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The Kill List: Klebsiella Edition

Posted in Infection Killing Protocol, Profiles, Supplements, The Kill List Series, and Useful Tips

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Klebsiella is the second most common cause of UTIs and has two different species that cause infection: K. pneumoniae and K. oxytoca. Like E. coli, it is motile (the little bastards can swim) and gram-negative, meaning it too can be suppressed by alkalizing the urine.
K. pneumoniae is the most common, and is often quite antibiotic resistant. That species name does indeed mean what you think it means: it’s the bacteria that causes pneumonia. That sounds scary, but don’t worry: there’s a silver bullet in the arsenal for this one.

Depending on the strain, it can be killed with the basic OLE/garlic/cayenne protocol (the first case I saw of this was in a woman who e-mailed me in early 2016: she’d had it for 4 years. It was dead 6 days later, on the basic Phase II protocol), or with a combination of horseradish, juiced ginger, and cayenne pepper.

An interesting way in which this genus differs from E. coli is, some strains of K. pneumoniae are capable of metabolizing (eating) the fructo-oligosaccharides in garlic, and all the cases of K. oxytoca I’ve seen will do so. WARNING: This also means that you must not take prebiotics of any sort. For more info about that, click here.

Personally, I always recommend prioritizing the horseradish. I’ve seen urine test strips go from darkly positive to clear in one day of fresh horseradish use. Klebsiella is most susceptible to isothiocyanates (horseradish), terpenes (ginger), and alkaloids (cayenne), with phenols (OLE) trailing behind in a supporting role. Oregano oil is a monoterpenoid phenol, so it also plays a supporting role.

The first step is, of course, to alkalize the urine (pH 7-8) with what you have on hand (lemon juice/baking soda water), so start with Phase I, omitting the garlic to be on the safe side. Then call your local grocers to find out who has horseradish. If you can’t find any, try wasabi in its place, and juice ginger like it’s 1999.
The following 5 paragraphs contain information vital to the successful defeat of every type of UTI, regardless of bacteria.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Few of these weapons are going to work as they should if you have not cleansed with activated charcoal at all, or if you have low stomach acid and aren’t actively treating it. Without cleansing the gut, the bacterial and fungal pathogens in your gut will use up most types of natural meds before they can get to the bladder. It’s like charging a machine gun nest when there’s three rows of enemy-filled trenches in the way: you must sweep the trenches clear first in order to reach your objective. For this you can do the Shock and Awe cleanse outlined here. 

Or, you can simply start taking 1.5 oz pure lemon juice concentrate with every meal, and your gut should be clearing out within 36 hours. Once you’re loose and frequent, you can take 2 tsp (5 gram) doses twice that day, with 12 oz water each. Remember, no food within 2 hours of charcoal.

If you have low stomach acid your digestive system is unable to properly break down and absorb most of what you’re putting into it. That’s why you feel like crap all the time and nothing works. This must be addressed or nothing will get better. Click here to read how.

Additionally, if you are peeing frequently but only taking natural meds a few times a day, they move into your bladder quickly and then get emptied out too soon. You want every bit of urine coming through your bladder to be alkaline, and full of natural meds. That means you want to take a combination of the ones you don’t need to eat with (ginger, OLE, cayenne) every time you pee. My favorite way to do this is to drink 6-8 oz celery/ginger/lemon juice after every trip to the bathroom, with 2 OLE capsules and a fat pinch of cayenne, for instance.

The natural meds are listed in order of how broad-spectrum they are against the different strains, and potency. Those which I’ve seen kill a UTI single-handedly are listed first. For best results with all of these things:

  1. Cleanse with activated charcoal: you want to send a minimum of a tablespoon (7.5 grams) through, total, before taking full-strength doses of natural meds.
  2. Take a shot (1.5 oz) of pure lemon juice with every meal
  3. Keep your urine pH where it needs to be, monitoring with urine test strips
  4. Combine three different types of these natural meds
  5. Keep a journal where you jot down what you’re taking, when, and what your symptoms/test results are when you pee. This way you will be able to spot patterns and track your progress.
  6. Lastly, when you’re doing everything right, (you cleanse thoroughly with charcoal and you’re taking acid if needed and your meds consistently), it should take 5-7 days to kill a UTI, at the most. If it’s taking longer, you either need more charcoal cleansing, more acid with your food/meds, or a different combination of natural meds. 

