah W.

              If you had a colony of yeast in there, then yes, it would react painfully to the peroxide.
              Do you have any symptoms of vaginal infection, or are you looking to do a little something for general health maintenance/preventive care?
              Because a plain coconut oil bullet one night followed by a Femdophilus capsule the next is generally enough for that purpose. After that, just use a dab of coconut oil as lube and you’re set.

              October 22, 2018
      • Kim

        What about Prebiotic vaginal suppositories with lactic acid? This seems to help somewhat but must use every night called VH essentials. There is also Candex for the yeast but maybe I need to just do the protocol you have on this site to be sure it is really going to help the yeast overgrowth I know I had it in 2009 and have stopped eating sugar but not sure where I am at, lab tests say no yeast but they also say no uti and I definitely have something that antibiotics help somewhat.

        November 30, 2017
  33. P. Susan
    P. Susan

    Rebekah, you are AMAZING! You are a God-send. Do you realize how many lives you have impacted? Thank you so much. XOXOXOXO

    The Lord bless you and keep you;
    The Lord make His face shine upon you,
    And be gracious to you;
    The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
    And give you peace.

    June 13, 2017
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.


      Truly, I have received beauty for ashes, and the oil of joy for mourning.

      "They that sow in tears shall reap in joy"
      "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
      You have anointed my head with oil;
      My cup overflows."

      June 13, 2017

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