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The Kill List: Proteus Edition

Posted in Infection Killing Protocol, Supplements, and The Kill List Series

black widow

Proteus mirabilis is an interesting bug, named after an ancient Greek god of the sea for its ability to change its shape and swarm rapidly over moist surfaces. Ominous, no?
It’s a member of the same (infamous crime) family as E. coli: gram negative, motile, naturally resistant to penicillin and fluorquinolone-based antibiotics, highly likely to form a biofilm when it spreads in a medical setting, generally through catheters, but almost every case I’ve seen has been in someone who hadn’t been catheterized.
All of them, however, had low stomach acid
. Treating that is vital to both killing a current Proteus infection, and preventing new ones.

As with E. coli, there’s a myth that it is inhibited by an acid pH, and likes alkaline urine: this is due to the bacteria being studied in an oxygenated environment. Like E. coli and Klebsiella, Proteus is a facultative anaerobe that doesn’t need oxygen to live. In an anaerobic environment, such as the bladder, they eat acid. Proteus uses an enzyme called urease to hydrolyze (break down) urea, which produces ammonia, which causes urine pH to rise. It’s one of nature’s janitors, breaking down waste.

Your initial approach is going to be the same as for E. coli or Klebsiella: alkalize the urine to simulate a bacterial waste-filled environment. The bacteria stops feeding because the alkalinity sends the signal that it’s already sitting in a pool of its own waste. It’s like you’re turning off the chemical signal to feed.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Few of these weapons are going to work as they should if you have not cleansed with activated charcoal at all, or if you have low stomach acid and aren’t actively treating it. Without cleansing the gut, the bacterial and fungal pathogens in your gut will use up most types of natural meds before they can get to the bladder. It’s like charging a machine gun nest when there’s three rows of enemy-filled trenches in the way: you must sweep the trenches clear first in order to reach your objective. For this you can do the Shock and Awe cleanse outlined here. 

Or, you can simply start taking 1.5 oz pure lemon juice concentrate with every meal, and your gut should be clearing out within 36 hours. Once you’re loose and frequent, you can take 2 tsp (5 gram) doses twice that day, with 12 oz water each. Remember, no food within 2 hours of charcoal.

If you have low stomach acid your digestive system is unable to properly break down and absorb most of what you’re putting into it. That’s why you feel like crap all the time and nothing works. This must be addressed or nothing will get better. Click here to read how.

Additionally, if you are peeing frequently but only taking natural meds a few times a day, they move into your bladder quickly and then get emptied out too soon. You want every bit of urine coming through your bladder to be alkaline, and full of natural meds. That means you want to take a combination of the ones you don’t need to take with food (ginger, OLE, cayenne) every time you pee. My favorite way to do this is to drink 6-8 oz celery/ginger/lemon juice after every trip to the bathroom, with 2 OLE capsules and a fat pinch of cayenne, for instance.

The natural meds are listed in order of how broad-spectrum they are against the different strains, and potency. For best results with all of these things:

  1. Cleanse with activated charcoal: you want to send a minimum of a tablespoon (7.5 grams) through, total, before taking full-strength doses of natural meds.
  2. Take a shot (1.5 oz) of pure lemon juice with every meal
  3. Keep your urine pH where it needs to be, monitoring with urine test strips
  4. Combine three different types of these natural meds
  5. Keep a journal where you jot down what you’re taking, when, and what your symptoms/test results are when you pee. This way you will be able to spot patterns and track your progress.
  6. Lastly, when you’re doing everything right, (you cleanse thoroughly with charcoal and you’re taking acid if needed and your meds consistently), it should take 5-7 days to kill a UTI, at the most. If it’s taking longer, you either need more charcoal cleansing, more acid with your food/meds, or a different combination of natural meds. 

Proteus: pH 7.0-8 Lemon juice/baking soda water, juiced celery

1. Juiced ginger root. 1.5-2 inch cube per dose. In my experience, terpenes are the most powerful weapon against Proteus, and ginger is packed with them.
It also has some Candida-killing action but is absorbed into the blood too fast to cause severe die-off. You can take it by itself like a shot with a squeeze of lemon juice in it, and/or juice it with a head of organic celery and a lemon for an alkalizing anti-bacterial/anti-fungal combo. Drink that combination all day in place of lemon/baking soda water. This juice blend is especially good when you have Proteus because it reverses low stomach acid, over time, and low stomach acid is a major risk factor for a Proteus infection. You will never be safe till you fix that. Also, the juice flushes out kidney stones, which are related to Proteus infections.
Juiced ginger root can be taken with or without food, as often as desired. Safe for pregnancy and breastfeeding.