Klebsiella pnuemoniae and oxytoca: pH 7.0-8
Lemon juice/baking soda water, juiced celery

1. Freshly grated horseradish: 1/2-1 tsp grated root per meal and with a bedtime snack. Grate with a medium-fine grater, pinch it together, and take mid-meal with a mouthful of milk. Minimal interaction with Candida but it’ll cause wicked bacterial die-off (cramps, diarrhea) in the gut if you haven’t cleansed with charcoal. This is the single best weapon against all cases of Klebsiella I’ve seen. It’s Silver Bullet-level killing power.
Take only with food, 4x a day. Use no more than 1/2 tsp twice a day if pregnant. Safe for breastfeeding but may cause baby gas. When horseradish is not wholly effective, either:

A. It is not fresh enough. It should smell wickedly pungent. Cut the root in the middle and grate the freshly cut end.
B. If smelling it brings tears to the eyes but it’s making your bowels run and not helping your bladder, do a charcoal sweep (2-3 tsp (5-7 grams) doses until the runs stop) and take a shot of lemon juice with every dose to improve absorption into the bloodstream.
C. If you have greasy yellow stools while taking this, don’t freak: you just got a gallbladder cleanse.
D. Those of you in Asia (Japan/China/India area) can take wasabi root the same way, since horseradish root is virtually impossible to get, there.

2. Juiced ginger root. 1.5-2 inch cube per dose, for about 2 tablespoons of juice.
Has some Candida-killing action but is absorbed into the blood too fast to cause severe die-off. You can take it by itself like a shot with a squeeze of lemon juice in it, and/or juice it with a head of organic celery and a lemon for an alkalizing anti-bacterial/anti-fungal combo. Drink that combination all day in place of lemon/baking soda water. If you don’t have a juicer, there’s a $30 model at Wal-Mart: you can get that and pick up 3-4 large ginger roots while you’re there. Trust me, it’s worth it.
Juiced ginger root can be taken with or without food, as often as desired. Safe for pregnancy and breastfeeding.

A.  The root should be firm and unwrinkled, with some visible juiciness when you slice it.
B. If you drink this juiced with celery and lemon in place of lemon/baking soda water, drink 8 oz every time you pee. You can juice a big batch every morning and bottle it to take with you to work/errands. Make sure you pee every 2 waking hours.
C. If the juice gives you the runs, you both need and are now prepared for a charcoal cleanse. Take 2 tsp (5 grams) doses with 12 oz water 1-3x a day until stools normalize.

3. Cayenne pepper.  1/4 tsp loose powder from the grocery store 4x a day, taken with or without food, either with a mouthful of milk or mixed into a large spoonful of honey. The first Kelbsiella case I ever heard of was when a lady replied to my comment about cayenne pepper on Chris Kresser’s blog, saying she had added it to her regimen and her long-standing antibiotic-resistant Klebsiella infection had promptly died. I haven’t seen it stop Klebsiella all by itself, but it’s a very useful wingman that can be the last straw for a persistent infection, and it’s readily available at any grocery store.
Use twice a day if pregnant, may cause baby gas if breastfeeding.

4. Oregano oil. This should be used as an adjunct to the three above and will not be fully effective unless you’ve cleansed with charcoal first.  Look for the carvacrol content (active ingredient) and aim for around 150-200 mg of carvacrol per dose. Not total dosage of the capsules, the carvacrol content per capsule is the active ingredient dosage. Study the label and do the math.
Take only with food, 4x a day. Use no more than twice a day if pregnant: safe for breastfeeding.

