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The Kill List: Streptococcus (Group B & A)

Posted in Infection Killing Protocol, Supplements, and The Kill List Series

Group B strep, Streptococcus agalactiae, is the most common strep that causes UTIs: I’ve only seen one case of Streptococcus pyogenes (Group A strep, which causes strep throat. Use the same treatment for that one as for GBS, but definitely use grated horseradish).
GBS is the most persistent gram positive bacteria, typically low grade and not particularly virulent, but it’s like that one guy who won’t go away no matter how hard you friend-zone him.


Like entero, it’s gram positive, non-motile (can’t swim around like most of the gram negative pathogens can) and your first step is going to be acidifying your urine pH. Gram positive bacteria thrive in an alkaline environment, which is why they don’t cause the kind of bladder pain something like E. coli does: they don’t naturally thrive in the bladder, where the pH is usually around 5.

Now, based on the cases I’ve seen, the main reason this has been hard to treat in the past is…you’ve probably already guessed it….low stomach acid. Streptococcus is highly susceptible to organosulphurs, especially in garlic, *light bulb moment ahead*…..

….which is almost impossible to absorb if your stomach acid is too low.


We all needed a palate cleanser after that sloth…..
Okay, tear your gaze away from McConaughey now and pay attention.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Few of these weapons are going to work as they should if you have not cleansed with activated charcoal at all, or if you have low stomach acid and aren’t actively treating it. Without cleansing the gut, the bacterial and fungal pathogens in your gut will use up most types of natural meds (Vitamin C and cayenne pepper are the exceptions) before they can get to the bladder. It’s like charging a machine gun nest when there’s three rows of enemy-filled trenches in the way: you must sweep the trenches clear first in order to reach your objective. For this you can do the Shock and Awe cleanse outlined here. 

For a gram positive UTI, the large doses of ascorbic acid Vitamin C you’re going to take are going to have a cleansing effect: you can take that with meals instead of the lemon juice people with a gram negative UTI should use. Once you’re loose and frequent, you can take 2 tsp (5 gram) doses twice a day, with 12 oz water each. Remember, no food within 2 hours of charcoal.

If you have low stomach acid your digestive system is unable to properly break down and absorb most of what you’re putting into it. That’s why you feel like crap all the time and nothing works. This must be addressed or nothing will get betterClick here to read how.

Additionally, if you are peeing frequently but only taking natural meds a few times a day, they move into your bladder quickly and then get emptied out too soon. You want every bit of urine coming through your bladder to be full of natural meds. That means you want to take a combination of the ones you don’t need to eat with (ginger, OLE) every time you pee. With a gram positive UTI you want to take 3 grams of ascorbic acid Vitamin C with every glass of celery/ginger juice, if you’re using that to treat low stomach acid and/or cleanse your gut. The ascorbic acid will counter the alkalizing effect of the celery.

The natural meds are listed in order of how broad-spectrum they are against the different strains, and potency. For best results with all of these things:

  1. Cleanse with activated charcoal: you want to send a minimum of a tablespoon (7.5 grams) through, total, before taking full-strength doses of natural meds.
  2. Take about 2 grams of HCL per meal
  3. Keep your urine pH where it needs to be, monitoring with urine test strips
  4. Combine three different types of these natural meds
  5. Keep a journal where you jot down what you’re taking, when, and what your symptoms/test results are when you pee. This way you will be able to spot patterns and track your progress.
  6. Lastly, when you’re doing everything right, (you cleanse thoroughly with charcoal and you’re taking acid if needed and your meds consistently), it should take 5-7 days to kill a UTI, at the most. If it’s taking longer, you either need more charcoal cleansing, more acid with your food/meds, or a different combination of natural meds. 

Streptococcus: ph 4 Ascorbic acid Vitamin C

1. Ascorbic acid Vitamin C: This will take your pH down to a level hostile to strep growth. Urine test strips don’t show a level lower than 5, but you can get pH test strips and use those. Bonus: they’re cheap. Mama like.
You want to take enough ascorbic acid to keep your pH steady around 4.
2 grams per dose, 4x a day (baseline). Safe for pregnancy and breastfeeding. Do not take the kind with sorbitol in it. Just pure ascorbic acid.

A. This is likely going to give you the runs, but that gives you the ideal opportunity for charcoal cleansing: 1-2 tsp or 3-5 grams per dose as often as needed to normalize the bowels.
B. You can use camu camu whole food Vitamin C, but not acerola cherry, which does not acidify the urine.

2. Raw garlic. This is the second best weapon against all “coccus” bacteria.
Take 1 large clove with food, 4x a day. Safe for pregnancy/breastfeeding, may cause baby gas.

A. If you have low stomach acid, you will not absorb it. Take alongside 2-3 capsules of HCL (HCL and garlic must be taken with food) and 2 grams of ascorbic acid.
B. It needs to be freshly minced/crushed right before taking.
C. Do not mix into hot food or you will destroy the medicinal qualities.
D. Get a firm head with lots of large cloves: do not store in the refrigerator: do not buy elephant garlic; it is a leek, not garlic.
E. If you bloat every time you take garlic, even though you’re taking acid with it, you have a problem with fructans and you need a low FODMAP diet and some serious gut healing. Click here to read about it.