A.  The root should be firm and unwrinkled, with some visible juiciness when you slice it.
B. If you drink this juiced with celery and lemon in place of lemon/baking soda water, drink 8 oz every time you pee. You can juice a big batch every morning and bottle it to take with you to work/errands. Make sure you pee every 2 waking hours.
C. If the juice gives you the runs, you both need and are now prepared for a charcoal cleanse. Take 2 tsp (5 grams) doses with 12 oz water 1-3x a day until stools normalize.

2. Oregano oil. A monoterpenoid phenol, this is the second most powerful tool against Proteus but will not be fully effective unless you’ve cleansed with charcoal first. Look for the carvacrol content (active ingredient) and aim for around 150-200 mg of carvacrol per dose. Not total dosage of the capsules, the carvacrol content per capsule is the active ingredient dosage. Study the label and do the math.
Take only with food, 4x a day. Use no more than twice a day if pregnant: safe for breastfeeding.

3. Olive leaf extract. This is an excellent wing man to all of these other meds when you have Proteus. It’s also an effective prophylactic against all types of bacteria, kills Candida like no other, has no toxicity and is excellent for general health, BUT when you already have an embedded UTI you need to combine it with other natural meds to administer the coup de grâce. It has the strongest Candida-killing action of any UTI med: you will have die-off unless your Candida has a biofilm. It can be taken with or without food, as often as desired. Safe for pregnancy and breastfeeding.

A. The most trustworthy brands are Vitacost and Swanson Super Strength. Most brands sold in hippy stores are weak, overpriced crap that will do you no good. You need about 300-350 mg of oleuropein (the active ingredient) per dose.
B. Charcoal cleansing before you take full doses is imperative, or the Candida die-off will be hell.
C. If you ignore the warnings and take this without charcoal cleansing and feel nothing, your gut Candida has a biofilm and you need to be extremely thorough with charcoal cleansing to peel it all off the gut walls, or OLE will never reach the bladder. Extensive use of prescription antifungals or corticosteroids in the past is a predicator of Candida biofilm.

4. Raw garlic. This is great to start out with because if you don’t already have it in the house you can easily get it at your local store, along with cayenne pepper. Take 1 large clove with food, 4x a day. Safe for pregnancy/breastfeeding, may cause baby gas.

A. If you have low stomach acid, you will not absorb it. Take alongside a shot of lemon juice to ensure absorption.
B. It needs to be freshly minced/crushed right before taking.
C. Do not mix into hot food or you will destroy the medicinal qualities.
D. Get a firm head with lots of large cloves: do not store in the refrigerator: do not buy elephant garlic; it is a leek, not garlic.
E. If you bloat every time you take garlic, even though you’re taking lemon juice with it, you have a problem with fructans and you need a low FODMAP diet and some serious gut healing. Click here to read about it.

5. Cayenne pepper. This has terpenoids, alkaloids, and tannins in it, making it a good starting weapon in Proteus treatment while you’re waiting for oregano oil to arrive in the mail.
1/4 tsp loose powder from the grocery store 4x a day, taken with or without food, either with a mouthful of milk or mixed into a large spoonful of honey.
Use twice a day if pregnant, may cause baby gas if breastfeeding.

6. Freshly grated horseradish: Given Proteus’s proclivity for biofilm formation, you want to take this if your infection doesn’t fold promptly on a combination of the above meds.
1/2-1 tsp grated root per meal and with a bedtime snack. Grate with a medium-fine grater, pinch it together, and take mid-meal with a mouthful of milk. Minimal interaction with Candida but it’ll cause wicked bacterial die-off (cramps, diarrhea) in the gut if you haven’t cleansed with charcoal.
Take only with food, 4x a day. Use no more than 1/2 tsp twice a day if pregnant. Safe for breastfeeding but may cause baby gas. When horseradish is not wholly effective, either:

A. It is not fresh enough. It should smell wickedly pungent. Cut the root in the middle and grate the freshly cut end.
B. If smelling it brings tears to the eyes but it’s making your bowels run and not helping your bladder, do a charcoal sweep (2-3 tsp (5-7 grams) doses until the runs stop) and take a shot of lemon juice with every dose to improve absorption into the bloodstream.
C. If you have greasy yellow stools while taking this, don’t freak: you just got a gallbladder cleanse.
D. Those of you in Asia (Japan/China/India area) can take wasabi root the same way, since horseradish root is virtually impossible to get, there.