5. Olive leaf extract. This inhibits the growth of Klebsiella, can prevent an infection from starting, kills Candida like no other, has no toxicity and is excellent for general health, BUT when you already have an embedded UTI you need to combine it with other natural meds to administer the coup de grâce. It has the strongest Candida-killing action of any UTI med: you will have die-off unless your Candida has a biofilm. It can be taken with or without food, as often as desired. Safe for pregnancy and breastfeeding.

A. The most trustworthy brands are Vitacost and Swanson Super Strength. Most brands sold in hippy stores are weak, overpriced crap that will do you no good. You need about 300-350 mg of oleuropein (the active ingredient) per dose.
B. Charcoal cleansing before you take full doses is imperative, or the Candida die-off will be hell.
C. If you ignore the warnings and take this without charcoal cleansing and feel nothing, your gut Candida has a biofilm and you need to be extremely thorough with charcoal cleansing to peel it all off the gut walls, or OLE will never reach the bladder. Extensive use of prescription antifungals or corticosteroids in the past is a predicator of Candida biofilm.
D. This will take the pain out of a Klebsiella infection, but to stake the heart and burn the body you NEED to take it with at least two of the natural meds listed above. If you already have it on hand, take it. If you don’t have any, don’t sweat it: concentrate on the horseradish, ginger, and cayenne.


  1. Joy Haab
    Joy Haab

    My son had a trauma break. Bone was in the dirt now we are dealing with Klebsiella and Enterobacter bone infection….any advice?

    October 28, 2024
  2. Jillian

    You say to avoid all prebiotics? What about dandelion root? And what if your gut test report recommends oligosaccharide prebiotics to bring your microbiome into balance?

    September 1, 2024
  3. Sam Newlin
    Sam Newlin

    I have several questions and I am feeling overwhelmed. I have Klebsiella and low stomach acid. I understand I need to do a cleanse first and get my stomach acid correct. How long do I need to do the charcoal cleanse, drink the celery juice in the AM and add lemon juice shots before meals before I can start the protocol of natural meds? If anyone could help me. My email is and my phone number is 814-414-5269. Email or text are the best ways to contact me.

    Thank you!

    April 1, 2024
    • Maddy

      Hey. I’m also suffering from kleb. Can I text you ?

      August 31, 2024
  4. Bianca

    Hello dear Rebeka and deep hearty gratitude for your great blog in emergency help of bacteria infections. I have a request. I have had a Klepsiela Pneumonie for a year and try what not unsuccessfully, only antibiotics I avoided as they say they seldom help.I read a lot but I felt your blog is the medicine for me. Since 13th November2023 I started applying your tips but I guess I took garlic and may be it was not good for Klabsiela. I tried first to start the process with charcoal and then OLE, horseradish, ginger and cayen and I felt better.Last week I left garlic and my bladder feels much better. I want better results,can you help me with more specific tips. I take also digestive enzyms and drink lemon juice after each toilet and during the day and sometimes with celery and ginger when I can make the juice, mostly I found lemon juice ready-made and drink this one.I just want to know what I can do better for better results as I feel somehow exhasuetd for 1 year having it in my body. Thank you very much for helping so many people,really,I do appreciate your information and advice but I will need more specific advice what to start with again and how to order the medicine during the day for best results?Thanks and looking forward to hearing from you.

    December 14, 2023
    • Mary Buchanan
      Mary Buchanan

      You say to not eat carbs or sugar then you say to do honey

      November 17, 2024
  5. Eli

    I did the hippocrates special for 7 days and my test strips were clear for 3 days and I stopped but the Klebsiella came back again. I’ve had this recurring Klebsiella infection since July. Should I try doing the hippocrates special for a longer period of time? Or should I try the normal protocol instead?
    I know Rebekah has not been on here in a long time so I would appreciate help from anyone who has treated a Klebsilla P infection and how exactly you did it. Thank you.

    May 16, 2023
  6. Mariah Nell
    Mariah Nell

    Hi Rebekah,
    Would ACV be appropriate to alkalinize the urine in placed of lemon and baking soda if its all I have on hand?
    Thank you!

