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The Hippocrates Special

Posted in Immediate UTI Treatment, Infection Killing Protocol, Supplements, and Useful Tips

Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food.”–Hippocrates

This is an alternative strategy for killing a gram negative (E. coli, Klebsiella, Proteus) UTI purely with produce, and a juicer. Alternative instructions are given for a gram positive infection.

If you don’t already have a juicer, a cheap $30 centrifugal one from Wal-Mart/Target/Bed, Bath & Beyond will do the job, but a masticating one is best: you can get an $85-95 model on Amazon. The difference is that the centrifugal one oxidizes the ingredients during the process, meaning their medicinal and nutritional value has a limited life span: you want to drink that juice right away.

A masticating one produces juice that can be made in a big batch in the morning and bottled for use all day. This is helpful if you would like to leave your house at some point.

For this you’ll need:

  • Organic celery
  • Organic ginger
  • Organic lemons
  • Horseradish root
  • Activated charcoal

This strategy will kill some strains of gram negative bacteria all by itself, no capsules needed. To kill gram positive bacteria you would need to:

  1. Drop the lemon from the juice
  2. take 3 grams of ascorbic acid Vitamin C with every glass of celery/ginger juice, and
  3. take HCL with every meal instead of lemon juice

Gram-negative UTI juice recipe:

  • 1 head celery, chopped
  • 3 inch piece of unpeeled ginger root, chopped
  • 1 lemon, including rind, chopped and de-seeded

This makes about 16 oz of juice: you’re going to want 48 oz per day, so that’s 3 batches. To each batch add 4 oz water.

When you wake up, drink 12 oz. Do not eat for 30 minutes after the juice. After the initial morning drink, it doesn’t matter if you drink the juice near a meal.

For the rest of the day, drink 8 oz every time you pee.

Drink another glass if you wake in the night.

With every meal and a small bedtime snack, take a heaping 1/2-1 tsp freshly grated horseradish root. Cut the root in the middle and grate it there with a medium-fine grater. Pinch together and swallow with a mouthful of milk, almond milk, or plain yogurt, mid-meal. Also take the juice of half a lemon, tossed back like a shot. (Or 2-3 HCL capsules, if you have a gram positive infection)

Between the juice and the horseradish your gut is bound to break into a gallop within a day or so. When that starts, take 2 tsp (5 grams) charcoal with 12 oz water between meals, (2 hours away from food, and 1 hour away from juice) 1-3x a day until stools normalize.

It generally takes 2 full days of this regimen to wipe out every symptom and give you clear tests: continue for 3 full days more to be sure you staked the heart, burned the body, and scattered the ashes.


  1. Nancy Purcell
    Nancy Purcell

    I have been battling with recurring UTI’s which have resulted in me getting CDiff. I currently have a UTI, which when cultured is Klebsiella oxytoca. I do not want to take another course of antibiotics, so I was doing cartwheels when I found your blog. I finished Vancomycin for the CDiff and hopefully it’s gone. Any instructions you can give me to conquer this beast of a UTI would be greatly appreciated. I have read many of your comments, and I have some ideas, but if you could be specific, that would help me tremendously.

    August 13, 2021
    • Daniella

      Nancy, I’m in the same boat. Not sure what strain I have yet, but I have C.Diff. Would you please share what you did to heal yourself?

      December 19, 2023
  2. Mel

    No I don’t take meds when I do the early morning test strip at 3 – 5am as that is when I take the 2 tsp charcoal .
    Should I cease the charcoal and take meds instead or continue charcoal & take meds in addition ?

    May 16, 2019
  3. Mel

    no i don’t take any meds after test strip at 3 am – 5 am, as that is when i take the 2 tspn charcoal.
    Should i cease the charcoal, and take meds instead?

    May 16, 2019
  4. Mel

    no i don’t take a dose before going back to bed because i take the tsp of charcoal at that time. Should i cease the charcoal, and start taking meds instead?

    May 16, 2019
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      I would, because by this time your gut should be in great shape and charcoal shouldn’t be needed (and yes, as long as you’re following the timing on it there’s no issue with taking it regularly. It’s inert, like fiber).

      Also, I’d temporarily double your doses of OLE, HR, and juiced ginger, like for 5 days, and only take charcoal if you have die-off symptoms (keep the OO where it is, or just increase by one capsule per dose).

      You can either double the size of your doses, or simply take your present doses more frequently so the amount in 24 hours has doubled.
      It sounds like you’ve been right on the cusp of killing it, and just need that final push to get it over the cliff.

      May 16, 2019
      • Mel

        Thanks Rebekah ! will do

        May 16, 2019
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          On that 5th day, try to go all night without emptying your bladder, so you can get the truest result on that morning test strip.
          And *make sure* you always take meds, at least a fat shot of juiced ginger spiked with lemon and a few OLE, every time you pee, including at night.


          May 16, 2019
          • Mel

            will the ginger juice keep if made in a centrifugal juicers? can i make the ginger juice in the morning for example and keep for use through the day & that night?

            just checking – ‘at least a fat shot of juiced ginger spiked with lemon and a few OLE’ is that one tspn or 2 tbspn ginger juice, 2 tspn lemon?

            May 16, 2019
            • Rebekah W.
              Rebekah W.

              I’d go with 3 T ginger juice with 2 tsp lemon juice and 2-3 OLE: that’ll kill the bacteria with terpenes and phenols and raise your pH. That adds up to a hair over 1.5 oz, which is a perfect shot size.
              That bacteria must be given no time to recuperate.

              I’d juice a fresh supply of ginger at bedtime and *always* put it in a pre-chilled insulated bottle when you aren’t going to drink it right away.
              (Keep ice water in an insulated bottle and dump it out right before putting in your ginger/lemon juice.)

              Hitting it hard like that for 5 days should have you in the clear, and then you can taper down.

              May 16, 2019
              • Mel

                Ok. Ta.
                Can I use bottled ginger juice : ingredients organic ginger 99.7%, acidity regulator (citric acid)

                May 16, 2019
                • Rebekah W.
                  Rebekah W.

                  I don’t really trust its germ-killing power: the freshest root possible is best.

                  May 16, 2019
                  • Mel

                    (Nit much paler pink today. And Leuks only appeared at 5 min.)
                    When I take the fat shot of ginger/lemon is it ok to have a glass of water at same time w 1/8 tsp bicarb if thirsty? (Or does that dilute meds too much?)
                    & If I want a drink at other times should it be lemon w bicarb water?