  1. Cindy Conwell
    Cindy Conwell

    I wish i could print out eberything more spe ific to proteus treatment. Step by step.

    December 10, 2024
  2. A concerned mom
    A concerned mom

    Do you have any advice for Proteus mirabilis in young boys? Specifically that hasn’t gone up the urethra yet to cause a UTI but that IS causing stinging? We were told to wash with water and dove soap, to use a daily probiotic, and to wait and do nothing until there is a UTI. Meanwhile, there is intense stinging and discomfort. I’m kind of at a loss and was wondering if there was any way to make a topical salve or something? Thank you if you have any advice!

    February 7, 2024
  3. Leah S.
    Leah S.

    What do I do for a 2 year old toddler? She’s had a stubborn proteus mirabilis infection that we’ve been fighting for a month now. We were given an antibiotic by the doctor at first…. lasted 7 days. Four days after that it was back and we’ve been trying to fight it naturally. We were given a “kidney tea” from a naturopath…. contains: marshmallow root, nettle, peppermint, ashwagandha and dandelion. We were told to give her cranberry juice along with it. That treatment seemed to make it worse so I gave her small syringe doses of 1/= tsp of baking soda diluted in 1/4 to a 1/3 of a cup of water throughout the day. That seemed to keep all symptoms at bay. I also have been giving her very small doses of goldenseal and D Mannose each day. She got sick with a cold/flu and we stopped all treatment for a couple of days. This morning she was holding herself saying “owies” again. I want to get rid of this thing but don’t know what to do or what is safe for her. I’m reading as much as I can but need some direction. Please, please help 🙏

    October 19, 2022
    • Trenika

      You need to get her PCR testing by a doctor who will treat her for as long as she needs. Not just short courses. Not sure where you live, but Dr. Bundrick in Shreveport, LA will do telehealth . He treats difficult infections .

      I deal with proteus and it’s a challenge. I do use herbal tinctures that help. Not the stuff your naturopathic was giving, but real herbs that Stephen Buhner recommended in his Herbal Antibiotics book. You can get them on Etsy or Amazon.

      October 19, 2022
  4. Cindy

    I am not sure what brand or strength of charcoal to buy and am confused how much and how often to take.

    September 11, 2022
  5. Elanor Robinson
    Elanor Robinson

    It’s back *sigh*. Got slack with the celery juice and complacency bit me in the bladder like a vengeful little pixie. Anyway, this time I also have a very odd tailbone pain that comes and goes, like it’s really bruised (but no injury to cause this). I have no kidney pain at all but could it be linked? Maybe a tiny stone stuck somewhere? Not in a happy place right now 😕

    October 5, 2019
  6. Renee Sullivan
    Renee Sullivan

    What do you do when trying to treat and you have ic and an ulcer. Most of the recommendations for treating proteus aggravate that. I’m in a mess

    March 30, 2019
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Vitacost OLE capsules, and a celery, cabbage, and ginger juice blend.
      1. Celery will alkalize urine and flush out kidney stones (inhibiting Proteus growth),
      2. Both celery and cabbage soothe and rebuild the stomach lining and bladder lining (treating IC and ulcers), and
      3. Fresh ginger juice and OLE kill Proteus bacteria.

      March 30, 2019
      • Kim

        I’m sorry I love your website I was dx with ureaplasma I get burning urethra and frequency I also had enterococcus face laid that I took meds do you have something specific for this I hate being on meds

        May 27, 2021
  7. Noola

    Hi Rebekah, thank you so much for all your precious advice. I have a whole story to tell, not sure whether I should write to you separately. I might also send a message on FB.
    1st of all I believe I have low stomach acid as I suffer from acid reflux. I stopped taking antacids last year and now only use natural remedies.
    On top of that I suffer very often from UTIs. It literally comes and goes. I never bleed or such but I have this constant urge to to to pee and every time I drink I cannot hold it for long. And I get really bloated and tired etc. At the moment I’m taking soda carbonate with lemon and wild oregano oil. I was taking UVA URSI but I’ve just read alcohol in the ingredients so I’ve stopped. I wanted to order a bunch of products from this list but I got really overwhelmed!
    Can ginger and turmeric be in tablets?
    I cannot use garlic as it keeps repeating on me. I thing I’m highly intolerant to it. I don’t think I can tolerate horseradish either to be honest.
    I wanted to buy OLE but I cannot find the right one and the Swanson one you suggested has only 20% of oleuropein and I cannot find one with the right amount.
    I am so confused and don’t know what to do.
    I wanted to buy D mannose again as I used it last year but not sure I can mix it with all these things?
    And I wanted to make a juice like you said but I’m worried of the runs. And I’m also worried to take charcoal as they sell it as a teeth whitener. Can I actually swallow it?
    I hope you can help with some advice. Thank you so much 🙂