    April 16, 2022
  7. Anna

    Interesting article. Thank you.
    Sorry, but I don’t understand the part about garlic. Klebsiella eats garlic?
    You mean that klebsiella could grow when you take garlic?

    Do you know if the protocol with horseradish and ginger also works for Klebsiella in the lungs?

    Thank you.

    September 4, 2021
  8. Stephanie McArthur
    Stephanie McArthur

    Hi, so glad I found your page.
    I have Kleb. Pneumoniae UTI and have been on multiple antibiotics for four months along with probiotics. My question is can I do these steps and the juices while still on the antibiotics?!

    April 14, 2021
    • Diana

      Hello, Stephanie. Unfortunately Rebekah hasn’t been active for awhile. Hopefully nothing happened and she is just busy with life, all happy and healthy.

      I am currently in the same situation. Kleb. Pneumoniae for a few month, been on few rounds of abx + probiotics and it hasn’t cleared up yet. This is so frustrating. I’ll try the advice on this page soon. Maybe we could talk to each other about our treatment. Wishing the best for you, Stephanie 🙂

      April 14, 2021
      • Stephanie

        Oh, wow! Yes. I’m on antibiotics and probiotics for almost five months now. Mine was Hospital aquired. It’s so miserable. I’d love to chat!

        April 27, 2021
      • Sarah

        Hi, my name is Sarah. Did you have any joy killing kleb with this protocol? I’ve got kleb and entracocca.

        February 16, 2023
        • Magali

          Hello girls, please allow me to join your conversation. I have had success in killing Klebsiella oxytoca (I had it for 6 mois) and lately Enterococcus Pneumonia using R.’s method so if what I did can help:
          For Klebsiella O., the protocol (without charcoal cleanse) finally worked when I took HCl (against low stomach acid which I found out with the bicarbonate home test), after month of pain and sorrow, it cleared in 4 days (celery and ginger juice, horseradish, lemon juice, alkaline foods).
          For Enterococcus P. , first I only drank the celery and ginger juice while I waited for the powdered vit.c., it had an effect but wasn’t enough, it all cleared up almost instantly when I started the vit.c in large doses ! 4 days after it was completely gone. (No charcoal necessary for me).
          One of the key is to make sure you always have a round of a “killer” in the bladder: you pee, you take a killer, you pee, you take a killer. Etc. For me, the HCl did the trick both time, as R. Says if your stomach acid is too low, whatever you take, it won’t reach your bladder because it’s not properly “treated” in the G.I.
          Strangely enough, although my UTIs are always post coital, I had one for no reason lately and even more strangely it went away with ginger/echinacea tea (“infusion”?, I don’t know what’s the word in English (I’m french), there is no tea in it).
          I hope it’ll help.

          February 17, 2023
          • Jackie

            Hi Rebekah and others,
            The FB group doesn’t seem to be responding so asking others how long to do HCL. Just seem can’t feel anything even with 8 or 9 pills and it’s getting quite expensive after 3 months stopping it and taking digestive enzymes before food and acv or lemon juice with meals , though the lemon juice gives me loose stools and don’t want that. So anyone dosed with HCL properly? It’s hard for me.
            Another thing is the gasses from the OLE are really terrible. Even though stopped Ole a few days ago still have those smelly gasses and not sure for how long. Had what I think was a Uti and treated with cayenne, ginger and HR
            Hope youre doing well!

            February 21, 2023
      • Rose

        I also have Klebsiella UTI for6 months. I am so miserable . No antibiotics work. Does this protocol work ?

        November 25, 2023
        • Maureen

          Klebsiella UTI and starch

          Did you remove starch from your diet since Klebsiella feeds on starch?