                    (Incidentally realised that in a cultural anomaly US & Australian measurements vary. So my shot glass yesterday overfloweth till it dawned on me :
                    1 x US Tbspn = 14.8ml
                    1x Australian Tbspn = 20ml)

                    (I’m Keeping ginger/lemon shot cool in small jar through night placed in insulated chiller bag w freezer block)

                    & Thanks for your support!
                    (My support team here think I’m a crazy juicing lady. Esp as my macerating juicer still hasn’t arrived….so i’m juicing all day long)

                    May 17, 2019
                    • Rebekah W.
                      Rebekah W.

                      Only mix bicarb and lemon in a glass, never in your stomach, or all that gas produced will be terribly uncomfortable!

                      It’s fine to drink water or lemon water after the shot: you only have to worry about dilution when you’re eating.

                      At other times, lemon water with a pinch of bicarb is fabulous, good for your kidneys and bladder.

                      Fascinating! Everything really IS bigger Down Under, I guess. 😂

                      Keep up the great work! ⚔️⚔️

                      May 17, 2019
                    • Mel

                      Hi it’s my day 60 of Hippocrates special . I’ve finally had 6 days of negative Nits (at 1,5, & 10 min . The strips do show pink sometime after that). But Leuks are negative at 2 min, then trace to purple at 5 to 10 min.
                      I’m not sure what to do now. Basically I’m very consistent w juice & OLE, and sort of regular w OO. And i have not been taking horseradish or cayenne much lately .
                      (I’ve had sore ears in the mornings for days now and been gargling with salt)
                      Overall I am feeling much more well, but I’m still getting tiredness in the evenings.
                      Do you have any advice on how to neutralise the Leuks pls?

                      June 6, 2019
  5. Nicole S
    Nicole S

    OK. So I’m sort of at my wits end with all this…as most people who write to

    so I started off with your killing a UTI regimen because a doc give me cipro for a bladder infection that I wasn’t even sure I really had. I had abdominal pain no one could really place and everything else came back ok and one urinary test had some nasty bacteria i suppose (but just two days prior I had a clear test). and i didn’t really have uti symptoms.

    I did that pretty solidly for two weeks- layering on the quick and dirty cleanse on the second week. the strips were generally coming back clean to very light purple after a while with no nitrates showing.

    in the first week, the baking soda test had been dubious but because of the lack of nitrates I assumed gram positive and starting taking ascorbic acid vitamin c for a couple days. i almost immediately started flaring so i stopped that. ((in fact those two days are the only time the leukocyte pad went dark purple.)

    then early into the second week i started substituting horseradish for garlic. i didn’t full flare on the tests but i was getting some symptoms so i started adding back in some garlic and started to feel better again. end of last week i got a horrible cash of thrush on my tongue and backed off cayenne and lemon juice in all my water as i started the hippocrates special over the weekend and ended the quick & dirty cleanse.i still have been using some lemon juice but most of my drinking has had the celery concoction in it so there’s still lemon there. but i’ve not used cayenne at all since the thrush started last thursday (the thrush is much better but not entirely gone). i also added a dose of probiotic and dropped the uva ursi i’d been taking.

    so just the last three days it’s been Hipprocrates for a gram negative infection pretty strictly, with 2OE at meals, horseradish at all meals, garlic every other meal and 1 probiotic a day. i’m also doing a lemon juice shot with meals.

    late afternoon/yesterday i started to get purple pads- dark purple this morning and flaring symptoms. i’m really at a loss. i have no idea what’s going on or what i’m doing wrong. in a lot of ways all of this has cleared up some vision, headache, and chronic pain issues. the original pain I went to the doctor for has also mostly cleared up. but now i seem to have an actual raging UTI that is even worse than from where I started so I’m just bamboozled to say the least.

    HELP! would love any advice you got ASAP as I really really REALLY don’t want to have to take cipro. 🙁

    *some things of note- i did start my period and i’ve got a small cold since sunday. i’ve also never really gotten “loose” with any of this regimen. i’m not constipated, but things don’t really move fast unless i take some magnesium citrate, which i did the first two mornings of the Q&E cleanse and the last day. I also took a little bit this morning to see if it’d help things any. i also did do the stomach acid test. I don’t seem to have a problem there and since i take baby aspirin shots of lemon juice on an empty stomach are probably a no-no anyway.*

    May 7, 2019
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Have you tried plain baking soda water on these flaring symptoms yet, and if so, what response did you get?

      May 7, 2019
      • Nicole S
        Nicole S

        Seemed to help with the first mini flare…not an overwhelming amount…but it did seem to help. (I could try it again when i go home for lunch…see if it helps a second time.) Which is why, between that and the negative reaction to the ascorbic vitamin c, i’m pretty sure what i’m dealing with is gram negative.

        but i’ve also never had a read of nitrates on any of my test strips, which seems odd, but maybe not impossible? is that common?

        May 7, 2019
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          Well, you only see nitrites when you haven’t emptied your bladder for 4+ hours, so if you’re not sleeping through the night you can never see them.
          You can put a sample in a sterile jar, cap it tightly, and leave it in the oven with the light on for 6-8 hours and test that for nitrites, if you want.

          What symptoms are you experiencing, exactly?

          May 7, 2019
          • Nicole S
            Nicole S

            Some burning when I pee but also a burning feeling at the base mostly and before. It’s not severe. It’s not like the peeing glass feeling I’ve had with other infections. There’s some light urgency but it’s nothing terrible. It does sometimes feel like the bladder isn’t empty. now i’ve had some of these symptoms too to varying degrees without anything reading on the strips some days. I’ve only gotten significant strip reads and symptoms today and that one time i tried the ascorbic vitamin c

            there’s been some discomfort in the bladder area the last two days but I also got my period so it could be just lady stuff on that front.

            another oddity that may hold a clue is I’ve found most of the time the strips have been slightly more purple at the end of the day (after work) than in the morning- when there’s often been nothing (except for of course today)

            May 7, 2019
            • Rebekah W.
              Rebekah W.

              Irritation and leuks at the end of the day typically indicates inflammation rather than infection, and a sudden spike in leuks and some burning and pressure *after charcoal cleansing and while on meds and juice* usually means you’re about to pass dead Candida and perhaps some kidney stones.

              Little to no difference on baking soda water is a giveaway; bacterial pain responds to changing the urine pH but irritation from Candida or stones is virtually unaffected.

              I’d bump the OLE doses by one capsule per dose, and incubate a sample to be absolutely sure.