3. Olive leaf extract. This is the best wingman to ascorbic acid and raw garlic: it’s an effective prophylactic against all types of bacteria, kills Candida like no other, has no toxicity and is excellent for general health, BUT when you already have an embedded UTI you need to combine it with other natural meds to administer the coup de grâce. It has the strongest Candida-killing action of any UTI med: you will have die-off unless your Candida has a biofilm. It can be taken with or without food, as often as desired. Safe for pregnancy and breastfeeding.

A. The most trustworthy brands are Vitacost and Swanson Super Strength. Most brands sold in hippy stores are weak, overpriced crap that will do you no good. You need about 300-350 mg of oleuropein (the active ingredient) per dose.
B. Charcoal cleansing before you take full doses is imperative, or the Candida die-off will be hell.
C. If you ignore the warnings and take this without charcoal cleansing and feel nothing, your gut Candida has a biofilm and you need to be extremely thorough with charcoal cleansing to peel it all off the gut walls, or OLE will never reach the bladder. Extensive use of prescription antifungals or corticosteroids in the past is a predicator of Candida biofilm.

4. (Experimental phase) Freshly grated horseradish: This kills Streptococcus pyogenes, the strep species that causes strep throat. I’ve seen one UTI caused by that species, and horseradish worked like a charm on it. By all rights, it *should* also be effective against agalactiae: I think the people who tried it before without success were hampered by undiagnosed low stomach acid (which prevents absorption of sulphurs). If you have Group B strep (S. agalactiae), I would try this after thorough charcoal cleansing and along with HCL supplementation.
1/2-1 tsp grated root per meal and with a bedtime snack. Grate with a medium-fine grater, pinch it together, and take mid-meal with a mouthful of milk. Minimal interaction with Candida but it’ll cause wicked bacterial die-off (cramps, diarrhea) in the gut if you haven’t cleansed with charcoal.
Take only with food, 4x a day. Use no more than 1/2 tsp twice a day if pregnant. Safe for breastfeeding but may cause baby gas. When horseradish is not wholly effective, either:

A. It is not fresh enough. It should smell wickedly pungent. Cut the root in the middle and grate the freshly cut end.
B. If smelling it brings tears to the eyes but it’s making your bowels run and not helping your bladder, do a charcoal sweep (2-3 tsp (5-7 grams) doses until the runs stopand take HCL capsules with every dose to improve absorption into the bloodstream.
C. If you have greasy yellow stools while taking this, don’t freak: you just got a gallbladder cleanse.
D. Those of you in Asia (Japan/China/India area) can take wasabi root the same way, since horseradish root is virtually impossible to get, there.


  1. Cristi Sala
    Cristi Sala

    Hi Rebekah,
    What protocol would I follow for peptostreptococcus? It doesn’t appear to be Group A or B. It is an anaerobic, gram positive bacteria.

    July 30, 2023
  2. Cristi Sala
    Cristi Sala

    Hello, Any chance that you can approve my FBK request to join Live Strong? Thank you!

    July 30, 2023
  3. Allyson

    Hi! I am so appreciative of your blog. I have a question. I am taking lemon shots with my food. I know I have Strep but am not sure of A or B. I am wondering if the lemon shots are OK or I should discontinue with this type of UTI.


    November 8, 2019
  4. Jennifer

    Hi, I have emailed, Facebook messaged and requested to join live strong. I have not received a reply or been added. I have a gbs uti that’s not going away. I went on antibiotics and have relapsed. I’ve cleansed with charcoal. I took garlic, ascorbic acid and OLE for 8 days and it’s persisted. I tested every morning 1st thing and always got trace leukocytes by 10 min, sometimes by 5 min. Thankfully it’s not painful, yet it’s definitely there. I’m taking a break from the natural meds because the vitamin C made me poop so much it wore me down. I do not have low stomach acid. I am dealing with grief and stress. Any help is much appreciated.

    May 25, 2019
    • Jennifer

      Hi. I’m sorry she has not replied. Your “grief and stress” really struck me. I’ve been there and am so sorry. I don’t know what a gbs infection is, but I just wanted to encourage you to try another charcoal sweep. When I first found this site, I had misunderstood how much charcoal I needed to defeat candida. It could be that or your olive leaf extract perhaps wasn’t strong enough or you did not take enough. I made both mistakes. You can also try D-mannose in case there is an e-coli co-infection that didn’t show up in the lab test. Take 5 g, not .5 g, every few hrs. Also try oregano oil. Good luck

      June 18, 2019
      • Jennifer

        That was so sweet of you to respond to my comment! I saw it back then and I’m not sure why I didn’t thank you then. I wish I could delete that comment now, lol. Anyway, thanks again 💕

        February 8, 2020
        • Lynette

          Jennifer did you ever get rid of the gbs UTI? I’m 3 months in and have tried everything but it just keeps getting worse. I am to the point I can’t sleep or work. I have kids and they need me. I have to get rid of this thing.