    February 11, 2019
    • Elizabeth Johnson
      Elizabeth Johnson

      My 1 year old daughter has spina bifida, and is having recurrent UTIs with p.mirabilis. She does not cath and her scans in January were normal, so we aren’t certain yet if this is because of her spina bifida or something else. I have learned a lot about stomach acid so i found your post on this to be fascinating because i am suspicious that she has low stomach acid. I have never heard the connection between that and a UTI until now. However, given that she is only one year old, is any of this advice suitable for her? Or can you give me any recommendations? Desperately trying to keep her away from antibiotics as much as possible given that she is susceptible to more health issues down the road enough as it is.

      September 15, 2019
  8. Trenika

    Hi Rebekah!
    It’s been a long time. I’m no longer on FB but I got this email in the knick of time. It’s that darned proteus miribalis again. It’s been several months since I was last cultured, but I know the signs. That awful smelling urine and mad frequency. It’s nitrate reducing so no nitrates but trace lurks. I use the Mission strips you recommend. Right now leuks are looking better, but I did use some Uva Ursi- half a dose but I think I won’t anymore because I read some of the side effects. Don’t need anymore ringing in the ears than I have atm. I did try and use Vitamin C and Ellura which did help knock it back for a week or more but it’s very aggressive and it is constantly pushing my urine PH up. ATM it’s at like an 8 or 9. I’m now following your instructions and keeping a journal to see if I can kill it. The garlic seems to aggravate it which is unusual because it was such a help before when I beat it. I also am dealing with a cold and sinus thing that is so frustrating. Wondering if any of these meds will help me with that. I noticed that the more the sinus issues progressed the more proteus acts up. The very first time I cultured positive with it I had just gotten over the flu so it is extremely opportunistic.

    December 31, 2018
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Different strains react to different things: I would try juiced ginger, oregano oil, horseradish, and OLE.

      December 31, 2018
  9. Cathrine Schaal
    Cathrine Schaal

    Hi Rebekah

    I believe I have an infection in my urethra tissue. I have mostly Staph S showing up in urine culture. Strip tests has shown Leuks and nitrites. Do I do the charcoal paste on urethra or do you have any other advise?

    Yours sincerly,
    Cathrine Schaal

    December 23, 2018
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Staphylococcus saprophyticus?

      For that you want ascorbic acid Vitamin C, 2-3 grams per dose 4x a day with 3 capsules Vitacost OLE, and 1 large clove of raw minced garlic with all your meals.
      Also make sure you’re treating for low stomach acid, if you have it: a shot of lemon juice (1.5 oz) alongside the garlic will ensure absorption.

      And charcoal paste on the urethra is always worth trying!

      December 23, 2018
    • Esti

      Hello. Thankyou for very informative and helpful advice. How about strep especially GBS strep in urine during pregnancy. I drank so much cranberry juice. It did not help. My water broke and my baby passed I wasn’t given any helpful info by my midwife as to how to treat it during pregnancy. I don’t know if I still have the infection I have no symptoms. How was I supposed to kill the uti during pregnancy and why gallons of cranberry juice did not help. I do have symptoms of SIBO and IbS.

      December 23, 2018
      • Rebekah W.
        Rebekah W.

        I’m so, so sorry.

        It’s rather common to culture positive for GBS in the vagina during pregnancy, at low levels, and occasionally in the urine.
        It’s standard to prescribe antibiotics to treat it so the baby isn’t exposed when it passes through the birth canal, and midwives generally suggest trying a garlic supplement, according to what I’ve read on pregnancy forums. Garlic, ascorbic acid Vitamin C, and olive leaf extract all fight GBS.
        All are safe for pregnancy.

        Cranberry juice isn’t really helpful with UTIs, and has no action against GBS.

        A low-grade asymptomatic GBS infection in the bladder should not have caused a miscarriage, though. The odds are that it was an unrelated event, but you definitely didn’t receive the treatment you should have, either.

        SIBO and IBS are strong indicators of low stomach acid: the best thing you can do for your overall health is treat that, and it’s simple.
        Look at the sidebar for the recent “Mother of All Problems” post: you want to start there.

        God bless you and comfort you, sweetie. You can fix all of this, and try again afterward.

        December 23, 2018

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