              May 7, 2019
              • Nicole S
                Nicole S

                it’s funny you mention stones, because i’ve been suspecting them. the pain hasn’t been as severe as people typically describe kidney stone pain to be, but it would explain a lot of the stabby but migrating abdominal pain i was dealing with – especially prior and especially if they’re quite small.

                so candida actually gets in and irritates the bladder/tract?

                i’ll bump the OLE and do a baking soda test. Is the incubating a sample thing what you talked about where i put pee in the oven with the light on?

                May 7, 2019
                • Rebekah W.
                  Rebekah W.

                  Yes, Candida spores can migrate from the gut and germinate in the kidneys; the meds kill it and flush it out. Often, that process causes a temporary spike in leuks and irritation. Both promptly disappear after the shreds of dead Candida (looks like white tissue paper) pass.

                  The juice blend is especially good at flushing stones out, and they can be quite small, like coarse sand. Sometimes you can feel them in the ureters and sometimes all you feel is a urethral burn.
                  Staying well-hydrated minimizes discomfort, and marshmallow root extract or slippery elm bark capsules soothes the tissue, as well (due to the mucilage content).

                  Yes, just rinse a jar with boiling hot water, let it air dry for a minute, then use it to catch a sample, cap it immediately, and set it in the oven with the light on overnight.
                  In the morning, dip a test strip. If there were any gram negative bacteria present, you’ll see nitrites.

                  May 7, 2019
                  • Nicole S
                    Nicole S

                    OK. Perfect.

                    So to summarize

                    1) incubate pee test

                    2) keep up with Hippocrates regimen + add extra dose of OE to every meal

                    3) find some slippery elm or marshmallow root capsules for discomfort

                    4) stay hydrated

                    is that right?

                    also- should i be adding back in charcoal again? or give that a rest for a bit?

                    May 7, 2019
                    • Rebekah W.
                      Rebekah W.

                      Yes, yes, yes, yes…and charcoal can only speed the process *as long as your gut is moving well*.
                      You may need to increase your lemon per meal by taking a second shot to get things moving along properly.
                      Expect a cleansing experience followed by effortless regularity.

                      The marshmallow/slippery elm (take on an empty stomach with water) also benefit your stomach lining, BTW.

                      May 7, 2019
                  • Nicole S
                    Nicole S

                    ok. i feel like nothing really gets the stupid bowels moving like i want except for the magnesium. ugh.

                    will try more lemon juice. would prune juice be bad? too sugary? i can tolerate a lot of flavors many people can’t so i’m open to any other potential suggestions…

                    May 7, 2019
                    • Rebekah W.
                      Rebekah W.

                      Lemon juice is usually all that’s needed, as long as hydration and physical activity are what they should be.

                      The main causes of constipation/sluggish bowels in order of commonality are:

                      1. Low stomach acid
                      2. Inadequate hydration
                      3. Inadequate aerobic activity
                      4. Poor nerve function due to impingement or to Vitamin B12 deficiency.

                      So, as long as you’re hydrated and you do some brisk walking every day, you probably just need a little bit more acid. That’s where I’d start.

                      May 7, 2019
                  • Nicole S
                    Nicole S

                    OK. I did the incubated pee test- no nitrites. no anything.

                    also no leukes on this morning’s test either and i still got some mild discomfort/some of the random stabby pains of earlier too.

                    so yeah, stones are seeming the more likely culprit…or irritation from something.

                    once my period is over i am going to try the lady parts cleanse. they did do a test at the gyno for infections that came up clean but i also know the stabby pains are closest to when the gyno messed with my iUD strings and all those things are on top of each other. maybe it’s possible there is an infection or a growth causing irritation that’s not necessarily a bacteria or something they’d test for?

                    only other thought i have is bladder stones…but at 39 and being in pretty good health otherwise, that doesn’t seem terribly likely…

                    May 8, 2019
                    • Rebekah W.
                      Rebekah W.

                      It’s always nice to know there’s no UTI.

                      If the stabby pains don’t get better with increased hydration (which cushions stones) and they’re more above the vaginal area (as opposed to middle of the back and traveling downward), I would suspect that you’re killing off what would have been pelvic inflammatory disease. That’s generally caused by BV bacteria getting up into the uterine area; the OLE and garlic are taking care of that.

                      I passed fine kidney gravel and some shreds of Candida 6 times in a row last year at age 37, four days after starting to use celery juice as a long run recovery electrolyte drink.
                      Having never suspected those were in there, I was astonished, but happy to have them gone.
                      Never felt a thing but some urethral irritation that was gone in a day.
                      So, if you do have some stones, no worries. The lemon juice will break them down and the celery will flush them out.

                      Either way, what you’re doing can only help.

                      May 8, 2019
                  • Nicole S
                    Nicole S

                    Ok so update! Been taking your suggestions…

                    Still haven’t gotten super loose unfortunately after a week on Hippocrates. I’m still getting stabby pains here and there and intermittent urinary tract discomfort but

                    Completely clear strips until at least the ten minute mark … and then very light coloration if any. Definite die off symptoms have been at play the last few days and this morning I collected a good chunk of candida in my urine sample- about an inch by inch square. I really thought it might be toilet paper until I poured it into the toilet and it immediately sank and almost dissolved. So stuff is definitely happening.

                    I’ve been off charcoal a week so today I’m doing the super intense charcoal flush in shock and awe with magnesium citrate awith possibly the day 2 addition tomorrow.

                    After that – continue with Hippocrates for a few more days or can I just stick with OLE and garlic stuff until stabby pains go?

                    May 11, 2019
  6. Mel

    Hi Rebekah I emailed you, & wondering if you received it?
    thank you so much for all your incredible efforts with TPP. I’m so pleased to have found it after so many years of feeling unwell, & too many antibiotics .

    Background; My doctors pathology tests always show high E. coli. I have had 15 courses of antibiotics in last 2 yrs & 2 months. Very sick of that.

    With UTI’s I’m asymptomatic – I never get pain or burning, but sometimes discomfort in the vulva. But I get huge fatigue, & sadness / depression. Because of this I was undiagnosed w UTIs for years.