          January 5, 2024
  9. Samantha

    Hi there,
    I actually have klebsiella pneumoniae of the vagina, after being on so many antibiotics over the years. I have uti symptoms from it though, as it makes me need to be every 40-60 minutes. The problem that I can see strongly is that I have horrible chronic constipation, as a result of intense abdominal adhesions from having my gallbladder removed 8 years ago and my appendix removed last year. For the past few years, it’s been so bad that I need to take something in order to induce movement. It’s especially bad these days. I live in Asia and I’m really, really sensitive to wasabi. I know this is a complicated case, but do you have any recommendations? Sincere thanks.

    February 23, 2021
    • Melanie

      I am trying castor oil packs. I like the oil from queen of the thrones ( and her naturopath work. Am using it for gentle cleanse but she swears by this protocol for BM issues. Good luck!

      May 16, 2021
    • JJ

      Magnesium citrate will help with constipation and many other mystery issues of the body. We are all deficient in magnesium because the soil has so much less now with the use of glyphosate/RoundUp. Take it up to the point where you get loose stool, then lower the amount a little till you find the sweet spot..

      February 4, 2024
  10. Lori Gier
    Lori Gier

    Can you get the ginger juice premade? I noticed they sell on amazon.

    June 19, 2020
  11. Patricia


    I’m going to try the charcoal cleanse for the first time. Why do your stools have to be so loose before taking the charcoal? What happens if you take the charcoal without first having diarrhea?

    I’m also going to try the horseradish but have been avoiding spicy and acidic foods due to irritation from the infections. Should I expect the horseradish to hurt my bladder when i take it?

    Lastly, the main bacteria in my bladder is klebsiella but I also have others include prevotella bivia and some gram positives. Will the horseradish and ginger flare a gram positive?

    Thanks and happy New Years!

    December 28, 2018
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Found it! It went into the Spam filter, for some reason.
      I answered on the Hippocrates Special post.

      December 28, 2018
  12. Jackie

    Hi dear Rebekah! I really need your help and advice. Last time in July had proteus and did the shock and awe protocol and a month and a half of the protocol , folloed by coconut bullets with tea trea oil, ACV, probiotics, charcoal tea bags etc. Started celery juicing in July and see many benefits, starting burping after baking soda, hair loss stopped etc,, also been taking 2 lemons throughout the day, baking soda, ACV which I love , 6 Oles a day for prevention and garlic pills, plus ordered the PH Silver as am sexually active so go crazy with all this. But 2 weeks ago or so started to get purple leukocytes and thought it was inflammation as do have IC bladder problems for some 3 yearsm but have gotten some UTIs this year with sex. So i did a culture and showed some eneterococcous and staph, i followed what you said here and by advice of others stopped all thelemon,baking soda and ACV which i do miss terribly and been taking 8 gr of Vit C ascorbic avid plus 9 pills of Ole and garlic pills , sometimes garlic and oregano. Strips show very light purple maybe after the 4th minute, was going to do the shock and awe by taking Mg citrate last night but forgot, so please tell me how long does it take and what else to do? Thanks so much and hope to hear back from you.

    December 22, 2018
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      1. When in doubt, switch to loose powder ascorbic acid. NOW brand on Amazon is fine.

      2. Go ahead and take a lemon shot with your meals, med doses. You can put the ascorbic acid powder in it.

      3. I would keep doing what you’re doing, and add in juiced ginger root taken like a shot at least 4x a day.
      You want 2 tablespoons of juice per dose: you can take it with or without meals.

      December 22, 2018
    • Dave

      7 years ankylosis spongylitis due to klebsiella after cystoscopy and colonoscopy and spinal tap

      January 22, 2022
  13. Ariel

    Hi Rebekah!

    Could you please add me to your Facebook group, I’ve send a request to join. I’ve 2 backteria E. Coli and Group B strep that I’m trying to banish and I could use some help. I’ve started with your treatment regime.