          March 14, 2020
          • Jennifer Stankovits
            Jennifer Stankovits

            I made the mistake of assuming that because one of my urine cultures in the past came back GBS, that it was lying dormant and then flaring up. So I believe I tried to treat it mistakenly. And again most recently thought that it was GBS because it was more subtle and not responding to the treatments that work for gram negative bacteria – I was testing and leukocytes kept showing up, even when my symptoms were minor to none. I’m now fairly sure that I was most recently dealing with surface irritation. So I guess I would just say, make sure you are definitely dealing with GBS – is it possible you killed the GBS and another bacteria has risen in ranks and come into power? that happened my first time around. I really wish you the best. I have kids too and empathize. Have you taken Femdophilus?

            March 14, 2020
            • Lynettr

              Thank you so much for replying! I am taking ladybugs probiotics. Probably similar? First culture showed GBS, second showed clear then back with a vengeance a week later. Thought lingering irritation too (all pants with thick crotch seam or zipper bothering me) but Yesterday showed leukocytes at dr office. I’ll get full culture back Monday. Treating naturally according to my functional MD plus penicillin. Urologist appt in 2 weeks. You didn’t have another culture done then when you had leukocytes?

              March 14, 2020
              • Jennifer Stankovits
                Jennifer Stankovits

                No, I haven’t ever seen a doctor other than my GP or urgent care. So to them the leukocytes are negative, whereas at home I watch the test past 2 minutes. Have you tried ascorbic acid? I don’t know about ladybugs, probably similar. Lactobacillus reuteri and lactobacillus rhamnosus are the strains that are most important, from what I’ve read. You’ve got to focus on treating your infection first anyway, then the probiotics with help keep them away. Have you done any charcoal cleansing? Also, have you tried the garlic, cayenne, olive leaf extract? That combo has stopped stuff in its tracks, before I had a chance to see a doctor. The irritation was new to me, I kept thinking an infection was starting. But I’m pretty sure it was Gain laundry detergent! Ugh!

                March 14, 2020
                • Lynette

                  Oh yeah I could see that, I use free and clear detergent. I do still have the GBS. I can’t do ascorbic acid or OLE, I have a reaction to both. I’m really sensitive to detoxing type supplements and have to be careful. I’m doing a garlic, raw honey, horseradish, cayenne mixture plus the penicillin plus a urinary tract cleansing supplement. Round 3 here, this is no joke to try to kill! Thanks for all the info though, really appreciate your responses!

                  March 15, 2020
    • Emily

      I was diagnosed with Strep Group B UTI, which I’ve had chronically. After much experimentation/frustration/loss of sanity, I can share the top things that have helped me. I started using a supplement that has both Olive Leaf Extract AND cranberry. This has worked every single time for UTI prevention. It works to treat a UTI pretty fast too, but I eat grated horseradish and drink double-strength chamomile tea on top of it (at night, haha). Chamomile has luteolin, which is supposed to protect your bladder cells from microbes. This has been a game-changer. I haven’t had to go into urgent care for years. I hope this helps!

      November 8, 2020
  5. Virve

    Hi Rebekah! I tried your GBS slaying protocol for several weeks but was not succesfull. I did OLE, garlic capsules (Allimax), C vitamin and HCl. I also did the charcoal cleanse a couple of times. After your protocol I was for 11 weeks on antibiotics (Cephalexin). I suspect that either I have the GBS as an embedded infection or my bladder gets re-colonized since the bacteria is a commensal in the colon. The infection I have is usually a low grade: either it doesn’t show up in a culture or when it does, it’s through enhanced urine culturing methods like a broth culture. I really am at my wits’ end here. I was wondering would your GBS protocol work in adjunct with an antibiotic course: if I would take both the naturals and antibiotics at the same time? Any other ideas? Could you please add me to the Living Strong FG group? Thanks!

    April 20, 2019
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      Yes, natural meds work great alongside antibiotics!

      You tested positive for low stomach acid? Did you work your way up with the HCL till you found the needed dosage for your situation?

      April 20, 2019
  6. Briana

    Hi Rebekah,
    Based on first morning test strips I have a gram positive UTI. Dark purple leaks and no nitrites. Urine PH is very high, like 7 or 8. Should I be doing ascorbic acid? Will that lower PH? I really do not handle garlic well. Horrible cramping and bloating. What is my next best option with a gram positive?

    March 31, 2019
    • Rebekah W.
      Rebekah W.

      You’ve done the baking soda water test described in the Decision Tree Post?

      March 31, 2019
      • Briana Weatherly
        Briana Weatherly

        Yes and yesterday I thought it helped with pain, but I am having repeat infections with no nitrites. I am not peeing all night and checking first thing. I am trying high does if ascorbic acid now, but definitely still have urgency and pain.

        March 31, 2019
        • Rebekah W.
          Rebekah W.

          If it’s gram negative, that’ll give you a strong spike in symptoms soon.
          If so, hit the baking soda water hard.

          Regardless of what type of bacteria it is, OLE will help, and juiced ginger likely will, too.

          March 31, 2019

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