    Currently; So….I am doing the Hippocrates special (juice 4xday) w cayenne, horseradish, OLE (all 3-4xday) , OO (2-3xday). Charcoal early morning 1xdaily. probiotic 1xday. Lemon shot w most meals .
    And I seemed to be stalled, & have now gone backwards. I am now on day 18 of Hippocrates special. Have taken charcoal 2 tspns since day 5.
    Day 1-7 both nitrates & leuks showed on test strip.
    Day 8 nitrates neg , & continue to be negative till day 17..
    day 17 Leuks are still positive (light purple) after 2 min.
    Today – day 18 I’m upset that I’ve backtracked both leuks & nit were positive in morning test 😩!! (After more 10 days of neg nitrates!)
    Urine was very cloudy & smelled funny.

    Generally I’m being pretty careful with food, but Could not being as vigilant w diet eg eating some cake (sugar) lead to that, & I had a bigger than usual dinner in a vegan restaurant, plus last few days a moderate sized pasta meal (previously I’ve been eating fairly low carbs) ?

    Question; this seems to be taking a long time. Should I be trying/adding in something else ?? Should I still be taking the charcoal daily?

    Responses: It seems like my body is sorting through lots of other issues too, eg Initially was sinusy & headachey. Then got sore neck glands, on plus side I noticed brain fog diminished. Cloudy urine at times. White flakes in urine at times . Then got windy/gassy. Ears got blocked. Last 2 have become very fatigued – which make sense given pink nitrates (guess I’ve got active UTI again) mood is generally okay except for tiredness last 2 days. Still sometimes have small white flakes in urine.

    Conventional meds: (Am on HRT. And a sinus medication. No other medication)

    I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed with this.
    Thank you!

    April 25, 2019
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Sorry, the comments are what I’ve been keeping up with lately as far as online activity: the poor e-mail and FB have been neglected.
      I’ve been swamped with life in general for awhile.

      Thanks for all the details! A few questions:
      1. What size doses of charcoal did you take, and how many?

      2. Are you regular? (💩💩💩)

      3. Did you get a big upswing in energy and well-being after your doses of charcoal?

      April 25, 2019
      • Mel

        1. 1xday. 2 tspns in 12oz water. Usually at 4.30am . (I rarely go back to sleep , just rest or light doze. Sometimes in the following hour or 2 I get what feels like (non painful ) uterine contractions . (But maybe they are bowel ?)

        2. I used to be a once per day 💩 gal.
        Today (it’s midday in Australia) I’ve been 4 💩 Already. It varies though . Sometimes once or twice a day . Sometime 3 or more usually all before midday.
        This morning poo 1 & 2 had charcoal, Poo 3 & 4 don’t have any charcoal in them.

        3. I think generally mood improvement yes, & definitely since starting regime my head feels clearer. I’d say had an upswing in mood to feel normal again. And not exhausted. (I was taking for a few days bentonite clay prior to taking charcoal – it was hard for me to get loose pre taking charcoal ) – & think my mood was improving w that too). I’m subdued Mood wise now. But not sad or depressed which is usually get a UTI.

        On the funny side: I even had a colonic irrigation to get loose, my first! (not very successful) coz couldn’t get the prep you suggest in Australia .
        Also My kids are sick of my wee sampling cup in the bathroom!!! 😝

        April 25, 2019
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          Judging by your description, you need to keep going with the charcoal cleansing; your symptoms indicate there’s still plenty of Candida to clear out. You’re reversing an awful lot of damage!

          Peeing white flakes is a good sign; it means that Candida is being killed and flushed out of your kidneys. You should be losing water weight and generally feeling inflammation go down (sinuses and ears clearing and draining, brain fog steadily dissipating, and energy and mood on a constant climb).
          I would expect a big uptick in energy and mood soon, after all the 💩💩 today.

          Are you taking meds when you wake up and pee in the wee small hours of the morning?

          April 25, 2019
          • Mel

            Thank you. This is motivating 🌸.

            Last couple of days when awake at 4.30 & then 5.30. I’ve taken one dose 2xOLE . Shortly After the charcoal. is That correct?

            April 25, 2019
            • Mel

              Wondering – whilst I’m loose – Should I up to more than one dose of charcoal a day?

              April 25, 2019
              • Rebekah W.
                Rebekah W.

                Most definitely!

                April 26, 2019
            • Rebekah W.
              Rebekah W.

              You don’t want to take any meds within about 90 minutes of charcoal, so they don’t get sucked up. *Other than when you’be taken charcoal*, you want to take some type of med every time you pee, to keep UTI-killers flushing through the bladder.

              I would definitely take another large dose of charcoal per day *whenever you’re loose/frequent enough* to do so; it can only speed the process.

              From what you’re describing it sounds like your whole system is still getting cleaned out, which is why the bladder isn’t fully healed yet.
              You can increase your med and charcoal doses while your gut is moving so well, to crush your enemies and sweep the field clear of their bodies.

              April 26, 2019
              • Mel

                Thanks for that . Here’s some tactical questions:

                1.Can I use horseradish root powder or wasabi powder instead of fresh horseradish or fresh wasabi ? (The fresh stuff is hard to get in Australia, apart from Easter/Passover time. And of variable quality )
                1a. I’ve found a ‘pure wasabi’ in a jar from New Zealand . Ingredients are wasabi, grape seed oil, citric acid, salt . Is that ok as a substitute for fresh wasabi?

                2. Can I drink
                ‘Alkaline water ph9+ ‘ instead of regular water with lemon added? (The alkaline water includes 5 natural electrolytes – calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphate)

                3. celery ; wondering about organic versus non-organic. the organic celery here is pricey eg $10/bunch and often quite bug eaten. So i’ve been using a mix of organic & regular is that ok? (I have read it’s a vegetable that absorbs a lot of pesticides so I’m concerned.)

                4. Can I juice celery leaves 🍁 as well stems? (I have been using both)

                5. Can I sometimes substitute lime for lemon in Hippocrates special juice & shots ?

                6. Is there a maximum quantity of water I can/should ingest . In addition to the 48oz of celery/ginger/lemon juice daily.
                Thanks 🙏

                April 26, 2019
                • Rebekah W.
                  Rebekah W.

                  1. The chemistry of horseradish/wasabi is most potent when it’s fresh. The dried stuff will have little if any action. You can plant the knobby parts of the root in a pot to grow your own plant.

                  2. Yes, alkaline water works fine! Just don’t drink it near meals or it’ll neutralize your stomach acid.

                  3. Yes, non-organic does have a lot of pesticides; it helps to wash it with baking soda water to remove any externally, but it’s not optimum. When celery isn’t an option, juice a lemon and a fat hunk of ginger root together to at least get those benefits.