    December 22, 2018
    • Wilma

      Did you guys try HIPREX it wil eredicate bacteria from bladder

      August 17, 2022
  14. Magali CRAIG
    Magali CRAIG

    Bonjour from France. My apologies for any english mistakes, I’m french.
    I’ve had 4 klebsiella oxytoca UTIs since oct.2017, always postcoital. For the 1st one, knowing nothing about it, I took antibiotics. Then I found your blog. 2nd crisis 3 months later, killed it with your protocol in 12 days. 3 rd crisis 4 Months later, it wouldn’t move an inch with the same protocol (no improvement, constipated), had to take AB again. Then, last crisis and still going on since this last august, I found out that I have an underactive bladder so it never empties fully. I haven’t tried the protocol again as I also in the meantime developed gallstones and charcoal makes me constipated… garlic burns me alive now 😉 (and just saw what you write about it for this strain). Here’s my question: considering I’ve never had gallstones before, could either oregano essential oils (everybody tells me it damages the liver if taken for too long, so gallbladder?) Or the OLE caused it (I read it has an effect on cholesterol too)? Can I try a charcoal cleanse anyway without damaging the gallbladder ? I’m starting a re-training of the bladder with a professional next month. This situation is exhausting , I rotate several things to keep it at bay but that’s it, it won’t leave me. I have the antibiotics here but I’m resisting to the tentation, I know I must. Thank you so much for all those info, it’s just… Wow! Keep well.

    December 21, 2018
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Gallstones are indicative of low stomach acid, which is a hidden root cause of recurring UTIs, so that’s very likely your underlying issue. Treating that while treating the UTI is imperative.

      There’s a difference between oregano oil in capsules or liquid form made just for oral use and oregano essential oil: you took the latter?

      When charcoal blocks you up even though you drink plenty of water that’s also indicative of low acid: have you read that post yet?

      You can likely kick this thing by taking lemon juice and grated horseradish with meals, and juiced ginger/celery/lemon in between.

      December 21, 2018
      • Magali

        Hi Rebekah, thank you so much for replying, you must have so many requests to deal with !
        Gallstones: my naturopathe says I should try the gallbladder cleanse (since my gallstones are small), I guess you know about it. Although, I’m a bit concerned about provoking an acidosis though, considering Klebsiella likes acidity.
        About Oregano oil, I took the capsules for oral use. They do help on the UTI side, I feel a relief. I take it they’re safer the essential oil.
        I saw the post about low acid after writing to you. and it’s so clear now: I never burp after taking bicarbonate sodium, never. And I very often look like I’m 6months pregnant after meals, especially the afternoon, so yeah…. that’s totally that. And eating an alcaline diet doesn’t make a difference, I always have to drink bicarbonate at some point in the day to get a decent pH 7 or 8. So, another thing to deal with then…
        My leucocytes are now low (urine culture done 1 month ago), which means it’s not aggressive anymore, Klebsiella is now part of their world. I have to enhance that, and the ginger might just do the job I suppose.
        I’m thinking: bladder re training to avoid residue by flushing the bacteria out the best way possible, gallbladder cleanse then deal with the low acid stomach, and then kill the wee bugger while supporting the immune system.

        I can’t tell you how much hope you’re putting in my heart. Your work is just impressive. Have you thought of writing a book? There are so many desperate women and in constant pain with the UTIs, it’s unbelievable, and the antibiotics resistance is kicking in, big time. I now have no problems taking about my uti issues to other people because when doing so, a lot of woman then dare talking about it and want to find a way out of it, by knowing how it works. And your blog owe to be read by everybody. Thank you.

        December 24, 2018
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          The low acid *has* to be dealt with first: it’s the root cause of the other issues, including gallstones!
          It’s very simple, just start taking a shot of pure lemon juice (1.5 oz) every time you eat: it’ll not only help you digest properly, it’ll also alkalize your urine, make your meds vastly more effective, and give you a liver cleanse.
          For the gallstones, taking grated horseradish to kill off the Klebsiella will also flush out your gallbladder.

          You can kill all those birds with these two stones: low acid treatment, and grated horseradish with meals.

          December 24, 2018
          • Sarah

            Thoughts on using this Klebsiella protocol for a high level of Klebsiella in stool but no uti? I’m worried about it causing AK and want it gone stat.

            February 24, 2021

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