                  4. Yes, celery leaves are great!

                  5. Limes have half the potassium content of lemons, so you have to use twice the volume to get the same alkalizing effect on urine pH, is the main difference.

                  April 26, 2019
                  • Mel

                    Ta, thats helpful.

                    I Did test strip at 3.30am. Nitrates not quite negative, v pale pink. Leuks positive.But Happy flare up is subsiding. Took charcoal.

                    April 26, 2019
                    • Mel

                      Hi Rebekah
                      I’m confused about what’s happening ? Do you have any insights pls? In my morning testing I’m vacillating between neg & positive for Nit. (After having 10 days of clear Nits). Most times Leuks are still purple between pale & dark at 2 min.

                      Today Day 23- Nit are bright pink. Leuks pale purple
                      Day 22- Nit neg.leuks very pale purple .
                      Day 21- Nit are bright pink at 5am. (Retested at 7am after charcoal dose at 5am and Nit are clear. I know that’s not 4 hours but just wanted an indication ) .
                      Day 18- Nit bright pink
                      Days 8-17 – Nit neg

                      Still taking charcoal w 12oz water daily after early morning testing.

                      I’m Upset that I’ve got these flare ups occurring shown in morning testing.
                      What does this mean?

                      I Have been working really hard at being consistent w meds and spacing them well.

                      Some areas could do better I guess . But tricky when need to leave the house sometimes!
                      1.Am not always adding water to juice could that be a problem? limiting water bear meal, so maybe taking not enough water I generally. Have noticed pee is dark yellow at times.
                      2. Also not taking OO regularly last few days. Maybe need to add more OO doses into regimen again .

                      April 30, 2019
                    • Rebekah W.
                      Rebekah W.

                      You’re seeing nitrites first thing in the morning after sleeping 4+ hours, when you weren’t before?

                      It’s hard to get good supplies Down Under…nitrites coming back means you need more organosulphurs and/or terpenes, *and your pH isn’t alkaline enough*.

                      Gram negative bacteria in an anaerobic state (in the bladder) feed in an acid pH and slow down drastically in an alkaline pH, and nitrites are the waste produced when they feed.

                      I’d drink strong lemon water with a pinch of sodium bicarbonate in it between meals (12 oz water with 2 T lemon juice and a heaping 1/8 tsp bicarb), and 1 T ginger juice mixed in. That will keep urine alkaline, discouraging feeding, and the ginger will give you killing power, too.
                      The meds and straight lemon juice with meals are more effective when you’re already slamming the bacteria hard like that.

                      Definitely get back on the oregano! You want to take two different types of meds together, ideally, to attack the bacteria on more than one front each time you take something.

                      Once you’ve gotten past interference in the gut and kidneys and you’re on the right combination of meds for your bug, it is usually takes 3-5 days to kill off a UTI.

                      It’s wiping out the interference and determine what combination your strain needs that takes awhile, unless you get lucky right out of the gate.

                      Remind me, have you tried cayenne pepper on this?

                      April 30, 2019
                  • Mel

                    (why has the site changed my icon to green? and its not letting me post directly under your last post? hope this posts pops up in the correct spot)
                    thank you again rebekah!!!!

                    Q. you asked – You’re seeing nitrites first thing in the morning after sleeping 4+ hours, when you weren’t before?
                    A. yes

                    Yes, i’m taking cayenne.
                    Currently; most of the time….I am doing the Hippocrates special (juice 4xday) w cayenne, horseradish, OLE (all 3-4xday) , OO (have run out but will go to store today, but was taking 2-3xday). Charcoal early morning 1xdaily. probiotic 1xday. Lemon shot w most meals . (have been a bit slack on this) .

                    1. with your recommendation of drinking lemon/bicarb/ginger in 120z water between meals :does that need to be mixed freshly each time or can i premix it in the morning and carry it around with me?

                    April 30, 2019
                    • Mel

                      (oh i know why it changed icon. i put in a secondary email address)

                      April 30, 2019
                    • Rebekah W.
                      Rebekah W.

                      You’re taking fresh grated horseradish 4x a day? Does the smell of it make your eyes water?
                      Can you post links to the brands of your supplements?

                      Judging by your list, this thing should be dead by now.
                      Malabsorption (not enough acid with the food/meds) or the brands not being strong enough may be what’s slowing you down.

                      April 30, 2019
                    • Rebekah W.
                      Rebekah W.

                      And yes, you can premix that lemon/bicarb/ginger water blend!

                      April 30, 2019
                    • Mel

                      Help pls Rebekah ! I’m still not getting consistent clears for Nit. And I’ve been following Hippocratic Special for weeks now. I’m up to day 39 today .

                      (I’ve had periods of clear Nit but usually purple Leuks. As I’ve had a cold for over a week now I suspected this weeks purple Leuks were evidence of fighting off the cold infection. )

                      (Last week was travelling & took my juicer with me but was hard to be as regular as necessary w juicing & supplements.)

                      From Monday I’ve been back at home , day 35, all this week have been back on track w juicing, & supplements . And Leuks purple and Nit neg, till today, day 39, when Nit pink again and urine has funny UTI smell .

                      I have been fairly diligent w my supplements . Discovered powdered horseradish when travelling so substituted dried powder food grade horseradish for the fresh stuff (which is hard to get & variable quality in Australia anyway)
                      Generally taking 3-4 times a day; 2xOLE, 1xOO, 1/2 tsp dried horseradish powder, 1/8 cayenne. Lemon w most meals. Between meals 12 oz water w 2 tbspn lemon, 1 tbspn ginger, baking Soda.
                      One probiotic a day.

                      Juice spacing?: Could juice spacing yesterday lead to this mornings test flare up? Yesterday mid of day (was out of house ) missed a dose of juice & had 4.5 hr gap . And Last night had Juice w final late dinner meal @ 10pm & soon after went straight to bed (so missed one 8oz dose overall through day)
                      (Am still waiting on my macerating juicer to be delivered, so have to juice w centrifugal freshly each time ).

                      Currently: Wee generally does not have flakes any more, flakes have been tapering down over time for some time, wee is usually clearish, but today was cloudy.

                      Other weird symptoms ; Earlier this week had 3-4 days of ‘pimples’ inside nostrils which sort of scabbed over & were sore, now they’ve cleared (i Had same symptom a couple of weeks ago w one nostril only with same ‘pimples’ but I have never had that before.)

                      (Other background (not sure if relevant) : August 2018 had a heart scan – heart was perfect – but doctors believe I had extreme reaction to the iodine dye or the preservative from dye. My Entire body skin (not face or neck) got a type of chemical burning. Swollen & red & soreish like extreme sunburn. Over about a month all my body skin then peeled off . It was all over body including Webs of fingers, toes I mean everywhere, places where the sun doesn’t shine . The immunology & dermatology teams at the hospital said they had never seen anything like it.)

                      What should I do now please ?:
                      Guess I will resume taking fresh horseradish (instead of powder) when at home .Should I be concerned about taking charcoal for 30+ days?
                      This is taking me a long while. It is getting frustrating …
                      do you have any more ideas how I can finally nail this?

                      Thank you!

                      May 16, 2019
                    • Rebekah W.
                      Rebekah W.

                      The first thing to look at is the meds; if it takes longer than 3-7 days to kill a UTI, something is off with the meds, either the type or quality or the quantity.

                      First, have you been sleeping through the night on the mornings you tested clear for nitrites?

                      May 16, 2019
                    • Mel

                      I sleep for 4 hours or so before getting up to pee (I make sure 4 hours before I do test strip). Then back to bed for a couple of hours can’t always sleep well though.
                      Using: vitacost synergy OLE 500 mg.
                      Using: solutions4Health OO caps (80% carvacrol) each capsule contains 100 mg origanum vulgare

                      May 16, 2019
                    • Rebekah W.
                      Rebekah W.

                      Do you take a dose of meds before going back to bed?

                      May 16, 2019
  7. Alexa

    Hi Rebekah,

    A couple more questions for you…

    I have noticed that HCl causes me increased urethral burning. Is this common? Will taking baking soda a short while after the meal help with this?

    I’ve also noticed that I’m REALLY struggling to stay alkaline. I am weary of drinking baking soda often because I don’t want to undo any of the progress I am making with my stomach acid. Also, am I wrong to think that having my gut be too alkaline encourages candida? Should I be worried about this or is staying alkaline more important?

    Another clue about what is going on with me is that in general, with or without HCl or lemon shots, my worst pain seems to be after eating. I am eating a very clean diet… mostly vegetables and fruit, occasional fish, grain free and dairy free. I eat white or sweet potatoes at most meals because I do need some additional carbs in my diet as I am naturally underweight.


    April 8, 2019
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      HCL can lower urine pH in some people: the usual fix is to use lemon juice shots with meals in place of HCL…but in your case you may need to simply counter it with baking soda water in between meals to jack your pH back up.

      The only other alternative to baking soda would be cream of tartar, or…more celery juice. 😬

      Taking charcoal regularly negates any mild encouragement Candida gets: your stomach is supposed to be super acidic and your gut is supposed to be relatively neutral, due to enzymes produced by your pancreas and dumped into the duodenum.

      (Fun fact: your pancreas makes its own baking soda!)

      April 8, 2019
  8. Alexa

    How essential is lemon to the juice recipe? My symptoms improve with baking soda so I am fairly certain it is a gram negative infection, however lemon seems to be very irritating to me lately.

    April 6, 2019
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Irritating in what way, exactly?

      April 6, 2019
      • Alexa

        Increased burning and frequency after I drink it. It’s worse when I have lemon water on it’s own, but the juice also seems to be more soothing without the lemon in it.

        I have a long history of UTI’s and bladder sensitivity and have avoided citrus completely until recently switching over from plain celery juice to the combo. For the first couple weeks I didn’t notice a problem but in the last few days the lemon has been triggering symptoms.

        April 6, 2019
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          Interesting…your system may not be absorbing the potassium that should be buffering the acid.
          In that case, you can either drop the lemon, or add 1/4 tsp baking soda to your juice blend, stir, and drink after it stops fizzing.

          April 6, 2019
          • Alexa

            Ok, thanks! I’ll let you know how it goes

            April 6, 2019
  9. Emily

    A few questions… I’m working with some kind of UTI, I think, as I have often had them in the past. My urine test strips aren’t showing a nitrite issue, but I am having a fair quantity of leuks + blood showing up on the test. Today my leuks have improved after taking a probiotic, D-Mannose, some homemade fire cider and finally getting my urine to not be a 5. I have urgency and a full feeling, but it’s not razor burning.

    How do I tell if I’m dealing with gram negative or positive without going to the doctor? I REALLY don’t want to take traditional meds, because I was previously on nitrofurantoin years back and surprise I had a child with a cleft palate.

    I’m struggling on what to feed myself… I’m doing my best to keep things alkaline and I’m trying to eat vegetarian / vegan if possible to help that, but I’m avoiding sugar so no low carbs and no fruit. Am I being too strict?

    I passed the stomach acid test, is the charcoal cleanse still advisable?

    My delivery of OLE just arrived – the ones you recommended, but then I saw people worried about the magnesium stearate. I tried to read more, but didn’t see why it’s such a controversy. On the flip side I got one of those California cancer / reproductive risks about the charcoal.

    Thanks so much for the help! This has been one of the better resources I’ve found that isn’t touting “good hygiene, pee after sex” because that logical, and dose meds whenever you can so the root of the problem is never solved.

    January 19, 2019
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      On the magnesium stearate thing: that’s a problem for a very, very small percentage of people. Maybe three people out of the 1500+ I’ve dealt with directly have had a problem with it.
      When something gives one person a problem, that person tends to feel like *everyone* should avoid it. For instance, my second UTI was the rare E. coli that flipped out on ginger, and it made me leery of ginger for two years! But juiced ginger is enormously helpful against most types of infection, as well as Candida.
      You have to resist the urge to wave people off stuff that will probably work just fine for them, and also not give way to fear. When you do a lot of reading and don’t have a base of personal experience to draw on, all the info can actually be paralyzing: you become afraid to try almost anything.

      Activated charcoal is pure carbon: it’s poor grade improperly made half-burnt charcoal you need to worry about, not activated charcoal. Cali isn’t making a distinction between the real stuff and half-charred burnt stuff no self-respecting company would try to pass off as activated charcoal.

      January 19, 2019
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      On diet: if you have ketones showing up on the test strip, you need to eat a little fruit. You don’t want to be in ketosis while you’re killing a UTI.

      A charcoal cleanse is always advisable! My husband and many of my friends have done one or more just to improve their overall health and quality of life. I don’t know anyone it hasn’t helped. When you cleanse with charcoal and *don’t* have a huge surge in energy, mood, and mental clarity, you have an adrenal problem that needs to be addressed. Most people, though, feel like they upgraded to a new and improved body in less than a week.
      Sorry about the protracted replies to all the questions: we had company over (that just left).

      January 19, 2019
      • E

        Somehow I didn’t get notified for your comments and continually checked my email, but not where I left this post, so I kind of stumbled upon it. Thanks so much for your reply. I am working my tail off for this – literally and figuratively.

        I did the burp test and had a tiny burp at 43 seconds and another one at 2:45. I didn’t do it a second day, but went straight to the mother of all problems, because I want to go nuclear on this and also because I don’t want to be put on nitrofurantoin again. I’m 95% sure it is what caused a cleft palate in my child so for future pregnancies I say forget it.

        I was using lemon juice preemptively, but my HCl just arrived today, so I may make the switch?

        I have done the charcoal cleanse… 2 bottles of magnesium citrate + a long yesterday with the toilet. I keep having issues getting my pH higher than a 5. It always crashes right back to that. There also appears to be a fair amount of blood in the urine.

        I’m soldiering on and will eat some fruit or do something to get out of keto as you recommend.

        If I need to urinate before taking the charcoal do I hold off on the celery/lemon/ginger since it shouldn’t be taken within the hour? What do I do to alkalize my urine? The lemon juice doesn’t seem to be cutting it especially mid to late in the day.

        I am doing the fresh grated horseradish, which pairs wonderfully with avocado. I’ve been VERY strict with no carbs, no sugars of any kind, and straight vegetarian diet. This has to be doing something, though I don’t know if I’m doing the right plan of attack. I’ve definitely declared war on my body to get back on the path to healthy living.

        You’ve been a shining light amidst this dark journey, so thank you again!

        January 22, 2019
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          The main purpose of the baking soda test is to determine what type of bacteria is giving you trouble: what bladder response did you have to baking soda water? Did it feel better within about 40 minutes?

          To alkalize the urine, when lemon water isn’t doing it, that means the potassium in it isn’t getting to the bladder, for whatever reason.
          What you need to do is add a fat pinch of baking soda to your lemon water, and to your celery/lemon/ginger juice.
          It’s going to foam a lot, so put it in a tall glass and let the fizzing subside before you drink it.

          That juice blend (with about 1/4 tsp baking soda per 12 oz juice) will raise your urine pH, and stop gram negative bacterial growth and blood in the urine.
          Drink 16 oz when you first wake up, and 8 oz every time you pee.

          You can drink the juice with an hour of taking charcoal because the juice is absorbed so fast, like water.

          January 22, 2019
          • E

            Yes, the baking soda definitely helped. I took 10g of charcoal during the clear out phase and another 5g yesterday, so I think I am done with the charcoal once things have resumed to normal, right?

            Even with having baking soda and a vegetarian no sugar diet my urine remains at a pH5. I hate being broken. The good news is I am feeling better, but I’d like to get this acidic urine fixed.

            January 23, 2019
            • Rebekah W.
              Rebekah W.

              Something is off, because the sodium in baking soda is very easily absorbed and should be spiking your pH upward.

              Are you taking any ascorbic acid, or using HCL capsules?
              If so, don’t. Use lemon juice shots only, with meals.

              January 23, 2019
              • E

                I am not taking ascorbic acid or HCL. I bought, but haven’t used them.

                I have only taken the lemon juice (lemon tree in the backyard). I’m slightly nervous I’m wrecking my teeth. I’m also super confused about the pH, too… once in a while I get a 7 or 8, but today it was straight 5’s. I’ve been logging the foods I eat and when, because I’m neurotic and overly diligent as well as taking photos of the test strips. Even after a ton of asparagus at lunch today it was still at a pH 5.

                I’m testing at virtually every time I urinate, using 3-4 OLE each meal, cayenne honey and lemon and the horseradish.

                Also, when taking the garlic cloves do I smash then ingest or just swallow whole? Even when I take that I never notice smelling garlicky and I did notice one clove passed looking completely undigested.

                Am I going to have to do the mag citrate + charcoal again?

                I also requested to join the facebook group. Thanks… you’ve been my lifeline these last weeks.

                January 24, 2019
                • Rebekah W.
                  Rebekah W.

                  Garlic MUST be minced and will not be absorbed into your bloodstream unless you take acid with it, like a shot of lemon juice.
                  If you toss it back at one go it should go right down your throat without touching your teeth, but if you can’t manage that you can swish baking soda water around in your mouth (and spit it out afterward) to neutralize any acid that touched your teeth.
                  Consistently acidic urine means you need more lemon juice with meals: food is still fermenting in your gut. (Fermentation creates acidic by-products which end up in your bladder)
                  Try doubling your lemon juice with meals and let me know what effect that has. It should raise your urine pH and get your gut moving well enough to take more charcoal without having to do mag citrate.

                  January 24, 2019
                  • E

                    Thank you! We’re having visitors and I’ve fallen off the wagon a little bit. I’ll get back into the swing of things on Sunday and hope I can finally crack this.

                    I’ve been having horseradish more than garlic.

                    So the increased lemon is supposed to make my bowels loose and then I take more charcoal ~5g? I feel determined. If I can kick this fermenting gut and acidic urine it will be a new phase.

                    January 26, 2019
                    • Rebekah W.
                      Rebekah W.

                      Yes, pure lemon juice with meals helps your food break down, cleanses the liver, speeds up the gut, and alkalizes the urine. When you’re taking enough you generally have a…cleansing experience within 36 hours.
                      Horseradish must also be taken with lemon juice to maximize absorption: it and garlic are both organosulphurs.

                      January 26, 2019
  10. Li S
    Li S

    Just to clarify that I am about to make the juice correctly, for a gram positive infection;
    1 x head of organic celery
    1 x 3 inch piece of ginger (I couldn’t find organic today but there is another shop I think I can get it for next time)
    No lemon whatsoever?

    Once the infection has been killed, do I add the lemon in? I can’t imagine it would taste very nice without the lemon 🙁 but if that’s the case then so be it.

    I had no leuks at the 5 minute mark for the first time this morning. I was so happy. But it did turn a light-mid shade of purple after that. Not sure how long it took as I had left the bathroom. So, how long after the 5 minute mark would the test strip show a false positive?

    December 31, 2018
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      The lemon actually raises urine pH, which you don’t want with entero, and so does celery, so in order to help you the most without raising your urine pH too much, you *drop the lemon and take 3 grams of ascorbic acid Vitamin C with the juice*.

      Check your urine pH 40 minutes later and take 2 more grams of ascorbic acid *if the pH is above 5*.

      December 31, 2018
      • Li

        Ok, will do, thank you. Currently taking 10,000mg per day of Vitamin C, spaced throughout the day. Got the juice ingredients, so will start this too. I’ve done charcoal cleanses 3 mornings in a row now so I’ll stop that for tomorrow I guess. Will continue the OLE and OO but taper it down if the strips remain clear for the next 2 mornings. Happy to be getting places 🙂

        December 31, 2018
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          That’s awesome! I’m very proud of you! 😍

          December 31, 2018
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      When your test strips are clear at the 5 minute mark for 3 days running, that generally means you’re clear of infection and can start tapering down on the meds.

      December 31, 2018
  11. Patricia


    I tried leaving this on the klebsiella protocol but it kept denying the lost saying it suspected a bot?

    I’m going to try the charcoal cleanse for the first time. Why do your stools have to be so loose before taking the charcoal? What happens if you take the charcoal without first having diarrhea?

    I’m also going to try the horseradish but have been avoiding spicy and acidic foods due to irritation from the infections. Should I expect the horseradish to hurt my bladder when i take it?

    Lastly, the main bacteria in my bladder is klebsiella but I also have others include prevotella bivia and some gram positives. Will the horseradish and ginger flare a gram positive?

    Thanks and happy New Years!

    December 28, 2018
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Actually, horseradish should make your bladder feel *much* better within 2 doses.
      You want to be a bit loose because charcoal tends to form things up: it’s a natural fix for diarrhea.
      Additionally, when you have low acid, and most people with bladder issues do, charcoal will lock you up tight unless you get a bit loose first and take acid with every meal, afterward.
      Horseradish and ginger kill many gram positive bacteria as well as gram negative: you should feel nothing but better in short order.

      I’ll see what I can find out about the comment: it sounds like a filter went rogue.

      December 28, 2018
      • Patricia

        Ok, thanks. I can’t take acid right now because I have gastritis from low stomach acid/previously taking too many antibiotics.

        I feel so lost, Rebekah. I’ve been dealing with a constant uti (different bacterias) for 1.5 years. I feel like I’ve lost so much and I’m willing to do anything to fix this but it’s so hard having the gastritis and low stomach acid too. Some days I’m so hopeful and other days I don’t see a way out of this. I read on your most recent post that spinach can flare klebsiella? I didn’t know that and just learning things like that make me feel even more hopeless—like there’s an endless amount of things that hurt progress that I don’t even know about. I’m just ready to be done with this and my stomach is complicating things. Should I just stop trying to treat the uti and focus on my stomach? I feel like my hair is thinning and that’s adding to my freaking out. I just want my health back! It’s been a rough and traumatic year and a half and it’s hard to see a way out. Thanks so much for sharing all of your knowledge. Do you have someone to recommend who I could consult with and work one on one with to develop a plan? Every practitioner I’ve seen knows nothing about this stuff.

        December 29, 2018
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          When you have low acid you become less able to absorb B vitamins, leading to deficiency, leading to poor adrenal function, leading to depression, anxiety, and hair loss.
          The first thing to do is juice as much as possible (the blend we talked about before) and use bone broth/aloe juice/slippery elm every day. That’ll heal your stomach lining rapidly, and you’ll be able to start adding lemon juice in a couple of weeks. You can start turning this around rapidly as long as you’re consistent.
          I would focus on keeping your urine pH where it needs to be while healing your stomach with the juice, and if you take OLE with your juice you should be able to absorb that: it’s highly bioavailable. If ginger is helpful against your strain, you can put that in your juice blend to fight the UTI *and* stimulate your digestion.
          I’ll e-mail you about the rest.

          December 29, 2018
          • Patricia

            Thanks so much Rebekah.

            December 29, 2018
  12. Alex B
    Alex B

    Is it okay if the celery lemon and ginger aren’t organic? In between the supplements and always buying yet another horseradish to make sure it is fresh, it is getting so expensive.. Also If I have to pee right before a meal, I usually wait at least 45 min after a meal to have my next juice as to not dilute my meal/acid. Is this okay?

    December 28, 2018
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      You want the celery to be organic because they use a ton of chemicals on it, otherwise.
      Costco has a 4-pack of organic celery for $4.

      The ginger is usually okay because it’s a root, but wash it first, and for the lemons you can scrub a regular one really well with a handful of baking soda before chopping.
      Because the juice has lemon and ginger in it, it can be taken closer to food with no issues. Ginger and lemon are very helpful to digestion.

      December 28, 2018
      • Alex B
        Alex B

        It’s $4 for a non-organic one in Canada 🙁 Also Costco Canada doesn’t carry the organic celery. Just regular hearts. And it’s about $6.

        And when you go to get organic celery, the head is so small, it makes about 6 oz…

        If this thing isn’t dead in 4 days I will bite the bullet and shed out the money for organic one…. At least on the bright side, I ordered fresh horseradish root from my local grocer last night and it arrived this morning. The guy let me have my pick from 2 freshly delivered bags. They all seemed very fresh. Let’s hope it works.

        December 28, 2018
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          We Americans are spoiled. 😬

          That horseradish sounds great!
          I don’t suppose you have a sunny yard to plant some in? It grows like a weed, and you can have your own medicine patch.

          December 28, 2018
          • Alex B
            Alex B

            We have a very big backyard in the house. We will plant it. I googled it and it said “Plant at least 2 weeks before the last frost”. In Ontario last frost is about Mid May so I think Mid April should be good? Yes I didn’t expect it to arrive so fast! We kept going to stores and went we went to Farm boy which is a more upscale grocery here in Canada I asked and he said none left but I can order some for you, should be here tomorrow. That was 7 pm last night. I went to the store this morning and it was already delivered on their truck this morning! it said product of the USA so I guess they deliver it from the States…I will try washing the celery with some baking soda to hopefully wash off any chemicals – I haven’t been doing it so far.

            And yes, half of a lot of these meds are only available on US sites and it is always a procedure and a half to get these supplements here…I gave my culture this morning so I am hoping on Monday I will know what bug I am fighting. Praying it dies on the horseradish…

            December 28, 2018
            • Rebekah W.
              Rebekah W.

              I would definitely set a reminder and do that! Horseradish is good for all kinds of things, including respiratory infections, and it’s literally as tough as a weed.
              Keep fighting the good fight!

              December 28, 2018

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